
Strip Clubbing in Mexico

Monday, September 19, 2011 12:00 AM
<p> a) Remember the rules are the same as at home but the punishment for breaking them is far more severe.<br /> The anything goes days are gone, for the most part. You don&#39;t want to go to clubs that still have that attitude, unless you are very fluent and don&#39;t look caucasian. Do you have a Zapata moustache and a tatoo of the Virgin of Guadalupe on your chest or back? I didn&#39;t think so...<br /> <br /> b) No touching, unless you are invited AND are serious about paying for the pleasure and have the money. A wrong touch is serious, but a wrong touch under the premise of having money to pay when you don&#39;t will get your sht seriously messed up.<br /> <br /> c) Many clubs have metal dectors or at least a decent security pat down. The guys doing it are fckn gorillas.<br /> <br /> d) Tip the fckn gorillas EVEN if you are never planning on returning. You never know what will happen in Mexico and you just might make a friend who will help you out at the oddest time. Tip the security, for a table of four rowdy gringos a crisp $100 peso note will do fine (for the table and not for each guy) and hand it to the guy personally and say thanks. The guy will keep an eye on you as you leave and make sure you get the fck out of Dodge safely.<br /> <br /> e) Dancers can be any age or any sex. Be careful. Be very, very careful. Only an idiot would pay for sex from a TJ, Ciudad Juarez, or Matamoros stripper. Farther south, it is your call. About 50% of the dancers in major metro areas are foreigners ranging from Guatemala and Hounduras to Costa Rica to Hungary and Romania. In the small towns the numbers change to a clear majority of Mexican nationals.<br /> Save your money.<br /> <br /> f) If someone is selling cigarettes or gum near the shttrs, buy something, that same guy selling the confections might be handy if you want to know who is the cleanest dancer if you are dead set on getting laid in the strip club rather than the discos. For what it costs you to get fckd in a strip club you can have suprising luck in a disco with a local chick who is not a stripper, just horny. Watch out for jealous boyfriends if you take this route. Most judges will call it legit homicide if someone kills you while you are doing their old lady in Mexico.<br /> <br /> g) Do not bring drugs into a strip club or purchase them while inside or outside the club. EVER! Local cops do regular raids on strip joints where they close the doors and go table to table with strict gunpoint pat downs and searchs.<br /> Remember those new &quot;friends&quot; you are making, the guy at the shttr selling smokes and the guys on the door who you are tipping or have tipped before? They just might tell you to leave with 15 mins notice to miss one of those little sessions that explore the boundaries of your human rights while visiting Mexico. If they tell you to go, then go. They will tell you when it is safe to come back and you should listen.<br /> If an &quot;operativo&quot; by the cops happens while you are there, be very cool, do not draw attention to yourself by screaming for more tequila and a lap dance, and be very polite. Your whole world suddenly has become very small and your near future is in the hands of these cops. Just hope they don&#39;t feel like planting something on you. Often the security guys will help you out as they want you to spend your money in the club and not be giving it to the cops. Get it? DO NOT FIGHT WITH THE SECURITY GUYS OR THE COPS. Duhhh! Forget what you have seen in movies like Big Wednesday, those days are gone, long gone, and never really existed like that in the first place.<br /> <br /> h) Don&#39;t buy mixed drinks. About 80% of all liquor sold in Mexico in bars and clubs is illegal liquor that is adulterated.<br /> How? Well the Hacienda seals on the bottles are stolen from the printing warehouse in Mexico. Local liquor distellers split up the legit bottles of liquor with their homemade sht. And it is vile. Ever wonder why a hangover in Mexico is so bad?<br /> Ever see any unbroken high end liquor bottles as litter in Mexico? Of course not. Those bottles are wiped down and filled with the homemade sht and sold to dumb gringos.<br /> Buy beer, they will uncap it at the table, if they bring it to you with the cap off, be wary of this. Usually you can buy beer by the bucket on ice, a six pack of bottles called a &quot;cubetazo&quot; or &quot;bucket&quot;. Drugged drinks to a table of gringos in the less classy and tougher strip joints is par for the course and you wake up in the alley with no wallet. Or just puke a lot and stumble around. Tough to get laid when you are doing that.<br /> <br /> i) Don&#39;t trust taxi drivers advice for clubs. Ask some locals and they will tell you. Ask some young guys at a taco stand or a Pemex station and they will point you in the right direction and they are smart enough not to send you to El Shthole Strip Club and Cockfight Lounge. They will know what is right for you.<br /> <br /> j) Don&#39;t steal sht from a club. Signs etc...stay where they are. Buy your souveniers someplace else.<br /> <br /> k) Don&#39;t fight with the macho locals. If they are hassling you, the security guys will act fast, just ask to be moved to another table and tip the guys doing the moving of your drinks and sht, don&#39;t pick up your drinks yourself. The movers will do this as a courtesy and to try to inject some style and panache to the club. NEVER PICK UP A CHAIR AND LIFT IT OVER YOUR HEAD TO MOVE IT SOME PLACE ELSE! That is just plain dumb in any strip club anywhere.<br /> <br /> l) If you don&#39;t feel comfortable in the club, leave, tell them you are visiting Mormons and are afraid of getting busted by the local mission director. If they ask.<br /> <br /> m) If you win a fight in a Mexican strip club, you will lose it when it resumes outside. Every single time. Though you are lucky if you get a second chance after the first outdoor fight.<br /> And don&#39;t end up in a ditch.<br /> <br /> n) I prefer the non-high end but not totally shthole places. These are more working class, type clubs where people go to relax with their buds and not cause sht. These clubs are busiest on the 15th and 30th of every month as those are the traditional pay days or &quot;quincenas&quot; in Mexico and the workers have cash. You usually won&#39;t pay a cover, a bucket will cost you around 50 to 80 pesos depending on the time of day and if it is happy hour, before the quincena days when local money is tight. You often get a free table dance ticket if you buy liquor, but skip that. Not worth it.<br /> <br /> o) Outside of major metro areas, a decent strip club night out will cost you about 35 bucks US per person. Do not pay in American cash and do not flash your money, keep the bills in your pants along with your pecker. You can pay a lot more in Mexico City and forget it in CanCun or Cabo. You will pay a lot less if you are in the more out of the way places that are still city sized but not really well known. Like Tapachula in Chiapas, or Villahermosa or Tampico or such.<br /> <br /> Just some thoughts from 29 years experience.<br /> <br /> And don&#39;t ever eat at a buffet at a strip club...And if you puke, offer to clean up the mess or at least tip the Security guy nicely for getting the mop guy and yes, tip the mop guy.<br /> They will treat you like a visiting dignatary when you return.<br /> The puking is forgiven, but what is considered bad manners never is. Always show respect to all the employees.<br /> <br /> If you are organizing a bachelor party deal with a special stage show where the strippers get the guy naked on the stage and it gets really kinky, set a price for everything first, with a manager from the club who will organize it. Don&#39;t hassle the guy or rush the guy, take your time, it is Mexico, it will happen, and it will be berry, berry goooouuuuud. No cameras, please. A show like that will cost you about 25 bucks and it will be three or four &quot;viejas&quot; that you have previously chosen and the poor fkcr that you are putting on show. You will probably have some locals buying you beer or dropping by for a laugh after the little show, and you will make some new friends to drink with.<br /> <br /> Strip clubs in Mexico are not some macho right of passage sht where you have to prove how tough or stupid you are, they are just about having fun, lots of it, in a very primordial fashion. For the people in the club, they have seen it all, you are not going to impress them unless you can trip on your ***** or benchpress a busload of elephants. But in the border clubs, they have probably seen that, too!</p>


  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    Nice summation. A few things to add: If you go into a club that pats you down and uses metal detectors don’t assume that none of the other patrons are armed. They are. The security check is meant to keep out the weapons of rivals or unknowns. The local gang that claims the club, the local respected big shots and the police/army (on or off duty) will likely be armed. So don’t bring a loud gringo voice to a gun fight. It is uncomfortably common for locals to buy you a drink particularly in the local mid and lower range clubs. Uncomfortable because you know they can’t really afford it. Don’t refuse it and insult them by doing so but don’t take advantage. Acknowledge it with a nod and reciprocate when possible but also don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of. Quietly buy a round or better still buy your new friend a dance if in the appropriate situation. Lastly, for the OP. “Do you have a Zapata moustache and a tatoo of the Virgin of Guadalupe on your chest or back? I didn't think so...” Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to assume. ;)
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    I would really have to agree with the dancers can be male or female. Last time I was in Thailand, I didn't have any idea that many hot women were men until someone from my party pointed it out. I traveled into Mexico a couple years ago with a group of friends for a week long vacation. There were so many she males there...that had no problem admitting to their sex change. And they were really hot!. I don't know where they are getting the money for these operations but hopefully its not from unsuspecting strip club patrons.
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    @stiletto25. The katois (lady/men) in Thailand work principally in the sex trade normally *as* katois. Should someone be fooled it is usually a case of cultural ignorance on their part rather than deception by the katoi. In Mexico and the Philippines the line of work is *generally* the same but the deception aspect is common place.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    @gswx4- tell me if I understand right. In Thailand, they are not out to deceive anyone and the natives tend to understand that many sex workers are she males and know they will get this when looking for a hooker. In Mexico and the Philippines, they do use deception, maybe because the clientele in those areas might be less approving of a she male, thus hurting business?
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    @stiletto. “tell me if I understand right. In Thailand, they are not out to deceive anyone and the natives tend to understand that many sex workers are she males and know they will get this when looking for a hooker.” Not exactly. Thailand is a largely Buddhist country. Without going off the deep end here, each individual is living his/her own fate and they largely accept that everyone else is also. Thus they do not believe in screwing with anyone else’s karma and are passively accepting of things as they are. Katois are not seen as *females* as such and are recognized as an alternative class in a non-judgmental way. They are not interchangeable with females as you seem to allude. There are those who patronize katois but it is generally with full knowledge of what they are getting. And no, I did not fall in love with one even for the 15 seconds it took me to realize she wasn’t a she – well maybe just a little. Your understanding of Mexico and the Philippines is closer to reality though in both cases it is much more difficult to be mistaken as a female close up. Or so I’ve heard. Now in the sub-continent no one could mistake them for actual females IMO. And though they share the non-deception aspect with their Thai brethren/sistrern (?)and they work in the sex trade, they are not Buddhists and usually operate in packs with strong criminal overtones and often in a physically violent manner. That's an over-simplified reader's digest version. You wanna get a beer?
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Wilbynum, did you learn all of this firsthand? It sounds like you have some crazy stories to tell.
  • ttruth1
    13 years ago
    @GSWx4 and Stiletto25....Agreed with the totally non-judgmental ways of Thailand. Nice, but as a buddy told me the first time I went there: "Watch out for the *really* good looking women, because they probably aren't.........women" ;-) Never encountered a lady-boy in the Philippines or Mexico, but who knows what I might have missed? Sure as get out they're there as well. Amsterdam, too, as I discovered once to my chagrin...heh...still, though, it made for a decent story. Quite an education for this midwestern boy on his own.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Sounds fun !
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    I've been strip clubing in Mexico. My advice is to stay here in the US. Its a lot safer. How ever it your choice. So all i can say is wach your back in Mexico. If you feel something isn't rite get back to the US as quickly as you can. Your life may depend on it
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Omg juicebox! @ttruth1- lady-boy...I like that term
  • wm2slc
    13 years ago
    Wow, I live in Panama now and will be in Vegas in Oct and was thinking about making a TJ trip. Guess that is off the itinerary now... Thanks
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    An interesting read. Obviously you have extensive experience with the subject and put a lot of time into writing this. I'm curious about one part though -- You mention that 'only an idiot' would have sex with a stripper from Tijuana. There are hundreds of reviews on this website by men who have gone to Adelita's or Hong Kong and done just that, though. Are you saying these guys had sex with men and didn't know? With regard to the tranny issue, sometimes I feel like this is really exaggerated and people just reflexively bring it up whenever the topic of Thailand or Tijuana is brought up. I've never been to either of those places so I can't say how accurate these statements really are, but it seems to me that it is just the 'default joke' that people have to make, kind of like the jokes about 'that wasn't chicken' in Chinese restaurants or alter boy jokes, etc etc.
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    @digitech. Katois in Thailand are quite numerous and many, many, many Westerners have had sex with them. The majority probably live out their lives in blissful ignorance. Some live with the knowledge of what happened though they were unaware at the time. Still others, I believe, knew full well what they were doing despite what they may tell others or themselves. As for Mexico, I usually have other things to do than spend a great deal of time in the clubs but I’ve personally never seen a tranny in a club. I’m sure there are some but more often they are out working the streets. Since they are easier to spot than a katoi, IME, I imagine there can’t be a lot of deniability on the part of their clients. @OP. Apologies for hi-jacking a very well written article on SCing in Mexico.
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    My real question is, can sex reassignment surgery really be that convincing? Can you really not tell? I'm not sure if I can bring myself to look up pictures of post operation, male-to-female vaginas, but I guess that's the only way to find out. On a similar topic...I remember reading once where some guy wrote that most men in the United States who frequently have sex with escorts, massage parlor girls, etc have already had sex with a transsexual without realizing it. He said that although there are not that many transsexual people in the US, there's a very disproportionate amount among sex workers. He said that the sociological reason for this is because these people are usually disowned by their familiar and cast into desperate situations after they "come out."
  • wwpmi
    13 years ago
    wow I guess if you call hong kong a strip club then I disagree with most that has been said here. My Mexico clubbing has been limited to TJ and only in the zona in TJ. All visits have been very safe and cheap and as complete as I would want them. I have never seen a tranny although I'm sure it could be found in TJ but I guess you would have to look for it. I on the other hand can not understand why anyone would go to a strip club in San Deigo with TJ just a few miles south. Travel safe
  • kuteechaser
    13 years ago
    My experience in Mexico is limited to TJ. I only drink beer which has been opened in front of me. Also, do not bring drugs nor weapons (this includes swiss army knife) into Mexico. My few visits have been safe and a much better value for my buck than in the states.
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