Going commando at the strip club

I have been going to strip clubs for over 20 years and have found that, at the right club, going commando significantly increases your chances at finding a dancer who is comfortable doing extras, if that is what you are in search of.
A couple of quick tips first. Wear dark pants and a shirt long enough to conceal your "excitement." There are few things more embarrassing than walking out of a club with a wet spot clearly visible on your pants from a successful encounter with a dancer. No one you encounter once you leave the club will assume you blew a load with a hot, young dancer just minutes ago. They are likely to think you have an incontinence problem. One exception is when I had some great dances at the Purple Orchid in Philadelphia last year, and had some tension-releasing extras with one of the dancers. I had on beige pants though. As I was leaving the club, another dancer was coming in. She looked down, saw the wet spot on my pants, and commented that she should have come to work earlier to get some of that. Thankfully, it was a dancer and not my next door neighbor. Lol
And while underwear can make it more difficult for someone to see if you are at attention, there is no hiding that when going commando if your crotch is fully visible to the general public.
I tend to go commando to clubs where I know extras are on the table. If you are not sure if they are, read the reviews. Usually when a club has dancers who are quick to give you a handshake bar side, that is a good indication that extras are probably available during dances. And a number of reviewers will tell you if the club they are reviewing is extras-friendly.
Dancers want to maximize how much money they make. As much as we would like to think they want to experience what great lovers we can be, that is almost never the case. And dancers who are comfortable with extras know that they will make more if they provide extras and they play the odds that a guy coming in commando is more likely to request extras. For dancers, extras=tips=more money for them.
My favorite club to go to commando in Philadelphia is La Pearl/Outer Space. If you have not read reviews of these clubs that share a building, have a look. Dancers not only give you handshakes at this club. They will whip you out right at the bar. The stripper slide is a given at these clubs, and FS right at the bar is not uncommon. Going there commando at these clubs provides quick and easy access for the dancer or you to cut to the chase without trying to free your guy from underwear too, especially since he is probably already starting to get to attention. Just unzip and enjoy the ride.
Last tip: Have a cheap handkerchief in your pocket if going to a club commando (or even with underwear on) to get some extras. If you are successful and end up releasing some tension with your dancer of choice, clean-up can be challenging. So many bathrooms now only have air blowers and no paper towels. And cleaning up with toilet paper is messy, often leaving little bits of toilet paper all over your guy. A handkerchief will do the trick. And depending on how much you had to clean-up on your guy, you can either fold it up and take it home to be washed or throw it away.
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last commentThank you for writing this. I think that strip club pants with thin boxers also works.
Agree with Drew. Microfiber boxers are great. Silk is extra nice, but not durable.
Great advice. I’m going to try this out next weekend and test the difference.
I Always go commando as it makes it makes it much easier to free willy. And I agree that when a girl gives a handshake at the bar she probably has a good idea that you're a good prospect for tips. As for dark pants, I used to think about that big wet spot in my khakis but have since stopped worrying. All the places I go are not that brightly lit and besides no one is looking at my crotch.
Whatever works for you, but ....
I've gotten fucked by dozens of dancers with my junk packaged tightly every time. Commando might be more for the guys than the girls.
Commando is the only way to go.
Mung rag!
As a great-American once said ... "Give me commando or give me death" ... or something like that
I think it depends on the club. If you know it is a high mileage club, than it doesn't particularly matter. High mileage clubs I wear super comfortable boxers because I know I am going to get the service I want from the right girl and I think its more comfortable. If I have never been to a club I go commando, so at least if the mileage isn't great, the grind is good.
I believe it's a must to go commando at most strip clubs. If it's a high-mileage extras club it's WAY easier access to get started and if it's a lame or unknown club, even a basic grind feels better. I've had impromptu club visits that weren't planned, wearing jeans and underwear, and have had a dancer get disappointed that "I wasn't getting to that place she was trying to get me" because of too many layers between us lol.
So, for this newbie here... A handshake is sort of a signal she is willing to go the 'extra' mile?
In my book, a handshake is an invitation to discuss how much mileage the dancer is comfortable with...before you commit to going for dances.
Going commando also sends the message to the girl that you're a demented perverted PL there to take care of business. So, there is less need to play the guessing game.
What are "strip club pants" defined as?
“Strip club pants” are thin & slick, preferably with no zipper. Won’t give cloth-burn when Flopsie is sliding back & forth, trying to light a fire like a Boy Scout. Adidas shiny sweat pants were the OG (Original Garment).
Why limit it to the strip club? I normally go commando most places….post office, grocery store, Starbucks, department stores, etc. Never know what may happen and when.
my favorite summer attire at LP/OSC is a pair of wide leg stretch basketball shorts, commando. when the offer comes, i can just pull up one leg and not mess with a waist band. so much easier than pants.