it is time for a Muddy intervention?
Based on the recent reviews, Muddy visited 11 clubs in PA/WV/VA over a two-day period on Friday-Saturday. And, only got 1 dance?!
I thought the point of clubbing was to relax for a little while with hot younger women and a drink.
While I appreciate the 1-hr visit "vibe" reviews and updated pricing, its like he's touring clubs just to write reviews. 596 total reviews and counting. No disrepect intended to the review king, but I think he's addicted publishing reviews, and has forgotten how to enjoy clubs.
I thought the point of clubbing was to relax for a little while with hot younger women and a drink.
While I appreciate the 1-hr visit "vibe" reviews and updated pricing, its like he's touring clubs just to write reviews. 596 total reviews and counting. No disrepect intended to the review king, but I think he's addicted publishing reviews, and has forgotten how to enjoy clubs.
No I just have a certain style I like club hop, it's more of an adventure for me, and I have no problem telling tuscl about it. I'm only really interested in sort of first time part of it, (I don't do too many re reviews) I really don't know what I'm walking into and I find out on the spot, whatever happens, happens. That's sort of the fun of it though for me. That's just how I do it. I'll never be that daily regular who knows everything about everybody and all this stuff, same club, same girls, I respect those folks, I just like see what else is out there. This style has landed some great moments that I continue to jump on it if it's right. There's a reason I do it this way. I'm shifted more from VIP's to OTC over the years. The one 15 minute dances I just got, maybe it resulted in a number and maybe I got OTC lined up.
As far as these last few Virginia area trips, this the most fucking overpriced area in America. I mean some of the lowest, cheapest options are $100, $120, $150 for limited mileage. I don't really research this stuff too much and I find out on the spot. So yeah I like to buy dances with girls, trust me but I'm not going to spend just to spend. But at the end of day I'm trying to bring you with me on a club run, it helps steer you in a direction you may want to go, I try to compare and contrast to the other spots in town.
Maybe I'm getting too stupid with it though I can tone it down though, that's fair.
Some guys go to solely look at pussy; others go to drink while being surrounded by girls in their underwear.
It's only in the deep underworld of TUSCLers that LDs are considered a key/minimum clubbing activity.
tone it down? naw man fuck that!!!! just because a couple of guys you don't even know on this site chimed in on how you do things? the reasons you explained as to why you do what you do makes perfect sense to me. keep doing your shit - it's real good!!!!
'maybe there weren't any pretty girls at the clubs'
Among other good comments, these 2 stand out and sum up my outlook regarding my club visits going back a few years. That's one of the reasons I haven't written a review in a while. There have been very few dancers that I had any interest in, why spend money on any that don't catch my eye or mind?
This is true in other areas beside strip clubs. Someone might stay with a job, stay married, pursue a particular hobby etc. long after the point where it has stopped having any value. It's good to periodically look at how you spend your time and abandon something you did in the past which no longer is giving you much pleasure and try something new for a change.