
Comments by jerikson40 (page 53)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    By the way, this attitude of disrespecting and mistrusting customers has many other symptoms, most of which make me decide not to patronize a particular club... Like when they scan your ID. Or when the DJ complains if customers aren't performing as he'd like (ie, tipping, clapping, etc.). Or when they won't let you bring in a cellphone. Or when the drink girl bugs you every 10 seconds to buy a drink. Or when a dancer bitches if you aren't tipping her enough. All of these things make customers feel like the club is more of a pain than it's worth. Smart clubs and managers and strippers know how to treat customers so that they WANT to come to the club and have fun and tip dancers and make it a fun environment. Dumb managers and strippers operate on disrespect and mistrust. It's all how you look at it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    What's the big deal about not paying upfront for lap dances? Well, when you pay upfront for a lap dance, the RISK in the transaction shifts from the dancer to you. If I pay before I receive the laps, then the risk to me is maximized. Why? Because if the dancer receives the money up front, she's "whole" no matter how she performs. And she can perform less than expected and still be able to walk away with her money. If I pay only after receiving the expected services, I can withhold payment if the services were not rendered, or not rendered as expect. Then if any argument ensues, I don't have to worry about getting my money back. It's all about who assumes the risk in the transaction. Dancers think customers should assume the risk, customers think dancers should assume the risk. There is no "right" answer to the question, it's just a matter of trust and risk. Personally, I've encountered far too many dancers who aren't worthy of my trust, and if I pay them up front they might have less incentive to perform and might just go thru the motions. Doesn't mean they are all like that, it's just not, IMO, a smart business model to treat your customers like you don't trust them in such a blatant manner. Just common business sense, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you could club with anyone...
    Okay, and on second thought I might consider Bill Clinton. I'll bet when he comes in the door with me, he'd have all the hot chicks swarming around us like flies. And I imaging Clinton to be the kind of guy who, with all these chicks hanging all over us, would reach in his pocket and say to the hottest girls, "Here Honey, take care of my buddy here..." and I'd be off for a free 2 hour VIP with the hottest chicks in the club who thought I was, like, Vice President or something.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you could club with anyone...
    Oh, wait, I WOULD go with Curly Howard !!! Holy crap that would be hilarious. Imagine a gorgeous pair of DD's walking by and Curly doing his "RUFF RUFF!!!!" and making them faces.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you could club with anyone...
    No interest in clubbing with any guys at all. Either they'd be famous guys who would show me up and take all the girls, or they'd just distract me from my main mission. Instead I'd have some UBER HOT chick on my arm, fawning all over me all night. Now I don't mean just UBER HOT, I mean ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANELY HOT !!! Then all the strippers would be whispering "wow, that guy must be AWESOME if a chick like that is all over him !!! I NEED ME SOME OF THAT MAN MEAT!!!" That way I'd have not only an ultra hot girl with me, but a line of the hottest girls in the club waiting for me. Feynman actually did strip clubs? HAHAHA !!! I love it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How do you tell your regular your not interested that night?
    "Bitches get mad but hoes get over it" Now that sounds like something that is very cool and very funny, and I'll probably steal it from you and use it in the future...except I can't really figure out what it means...could you explain for us morons? Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Sometimes SCs do try to take care of the customer
    Can't hurt to try to talk to the manager. There's all different kinds of managers, and some seem to be decent guys. I've had some managers do surprisingly good and unexpected things for me on rare occasions. The club referenced in the OP's post is, BTW, a BRAND NEW club owned by the Spearmint Rhino chain, and just opened a few weeks ago. So naturally the management is ultra sensitive to customer complaints. Unfortunately, often that attitude seems to slowly change over time, and at some point managers get some pretty crappy attitudes towards customers. Maybe it's from hearing strippers complain all day long about customers, but in any case I'll give this particular club 6 months or so and the DJ will be bitching over the PA about guys not tipping.....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Wishlist of clubs
    Wow, bellman, Harmony Burlesque in NYC !!! Hadn't heard of that place in decades. I fully agree that if I could go back in time, that's the ONE place I'd want to visit. Never went, but heard stories about some insane shit that went on there. And there were some clubs in the Bronx, NY, which were dumps but from what I heard they were WILD. And yeah, the old clubs in San Francisco, most of which are either gone or now fully suck, would be fun to explore. I did go to many of them years ago, but I think I missed the golden age in SF. As far as clubs right now, I'm kinda surprised to hear people wanting ANYTHING in Las Vegas. That's another place, IMO, that was decent years ago, but has become pretty much useless.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you see a club taking pics or filming the stage show, do you stay away?
    There are usually laws against using a person's image in any commercial video or whatever without their consent. So you can't just go out on the street, film a commercial using professional actors, and use the regular passersby in the background. Why? BECAUSE IT PISSES PEOPLE OFF !!! You have no right to use my image for your purposes. Same thing inside a "private" business, although LEGALLY they may be able to get away with it, people don't consider it RIGHT. They have no more right to use my image than they do if they did the same thing in their parking lot and I happened to be passing by and got in the shot. That's why so often you see videos with 'real people' in the background and their faces are blurred. I believe those regulations have become much stricter in the past decade or so. If a club used my image in their video, without first coming over the PA and saying "guys, we're filming in 10 minutes, if you don't want to be in it you should probably go in the back where we're offering a 30 minute VIP for $10, or else go to another club", then I'm outta there and might never return. It's a dickhead move, warning signs or not.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Clubs in other parts of the world.
    I've also visited parts of SE Asia, for example, and you're right, strip clubs don't really exist in many areas. And part of the reason, I suppose, is because many areas are extremely poor, and, well the average working stiff can't afford to spend a few bucks on strippers. So the "strip clubs" are relegated to the western/touristy spots, and, like you mentioned, are mostly brothels, not traditional strip clubs. Same with, say, Brazil. And Mexico. But in areas like SE Asia, I don't think the attitude towards prostitution is necessarily more forgiving than in, say, the US, but because of corruption and politics and money, stuff is allowed to happen that most people either think is very wrong (because of strict religious beliefs), or because people are more likely to understand that when you ain't got money, you gotta to what you gotta do to survive.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Why do guy's leave the board?
    "Really Jerkison one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on here." Dude, fine if you don't agree, but really, calling that "one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen"? Are you freakin' kidding me? A video of a girl doing a dog? Entire threads of guys calling each other fudge packers and faggots. The list of worlds dumbest posts in this forum goes on for days. So I know you can't be serious, and you've decided you hate me so you'll make whatever exaggerated attack you feel you need to prove your hatred. But geez, at least be a LITTLE bit rational, huh?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Why do guy's leave the board?
    I think the more appropriate question is "why the hell do people post here in the first place?" I mean, what benefit do people get from posting here? Why would anyone spend their time posting here? Do they get great information and insights that can really help them with their strip club experience? Well, no... Honestly, I think if the regular posters here were being honest and objective, they would admit that the only reason they post here is because they have nothing else to do, and/or they're temporarily or permanently bored, they have no real friends to play with, and they'd rather sit at their computers screwing off than doing something useful. That's the only reason I stop by occasionally and post. If I get bored, and maybe if I'm really horny and in a strip club mood and I'm looking at all the reviews, I might jump over here and see what's going on. And usually/always it's a big mistake and complete waste of time, but gives me something to do if there's nothing going on at the time. And the worst part is you can get hooked for a while (for some strange reason that I haven't quite figured out). Which, unfortunately, is where I am right now, and I'm about to decide to pull myself away from the childish insanity that is this forum and do something useful. And hopefully, this time I'll stay away instead of wasting more time. So, no, it's no surprise whatsoever that people stop posting. The surprise is that people start posting.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    $50 Man
    "How would dancers classify you?" Don't know, don't care. Nor do I care what the waitress at Denny's thinks of me. All I care about is 1. Is she hot? and 2. Does she give a good lap dance? Anything other than that is irrelevant.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How do you tell your regular your not interested that night?
    And by the way, for what it's worth... I think it's respectful to be honest with the dancers. Just like we hate strippers who feed us a line of BS, I think it's wrong to give them a line of crap too. With one exception... when they start asking serious questions about me and my work and are you married and all this, all bets are off. None of their business, and the last thing I want to do in a club is get all serious and discuss my private life. So dishonesty is my policy in that case.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How do you tell your regular your not interested that night?
    I really don't have anyone I'd describe as an ATF, though there are a few girls who, if they are in the club when I am there, I'll be pulling them over for lap dances without question. But yeah, there are those who get clingy, and many times it's not because you always pick them, but maybe because of some very subtle signal that THEY think you are giving out or something...sometimes I'm amazed at dancers' views on why they stick around me or stay away....."Oh, I saw how you looked at her so I figured you didn't want me to get in your way"..... Anyway, my response if I want to try some different dancers is always, "thanks, but I want to try some of the other dancers". Honesty is always my policy. Either that or, "hey, what's her name?" as I point to another dancer. Sometimes that will work to my benefit, and the dancer will say "Oh, her? Want me to call her over?" Though its guaranteed you'll hurt someone's feelings no matter what you say or do sometimes, but not much you can do about that. Often I've found that if you're the least bit dishonest, the dancers are really good at ferreting out the truth and catching you in a lie, so it's just not worth it. "Yeah, but last time you said..." or whatever....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Confused by animosity towards stripperweb
    And libbiancanl or whatever your name is... I'm sure there's like a really good argument there about onion rings and extras, but I read it 3 times and I have no clue what point you're trying to make. Could you clarify?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Confused by animosity towards stripperweb
    "Atta boy Jerk. Walk into a club with that blanket attitude, no wonder the girls sit on their ass and text. You're a jerk." Sooo...Mikey.... First of all, I thought we were best-est buddies...what happened? You sound a little miffed at me... Anyway, let me ask you something... Do you have any rational argument, whatsoever, to counter even one statement I made? I mean, come on guy, you must have SOMETHING other than calling me a jerk, right? Or is it nothing more than "I hate you forever so I'll just all you names"? Come on Mikey, don't let us down...give us something dude.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Confused by animosity towards stripperweb
    "They HATE customers, and resent their jobs." Gee, ya think??? I've said this many times before...the vast majority of women think that strippers are hookers and sluts and whores, and the last thing ANY woman wants to be called is a stripper or hooker or slut or whore. That's why they hide their job from their families, and are deathly embarrassed and ashamed at being strippers, and would sooner die than having their daughters and her schoolmates find out that Mommy is a stripper. But they come up with all kinds of rationalizations to make themselves feel better about it. And they REALLY hate guys who expect "extras", because that solidifies the fact that strippers really ARE hookers like their Moms told them, which makes the strippers feel even worse. And they despise anyone who would come to a club to see strippers like themselves. Which is why the vast majority of strippers (yeah, some exceptions) refuse to date customers without being paid for it. Makes them gag. Why? Because the thought that THEIR boyfriend or husband would go to a strip club and oogle other women instead of spending quality time with her is just horrific. So yeah, with some exceptions I suppose, strippers aren't happy with what they're doing. Which is one reason why often you'll come into a club and the girls are sitting around on their asses texting or off in a corner doing nothing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    A new excuse
    And by the way duo, be honest... When she gossips with her friends about the douchebag who keeps feeding her money and what a loser he is, at what point does she show those true 'feelings' for him?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    A new excuse
    So let me get this real clear... You KNOW that she's lying to you, or at least giving you a line of shit. You yourself call it that same old "stripper shit" you've heard hundreds of times. And clearly you think she's just looking for excuses to not work for the money. But still, you guys trot out the "oh, after years of a relationship there must be feelings" crap, and think you're justified because A. You think she's real hot, and B. You're just being real cunning in giving her money she doesn't need. So if she cares for you at all, why would she lie to you and try to extract money from you for something she didn't do? Is there any respect for you at all? Apparently not. My mind is officially blown. So let us know when you decide to "reel her in", and how much THAT will cost you, you sly fox....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Dipshit Hall of Fame
    OHMYGOD !!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THIS !!! YOU GUYS NOMINATED ME ??? Oh I'm so embarrassed !!! You guys are so sweet !!! I'm honored, guys, really. And Favorite Dipshit ?? Oh my GOD that is so cool. I mean, MAYBE I can see a few guys thinking I was, y'know, one of their favorite douchebags or something, but DIPSHIT ??? Wow, I think I'm gonna cry.... YOU GUYS !!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Confused by animosity towards stripperweb
    Yeah, I'm not sure I see the reason for following SW. I mean, who really cares about what strippers think? That's not an attack, it's just a fairly common sense approach...at least I think it is. Basically they are employees that work at a business that we give our business to, right. So do you go to MacDonald's Employees Web and discuss business with them? Probably no interest. Or the Waitress Web. Strippers perform a service, you pay them and get in your car and go home. Now I suppose if you care about their wants and needs, and intend to comply with whatever stuff they wish customers would do or whatever, then yeah I suppose it might be beneficial. But personally I really don't care what they think. I'm sure many think bad things about me and other customers, so that's not something I want to hear about. Or maybe some might be interested in their perspectives for some reason...but I'm just not concerned whatsoever. And since THEY are providing the service to US, then THEY should be hopping on a men's website to find out what men want in a stripper and how to be better strippers and provide better service, not the other way around. But I think many men have a fairly low self esteem and want the girls to "like" them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Vacation with your ATF?
    Y'know, for some reason all of this reminds me of once when I was flipping channels and saw what's her name...the black talk show host who was a fashion model years ago....doesn't matter...oh wait, Tyra Banks. Anyway the show had an entire herd of huge, fat women. The whole point of the show was to showcase FAT PRIDE or some such insanity, so these fat fucking whales how they should convince themselves how beautiful they were, and how everyone should support each other and tell each other how beautiful they are...even though they're a bunch of fat fucking cows with rolls of blubbering fat. And that's all because these women cannot stand to have the least bit of criticism directed at them...they can't accept that maybe they are fat, ugly fucking cows who should stop eating so much and go for a fucking walk once in a while. There are a lot of people like that nowadays...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    A new excuse
    No, it's not only money. It's pride. I'm continually amazed at how guys so proudly announce how they snap to attention when these girls feed them a line of BS, and these girls string them along like wimpering, sniveling little girls. I dunno, maybe I have a very different view of how men should behave...y'know, honor and respect and pride.... But yeah, if you ain't got any of that, it's only money I suppose.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    A new excuse
    "I sent her a hundred just for creativity." Creativity? Really? How about because you're giving her some money so she'd continue to string you along by the nose and not move on to some other loser who is will give her even more money. Nothing to be proud of dude.