Do All Strippers Lie? Or is it all women?

avatar for Revo
There was a study done not too long ago by a major Canadian University. And it had to do with peoples attitude on sex. In particular what makes a person sexually aroused and what does not. They broke down the subjects into multiple groups. Straight men, young men, older men, gay men, same with women.

Then they gave each subject a sensor attached to them, and a switch in their hand with a button. Then they would show them a variety of images from tame to sexy to down right kinky. If the men got hard it would indicate arousal, if the women got wet of course the same. Then the people would also indicate when they were aroused by pushing the button.

Well when this study hit the media it made a bit of a stir. But not for what was the real finding. The interesting part is when a person hit the button versus their physiological response. Of all of the groups they were all fairly congruent, meaning that when they were physically aroused they also would push the button. Except for one.

You guessed it. Heterosexual women under 30. When they pushed the button and when they had a real response were significantly different. What does this mean? Are women liars? Does this extend to the stripper community maybe even more magnified? Or are young hetero women just that disconnected from their own sexuality? Or is this just a sad byproduct or our overly oppressive treatment of women and sex from both the right and the left, until young women don't even recognize their own sexuality any more?

I am leaning toward the last possibility. Fuckin crazy world we live in.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Many want to project one type of image of themselves but live an opposite one.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Pretty much EVERYONE Lies to some degree.

May be some exceptions such as Saints and some religious persons.

CERTAINLY a lot happens here at TUSCL as the warning below indicates. LMFAO
As comedian Chris Rock puts it:

“Men tell more lies – women tell bigger lies”

“if a man is asked by his woman – where were you last night – the man’s lie will be something like “I was a Larry’s house””.

“A woman’s lie is something along the lines of “it’s your baby””
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Speaking of try to project one image and live an opposite one, our boy alutard exemplifies that.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
The above poster is NOT exempt from lying and neither am I.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
True. All people lie to one level or another.

I would even venture to guess if strippers were tested in a sample by this study they would probably be more congruent than civilian women. Just because they are more engaged with their own sexuality.

But that does not mean they do not lie about other things worse.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Dougster got it right. I'd go with lying over sexually disassociation.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
12 years ago
Women have an intense need to have others perceive them in a good way. Women desperately want others to think they're good girls, not sluts, and they are all the things that are associated with being a good mother and having their little daughters proud of them. And since most women really AREN'T that way, it means they're fucking liars and hypocrites. All of them.

They like to think of themselves as deep, emotional spirits who aren't shallow like men are. And they care about important, emotional issues, not like that nasty sex stuff that men care about.

So for example, they'll criticize and despise men as being shallow if they only care how hot a girl looks, but at the same time refuse to even consider, say, dating a guy who is short. But they will never admit it.

They want men to 'love them for who they are, not what they look like', but at the same time have very specific and detailed requirements for how much of a 'bad boy' a guy has to be before they'll date them.

They'll say they want a good guy, who's sweet, and 'makes me laugh', when in fact they can't stand nice guys, cuz they're wimps, and they really want a guy who treats her like crap. But they can't admit it because it makes them look like cheap whores. Which they are.

And they'd sooner die than have anyone think of them as a whore, but at the same time have strict requirements on how rich a guy has to be before she'll even consider dating him. It's all about money, no matter what they say, but they'll never admit it.

Don't get me wrong, I love women. I just see thru their hypocrisy and constant BS.
Never met a stripper that could hold a candle to my ex wife when it came to lying and she was never a stripper. At least as far as I know. It's pretty bad when your kids ask if you are their real father. I guess it is worse if you can only reply. "I think so".
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I find it hard to believe your next to last sentence is truthful in view of the rest of your comments jerikson40. Just my personal view.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Agreed, Alucard. I've been fucked over my fair share of times by former girlfriends, but I don't believe ALL women are the way jerikson portrays them. That tirade spewed some serious resentment.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
12 years ago
sclvr, of course you're free to dismiss what I said as a mere tirade and based on nothing but inner resentment...

However, let me suggest that, while I probably went over board, there is a lot of truth in what I say. And while you'll probably never hear a woman admit any of it publicly, in a quiet moment of honesty most would say, "yeah, can't argue with that".

Not all women, but a surprising majority, IMO.
everyone lies. the only difference is how much.

Stripper lie more than most, but politicians are far worse IMO.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
jerikson- yeah I think you went a bit overboard. But there's no denying that a lot of what you said is true, tho.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
I think the intention of the lie should be taken into account.

If you work in a hospice where people are probably dying a little every day, one might say "Looking good today!" That's a lie for someone else's benefit.

Strippers tell ya you look good for another intention - their own and to gain from it.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Of course dancers lie, except for my favorite. My fav would never lie, she has told me recently:

1. You have a big dick.
2. I love you.
3. You are the only guy I fuck.
4. I always use a condom (except with you).
5. I don't have any other customers.
6. Well, yea, I dance for other guys but they don't mean anything to me.
7. I never go to the VIP with anyone but you.
8. Nothing happens in the VIP when I go.
9. I don't know that guy who tipped me on the stage.
10. That guy always tips me on stage.
11. I don't give BJ's.
12. You are the only guy I give BJ's to.

So see, dancers can be honest if they want to.
I read a related study many years ago that said the same thing about straight women. It didn't go so far as to say women were lying. The authors believed that women don't normally associate physical arousal with wanting sex. Maybe they are deceiving themselves.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
Good one Pablo.

Question: How can you tell a stripper is lying?

Answer: Her lips are moving.

Seriously though I think it is their fear of being called a whore or a slut that makes them lie so much. Wish we could erase that fear in women. I think things would be so much simpler. And sex would not be such a hassle.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
How do tell if a TUSCL Member is lying or if a guy in a club is lying? What makes OUR lies any less than any spoken by a dancer.
So if only hot young chicks were more like old ladies, dykes or better yet, dudes?

Uh, no thanks.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Wow. Apparently the difference between gay and straight girls in being honest about our sexuality is day and night. Who woulda guessed.
Jerikson, assuming for a second what you say is accurate. Do you really think men, in general, are any different?
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
Missed, you can make your own conclusions.

Lopaw, the gay/straight thing is not a surprise to me.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
Alucard, I never lie.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
yeah I'm not all that surprised either about the gay/straight thing. Seems that gay chicks are more in tune with what they want so I figure they wouldn't need to lie about it.
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
I have been told the following by a gal I have been seeing awhile. She is an x stripper:

1. Oh your the only one I am dong beside my husband. My SeekingArrangement profile is just for grins. Those guys are so weird.
2. Oh he does not care (husband) he just thinks I do air dances here (at club after fucking her in VIP on reg basis).
3. When I used to play.....before I met you.
4. I know condoms only bc for 18 months (found this out after about 16 mo) but I am on bc now. I dont think he can have kids though (her husband). You have nothing to worry about.... (getting her pg).
5. I am sorry you had to wait but the manager told me I had to give that guy some dances in vip. Nothing beyond that happened. (I had shown up to fuck her in vip after texting on way and time and then she goes in there with this guy).
6. I really love my husband and he is my soulmate (recent post on her FB page).
7. You can call me anything you want (her response to conversation about mistress vs GF after fuckig her 4yr recently - of course I did not bring up the word whore).
8. I really don't expect you not to fuck other girls (really? I know she is married but money going to another girl? dont think she would be too happy.....).
9. My mother (x stripper) is so jealous of me - she told my husband I am a hooker!
10. My getting married won't change our meetings (this turned out to be true).
11. Your only one I am doing (otc and itc).
12. I would rather do this (meetup at motel for sessions vs dance at club - how true).
13. I recently got tested for all std's across the board. Just routine...not to worry LOL everything was fine.
14. I only go bareback with my hubby....
15. A man off Seeking Arrangement paid me 500 for interview but I was repulsed by him. Another one wanted to pay me 5000 to fly to Dallas to c him.....but I said no.
16. Oh I am so horny been awhile since I had sex (she said this at motel session after end of her shift....)
17. Yes lets meet around noonish when the club opens then we can go to CR and do our lovemakin. Could you bring some extra condoms? A friend forgot hers and I want her to be safe.....
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
You are contradicting yourself from earlier post Revo. Chances are your comment about NOT lying is untruthful.

My view. No evidence.
Shadowcat – LOL!!! Your honesty is refreshing and hilarious!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
At least jerikson is aware of and honest about how he feels, and realizes some of it is a bit extreme. Compare that to alutard who speaks completely the opposite of how he really feels and doesn't think other are able to see through him.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
12 years ago
"Jerikson, assuming for a second what you say is accurate. Do you really think men, in general, are any different?"

Why does it matter? Would you feel better if I said men are worse? Okay, men are worse.

But that wasn't what we were talking about.

If you accept that then I'd say your tone seemed fairly hypocritical.

If you don't accept it (and this is directed towards everyone) then you're and imbecile and/or hate women.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I have no problem believing the jestie-girl hates both sexes equally.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I agree with everything jerikson said. Youu don't have to hate women to believe it. You can accept it, deal with it, fuck it (the vagina) and catch it in the lie for fun. The fault is absolutely on the men. Men (and mothers) give women biased egos beyond expectations and soon it passses on from gen to gen and now they must fit the quata of being what they probably aren't to keep their sextoy/man.
jerikson40--I wish I had your advice when I was 15. It would have saved me a lot of time, money and heartache.
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 years ago
Great list pabloantonio. Rare is the strip club fan who hasn't heard at least one of those lies before.

I've come to believe for th most part (there are of course exceptions) that strippers will tell you what they think they need to tell you inorder to maximize the money they can get from you.

Most of the strippers I've known blend in enough truth in their lies that the overall story sounds believable.

For example, "I'm having a horrible night and I've got two kids, rent due, and no food in the refrigerator" is probably all true. What she failed to mention that she's also supporting a cocaine sniffing boyfriend or husband.

Your mileage may varry
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
We guys do EXACTLY the same thing by mixing lies and truth. I don't think I have EVER met anyone who does not lie to some degree. I am not exempt.
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 years ago
Same her. But when it comes to strippers, my lies are basically all of omission. I never just bald-face tell them some fairy-tale wopper.
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