
A strange strange night

So I was in a SC last night. Went in at 10pm but before going showered, brushed and smelled good.

First dancer looked good but complained how she had been working all day. When the dance started she reeked of smoke smell.

Second dancer was this thin spinner she approached me just as a song started and was really getting on my nerves with how long the song was going on after I requested lets start the dance from next song. She was a voracious grinder but wait oh what is this smell? Oh this over powering poop stink. I almost threw up on her but somehow stopped by breathing and got through the dance.

I need a break and some fresh air after this trauma. Do I smell of shit too now after so much of it was grinded onto me ???

Third dancer a familiar one who remembers my name comes by and this is a good sign. Same story of how she had been working all day. Need money for gifts etc. As soon as the dance starts she takes my hand and places it on her waist and then turn around I move it to her lower back and then to her ass and its all sweaty. Did she run a marathon ? how come she doesn't feel the sweat on her body ? As soon as the dance ends and I take a sip of beer my hand reeks of sweat.

I came home, showered at midnight again and still felt gross. Woke up and showered again before brushing my teeth.

Never going to go before any big holidays and not going to feel shy about giving the dancer the money for the dance and stop it mid way if they smell saying I'm good.

Have you experienced and How do you resolve this poor hygiene situation ?


  • tenisbum1776
    12 years ago
    Wouldn't most dancers prespire a little if they're putting some effort into the lap dance?
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Use a Surgical Mask and Wintergreen Oil. :))
  • JohnBuford
    12 years ago
    To me,if she's sweating during the LD,it means she's working hard and I take that as both a compliment and a sign that it's money well spent.Any other odor is a deal-breaker.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    It's probably true most dancers sweat during a lap dance. One dancer I consider a favorite has a tendency to sweat excessively during a dance. It's even a joke between us. However, she and most of the dancers I've seen leave the lap dancing area generally go to the dressing room to freshen up for a bit before trying to sell another one.

    As for the girl who smelled like smoke, well, what can you expect? A disproportionate number of dancers smoke, so I don't know how you can be surprised by that, especially if the club allows smoking inside the club.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    A sweating dancer is fine with me, but only if she is working it up with ME!
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    She could have an undiagnosed coronary condition. You should have called 911.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    You should have tipped her a baby wipe lol
  • jugnu
    12 years ago
    I agree with most comments here but the point I am trying to make is days before holidays dancers over extend (therefore smoke more take less breaks to freshen up themselves)and work long hours paying little attention to hygiene. Sweat is ok or at times expected and as most of you pointed out but do you really consider your hand smelling of someone's sweat as normal/ok sweating ?

    This was my first experience and it was a big turn off.


  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I believe dancers in clubs I visit have the ability to freshen up, maybe even take a shower in some clubs. If her body odor is terrible, I will not bother getting dances unless the smoke and drinks has killed my sense of smell. Happens rarely now with less smoke. I just say no thanks and get rid of dancers who reek horrible without bothering to tell them they smell bad. I know of one dancer who I believe was taking a weight loss supplement and it made her sweat profusely. After a couple of times getting my hands all wet from her being covered in sweat before the dance even started and getting a wet face just tipping her on stage, I stopped getting dances and stopped tipping her at all. She was once one of my favorites but no more. I hardly see her anymore. I will avoid getting a dance from a dancer who is soaking wet when she asks for a dance. I might avoid tipping her on stage as well unless she is extremely hot or I just don't care at the moment for whatever reason.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    LOL Estafador!!!
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    Been there smelt that, didn't mind too much.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Every dancer I've liked was very meticulous about hygiene. A common problem is dancers have bad breath from something they ate. Maybe the non-kissers think it doesn't matter, but me, I can still smell it even if they don't kiss me. One fav had a faint sweaty smell, but to me it was worth putting up with in her case. What I encounter is that many strippers have so much fragrance on them it transfers to you. One dancer I caught a lapper from after midnight complained about how strippery I smelled.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    One of my favorite t-shirts to wear clubbing reads "I smell like stripper".
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