
Comments by jerikson40 (page 52)

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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    (continued...) WHAT FUCKING LOSERS DO !!!!! It's pathetic behavior dude !!! Get a fucking life, and go out and play golf with your buddies or get a fucking hobby or do something with your family or do something useful !!!! Geezus, you guys make this into a fucking lifestyle, a damn addiction, and then you boast how awesome you are that you can afford your fucking addiction ????
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dugan, for some reason you keep banging this "seasoned club hound" and "salty club vet" drum, as if you're the source of all insight and knowledge on all things related to strip clubs, and totally beyond reproach. Dude, get the fuck over yourself. You're a 60 year old guy who has to pay 24 year old girls to spend time with you. No matter how you slice it, and how seasoned and salty you consider yourself, it's fucking pathetic. Don't you get that? You choose to spend lots of money so pretty girls will sit with you for hours and hours. Fine, you're all awesome and stuff because you have the money to do that. We're impressed. Feel better? But that's not the point. The point is not that you CAN do it, and that you have the money to do it, it's THAT YOU DO IT !!!! You could just as easily go into a club, have fun for an hour, and move on. Y'know, like a normal person. But you don't. You choose to spends hours and hours locking down your "ATF". Why?? You're argument is "well, I have the money to do it, so why not?" I call that the drug user argument. "yeah, I've got the money to afford a meth habit, so why not?" BECAUSE IT'S
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    LDK Style
    I wonder if this is a case of some guys just not knowing what a good lap dance is. Maybe some of the "teenagers with premature ejaculation problems" are actually normal guys who go to clubs with dancers who work hard to get you off, and know how to do it. Seriously, do you "it takes me 5 hours to ejaculate" guys ever go to a really high mileage club where the lap dancers try hard to make you cum? Because in the clubs I frequent I can't imaging a normal guy not being able to cum when a dancer is giving you a lap dance and reaching in your pants and stroking your dick and you're sucking her tits and she's whispering nasty stuff in your ear. Dudes, that's a lap dance, not this shit where some dancer stands between your legs and wiggles a bit and maybe touches your wee-wee once or twice. And honestly, do you guys have ED?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    TUSCL Convention: Las Vegas
    Jester, Oh, now I get it. You like Vegas, so if anyone says otherwise you get your panties in a bunch. Now I understand. Grow the fuck up.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dugan, as usual you and others completely miss the point to protect your ego. I HAVE the money to give these girls. That's not the point. I'm not willing to pay a girl to sit with me and talk to me for hours, because that's lame. THAT is the point. I have real world women to spend time with. I already spend enough on them that I don't want to drop more money on some stupid young girl just so she'll act like I'm her boyfriend. It's not about having money vs. not having money. It's about what you do with your life and your money, and whether you should be seeking real women and spending your time with them and having real relationships rather than fooling yourself about a non-existent relationship with some girl who has to fight her gag reflex when she's with you. But because you guys choose to blow your money for this fantasy, I and other customers lose. And that's why I don't respect regulars. I have no RESPECT for them. I'm sure you don't care about that, but FWIW, it's the case with me and many other people. And since you don't care, then go ahead and keep feeding money to these girls.
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    11 years ago
    TUSCL Convention: Las Vegas
    Jester, why do you constantly insist on being a douchebag? Okay, you're right, the unemployment rate in Vegas is NOT 25 percent right now. That info is like a year old. It was that way in early 2012. So sue me. The point remains. When the economy sucks, Vegas sucks worse. I've been there many, many times because I live in LA, and often make trips there with friends and family because they like it, and it's an easy way to get away for a weekend when you live in LA. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck, but in the scheme of things if given the choice I would never go there alone to have a good time. Because it sucks. But I guess that's a few levels too deep for you to understand. And to say there's plenty of substance there if you just look for it is freaking retarded. There isn't shit to do there, especially when you compare it to all the alternative cities. It's not even in the same league as So Cal in terms of stuff to do. So unless you're gambling or going to a show, why even bother? What the fuck do you do during the day there? You're pretty much limited to hanging by the pool or wandering the malls. Anyway, if you're convinced that Vegas doesn't suck then have fun. But IMO there are far better alternatives for enjoying yourself. FAR better.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    LDK Style
    Many older men are incapable of achieving an erection, and therefore have great difficulty in pleasing a woman or achieving ejaculation, and must resort to taking medications such as Viagra or Cialis. The condition is called "erectile dysfunction". It is a very embarrassing problem, and causes men to suffer a very low self esteem, and feel like they are not really men. Often as a result of this debilitating condition, some men act as if their ED condition is normal. To protect their egos they refer to those who have no problem achieving an erection or ejaculation as a "teenager" who suffers from "premature ejaculation" problems, when in fact having no trouble achieving an erection or ejaculation is a normal condition. Those who are unable to achieve orgasm with a hot dancer giving them a hand job or using other parts of her body to arouse them and cause them to ejaculate during a lap dance generally fit into this category of having "erectile dysfunction", or having other related mental/emotional issues.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    TUSCL Convention: Las Vegas
    I don't get the people who don't get the Vegas hate. I've been there many, many times. And it sucks. It has sucked for years, and it only gets suckier. The entire population of Vegas is there with one goal: to suck money out of the stupid tourists. It's overpriced, the clubs suck (except for some hot dancers), it has the highest unemployment rate in the country (last I checked...something like 25% or something insane like that), it's all flash and no substance, and if you don't gamble it's pretty much a waste. The days when Vegas was a fun place are long gone. And even then it wasn't that much fun. There used to be very low priced food that was decent, low priced hotels that were decent, and you could actually drive the strip without waiting in a freaking traffic jam for an hour. The entire city is populated by people who left their homes and came to Vegas in search of a job and easy money, and they end up gambling and losing it. If you're proud about being a loser who gladly pays for insanely overpriced shit, then it will make you feel like a real man. But for the rest of us it's a fucking ripoff. But I hope you guys have a blast.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I hate regulars. I absolutely despise regulars. Why? Regulars are what is commonly referred to as LOSERS. Why? Because they pay girls money to act like they like them. But they don't. The girls don't give a shit about some old guy with absolutely no life who spends all his time in clubs acting like these pretty, young girls really give a shit about some ugly guy old enough to be her grandfather. The girls laugh at guys like that behind their back. But the regulars will never admit it. So they proudly proclaim how they pay these girls all this money, and act like everyone ELSE is a loser because they don't give these girls all their money. But in fact it's THEY who are the losers. Most normal guys realize that it's all an illusion. The girls wouldn't give the customers the time of day if it weren't for money. But regulars don't get it. So they pay the girls to sit with them all day and play this game of make believe. And that sucks for the normal customers who just want to come in for an hour or so, relax, have some laps and enjoy themselves, and then go back to the real world. I hate regulars. They ruin the majority of my trips to a club. They ALWAYS are hogging the hottest girls, and give these ridiculous rationalizations like "oh, if you don't like it then tough" or "I'm paying her bills" or "oh, the rest of you guys are just too stingy to pay her as much as I'm willing to throw away on her". Just fucking insane, but these guys are living this in this ridiculous world of rationalizations to make themselves feel good about being losers. And each and every regular is absolutely convinced that he is different, and that HIS ATF really DOES care for him. But she doesn't, except as a fucking ATM. But no regular will ever stop to flow of money to find out. Because deep down they know the answer. As soon as the money stops the girls will move on to the next loser. Regulars are the #1 worst aspect of most strip clubs. And the #2 worst aspect is dancers who spend their entire shift with their noses buried in their cellphones. But that's another subject. Any way, now you know where the term "Pathetic Loser" comes from.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Something's got to change
    Okay, well, just when I thought this place couldn't get any more dysfunctional and screwed up and populated by insanity... There's the alcoholics, the drug addicts, and 6 year olds, and now this. Geezus, guys, get a fucking LIFE!!! See ya, guys.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Choosing the Song
    "A girl named Joey there plays Country-Western songs, wears cowboy gear, and does country dancing." Okay, now I do respect everyone's right to choose how they like to be entertained, and different people like different things....but.... Dude, you give me a chick wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy had and some jean shorts who is "boot scootin'" across the stage (or whatever the hell they call it), and I am out of my seat and out the door before Randy Travis can finish the first bar of whatever song he's singing. That stuff is anti-boner for me. Sexual Kryptonite. Now, on the other hand, the cowboy look can be done REALLY well, but it requires a skill that few women have. You get a tall, statuesque blonde with lots of real long bleached blonde hair, down to her butt, and a super tight fitness body with HUGE fake tits, and tanned muscular legs and stiletto heels, and you put her in a pair of ultra-short jean shorts, and a way-too-small top that is tied in the front in a knot and can barely contain her huge tits, and give her one of them cowboy hats that is well worn and folded around her head....NOW we're talking. But if she dances to country music...sorry, I still have to leave. It's just wrong.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Best state?
    "Give me a hurricane over any other natural disaster." You're joking, right? Earthquakes are, 99% of the time, NOTHING. A little shaking, maybe a brick building somewhere falls down, and then it's over in a few seconds. Yeah, there's the occasional SFO earthquake that causes havoc, but the end result of some of the big hurricanes is FAR worse than most earthquakes. But people get this weird freaky fear about earthquakes that I'll never understand. And hurricanes happen like clockwork multiple times a year. And if you add up all the people affected by hurricanes, compared to earthquakes, and total damage, there's probably no contest. Hurricanes wipe a swath from South Florida up to the northeast.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How dangerous is the neighborhood around Vick's Place in Irvington, NJ?
    Dude, seriously, you cannot miss the Vic's experience. Forget about the safety, it's not a problem. Just don't hang around at night. As I recall Vic's isn't even open at night (?) You park on the side street and walk into the club. Have a blast, the place is not to be missed.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    The Ultimate Strip Club Design
    I also like the idea of theme nights, where the dancers dress up in different outfits. Unfortunately it's way too rare in the clubs I hang out in, but if done right it can be awesome. In too many clubs the dancers limit themselves to bikinis or, well, bikinis. My ideal club would have ME as the wardrobe manager, making sure the girls used a little innovation in designing their outfits. Theme rooms, theme outfits....now we're talking
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    11 years ago
    New York
    The Ultimate Strip Club Design
    "The problem with..." Guys, I've noticed that some people tend to respond to ideas people have with "The problem with..." And that's fine. Just keep in mind that EVERYTHING has one or more problems associated with it. If there's a problem, you either deal with it and fix it or move on to something else. But the purpose of this thread is to brainstorm IDEAS...out of the box thinking...and you can't do that if people are constantly pulling you back to earth with "the problem with..." Relax, smoke some weed or whatever you do to relax, and let your mind wander and try to come up with some really awesome ideas. You can't do that if you're always thinking of problems. Think of how things SHOULD BE in an ideal world. For example, an outdoor swimming pool does exist at a strip club in Vegas. So it is possible. Yeah, you have to hire a company to clean it regularly, but so does just about every hotel on the planet.
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    11 years ago
    New York
    The Ultimate Strip Club Design
    In another thread someone mentioned something about the customers choosing their own music, and that got me thinking... To me, having girls come up one at a time and do their own thing on one or more stages is kind of, well, boring and monotonous.... I'd much prefer something like this: Imagine the lights go down, the room is quiet, and suddenly over the excellent sound system you hear John Bonham pounding out the opening beat of Zeppelin's Kashmir......the lights slowly come up amidst some smoke slowlly billowing onto the stage, and out step the 5 hottest dancers you've ever seen, all dressed in insanely hot and sexy outfits, dancing slowly and erotically and orgasmically to the beat. A choreographed show where the girls are doing their best to make every single customer jizz in his pants just by watching them. They keep up the dancing on stage, then slowly move down into the audience and each girl climbs on a customer and continues her erotic squirming, reaching into the guys pants, jacking him, some girls sucking, and some girls giving a full service lap dance in front of everyone. One big squirming sex fest, to the beat of Led Zeppelin. Now THAT is a stage show.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    The Ultimate Strip Club Design
    "The big problem with an outdoor pool area to a strip club is public indecency laws." Fence. Next?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Best state?
    Southern California is an excellent place, except for the fact it sucks. It pretty much has everything you'd want: weather, stuff to do (it probably leads the nation in that aspect), job opportunities (well...), strip clubs, etc. On the other hand there are many negatives, like politics and taxes and illegal immigrants (honestly, they really do fuck things up royally), and traffic, etc. Nearby Arizona also sucks, IMO. Some good clubs, but Phoenix bores the hell out of me, there isn't shit to do there, and Tucson clubs blow, and as a state I think Arizona just sucks. Some of the same problems with illegals that California has, and it's just a dead state. Nevada sucks completely. The economy in Vegas right now is in the dumper, one of the highest unemployment rates in the US as I recall, and you couldn't pay me to live or work in Vegas. Many lowlifes, nothing to do (even though I love the desert), it just sucks. I know all about New York, having lived there for years, and it also sucks. Weather sucks, strip clubs suck, nothing to do compared to other places, weather sucks, and the strip clubs suck. I think the same goes for the entire Northeast US. Forget it. Personally, I'd consider Texas as the top contender, though I've never lived there. But it has the right attitude, good economy, good politics, clubs are awesome, good weather, and it's a MAN's state. I'd also consider some of the states down south. I really like the people there, very nice and friendly, some beautiful areas to live, and aside from the occasional hurricane that wipes our house out, I might consider living down South. Maybe Florida, maybe Georgia, but again the hot humid weather in the South is something you really have to consider first. It can make you nuts. And there ain't no fucking way I'd ever move to Michigan. Detroit? No thanks.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    The Ultimate Strip Club Design
    "Would it be kept clean? Who used it last?" I suppose you could ask the same questions about that stripper you're banging in the VIP. But is that a deterrent? Although I suppose if you're lying down in the shower and rubbing your johnson on the tiles and licking the faucet, you might have a point.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    The Ultimate Strip Club Design
    "inno123 pretty well covered this subject with a series of articles within the past year." Wow, awesome. But those are articles about *HIS* design ideas, no? Can't we open this up to everyone?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    The Ultimate Strip Club Design
    Oh, and I almost forgot... Mitchell Bros in San Francisco is an overpriced suck-hole, but it does have a very cool concept...theme rooms. And it used to be pretty awesome. There's a movie theater where you can make out with the dancers, there's a very dark room where they give you a flashlight and the dancer gives you a lapdance and all you can see is what you can see with the flashlight (yeah, okay, that sucks, but at least they were trying). And there are a bunch of other theme rooms, which escape me right now. You could go CRAZY coming up with awesome theme rooms....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    Dispatcher Question for Shadowcat
    "Landing during a thunderstorm in unadvisable and probably illegal." Oh really? I didn't know that. Though I assume by thunderstorm you mean specifically there is lightning in their landing path, correct? Because planes land in the rain all the time, correct? "The visibility requirements when using it are much higher than they would be for an ILS approach which is what all major airports are using" Ahhh, now that sounds like it might be the BINGO answer I was looking for. That's probably why the captain blamed visibility. And I'm guessing maybe with a fast moving storm you can't really predict whether visibility will be acceptable in the next 1/2 hour or whatever? So maybe, if lighting specifically wasn't a factor, then maybe the destination airport needs to install ILS. Cool, thanks.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you could club with anyone...
    Okay, Mojo, dude, are you serious about all that? Because if you are then you have officially become my idol. Native American? Are you shitting me? I love hot Native American chicks with the long black hair and shit. And she was modelling outfits for you? And you did her? Damn, that kind of stuff just doesn't happen to regular guys unless the stars align and a beam of light shines on you from the heavens.
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    11 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Dancer: "What kind of work do you do?"
    I generally don't want to discuss such things, so I try to cut it short as quickly as possible. None of her business, and talking about real world stuff and my personal life is the last thing I want to do in a club. I want her to tell my how she's gonna make me cum and how she thinks I have a big dick and stuff like that...y'know, important stuff. So usually when she asks "So what do you do for work?" I respond with "I don't". Confusion then sets in with the dancer, and she starts trying to figure if I'm an out of work bum or just real wealthy and don't have to work. In any case it's usually sufficient to stun her long enough so I can change the subject..."Damn, I really like those heels/your outfit/that nailpolish/your hair/your legs/that belly button ring/etc.!!"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Swiping driver's licenses?
    When given the choice between a club that does and a club that doesn't, there is no choice. As others have said, just drive on by. Strip clubs aren't that important in the first place, why risk ANYTHING, especially something as important as you ID. The fact that my ID is being scanned by some guy I don't know or trust is reason enough to decide ABSOLUTELY to not patronize that club. You can rationalize, and come up with reasons why bad things can't happen, but none of that matters. It just ain't worth it when there are other clubs nearby. I recall many years ago a local Deja Vu asked you to sign your name before being admitted, though I have no clue why they did that. No thanks.