tip for VIP room and CBJ

i’m thinking about working in a high mileage extras club again… the room rates by me are like $250/15 minutes, $350/30 minutes , $600/1 hour. the dancer gets half. what is a fair amount to charge for extras, specifically a condom blow job without intercourse? and then cbj+intercourse?
i was considering keeping it out of the club but it’s dangerous to go to the motel with no security. TIA!
last commentGood luck getting tips at those rates.
If it’s an extras club you’ll quickly find out what the range you can ask for is. Market rates vary but if it’s a heavy extras club usually the girls and customers have a pretty good idea. Sometimes extras clubs where they make a show of not accepting extras have much more variable rates.
@funonthaside i wouldn’t do the room at all then. i don’t care to lose a room.
@funonthaside also to add to this, i have been tipped $300 for these room rates and i’ve been tipped $100 but i wanna set a stern price for all. if you’re broke and cheap just say tht!! ☺️
As mentioned above, the going rate at the club will pretty much be set by the other dancers working there. By all means, charge as much as you want, but don’t be surprised if the customers chose to go with other girls in their price range/expectations.
Can you tell us which club(s) you’re considering? Someone may be able to give you and idea based upon their experience. This sort of stuff varies by market.
@uniquename i will not disclose the name of the club for privacy reasons, but i will say that i am a big fish in a small pond. if he’s all about me, then he’s all about me. i used to work in this club and i would decline rooms all the time. i’m really picky about who i spend my time in the back with. there has to be a bit of a connection. i don’t go in the back with any random who just comes up and asks and we had ZERO conversation. 😅
GPS alert
I saw this very attitude in real life a few days ago at a club. A new girl to the club was asking guys for higher than standard club rate for LDs. It wasn't surprising to see her sitting alone after being rejected time after time, while other girls were pulling in funds. Ultimately, the other girls pulled in lots of cash, while she didn't even make enough to cover her house fee.
@funonthaside house fee is literally $10 in my club so lucky for me, i’m totally allowed to be picky ☺️
and GPS?
but additionally, i don’t overcharge for regular lap dances nor would i deny one. private rooms though are totally different.
You ask for feedback on rates then call someone broke and cheap when they don’t give you an answer you like. Lovely.
because he is. he is acting like i can’t ask for more money for my services. or as if it doesn’t happen like wtf?
mark read his reviews. doesn’t talk about private rooms ever.
i’m asking men who do private rooms for advice so he had no business commenting.
^ well you put it out on an open forum, and you’re surprised that you get all types of responses, you got a few good responses why not just focus on those.
Honey, I spend far more in a club each visit than it would cost for a private room + tip session with you; I just choose to spend those funds on more time than a 30 minute tryst.
My CFs would most certainly not classify me as broke or cheap.
Just as you are picky with PLs, PLs choose dancers based on a variety of factors. You may very well be the hottest girl in each of your clubs, but sometimes we don't care about getting with the hottest ones.
Let’s approach it from the standpoint of affordability and market research. How many men can afford to spend $1,000 per hour and to do that on a regular basis ? Call it $50,000 per year.
I’d estimate it would take a million dollar income ( $600,000 after taxes ) to afford that. That’s not the upper 1%. It’s more like 1 out of a thousand.
Maybe those rates work in LA or NY but the provider would need to be in the upper 1% of looks to be considered. Are you ?
How much could someone making $200,000 per year ( $140,000 after taxes ) afford ? That’s lawyer and dentist territory. Maybe $1,000 per month, but they’re more likely to drop $300 per encounter a few times a month.
How about half the population with an income in the $60,000 to $80,000 range. In other words, your idea of broke and cheap. Forget about it.
“What the market will bear” is the answer, unhelpful as that might seem. To a SoCal monger with lots of available brothel clubs (like me), those room rates alone are above market for VIP room + CFS (tho your 15 min is close). But maybe your club is the only extras club around, and it draws thirsty customers with lots of disposable income; then you can charge more. And of course you get to set your price & business plan; just like I get to say “too much”. So I’d say investigate the competition and price accordingly.
Bj and fs should be included in the half hour price of 350. Any place that's going to take half the room charge isnt worth working at because your prices become too inflated.
I'll pay 25 for a room fee and then services on top of that, such as 200 for fs. I'd be curious as to who would pay a triple digit room fee with services on top of that.
mickey makes a good point; PLs are being asked to fund a significant house fee, which ultimately eats into earnings of dancers, as fewer PLs get rooms.
i am in NY and these room rates are pretty standard, the club down the street is actually more and it’s $450 for 30 minutes there.
i have been reading someone’s reviews of Pheonix Arizona and how rooms are $25. so i can see why some people are opposed to a tip when it comes to club room prices here but again it’s not impossible to get tipped ontop of the rooms here because customers DO infact do it.
i just found out what GPS is and yeah it’s true i definitely have that 🤣😅
@SashaJuicy: GPS: It's mostly used as a pejorative when a woman values her services, whatever those might be, more than they do. The people who use it that way seem to be of the opinion that their idea of "value" is somehow universal. So rather than saying something on the order of "no thanks, that's too much for me" and moving on, they feel the need to denigrate the person they can't afford.
You could maybe get an idea looking at tryst.link . In my (stale) experience with escorts, most do BBBJ + CFS.
I'd look for a different club if I were you. I've seen clubs that take 25% or less of the base room cost.
Even if a club is cool with extras, non-extras customers should also feel welcome there. (If not, it's probably even sleazier than the typical club, so the security is less reliable.) Probably you're best plan is to do high-priced extras for wealthier customers, and non- extras lap dances for more average customers.
I think dancers often over-estimate the safety of working in a (typical) club, and under-estimate the safety of escorting with screening.
@ilbbaicnl thank u its true… i’ve been scared to do escorting
I don't know NY rates, and like FL NY is an area with dramatic swings in wealth within close proximity, so just saying in "NY" doesn't tell us much. I understand you're desire to be a little vague, so I'm not pushing for more info, just explaining why I'm also being a bit generic.
What I would suggest is starting out a number you're comfortable with and adjusting from there. Don't go sky high, but don't quote the absolute lowest you'd take either. The market will tell you if you watch the responses. Some guys will have a poker face and simply say no thanks if you're too far off. But more often than not I think you'll see the guys natural reaction and be able to figure it out. If guys are shocked & pass, you'll know you're high. If they all get excited and jump on it, you'll know you're low. Adjust till you find a balance.
I doubt you'll find or want to have a "one price fits all" answer though. I suspect you'll want to adjust for regulars vs visitors, attractiveness, attitude, perceived ability to pay, etc.
Neither the "broke and cheap" nor "GPS" shit is gonna get either side far here.
It's not worth it. The treasure club in Asheville has the thing for the champagne room. I have not herd if any going into that room and then tipping. Stick to cd's. Or do etc.
I ment otc
If you decide to escort, and don't want to deal with irate customers, maybe you should put a fake review of yourself on theeroticreview.com, mentioning CBJ only. But I think the risk is low a screen customer would be violent, even if they're disappointed.
the first time I ever heard that term used was not here on TUSCL describing how men feel about a certain dancer - but from one dancer talking about another dancer.
I don't like negotiating over how much a woman will accept to screw me. She should know her value, and I'm willing to respect her self-assessment, which is different from saying I'll pay it. If a quote seems out of sight, I'll smile and decline, so it is end of discussion forever unless she unilaterally lowers the quote to something worth discussing. And, if we reach a deal, I can end up being a loyal, lucrative customer at that price for the long term. The moral of the story: In attempting to hone in on fair market value, don't go overboard quoting higher prices than you need, and don't feel like you've necessarily left $ on the table because your initial offer is accepted.
Do you want repeat customers for a long time, or do you want to drain people in a small number of visits? I've been drained by a girl who roped me in and I was mesmerized, I would pay triple what I do now, for less service. This happened 3 or 4 times, until I realized I could get far more, for less money. She has lost me as a customer forever, because I would rather receive more on 3 separate occasions than what I can get on one visit with her. That's probably ok with her, because she got as much money from me as other girls I've seen 10-12 times. After a while it comes down to economics for both parties.
But, I'm not a big fan of the two-tier pricing structure. Some girls are "everything but FS for $X." Other girls are "FS for $Y." If she says to me, it's $A for the room, $B for this, and then an extra $C for something else, I am quickly reminded that this is almost completely business for her. I don't want it to feel like a used car transaction.
One more thing: don't overestimate looks. Yes, they are important, essential really, but I've been with some 10s who have relied on their looks way too much and left me completely unsatisfied. In fact, when a girl is too hot, I almost assume that she probably doesn't have very good skills. Guys simp on her, meanwhile they could get a girl who is an 8 who actually knows what she's doing, and be WAY more satisfied with the experience.
i don’t really care to maintain regular customers anymore. :/ unfortunately i’ve had regulars for 1 year and a half at my current club, and they’ve been psychotic and draining and jealous when i talk to other customers. i’d prefer to be the first girl.
i’m still grateful for them but there’s an expiration date for everything
Hey Sasha you ever check out the Edison strip spots Babylon to work at? not strip clubs but basically brothels. And idk if Jersey is too much of a pain in the ass to get to but I could give you a couple recs out there if Long Island ain’t a fit.
Also you ever think about fucking with a seeking account and doing the SB thing? That way you can sort of screen guys out, see their photos, FaceTime all that before to rule so you’re not meeting up with some violent piece of shit. It ain’t SB/SD and they both sail off happily ever after in their yacht, a lot of girls on their just do hookups for $.
Hi Sasha- do you know anything about the exotic massage and body rub parlors that seem to have a ubiquitous presence in Manhattan? One such place advertises the girl is totally naked and slides herself over the customer's body who also is totally naked. The girls look gorgeous in their photos. Is this stuff for real?
I just looked at your insta, damn, you look good. I would think you'd be able to ask for more than what's typical in your club.
(I had this longer post in mind, but it left more questions than it answered so I've edited it down to this:)
TL DR: no more than $100 BJ, but will pay upwards of $150 for BBJ (more if I want to establish a relationship). And no more than $300 FS. (This includes the room fee) I used to go to $350 but I've been more discerning lately.
For some context, I don't actively seek extras where VIP rooms have this type of pricing as described in the OP. My data points for this area is small because most girls that work in these clubs are going to charge the room rate separate from the extras. I'm already priced out of these clubs and I let these girls know (especially if they're 6s). On the occasion that I do receive extras in this type of establishment, it's probably no more than $50-60 for the bbj/cbj (I don't negotiate that much because of the room fee and b/c girl's preference/safety), and probably $150 max for FS. The way I look at it, there are escorts at this price range that are providing a full hour and I'm at the club for variety.
^^^I'm agree with Chief on that one. 100-150 for bj. FS, All in for, out the door $ I'm trying to keep that from around 3. 4 I'll go to if I really want it and ultimately I'll go to 5 if absolutely must have it but that's super rare and then after 5 my dicks starts going soft. Too many girls out there to go over that. So I would say 2-4 if in very rare instances go 5, after that walk away. That's just to bring you in our mind where we (or at least me in this case) are coming from. And btw our area can get fucking expensive, shit so you might be able to get the moon if you ask for it. It don't hurt.
At the end of the day though you just can't separate the room fee from the tip, the guy has to pay every bit of it. you know if this shit ends up being like 800 all together for what like 5 minutes of fucking, with some fucking asshole timing you, and some dickhead manager just waiting to be a fucking dickhead about something, and in a tight little cramped booth where you can't be too noisy, it just ain't worth it for most guys.
Your @ insta has all of my Alyssa Milano fantasies from junior high resurfacing.
Sorry, I can't help with your question. I feel like the totals the guys above are saying sound low though.
You sound like an east coast dancer maybe NYC or Conn. I'm a SoCal clubber so those rates sound higher than the market I usually frequent. That said, during pre-negotiation while you're "vibing" with the customer, get a feel for what they like and throw out a mid-range number as an off-hand comment and gauge the response then adjust rate as necessary.
When I go to clubs, I do nothing but private rooms. Would LAUGH at your prices. I literally would laugh at you if you said those prices to me. Good luck I guess.
aham5144 thank you that was sweet :)
warrior15 that’s totally fine. and i would laugh at you too.
i have been fiddling with the idea of esc0rting outside the club. i said $500 to one guy and he was all for it. he’s been into me for a long time.
another guy who i barely know was honest, said it’s too pricey for him. he goes to the asian massage parlor and they give him a happy ending for $150. i’m not gonna budge my price for this dude so we just respectfully decided it’s not going to work for either of us. that’s all!
If you charge those rates and enough guys go for it for you make the money you need, then those are the correct rates. But if nobody is buying, then you're charging too much.
After that, it depends on on the region, the club, and what other similar dancers are charging. You're going to need to figure that out via trial, error, and negotiation.
I don't think a bunch of guys from all over the place going to different clubs will be very helpful in terms of your standard pricing.
These comments are INSANITY. The rates she quoted for the club are VERY STANDARD, anywhere I’ve been. The prices are for LAP DANCING.
You aren’t a fan of two tier pricing? Then she can just do a lap dance for you during your time. If you want to get sucked or fucked, that is extra. This is very, very normal. And, her prices are extremely reasonable.
Guac is extra.
^ Those prices won’t fly in Florida
Down here the condiments, guacamole, sour cream, ketchup, mustard, even relish is included.
listen if they don’t fly for you that’s fine but here in new york these dudes pay extra for extras 🤣 and if they don’t i definitely have GPS and i bounce
i’m honestly so sorry i even posted this
I always order no guacamole
@Sasha you can mute users. Click on their handle, then click on mute. I have about 160 users on mute. To me the discussions would not be usable without mute, I don't have enough time to wade through all the brainless venom.
Very classy that you didn't get upset by someone who thought you should take GILF handjob rates. To bad everyone can't just accept that you aren't doing them wrong by setting a rate than is more than what they want to pay.
You're seeing guys react badly to rates that would be too expensive in their area. If you can charge that in your area and make money, then those are the correct rates.
Discussions like this on both the customer and dancer side tend to be biased and aspirational. I've also seen discussions on the dancer side (on reddit specifically) where dancers claim to regularly charge $500 to $700 for hand jobs. I strongly suspect that's not true, but all I can confirm is that it's not remotely true anywhere near me.
Sasha, the room rates you mentioned are high for most of the country but not too high compared to my local area. Locally there are no clubs that allow any extras although milage does vary a bit. Anyway the roommates are not in your control. Guys should not expect extra fun for only paying the base rate. I have been a fan of yours from a far for a while now. For me if I was in your area I would save up and consider time with you a special treat.
I didn’t attack you, nor was anything I said the final word, but I’ve no dog in this fight and great for you if you get those rates, but my experience tells me the same thing that CMI says, I hear a lot of stories that are all over the place, but just looking at the lifestyles of the majority of the girls who work in the sex industry and it just doesn’t add up.
I have never been to a club in NY so can't really address that locale, but have heard they are expensive. I have traveled pretty widely elsewhere, and what I can say is that in an extras heavy club in most places in the US, the room prices you quoted would include the extras. In a so called "clean" club, a modest extra tip might be required to entice a girl to "break the rules" if she's so inclined, but the max I would pay on top of those room rates might be $50 for a BJ or $100 for FS. Or maybe not. Unless she's really exceptional, I'll just wait till I get back home, where I know I can get anything I want for half those rates. And it's not about being broke or cheap. It's about knowing the market. On the other hand, I'm all for every girl getting as much as they can in every transaction, as long as there is no deception involved. But it likely won't be from me at those rates.
Also, $500 for OTC with a top girl not unreasonable. Used to be doable pretty easily for $300, but I guess inflation is affecting everything.
To the OP, don't be sorry about posting this question, the responses here are tame and about par for the course. Like Ishamael says, if you can make money at those prices, then your market is correct. If you see income decline, then you know you're overpriced.
The PL reactions here are the same for anything they buy they think is overpriced. I'm in Consulting and have been nearly violently thrown out of rooms for going through pricing with our projects.
Those room prices aren't the highest I've seen (and I've been pretty much everywhere), but they're pretty damn high. As PLs we aren't saying that this is ridiculous, but we are saying that you won't have a market for many of us. One thing I have seen, these PLs that pay these prices are often one and done and don't repeat, this is why you have to take account of your market over time (like annually) to put into perspective your pricing.
As for OTC, $500 is a little high -- I would say average is $400/450 (but that may be for incall rates, in which case the market expects to pay more for outcall).
It looks like you should be able to make $250 / hour with no tip. That's $10,000 / week, $500,000 / year. Or you could demand a $200 "tip" for a cbj and make $500 / day.
The base room price is on the high side. But not the worst I've seen ( nor paid).
Sasha, I'm a somewhat spendy strip club enthusiast / degenerate, and I'm imagining myself on biz travel to NY, seeing you in the club, and wondering, what would I be willing to spend? Some thoughts for you:
I think for FS, you could double the room rate and definitely still find a market. Maybe add 50% for CBJ. So for example a $600 tip for FS 1 HR or $125 tip for CBJ for 15 min room. (Maybe you also suggest you don't do extras in the 15 min room, to keep your prices up.) +50-100% is a lot more than people here are suggesting, and people here are definitely right that it's more than most mongers can afford. But I'm saying this because there are a lot of wealthy mongers living in and traveling to NY. That's your market, not a group of bargain hunting SC enthusiasts on the internet. (And no offense to the bargain hunters, but I just don't think these folks suggesting any tip would be too much on top of the room rate are going to be patronizing your club, or your services. These folks are comparing your prices in NY, where things are expensive, to less expensive markets.)
One thing to consider is expectations. A PL who spends over $1,000 plans ahead, as you normally can't get that kind of cash out of an ATM the night of. PLs who have this kind of money to spend are likely going to read reviews of your club and plan in advance to spend that kind of cash. So, I would keep a close eye on what reviews here and elsewhere are saying about your club and pricing.
An inflection point for me is: could I fly to Detroit, FLL, or TJ, pay for a hotel room, and have a comparable or better experience for a lower price? Even at $1200 all in, the answer is probably not. But if you were charging any more than double the room rate you might have me thinking I should keep my powder dry and save my money for a trip to HK club in the future, if that makes sense.
The market for escorts services in your area is an interesting guideline, but I think you can charge more ITC. There's a premium to be placed on finding ITC action because as a PL, you get the see the dancers in person, can chat them up before you meet, not worry as much about stings, pimps, etc.
Bottom line: don't underestimate your worth, especially in the market you're in where these services are expensive and hard to find.
^ The part your missing is even in my market south Florida, there are plenty of rich guys that don’t think twice before dropping 2 or 3K but that’s not the part your missing, I grew up and lived the first 38 years of my life in and around NYC, what you’re missing is who the fuck wants to have sex in the shitty VIP booths they provide at these clubs, and being timed to boot, that is the deal killer. Me I’d much prefer a leisurely dinner with a hot stripper out of the club drinks and good food, culminating in a luxury hotel generally priced less than the cost of a phone booth at any given club, along with a lock on the door not having to worry about some jerk banging on the cubicle hollering time up.
That the thing that’s worth a few extra bucks not the rooms she’s selling.
At those room rates, $ for cbj, $$ for covered fs, $$$ for uncovered fs. Of course this is assuming you have something your peers don't.
If I were one of the PLs there I'd just go to another club without such expensive room rates.
I just want to say what we're discussing here is NYC. The rest of NYS is nothing like NYC financially. "NY" is ambiguous.
Something you should consider, in deciding what to do/charge, is the potential for intrusive memories. You may not feel OK about doing in something, but figure, it will be over quick, and then I'll have a good chunk of money. But you can get something like flashbacks of it. Sometimes they last even after the money's long been spent. And then you'll wish you hadn't done it, or that you did it for too little $. Everyone is different, you can't go by what does or doesn't bother other dancers.
Pretty sure Sasha has already noped out of this thread
But probably still having flashbacks.
I guess flashbacks to sucking loser normie peen would be disturbing. You know what helps sexy females with those flashbacks? rick therapy. ROAR!!!
You look good. Would you travel? I think NYC is over saturated with cheap Russians. Come to the DMV.