Dipshit Hall of Fame

avatar for tumblingdice
Also known as the,"I'm to Serious for my Shirt Club".
And the nominees are:
Please vote for your favorite Dipshit.All votes will be tallied at 6:00 pm EST.
Thank you.


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
This commercial break brought to you by Trojan condoms,"If Alucards parents used them we would not have the fun we do today".So remember,"Use a Trojan and avoid mistakes".We now return you to our regular program.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Tumb bro this needs to be your thang ^^^^^ that was funny as all kinds of fuck
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
I'm trying not to focus on the dipshits. I'm still enjoying my 420 feelings...
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
hard decision to make. so here goes. i vote for both
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
Is it just me or does the Drac-dude seem to be posting less. I have the dude on ignore, but still see where he posts and it seems like I don't see that many. Perhaps he is getting bored.

I really like having Drac-a-roo on ignore. His posts are fine (albeit a bit sad at times). But the PMs. My gawd!

But in the spirit of post-420 brotherly love I'm willing to forgive and forget if ol' Drac posts a discussion entitled "I won't send psycho PMs". Jerikdude don't bother me none 'cos he don't send no psycho PMs.

Let's all bask in the post-420 and cut this elementary school crap out. There is stripper face fucking that needs to be discussed, n'est-ce pas?

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
It's not even a horse race. alutard is 50x as bad as jerikson is.

Yes they both love to provoke flame wars, but they do it in entirely difference manners:

jerikson will pick a pseudo-provocative position and express it in a fairly detailed manner. He will also use extreme language (what psychologists call splitting) and in a tone calculated to stir the emotions of the reader. There is also, of course, the underlying theme that anyone who could even think of disagreeing with his position has subhuman intelligence.

Once jerikson's flame war has ensued, as expected, jerikson is in there arguing his position tooth and nail to the death. The thing, though, is that his reasoning is often spot on, and he does post good insights.

jerkison's main goal is to show that he is smarter than all the rest of y'all.

Now, alutard, by contrast is just a hit and run kind of guy. Like jerikson he'll drop in and say something guaranteed to start a flame war, but he is far above thinking he should have to elaborate on his position, unless by elaborate you mean just repeating his single sentence position word for word. "Repeal the 2nd amendment!" will be his starter. If he elaborates at all it will be "Ban all guns!"

alutard definitely thinks he is smarter than you, but he is far above demonstrating that by backing up his positions in any way like jerikson will. Because of this, jerikson actually has some insights into certain things, but alutard never does.

jerikson's main goal is to show that he is smarter than you, while alutard's main goal is to show that he is morally superior to you.

avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Dougster is spot on.
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
12 years ago
I'm just amazed Tumbling Dice would think he has a place even starting a discussion thread like this- 1 review and a career of provoking Alucard . WTF man? Get out there and tell us something real instead of just stirring the pot...
avatar for Bonesbrother
12 years ago
Tumblingdice does not have a life. His stripper girl friend dumped him. Probably for a real man. Now he has nothing to do except post inflammatory remarks on here.

Not to single him out. There are a bunch of others on here that engage in the flame wars simply because they don't have anything else to talk about. They really don't have much experience with clubbing or strippers. They just like to talk shit like they do.

The best course is to just ignore them. Don't feed the trolls.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Boned-Brother: "They really don't have much experience with clubbing or strippers."

Thus spoke Boned-Brother, who now only posts attacks on others himself.

It looks like when he first started here he tried to post a club "insight" namely that 80-90% of girls who do BBBJ will not do FS (yes, you read that right, will *not* do FS). Guess that one got him laughed at a little too much and made his lack of experience clubbing and strippers a little to obvious, so he just fell back to trying to attacks others. Of course, with that 80-90% comment he is pretty damn easy to hit back every time he tries to step out of line.
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
Oh oh!!! Vote for ME! I'm the biggest dipshit shit stirrer of them all!!! Oh I feel so forgotten and left out!!!
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Dougster!B-Bro is a dancer out of PP Cola.She says she lives in Ohio,but reviewed a club in S.Carolina.
Anyway Bro,Sweetie just left this morning,we are still going strong.It was my idea for her to say we broke up,you should see all the PL's line up with gifts of sushi dinners,bubble bathes,cruises,trips to Paris and yes even an engagement ring.You should follow her lead.See you at the PP party on the 30th.
Hugh,Hugh,Hugh,Where do I start.Your right,I don't go to clubs anymore,I figured out how to have them come to me.Your smart I'm stupid.By the way London in your profile pic is a real beauty.To many days at sea?
avatar for rell
12 years ago
i dont think jerikson is a dipset just a huge ass hole..
aucard def goes on the list
txtittyfag might need to be put on this list
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@dice: I don't know. Boned-Brother mention in one of his reviews he spent $800 in a club and only got a handjob. Doesn't read like any review a dancer would right.
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
12 years ago
@ Tumblingdice: Peace! Good read on your part but it isn't how long I've been on the boat, I've been an unemployed party bum on the beach since January and its time to get my lazy ass back to work. As for my butterface avatar, London is white trash, you are right but she's the first one I've seen swallow a 14 inch dildo to the hilt on stage, and she's just as wild in VIP. I like my women alot on the trashy side!
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
Peace out Hugh-G-dude! We're all entitled to our tastes. I look down on nobody ('cept those who go all psycho on you for no real reason). Don't let anybody tell you what your avatar should look like. You want a butterface? Go for a butterface! You want Kate Upton fucking her ass with a 14 inch dildo? Well so does everybody else...where can I get that picture?

C'mon folks...we're only 2 days past 4/20. We should all still be high! I've only made it halfway through my organic corn chip and salsa stash (now that I'm middle aged I can do the Doritos and Funyons any more...so I gots me mature stoner food!) I plan to stay stoned for the rest of the month! Makes me feel all peaceful and shit.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Topics like this one really bring down this site. I enjoy this site and get some realy good insights from people on here. However it seems as if every discussion topic gets taken over eventually with flame wars and useless jibberish. Then what started as a good topic with good discussion gets ruined with bullshit. Maybe if there was a seperate board just for bullshit it would be better.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Lionshare: "Topics like this one really bring down this site"

Topics like this rock, baby!
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Dougster, I guess youre right. Have to weigh entertainment value plus actual useful info.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Funny. Poor little MadFag goes away for several months and the only thing he posts about when he comes back is how buttfuck he still is about how I called him a fag three or four months ago.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Juice is the #1 dipshit of them all
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Drew. The new guy seeking investors. What a douche
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I afree with moto head
avatar for rell
12 years ago
tx nice try on the black slang and insults you only made yourself look like a fool and a complete racist it doesnt effect me either way and trust me i would never need to be on this list and you can have the kfc i dont like kfc and watermelon needs at least another month before its actually good flavorful juicy watermelon ;)
avatar for D0ugster
12 years ago
^^^ I'll resort to anything behind my sock puppet, txtittyfag, including racist rants, it if will make me a famous dipshit. So far, I'm just a dipshit.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Juice juice juice juice
avatar for rell
12 years ago
lmao my racism has never been questioned. nor do i need to be talked to in slang. its funny that you mentioned superdude because me and him have many of the same views and opinions.this is hilarious how i mentioned you might need to be put on this list and you get all bitch on me and throw insults , real classy my dude real classy lol

p.s you ever feel that you want to slap me feel free to inbox me , talk is cheap
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
rell: "real classy my dude real classy lol"

I get the feeling that someone who names themselves "tittyfag" is not overall concerned about whether or not people consider him classy or not.
avatar for D0ugster
12 years ago
...and since I, Dougster, named my alter ego "txtittyfag", I should know. And I'm not overly concerned about whether people see through my charade.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I got to admit that until this week I thought alutard was 50x as big a dipshit as jerkoffson was, but this weekend, for some reason jerkoffson went into complete fuckhead mode so actually was a horse race this time with alutard maybe only being three times as bad. I wonder why jerkoffson decide to be such a cranky little bitch? Didn't have his diaper changed? Lost alot of money trying to short Tesla?
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
The J man did have a serious case of PMS this week.

He can be kind of interesting though if he learned to express himself in a more congenial tone. Lol.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago

Oh I'm so embarrassed !!! You guys are so sweet !!! I'm honored, guys, really. And Favorite Dipshit ?? Oh my GOD that is so cool. I mean, MAYBE I can see a few guys thinking I was, y'know, one of their favorite douchebags or something, but DIPSHIT ???

Wow, I think I'm gonna cry....

YOU GUYS !!!!!!!!!!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
motorhead: "He can be kind of interesting though if he learned to express himself in a more congenial tone."

Yep, jerkoffson can definitely be intelligent and insightful on his good days. His sense of humor is generally a bit lacking, something he shares in common with jester214 who is the TUSCL member most like him, but you see above he can demonstrate it from time to time.

Now, needless to say, the world is not nearly as bleak as jerkoffson thinks it is. Also, it is quite amusing when he thinks he is a genius who is a few orders of magnitude more intelligent than everyone else here for seeing the "negative" parts of the world that others are refusing to acknowledge. For one thing, it's only about 50/50 that he is right about these things he thinks he is the only one aware while the rest of us remain in our blue pill bliss.

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