
Seeing Kids or Other Family at the Club

Avatar for Myoman

I made mention of this in another unrelated post and thought it was worth starting a separate thread for it.
As I get older, so do my kids. Now my kids are all old enough to go into a club (with a fake ID anyway, they're over 18 at least). I would never know they are going since, of course, they wouldn't tell me. And vice versa. Therefore, that risk is now there! It mortifies me, the thought of running into my son or daughter at a club. Has that ever happen to any of you guys? How would you react? Or, even their friends, who may recognize me w/o me recognizing them or seeing them. Especially at a place where I'm a regular or semi-regular at.
This is a whole fantasy world for me, the thought of it intersecting with my own family makes me very uncomfortable.
How do you guys feel about this?


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Avatar for skibum609

Ran into my cousin and a guy from my poker league at Desires. Ran into my weed dealer (back in the day) at fantasies and had a stripper from Rhode Island Dolls sit behind me while I tried case in Court. Glad to see all 4 of them

Avatar for Myoman

There's a big difference between a weed dealer and your son or daughter lol.
The main question is regarding that. Anyone else I can get over, but seeing my kids there - or really them seeing their Dad there? That would be really difficult.

Avatar for FishHawk

I once ran into my sons girlfriend at a club. She was a waitress. Biggest problem was she was afraid to wait on me and I needed a drink. I had to go to the bar to get served.

Avatar for Specialj

Myoman I agree that would certainly be awkward.

Avatar for Myoman

As we answer this question, let's include if we are still married, and particularly married to the kids mother. I think that's the issue. If a son sees his Dad who is married to his mother getting a grind from some slut - what is he learning about being a husband? It's not good. A daughter too.
I am married to the mother of my kids.

Avatar for Mate27

Good question. I think this is more concerning find you live in a small market. My town is so large I don’t even think about it anymore. I have seen ex girlfriends and friends at the club randomly. It’s no big deal, mostly people keep to themselves and who cares what they think about me. I was in my 30’s before I figured out the strip club game so it’ll be a while before my kids will see me in there.

Avatar for misterorange

My dad was married to my mother until he died, but I went to strip clubs with him several times. Never saw him do anything I'd consider "cheating" but he grabbed a tit or two.

I'm divorced from my son's mother, but he's fairly close with my 2nd wife, his step-mom. I've gone to clubs with him. He spends time in the VIP but I just stick to bar tipping and maybe a shoulder massage. Wouldn't want him to think I'm some kinda pervert or something. Heh heh.

Avatar for minnow

A bit OT, but really what are the odds of running into a random neighbor, customer, worker/manager at a business you patronize, etc. at a strip club ? I haven't experienced that. Several years ago, I ran into a retired coworker who I hadn't seen in a while at a FL club. Many years ago, there was 1 club a couple of miles away from company HQ where myself and a group of coworkers encountered a manager (not married) from another department. All was cool. Shortly after company went bankrupt, I thought I saw the head of my department on the other side of the club drinking the unemployment blues away like myself. He had only been at company a few months before it went out of business. As I'd never met him personally, I didn't go over to strike up a conversation with him. We both moved on to bigger and better things at different companies. So, YMMV on it being a small world.

Avatar for mike710

Took my nephew to a club recently. He was trying to do OTC right away. I introduced him to a dancer I knew there and she said "wow, I can't imagine going to a club with my Aunt. You're a cool uncle.

Also been to a club with my manager and numerous colleagues over the years.

Avatar for shadowcat

My son and I hit the Memphis Platinum Plus together 3 nights in a row. I was still married to his mother but the marriage was one the rocks. We agreed that mom didn't need to know about it.

My daughter went to a strip club with her BF, her brother and his buddies for my sons birthday. Neither of them go anymore but know that I do. I even get teased about it. It's nice not having to lie to family.

Avatar for Brahma2k

Had a dancer tell me in her first month of stripping her uncle showed up at the club she was working. She was able to scurry Into the dressing room quickly and avoided her new job being discovered. I think that’s a much bigger BFD, going to a SC and seeing a stripper that you know such as a niece, next door neighbor girl, girlfriend of one of your sons, or JHFC god forbid your daughter.

Avatar for uniquename

When I was going to various swing clubs my partners and I ascribed to the MAD Theory - Mutually Assured Destruction. If we saw someone we knew from the normie world they didn’t want to be seen by us as much as we didn’t want to be seen by them, so neither would speak up.

Same rule applies here.

Avatar for skibum609

^ There is a caveat - we went to a swinger's gathering in a local hotel. There was a wedding at the hotel as well and 4 members from my firm were attending the wedding. We ran into each other at the bar. My wife was very embarrassed. Being me, I was not. I just never cared what others thought, bad or good.

Avatar for funonthaside

I feel like a father has an obligation to teach his son the ropes of a club, so that he doesn't need to learn the hard way, as many of us have had to do.

So, if you see your son at a club, hopefully it's after you have taught him well.

If you see your daughter, I imagine that's a hard pill to swallow. It's interesting how we look at these girls as existing for our entertainment, but the narrative/outlook changes when a stripper is someone close to us.

Now to the most hard-hitting question...has anyone ever seen their WIFE at a club (either as a dancer or customer), without already knowing she was going to be there, or that she dances? Girlfriend would be a bit different, particularly if in the early stages of dating.

Avatar for etsutwigg222

Saw my son's new girlfriend (Didn't know they were a item at the time) at a club close to his college on my second visit. Took her to VIP & she performed at a very tip worthy level. Found our she was his gf at dinner 2 nights later. He indicated she was a waitress at the club. The next night she was waiting on little ET to deliver a protein shake orally in VIP again. Don't know if he ever discovered her side hustle, but they broke up after Christmas.
Still see her when I am in town 20 years later. Her technique has improved, as has her body.

Avatar for RiskA

One time in San Diego a stripper asked me for dances to conceal herself from her parents’ neighbor for whom she used to babysit. She left after, so I don’t think it was a scam she just wanted $ before she left & knew I’d do it. But if it was a scam, it was a brilliant one LOL.

Avatar for rattdog


holy shit!!! bj even after the family dinner? hahaha!!!!

i have to ask: say there is a moment where you and your son are having a beer together. what would his response be if you told him what you did? would it be a hard hahaha or rage? i could only imagine how he would feel if she blew pops but not the son.

Avatar for Iknowbetter

As the father of grown daughters, I had better never see one of my kids in a strip club (no, the hypocrisy of this statement is not lost on me).
Worlds colliding is always awkward. But I find it best to just acknowledge it, rather than try to hide or pretend you didn’t see them. Over the years I have encountered a friend of one of my daughters stripping (when she was supposed to be in college), and many years ago I encountered a girl who occasionally babysat for us (topic of a real “dear penthouse” letter). In both of these instances I broke the ice by saying “I suppose I know your parents about as well as you know my wife”.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

I had a dancer at Follies tell me we had to wait to go to VIP until after her father left. He was at the bar getting dry humped. About 10 minutes later he waived goodbye to her and left.

She said he didn't know she did VIP's.

She said he would be picking her up after her shift.

Avatar for crosscheck

I've never run into family in a strip club. I've run into friends I've grown up. Lawyer colleagues that I know. It does not bother me in the least. Family I suppose could be a bit awkward, but most of my relatives have moved out of my area over the years and my brother knows I club, so no need to be concerned about that.

Avatar for funonthaside

So, goldmonger, the father was okay with her dancing, just not doing VIPs....in a club where he was getting dryhumped? He really assumed his precious little daughter was just gyrating on stage in such a club?

That's one f'ed up upbringing.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

@funonthaside you may not be familiar with the club. Full grind lappers were in the common area, like Dad was getting.

At Follies, "he didn't know she did VIP's" translated to "he didn't know she fucked in VIP"

It could also have been pure stripper BS. He might have been an asshole that she told she didn't do VIP and was afraid of a scene if he saw us going.

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