it is time for a Muddy intervention?

avatar for idletraveler
Based on the recent reviews, Muddy visited 11 clubs in PA/WV/VA over a two-day period on Friday-Saturday. And, only got 1 dance?!

I thought the point of clubbing was to relax for a little while with hot younger women and a drink.

While I appreciate the 1-hr visit "vibe" reviews and updated pricing, its like he's touring clubs just to write reviews. 596 total reviews and counting. No disrepect intended to the review king, but I think he's addicted publishing reviews, and has forgotten how to enjoy clubs.


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avatar for dha
2 years ago
How about you worry about what you do and not try to cancel someone else.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
maybe there weren't any pretty girls at the clubs he went to for short time.
avatar for Piratebaldhead
2 years ago
Muddy the goat doing the lords work
avatar for minnow
2 years ago
it, thks for keeping score. Somehow, I picture Muddy as a drive-by pack rat. He probably has a boner trophy for each tuscl review. I think his ultimate goal is to have his den be "the room of 1000 boners".
avatar for SquareCastle
2 years ago
Men need to stop gossiping about other men. Sometimes these discussions feel like they are being moderated by mean, 18 year old girls. Give the man a break and let him write his reviews.
avatar for Lockjaw
2 years ago
If you go to 11 clubs and only buy 1 lap dance, why even go at all and what is there to "review"? It is like going to a restaurant to drink a free tap water, walking out and writing a review of the restaurant. Most people want a review of the food and service. In a strip club environment the dancers and the mileage are what everyone cares about. The music videos and the dribble that have nothing to do with the gentlemans clubs were annoying.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
To answer your question, yes I need an intervention.

No I just have a certain style I like club hop, it's more of an adventure for me, and I have no problem telling tuscl about it. I'm only really interested in sort of first time part of it, (I don't do too many re reviews) I really don't know what I'm walking into and I find out on the spot, whatever happens, happens. That's sort of the fun of it though for me. That's just how I do it. I'll never be that daily regular who knows everything about everybody and all this stuff, same club, same girls, I respect those folks, I just like see what else is out there. This style has landed some great moments that I continue to jump on it if it's right. There's a reason I do it this way. I'm shifted more from VIP's to OTC over the years. The one 15 minute dances I just got, maybe it resulted in a number and maybe I got OTC lined up.

As far as these last few Virginia area trips, this the most fucking overpriced area in America. I mean some of the lowest, cheapest options are $100, $120, $150 for limited mileage. I don't really research this stuff too much and I find out on the spot. So yeah I like to buy dances with girls, trust me but I'm not going to spend just to spend. But at the end of day I'm trying to bring you with me on a club run, it helps steer you in a direction you may want to go, I try to compare and contrast to the other spots in town.

Maybe I'm getting too stupid with it though I can tone it down though, that's fair.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
And btw it's not all strip clubs either, there's tourist stuff in the daytime that you don't see, and this hobby takes care of the nighttime part. But at the end of the day I don't want to fucking sit around. It's just me I'm single, no kids. I just want to get the fuck out there and have fun.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Ignore the haters buddy, keep on keeping on !
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
99% of the time, the reviews are adjudicated with the author anonymous. Let them stand on their own. If you have a complaint you can downvote them. If they pass, they were worthy.
avatar for OG12346
2 years ago
Maybe Muddy should pretend to get dances to make TUSCL Karen happy.
avatar for Dan3635
2 years ago
Muddy is my king.
avatar for Longball300
2 years ago
Perhaps IdleT should take his pathetic list of 10 reviews to another website... MYOB.

avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
LDs are only part of a SC experience. Not every PL gets dances, particularly at clubs where they are overpriced compared to other venues.

Some guys go to solely look at pussy; others go to drink while being surrounded by girls in their underwear.

It's only in the deep underworld of TUSCLers that LDs are considered a key/minimum clubbing activity.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
"Maybe I'm getting too stupid with it though I can tone it down though, that's fair."

tone it down? naw man fuck that!!!! just because a couple of guys you don't even know on this site chimed in on how you do things? the reasons you explained as to why you do what you do makes perfect sense to me. keep doing your shit - it's real good!!!!
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
I don’t see the slightest thing wrong with muddy’s style. He enjoys bouncing around, and we get reviews. Win-win. Keep on, brother!
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Muddy your contributions are commendable. Haters are always gonna hate. Do what you enjoy.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Dang Virginia sounds terrible for SC
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
' I’m not going to tell that man to throw his money away if he didn’t like the talent.'

'maybe there weren't any pretty girls at the clubs'

Among other good comments, these 2 stand out and sum up my outlook regarding my club visits going back a few years. That's one of the reasons I haven't written a review in a while. There have been very few dancers that I had any interest in, why spend money on any that don't catch my eye or mind?
avatar for RiskA
2 years ago
I spend time in VA and yes, the strip clubs are awful. Overpriced & full of out of shape, low end women. I’m an L.A. monger and the average VA stripper is maybe an L.A. 4. Plus the weird rules: pasties, no contact, cameras, etc. The whole monger scene in Central VA is so weak. State law just changed so you have to prove age to access porn websites!! I’ve given up on VA mongering, but rest of the state’s recreation & vibe is good.
avatar for RiskA
2 years ago
Yeah, a review saying “it’s a shithole that I left without a dance” AND explaining why, is more valuable to me than the frequent layout, drink options, no names, no mileage “it was great” “she was hot” reviews. While I most prefer getting names I want to try, in second place I prefer warnings that it’s a waste of money.
avatar for Evergreen98
2 years ago
Muddy may not get many dances, but he reports on which ladies are attractive. I have had a great time with 2 dancers in Phoenix that Muddy identified but did not get dances from.
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
Don't tell Muddy (or anyone else for that matter) that they're having fun wrong and just let him do his thing.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
Muddy and I are two very different type of customers since he is all about variety and I mostly stick to about 8-10 of the same clubs. However I absolutely respect the reviews he writes. Whenever I happen to find myself getting ready to go to a different club or a different area I look for his reviews. The main reason is that he is honest in his reviews so you know it is going to be an accurate snapshot of what the club was like during his one visit. The fact that he doesn't become a regular or really even repeat visit very often means his view of how the club was is going to be accurate and not colored by his previous visits to the club. I know I sometimes view certain clubs as better or worse than they really are right now based on numerous visits over the past couple of decades. I recently dropped a club out of my normal rotation because I finally realized it wasn't any good even though I kept telling myself it was a good club based on past experiences. I know when Muddy reviews a club and says it is good it is because it was good that night, not because he remembers it as being good 5-10 years ago despite the fact that it is a waste of time now.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Lol hey thanks fellas, I appreciate it
avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
Hey, Muddy, the next time you're in the MD, DC, VA or eastern WV areas, give me a shout - id be happy to do a meet up with you!
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
2 years ago
Muddy's review titles are always classic and his writing is funny as hell. I say keep on keepin on.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I'm like whodey in that I mainly rotate around eight different clubs. I think I agree that regulars don't have a completely accurate perception of a club because their view of the club is colored by their history with the club. I have one nearby club which was my favorite club in the past. The last year, though, I've been there about ten times without buying a single lap dance or even seeing a stripper that was nice to look at. Going is just a habit at this point.

This is true in other areas beside strip clubs. Someone might stay with a job, stay married, pursue a particular hobby etc. long after the point where it has stopped having any value. It's good to periodically look at how you spend your time and abandon something you did in the past which no longer is giving you much pleasure and try something new for a change.
avatar for Estafador
2 years ago
Are you a millionaire or something? From what I'm reading your visiting so many strip clubs across the states at such a frequent rate and that requires some free time.
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