
Comments by jerikson40 (page 54)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Vacation with your ATF?
    Dude, is criticism really THAT fucking painful for you? Like most kids on this board? Geezus, you guys go freakin' ballistic if someone dares to criticize you. Can't you grow a pair and take your hits like a man, and, hey, maybe even ADMIT that someone who criticizes you might actually have a point? Is that so freakin' painful that you can't even consider it? Good lord, ladies, why not try this: "Yeah, I know, it really is a pathetic thing I'm doing, and I realize I'm a douchebag for kissing some chicks ass like that and paying all my money just so she'll be nice to me. But I'm working on it, and I hope to be a better person some day". Do you guys post on here SOLELY to get everyone to "support" you and tell you how wonderful you are even if you're being a dick? Some douchebag drives like a maniac thru the streets, but gets pissed if someone says it was a douchebag move. Okay, Lionshare, I take back everything I said. Give her all your freakin' money, give her a wonderful vacation, and convince yourself she really likes being with you...because you really are just an awesome person. Feel better?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Vacation with your ATF?
    Really, dude, let me ask you this cuz I'm absolutely dumbfounded on this one... Seriously, are you that repulsive that you've got to lay out that kind of money to get a girl to spend a fun vacation with you? Because, it seems to me that you could spend a couple of nights bar hopping with REAL girls and find a couple of girls who would gladly go with you, and might even chip in.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Vacation with your ATF?
    And let me get this real clear... You're ALSO going to pay for both your and her airfare, meals, expenses? Is that correct?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Vacation with your ATF?
    "I'm thinking 4-6 grand is fair for a Thursday-Sunday mini vacation to the Fl. keys, or St Lucia." I dunno...I haven't read all the responses, but....and I don't want to be too negative here.... You are actually going to PAY a girl between $4,000 and $6,000 to spend 4 days with you on a fun vacation that most people would give their left nut to have? And that sounds rational to you?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    "And this is why I ALWAYS get the money up front" Oh really? Hold on, let me get my notebook....let's see....clubs not to visit... Okay honey, now where do you dance?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do drink specials draw you in?
    yeah, the only reason I drink in a club is because they make you buy drinks. so I get a coke or water. NEVER do I drink alcohol in a club, because I'm always driving. And in LA getting to most clubs on public transportation is an all day proposition. So I couldn't care less about drink specials. I'm kinda surprised that guys drink alcohol at clubs. And then they get in their cars and drive? Or maybe they all have designated drivers? I suppose it would be nice to be able to have a few drinks at a club, maybe might help the lap dance experience? Not sure. Questions to ponder.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Reservoir Dogs or My Blue Heaven?
    Tip only if YOU want to, and only if you feel somebody went out of their way and did an excellent job (as in, EXCELLED) to serve you. But DON'T tip just because someone EXPECTS you to tip them, and if you don't tip them they make you feel self conscious or provide crappy service. If you do tip under those conditions, you're just allowing them to manipulate you. And DON'T make silly excuses to justify tipping someone, such as "oh, they only get paid minimum wage or less, so I'm obligated to compensate for a crappy employer". And DON'T pre-tip just to make someone do their job. Again, you're allowing them to manipulate you. I'm convinced that most people tip others solely to make themselves feel less self conscious, and so they allow others to manipulate them. The DJ derides guys for not tipping, and since it makes the guys feel uncomfortable they reach in their pocket and pull out some bills just to feel less self conscious. Waitresses expect a tip, so rather than feeling self conscious and possibly getting nasty stares and behind your back comments people say "ah, what the hell, I'll just leave a tip". Personally, when someone really impresses me and does an outstanding job, I'm over-generous because behavior like that is so welcome and uncommon. But when someone is going thru the motions, I don't give a damn what they expect, they ain't gettin' a tip no how.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    "For every ROB there is a no paying/no tipping asshole" Wow, not sure I'd go that far...seems a bit of a stretch, don't you think? Some people, including some strippers, have no problem being dishonest all by themselves. Although I realize it's more fun to blame someone else for our faults......
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    "In Oklahoma it's called defrauding an innkeeper and the police can arrest you for it. Not sure what the penalty is, but we've threatened to call the cops when some douchebag refuses to pay for LDs." Interesting...sounds like you've worked at a strip club? I'm guessing that, depending on the amount, it's probably a misdemeanor with a small fine and maybe a small possibility of some jail time. And yeah, I assume threatening to call the cops is probably the standard response to something like this, but I'm curious if anyone actually does call the cops...and if they do, does anyone actually follow thru with prosecution? Anyone can call the cops, just like anyone can sue you on a whim, but making a winnable case is the tough part.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    Yeah, I think the real concern might be as Club_Goer said...pissing off an unstable bouncer. Sure, you can prosecute a bouncer for laying a hand on you, but when you're in a hospital bed in traction that's little comfort. And I think we've all heard stories of bouncers thinking they're tough guys with license to beat the crap out of everyone.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    Wow, remind me never to go to Richmond...you have to pay huge bucks for laps AND pre-pay? That's not good on any level. I feel for you....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    So it looks like the club would have to be willing to file charges, which seems to me extremely unlikely based on not only the cost, but also the bad public image it projects if a club prosecutes a customer. And then they'd have to have some sort of proof to show the court, which also seems extremely unlikely. I dunno, seems to me that this PL, while being a world class douchebag, was a pretty smart douchebag. Hopefully I'm missing something, cuz this sucks.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    And here's a link to the listing of penalties for the different classes of misdemeanors in Texas, which I presume this would probably be if it could be proven: http://www.pevetolaw.com/texas-class-b-misdemeanor/
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    Since you're in Texas I assume, here's a link to the Texas Penal Code dealing with it: http://law.onecle.com/texas/penal/31.04.00.html Have fun.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    By the way, I did a quick search and I *think* this is classified as "theft of services". And also I saw something that says "Theft of this sort should not be confused with reasonable rejection, where, for example, a customer does not pay because the services provided were not as advertised or because the services did not meet reasonable standards of quality" Now THAT could be reasonable grounds for not paying for MANY lap dances I've had over the years... :)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    Well, it's probably no different from skipping out of any business without paying... If you walk out of WalMart with a pair of shorts stuffed in your shirt, security can hold you, call the cops and have you arrested for stealing stuff. Then they either check your receipt or lack of receipt and if you can't prove you paid they take the shorts back, pull down your pants in public and spank your bare bottom. Well, maybe not the part about the spanking, but I think the other stuff is right. And I suppose they could take you to court, but the costs would be far too great for something small like that, so they just let you go I suppose. Now if you skip a restaurant or strip club without paying, there really isn't any evidence that they can use to prove anything, except maybe a video camera or testimony of others who saw you, if anyone actually DID see you getting lapdances in the VIP. I suppose they still COULD call the cops and have you arrested for theft and later bring you to court, but that seems like a whole lot of work for not much benefit. And they probably have no evidence at all worth considering. Even with a video showing you getting laps you could argue she said they were free, there was no implied or explicit contract for money in exchange for anything, blah blah blah. So I'm guessing that their only real way to combat stuff like this is to have tough looking bouncers who try to scare you and talk real big, when in fact if they lay a hand on you you could have them arrested for laying a hand on you. And so they try to resolve it with having the manager reason with you. If none of those work, I can't see another alternative. But I'm no lawyer, so I could be totally wrong.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New review format for Silkypants
    So you mean that any VIP credit gained for those reviews was lost?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New review format for Silkypants
    Dude, I have to give you a lot of credit for putting a lot of effort and detail into your reviews. A lot of people could learn something from you on how to write a good review. Yeah, the big list of your top 25 or whatever clubs at the end of every review might be a bit much, but from my perspective it's a lot better than the clowns who just write a short paragraph of useless crap and call it good. And I really appreciate people giving their overall perspective on their top clubs...trying to figure that out from individual reviews is often impossible.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do a lot of the hot dancers work so much?
    duo sez: "BTW, @jerikson40 - If you have such a low opinion of strippers why do you even go into strip clubs?" Well, I'm sure you'll agree that anyone's opinion of strippers is totally irrelevant to whether or not they should go to clubs where strippers work...I mean, come on, just because you use their service doesn't mean you have to think highly of them, right? I despise lawyers, but.... But far more importantly, I don't have a low opinion of what strippers do, I think they are very honorable in that they make others feel good. I respect the profession very much. They're like doctors. What I was addressing was not strippers, but Bullwinkle's weird rambling post describing strippers that are like Michael Jordan. In an ideal world, yeah, we'd see a lot of strippers who were highly talented, driven, and hard working. And of course, there are some. But we also know that is, by far, the exception, not the rule. Many strippers don't want to do what they're doing, feel bad about it, but realize it's a relatively easy way for someone with few skills to make some good money for relatively few hours of work, if they are willing to turn off their gag reflex at having to be strippers. Yeah, there are exceptions, those strippers who are driven and hard working and want to make a solid career of being the best damn stripper they can be, and at the top of their game like Michael Jordan. But you tell me, how prevalent is that?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    "...take what appeared to be a lighthearted question from Duo and turn it into yet another tirade about his perception of masculinity" wow, that's an interesting take on it all.. Actually, I'm the only one who took the lighthearted question from duo AS a lighthearted question. The rest of you got your panties in a bunch and took it as alarms going off and red lights flashing, and worrying about whether some girl is going to beat you into submission. But you fucking twits are only interested in playing your 6-year-old I HATE YOU games, so you'll twist it however makes me look the worst.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    "I don't know if you're being a deliberate asshole or are just stupid, it's often hard to tell with you." And I realize that you only have snarky, useless replies in your arsenal but never anything of substance, but just this once, try to address the issue. I gave a very reasoned response wondering why so many males are so concerned about relinquishing total control over their safety, and in doing so giving up the opportunity for possibly unlimited sex with a hot girl. Why are you and everyone else deciding that this slave shit forces you to relinquish total control over safety, and making it a deciding factor? Is that such a difficult concept to address? Or, as usual, do you have nothing to say other than name calling?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    Dude, don't just walk off in a huff !!! Are you honestly saying you somehow feel obligated, once you agree to some of this weird "slave" shit, to allow some chick to take a knife to you or try to hurt you? Are you serious? And if you don't she can, what, sue you for breach of contract?? You're a man, take control of the situation. You tell her "yeah, I'll have all kinds of sex with you", and if at some point you feel like things are gonna get weird you take control. Just like every other encounter you have with every other person in your life. Things get weird and you take control. A stripper tries to make you go bareback and potentially give you some bad disease, and you say no fucking way and push her off. But do you never get a lapdance or VIP for fear maybe she'll make you submit to bareback and there's nothing you can do?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lousy BJs
    "I'm not sure you know what jailbait means." Yeah, probably not. What's your point?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    Okay, here's my answer to the question: If the girl is hot, I'd say hell yeah, I'll have all the sex you want. And if she shows up with a knife or handcuffs and shit, I'd tell her to put them back in her car cuz we ain't doing any of that weird shit. Why do you want to make it such a big fucking deal, and why do you want to get so pissy? Are you saying that if you submit to some sort of BDSM slave shit there's a law that says you can't tell her to get the fuck out if she gets weird?? You're obligated to let her tie you up and whip you til you bleed or else she can call 911 and have you arrested or something?? I'm just totally amazed that's where you guys went with this.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lousy BJs
    Yeah, whatever... Anyway, Rick, could I ask you a favor please? I know you'll tell me to go fuck myself, but at least I'll give it a shot. That photo of the super pale redhead you have in your avatar...is there any way you would consider changing that to something else? Because honestly super pale, jailbait looking redheads like that really make my stomach turn. Seriously. When I see it out of the corner of my eye my stomach gets queasy. And I noticed in your other photos you tend to go for the jailbait-looking girls, which I suppose is fine if that's what floats your boat. But maybe ask Papi if you can borrow some photos of some really curvy women with fully developed bodies... (and, of course, Rick replies with "go fuck yourself" in 5...4...3...2...)