White American Strippers

avatar for Piratebaldhead
Anyone feeling like this demographic is completely gone from strip clubs? I'm in NJ idk if that effects things but like where the hell can I go to get an early to mid 20s white American girl to grind on me and touch my dick. Even without extras I feel like this is an impossible task.


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avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
This is something that's been bitched about a lot in reviews. The decline of the white GND stripper. Particuarly in the American southern states as they get more cosmopolitan. Texas, Georgia, California, Florida where you see a lot of it in reviews. A lot of people don't get that when you walk into a lot of these strip clubs, you are not seeing Olvia Dunne up there dancing, it's probably some PROFESSIONAL stripper, she's got all this work done, she is not YOUR FUCKING FRIEND, she has ripped off guys in NYC, Vegas, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas and now she's working on you. This is her career, she's not getting through school etc.

As far as New York City, it's been like that, if you want a white GND itailian girl you gotta get on the belt parkway and drive your ass out to long island.

Although a lot of folks in the midwest probably have no idea wtf we are talking about it. I don't think it's really hit them yet.
avatar for Piratebaldhead
2 years ago
Exactly, I'm fully aware it's not these super hot 24 year Olds that are gonna get down on their knees for you but I can't even seem to find a good club where they're at let alone give a little grind and a squeeze over the pants. If I found one that did extras I'd go homeless just because I know it's a dying breed lol.

If you know of any clubs that's got those could have been in my tuesday humanities lecture look in the NJ area let a guy know lol
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
White people have fewer children. To maintain population age demographics that minimize economic problems, the US needs non-white immigrants. I guess I'm just lucky my attraction to a beautiful woman is not decreased by melanin.
Completely gone?... untrue. Fewer?... sure.

But I like Latinas and Black women so... [shrug]. I'm still having plenty of fun in the clubs.
avatar for SquareCastle
2 years ago
This was an easy one. Go to any strip club in Orange County and you’ll find a plethora. You’ll be so impressed that you’ll go home and watch American Graffiti again.
avatar for Piratebaldhead
2 years ago
I'm not saying I can't have fun otherwise I'm just saying when that's what I'm looking for it feels impossible in NJ at least
It's more about location than anything and a place like NJ or NYC is going to have a lot more non-white girls than a place like Kentucky or Tennessee. Just come to the midwest, we've got plenty of white girl next door dancers. In fact I have been in a few clubs where there wasn't a non-white girl to be seen. It is all about the demographics of the city that the club is in.
avatar for LapHunt
2 years ago
They have certainly dwindled in the Vegas clubs in my experience, and it gets more noticeable each year. It sounds like clubs in many parts of Florida are seeing the same trend.
avatar for Dustyhawkins
2 years ago
I feel you man same with me in my area, these past years it's just been ghetto ratchety girls, some latina or mixed girls. I remember when I first started strip clubs in 2014 there were a lot of white american girls back then I remember the true white blondes or red heads the standard typical strip club girl. Now it's very very rare to see that, like those true American girls that understand things well use big words the smart ones. Its all like weird chicks now I mean some still can be hot but a lot of worn down or druggies lol. 2014-2015 was when I was new to strip club scene it was way better than hahahah
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
The working age population is now down to about 50% of whites from European descent. When you get down to the twenties it is even lower. When you consider that many strip clubs are in urban areas, and that many whites have moved away to the suburbs as crime has been increasing in big cities in recent years, that would drop the percentage of whites even lower.

Once a strip club becomes majority nonwhite, many whites start to feel out of place and stop going there or, if dancers, stop working there. I've had white regulars quit the business because they said their club was getting too "ghetto". I also have had them say they no longer feel safe in strip clubs. Problems like fights, even ones involving guns, are increasing in strip clubs. Some of my white regulars say they even feel threatened by the other nonwhite dancers. Pretty white girls are still the most popular girls in strip clubs and that causes envy and hostility to be directed at them. This hostility is to drive them out of the club to eliminate the competition.
avatar for LapHunt
2 years ago
^docsavage, good to know there are others who'll tell it like it is, and say what needs saying.

Just imagine how inconceivable it would have been in, say, 1985, to wonder why you couldn't find white girls in an American nudie club.
There are some workplaces which have rules or policies which specifically force hiring managers or project managers to staff a demographic which accurately reflects the area in which they do business. Unfortunately, this often means that the most qualified people are passed over or left out in favor of box-checking individuals. Who strip clubs hire (well, contract) depends on their need when the applicant walks in. A short, fat, ugly goblin would not be hired when a strip club is pretty well-staffed, but I have seen the goblins hired at CJ's in Gretna (she was the only dancer on staff) and again in Allure at Babe's when they first reopened post-Ian. The same would apply to
New England is the whitest part of the country so it's still very white here if that matters to you. R I Dolls is 85% white.
Come to seattle, plenty of white girls.
Lots of white girls in the clubs in Iowa
I prefer exotic girls which means non-white! and I'm an old white guy!
I mean why do they have to be American white girls? I've met a lot of white Cubanas that seem to think I'm one of their own and speak Spanish to me LoL and I'm ultra white
I believe a lot of them are moving to other venues.
Blah is right in that many Cubans are very white. One Cuban is so white she tells people on this board she is Russian and they believe her.
avatar for Piratebaldhead
2 years ago
Idk everywhere has Latinas and AAs etc I'm looking for something different I want the girl who could be my sister's best friend
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
One thing just as far as alot of the North Jersey clubs you just got to drive a little bit and you can find white girls if that's your thing. There's a lot of other places in this country where you'd have to drive a lotta bit. Check out XXXV, Centerfolds in Neptune, The Den, Black Betty's, MVP on Staten Island etc.
avatar for LapHunt
2 years ago
I think one of the catches is that a lot of the best clubs in the country where high-contact LDs were the norm (Mons, etc.) have fallen off in recent years. I don't doubt that clubs in Iowa and the midwest have lots of white girls, but unsure how good the LD contact will be and imagine it will vary a lot.

For instance, there is another discussion thread someone posted inquiring about Portland clubs. I'm pretty sure there will be TONS of white girls in Portland SCs (granted, they will be skinny, liberal, inked-up, vegan types) but as far as I know Portland is an airdance town (for the most part at least).

Mons *would* have been great to address this concern as that place is full of hot college-aged white girls who give high-mileage dances. Thing is, those dances are now like $68 each ($50 per + $18 to the house or something) post-pandemic.
Can u guys stop saying that. Pdx isn't an air dance town LoL
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
A good way to see how America breaks down racially is check out a racial dot map. A lot of people aren't aware of this stuff and the general population, whatever it is, is probably going to be reflective of the local populace. (barring cuban invasions)

"I want the girl who could be my sister's best friend" why couldn't your sister's best friend be Latina, Asian, African American or any other minority?
Now I'm curious to club in Minnesota again and see if it still has lots of natural blondes.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
From what I’ve seen in Texas, Arizona, and Florida, there are plenty of white dancers doing their thing. I guess when a club gets saturated with 20-50% minorities, then somehow the power of melanin turns white girl skin invisible.
avatar for Piratebaldhead
2 years ago
You're right I went to Austin earlier this year and it was popping. To clarify, since a lot of people seem to have a problem with this, I have nothing against minorities I just want all demographics and options in the NJ clubs. I didn't mention the European and Latina and AA etc because those are easy to find in NJ and they're all amazing too. It's not a one or the other situation. It's just something I've noticed is really lacking in my area. Glad to know it's not every where. I feel for the people who don't have those sexy Latina dancers available too
avatar for Lockjaw
2 years ago
The last time I was in NJ it was a third world garbage dump. This was northeast NJ. Muslims, Russians, Puerto Ricans, Jamaicans and Indians. There were very few white native born people. We live in a country where politicians tell us white people are evil and we must flood our country with mud people to absolve ourselves from the sin of slavery and segregation. The country becomes less white and more of a third world anarchy by the day.
avatar for LapHunt
2 years ago
The demographic landslide is accelerating too. I think the laid-back attitude many have is because they live in leafy suburbs or midwestern places that are still nice. They haven't yet seen or experienced what places like NY, NJ, Chicago, SF, LA, Toronto, etc. have become in the last 5-7 years (yes, the change is that recent and that staggering) so one can afford to think that diversity as it's idyllically portrayed on TV sitcoms and Netflix shows is reflective of real diversity.

But at this rate of landslide change happening under Biden, sadly their leafy idyllic suburbs won't stay that way for long, and they'll soon come to know what others have about the wonders of inviting 25-50% of the Third World into your borders and expecting to have the same country. To this point, England and France are done. Just totally done.

To the OP, I know you just wanted to find out where you can get a hot blonde to grind your Johnson. I hear ya, brother, I really do. And I know you may be thinking, hey the thread got kinda sidetracked, but bro, this is the reason why these hot all-American babes are getting fewer and fewer. Gotta keep it 100.
As long as pussy is pink, sweet. pretty, and available, I really don't care what color the wrapper is.
People really over think this.
“I really don't care what color the wrapper is”

I’m not a big fan of that blue chick in Avatar
avatar for rattdog
New York
2 years ago
or the green girl that capt kirk fucked in star trek?

I agree that blue chick was just too skinny
avatar for Iknowbetter
2 years ago
I could fuck a blue chick, but don’t think I could fuck anyone with a tail.
avatar for RiskA
2 years ago
Orange County California nude clubs have had predominantly Latina dancers since maybe 2004, and even before that was like a 40/30/15/15 split (white, Latina, Asian, black). Now it’s maybe 20% white, probably less. Not that it matters to me, it’s all pink on the inside. Relatively fewer white kids & more options for them, so it’s just demographics.
More disturbing is how a solid 70% of dancers -all colors - are now out of shape (at least) & have no business stripping.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Sorry to stereotype NJ, but I think it's also a factor how tolerant the club is of obnoxious PLs. White females are typically more sheltered. So, on average, less able to deal with it on their own, when the bouncers are being Mr. Switzerland.
Location. Location. Location. Just reviewed a club in West Virginia. Loaded with pretty white girls.
My favorite are European strippers. They’re not so uptight about sex and they also haven’t been conditioned to act like they for gps.
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
In my area the only club with white strippers who aren't ghetto is located next to the states biggest uni. Idk if I've seen a non ghetto white stripper at any of my usual hangs in the past couple years. I'd assume that population has moved into virtual sex work or escorting/ sugar babying.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Probably the non-"ghetto" white college chicks talk to you like they talk to their parents. They likely sound like their favorite rapper when talking to their friends.
I agree with RiskA.
most dancers are out of shape now.
and I love variety of ethnicities!
Ever since COVID, most of the clubs I go to in the Southeast have had a decreasing number of white dancers and a steadily growing number of Cubans.

The only exceptions are clubs where they almost exclusively hire white girls like Tattletales in ATL or The Golden Horseshoe in WV.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
The issue of the flood of Cuban immigrant dancers isn't just for white, non-immigrant dancers. They're so much more likely to put their nipples in your mouth, invite you finger their junk, or even kiss you on the mouth. I don't think there's any other line of work, where immigrants can displace non-immigrants like that, without there being an uproar. Not that I'm boycotting Cuban and Venezuelan strippers, but I can certainly understand the other strippers being cheesed off about this.
avatar for dha
South Florida
2 years ago
Hispanics ARE white!
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I just got a dance from a pawg in Phoenix a couple of days ago. Phoenix has Hispanic girls but it's relatively untouched by the Cuban invasion.

I have also run across a few in the Tampa area but they have definitely been hit by the Cuban invasion and pawgs have become slightly less prevalent.
avatar for 8TM
North America
2 years ago
Nobody really cared about the tech industry being taken over by Indian men, about which nothing was done while Trump was in office.

As for the Cuban question, the only way dancers can raise their voice without getting called racist is to play the human trafficking card, which just makes the general public think all strip clubs should be shut down.
Far be it from me to frame this as a "Cuban invasion" lmao. More likely, it's because in January 2023 the U.S. Embassy in Havana resumed processing visas and made it easier to get one if you already had family in the US.

Now me I have no problem with Cubans. Sometimes it's thrilling to get extras from a chick who's only been in the country for a few months. I just have a preference for white GND types. Even the Eastern European girls in clubs up North won't do. Just because they have fair skin doesn't mean that they can match that all American, used to be a cheerleader in HS energy haha.

I don’t think this is “THEY TOOK OUR JERBS!” so much as white women are either transitioning to online sex work (like OnlyFans) or leaving it behind altogether.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
I'm not sure US-born white strippers can make enough, just from customers who prefer them enough to be OK with stricter boundaries. But we'll never really know, it's not like the Department of Labor is going to do studies of this.

I'm skeptical race is not a factor with this. Thinking all black women are hood rats, or all latinas are cholas, is like thinking all white women grew up in a trailer park in West Virginia and their parents are first cousins. A black chick is not a hood rat because she speaks AAVE, she probably can switch to generic US English if the situation calls for it.
avatar for LapHunt
2 years ago
I think, in general, the younger white chicks these days frown on stripping way more so than past generations. For native-borns, it really does seem a lot of the hot ones are making a living off social media.

When OnlyFans first came out, I'll admit I really didn't see how it could provide a livable income for a girl unless we're talking about a major celebrity or something. But I guess if they get enough followers, companies pay them to do product placement, etc. and they also get subscriptions from guys for photos and stuff. It must be working on some level as at least a partial explanation for all this.
Long Island MIGHT have what you want. But those russians from Brooklyn speak really good english too. So you better ask questions.
avatar for RiskA
2 years ago
“Hispanics are white” is the kind of thing white academics say (like “Latinx” a term which the Latin population actively mocks as culturally repugnant). Perhaps it’s true under some definition of “race” but certainly not by cultural-based behaviors. If we could transform our inherent need to classify people into one based on behavior rather than on identity politics, we’d be a lot better off.
It’s a lot like asking “why aren’t more strippers college-educated?” It’s about options and mindsets (called “privilege” by some) leading to alternative professions. There’s a bell curve of that in every population, it just varies depending how you slice the pie.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
There's no objective definition of race. Hispanics don't follow the "one drop" rule. And there are some Hispanics who are white even under the "one drop" rule.

Is all this really because most PLs on TUSCL are white and went to white high schools? They wanna to have a J. Geils "My Angel is the Centerforld" moment in the club?
Muddy: "belt parkway and drive your ass out to long island."
The LIE actually but yeah. Long Island is your go to spot for the white american....and their usually italian. If their EE, they're always travelling from Brooklyn for some reason.

I haven't been to a manhattan club in YEARS but if it's still the same, best white your gonna get there is EE.
personally these days, it seems hard to even find black dancers at even originally black oriented clubs. Club owners seem insistent on majority hispanic women. I wouldn't be suprised if a black owned club or a white owned club had 90% hispanic women because apparently that's the trend these days.
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