Does Gavin Newsom replace Biden? Really talented politician, tall, handsome, has charisma, can actually bullshit people into thinking everything is actually fine and dandy in California right now, that takes talent. He could be dangerous in a general election because people vote on stupid shit like that. Went head to head with Hannity, I don't if y'all watched that. I think if any poll shows Biden might not win against the GOP in '24 they will switch his ass out.
How about Vivek Ramaswamy? Polling third after Trump and DeSantis. I've seen him going after the woke stuff a few times on TV but other who the fuck is this guy, he's right now ahead of some big time names, Tim Scott, Mike Pence that's incredible. I give him credit, He and RFK Jr have not been afraid to go on any platform, they will do every podcast or tv show that will have them it seems and I think it's helping them, people want something different. I just watched a super hostile Breakfast Club interview with Vivek, interesting to hear but also cringe worthy (for them not him)
RFK Jr. You know what I've never seen a Democrat with so many Republicans ready to vote for him. I think this guy could win in general election. I don't know why he's trying to run with the Dems though, that Party that his uncle and father knew is long gone. They'll never let him be the nominee anyway, the establishment media hates him. If actually ran independent I think we could see a third party candidate win. I've would highly recommend watching the Joe Rogan podcast with him, or that recent town hall he did, that was all great stuff. I like what I hear.
Does Trump I take it hands down? I really want to see him get involved in the debates because just selfishly I want to see the must watch TV of the century next month. I already can't wait. I think it's the best GOP group that I've seen but that might work to favor Trump because there are too many people trying to run.
At the end of the day though I think the republican party in it's current form probably only has this election and maybe the next one but that's it to win a national election after that it'll be impossible unless there is some major shift. When you really look into this stuff, you start to realize democracy is nothing but a racial headcount (which is sad I wish it wasn't like that, hope that changes though but it's just what it is) but in that case Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, and even Texas will all be unwinnable pretty soon just due to demographic changes.
Ultimately I think as GOP candidates drop out, they and red doners coalesce around DeSantis and beats Trump out. Newsom for Dems, RFK goes independent and DeSantis goes GOP in '24.
Yes Biden will be the Democratic nominee and that is great news for us Republicans since it will be easier to campaign against him than most other serious challengers on the Democratic side. I doubt anyone will beat him in the primary with Newsom having the best chance but still highly unlikely unless Biden really screws up even worse than normal between now and then.
I hope to hell the Republicans aren't dumb enough to nominate Trump again. He is about the only Republican that I would vote for Biden instead. Sadly I think DeSantis will get the Republican nomination, he isn't bad but would probably be my 4th or 5th choice out of the current contenders. Nikki Haley or Tim Scott would be my top choices with Greg Abbott and maybe Glen Young King ahead of DeSantis. I would love to see an actual old school conservative Republican like former Senator Rob Portman run but unfortunatelyhe got fed up with Washington b.s. and campaigning so no chance there. It would really be interesting to see how a centrist like Condoleezza Rice would do in a general election but since she is pro-choice she wouldn't stand a chance in a Republican primary but could bring a lot as a VP candidate.
I love the idea of RFK Jr as a third party candidate. I think he would kill Biden or Newsom's shot against anybody but Trump and if it is Trump I could see RFK pulling a small percentage of Dems and a large enough percentage of anti-Trump Republicans to have a viable shot.
"He (Trump) is about the only Republican that I would vote for Biden instead."
You can't possibly be serious. I get it, you don't like him. You fucking hate him. But if you've got one iota of common sense, you must know he's 10x better than Biden.
If someone held a gun to my head I wouldn't vote for Biden. I'd rather be dead than see what this world would look like with a 2nd Biden term.
^^ You vote for Biden you vote for the entire Democrat agenda. Men on women's sports teams. Children in elementary school being taught that "drag" and "transgender" is a good option for them to consider. Open borders with welfare for anyone who swims across that river.
I don't believe you could be that insane. Please rethink that comment.
Msm is starting to talk about Biden corruption. I think that's a signal that the establishment will dump him. Newsom is the likely replacement, but what do you do about Harris. Dumping her for a rich white guy will hurt.
I think it's about 50/50 Trump or DeSantis. The dems and media want Trump, but DeSantis is canny and has a chance.
If DeSantis gets the nomination, he'll win, if Trump does, I honestly don't know.
The kicker is if we hit the recession hard and if Russia, Iran or China makes a move. That could upset everything.
Misterorange there is nothing that could convince me to vote for a lunatic like Trump that doesn't have a shred of common decency in his body. He belongs in jail rather than the oval office. He is the only Republican I have ever voted against in a presidential general election and I have done so twice and if need be will do so a third time. He was a bad choice in 2016 and his time in office made him even worse as a candidate in 2020. His actions since election day in 2020 have made him impossible for any true law and order Republican to support.
As much as I dislike Biden's policies even giving him a 2nd term would be slightly better than letting Trump back into office. Saying I would vote for Biden over Trump isn't saying I "vote for the entire Democratic agenda" and I will continue to donate to, go door to door and phone bank for Republican candidates for Senate, Congress and statewide positions.
I am a very active member of my county's Republican Central Committee and will continue to do everything I can to support the Republican party. In fact if a viable third party candidate like RFK Jr were to run against Biden and Trump I would gladly support them instead.
What I can't and won't do is support Trump and I honestly believe that selecting him as the party nominee in 2024 would do long lasting and potentially permanent damage to the party regardless of whether he wins or loses in a general election.
I predict a 3rd party runs (Kennedy? Manchin?) which will end up fucking up one of the main party candidates. Can they make an ole' Ross Perot swing? Maybe...
I’m not much of a follower of politics. Do not know this Vivek chap. But I do feel a real sense of anti-woke backlash so bad f Biden stands for all that is woke, he’s probably in deep trouble
Only the TV inculcated would say they support Biden and specifically want him elected. I believe a substantial amount of left wing people, they’re specifically voted for a left agenda via voting for Biden. That’s who the left wing agenda had put up as its candidate so that’s who they’ll vote for. While I may disagree with a lot of that agenda, the underlying logic of casting that kind of vote is pragmatic. This kind of voting is done by many on the right-left-center. For those who actually are now, 2023/2024, specifically supporting the candidate Biden, you need to face up to the fact your ability to reason is lost. Unfortunately for us all, one day old age will negatively affect your mental and physical capability. Joe Biden is conspicuously down this path of decay. Having POTUS in this kind of mental decay is an extreme detriment to you, me, left, right, America and beyond. So whoever the politically left wing decide to make their candidate for 2024, it cannot be Biden. Period, full stop. The right wing and others may hate Gavin Newsom but he MUST be, or some other, the candidate. It is for our, all of us, own good. Anyone at this point pushing an obviously mentally decaying Biden, please consider refraining from the voting process from here on out.
Trump is running, GOP or not. He will pull a Ross Perot if he is not the nominee. RFK only seems to appeal to conservatives so he will pull more votes away, even tho he was intended to be a spoiler candidate for the left. Its not working.
After only two years, Biden has cemented his place in history as the worst President ever- worst then even Carter or Obama. He really hasn't done a single thing right. Anyone who says otherwise has no credibility and is a witless shill.
Newsom is awful. California is hemorrhaging residents and cash. Only because of the vast size of investment in the decades prior is it still as large as it is. But nothing he has done has caused anything in California to grow except crime, debt, and racial strife.
It is strange how the media is ignoring RFK Jr. It's almost like they want another Biden term. This really underscores how tightly woven the media is with the DNC. The DNC either thinks Biden is the best candidate to beat the RNC in '24, or they haven't finished writing the playbook for his resignation/ declining a 2nd term. The media cannot start discussing alternative candidates until the DNC finishes Biden's resignation speech. It's disgusting.
Pence has been stained by Trump. He can't win a primary. Ramaswamy is an amateur. He doesn't have any executive experience, I certainly couldn't vote for him. Scott also lacks executive experience, and being a Senator does not prepare you for the executive responsibilities of POTUS- just look at Obama and Biden. DeSantis is still the top choice, unless Rick Scott or Nikki Haley announce.
If Trump is the Republican party’s nominee, Biden wins easily, anyone who thinks otherwise hasn’t been out of their basement in the last two years. As long as the Republican Party keeps leading with their chin, they’ll continue to get what they’ve gotten for the last three cycles.
Dems have a problem with Kamala. She is considered a rock star among the minority in the media. If Biden is pushed out they have to run her (absolutely unelectable) or they risk very high drop off in the minority voter turnout. Republicans problem is that trump voters likely stay home if he is not the candidate. It would not surprise me to see RFK and Trump both be 3rd party candidates if they lose in primaries. Just remember that this time 4 years ago Trump was projected to win in a landslide. So much can, and likely will, happen between now and November 2024.
If there was ever a case against affirmative action, it would Kamala Harris.
Affirmative action inspires mediocrity, lower standards and sets unqualified people up for failure. Exactly what we are seeing from the performance by Harris.
If Trump is the candidate, then this lifelong Republican considers voting for the Democrat. Do not want any association with that Putin cock sucker Trump. On the verge of this with DeSantis, who is a stupider version of Trump. Tim Scott should be the candidate if we want America and not the Republicans to win. If we want to see America fail before 2030 vote Democrat, the most ignorant, bigoted assholes on earth.
Kamala Harris is my favorite democrat. She is such a drag on Biden and the democrat party, but they are stuck with her. I still do not understand some peoples' obsession with Trump. Yes, he did in four years what Obama was unable to do in eight- record low illegal immigration, record economic growth, containment of China and Russia, enforce red lines in Syria, historical peace treaties for Israel and Arab countries, destroy ISIS, major blows to IRG terror activities, and more. However, his antics and persona were unbecoming the office. The democrat party encouraged lawlessness and rioting in their states and cities. They fomented lies, hate, racial strife, and treason from the day he won the election. It really shows you how stupid the democrat voter is that they were not voted out of office on subsequent cycles.
Newsom aka “Emperor Hair Gel” is just another cardboard cutout for behind the scenes puppet masters, and like Harris will wilt in the spotlight when not back-stopped by the machine. Remember he’s related to Pelosi and governed in an all-dem state with minimal opposition (& he still struggles). He has a slick style & publicity machine, so maybe he can fool most of the people some of the time, but extended scrutiny makes people uneasy. Ask his ex-wives, haha. But if he jumps in at the last minute as a white knight of the left to replace a faltering Biden, watch out. PS - the reparations issue is no-win for him, so watch him kick it down the road so long as he has any national aspirations. Completely painted himself into a corner, LOL.
So people would rather have a President that destroys our livelihood, than someone who hurts their feel-feels? I don't care what Trump says, or whose feelings he hurts, as long as I am financially stronger.
Regarding RFK, as I think about it, I've heard more about him from Fox than CNN. I didn't realize that until another poster mentioned low coverage of RFK by media.
If it's Trump Vs RFK, we will have 2 candidates without filters.
Lots of wishful thinking here. Biden will be the nominee, dead or alive. There will be no Democratic primary. there just won't. Trump will not debate any primary challengers, especially DeSantis. He just won't. Trump will run as GOP or Independent, but he WILL run. RFK, since there will be no Dem primary, will run 3rd party and steal away more Republican voters than Democrat. Nobody running has a plan for our shitty economy and cost of living crisis. Corporations still have this country's leadership by the nuts. Fuck em all.
Even if Biden has a chance to win a 2nd term, I feel that the high likelihood of Kamala taking over when Biden in unable to fulfill his 2nd term obligations will override his chance of winning, as Kamala seems to be disliked by people on both sides.
If Biden chooses to replace Kamala with a stronger candidate for VP, however, his likelihood of success increases significantly. However, I don't know how he can pull off a Kamala replacement without being labeled a racist and anti-woman.
@gammanu95 "DeSantis is still the top choice, unless Rick Scott or Nikki Haley announce." Actually, she announced back in February.
@funonthaside " I don't know how he can pull off a Kamala replacement without being labeled a racist and anti-woman." The winning formula for the Dems unfortunately is continue doing the Weekend at Bernies thing with Biden and replace Harris with Michelle Obama. You would not lose Blacks or women. You would probably get Barack size turn-outs from minorities. Just convince Harris to step down with a promise of a future SCOTUS appointment.
Nobody has even brought up that the leading republican may likely have a felony conviction on his resume around the time we’re voting in the primary. For anyone else it would be disqualifying. I read someone today who called him “undebunkable” and they may be right. If you haven’t read the indictment and are voting in the republican primary, you should. The news coverage doesn’t do it justice. It’s way worse.
If Biden seems healthy enough to run, no one is getting in his way. The more interesting question comes as filing deadlines approach if his health is worse than it is now. Kamala hardly looks like an heir apparent. Newsome is Biden his time.
On the R side it's gonna be Trump or Desantis. Pence has limited appeal and is unpopular with Trump's voters. Both Donnie and Ronnie have strengths and weaknesses. But they have the money to survive the silent (big money donor) primary.
I will be shocked if a Dark horse takes either nomination, but between Trump and Bill Clinton and even Obama, strange things have happened.
@funontheside "I don't care what Trump says, or whose feelings he hurts, as long as I am financially stronger." So you don't care that he attempted to lie and threaten public officials to overturn the will of the American voters in the last election. That alone should have had him spending the rest of his life in prison.
The sexist, racist, bigoted rhetoric out of him before, during and after his term in office should be enough to turn most people off of him as America's leader on the world stage. However, I can see people looking past that because they agree with his politics. I agree with more of his major policies than not, but that is the case for just about any Republican candidate, but I can't vote for someone that I can't trust in office and there is no way in hell I could ever trust that treasonous son of a bitch.
I can't understand why anyone, let alone conservative law and order Republicans, is able to look past his attempt to overturn a fair election just because he couldn't handle the fact that he lost. If he isn't willing to obey the law and listen to the votes of the American people he doesn't deserve anyone's trust, support or votes.
No, whodey, I don't care, as my financial strength has deteriorated as a result of Biden and the progressives that are treating Biden as his puppet.
You think Biden is also not involved in unethical and/or inappropriate activities? Do you think Hunter just miraculously avoided felony charges that would have landed many others in prison for years for the same activities?
And you think Democrats are not also engaged in I appropriate voting activities (such as ballot harvesting)?
Luckily we have checks and balances in place to offset potential misdeeds.
Biden smells womens' hair...he's not exactly a good example of someone who views women equally.
At a press conference about the recent mass shooting in Philadelphia, a BLM activist said conservative media is committing verbal "violence" by sharing photos of the shooter wearing women's clothing because he was not really trans.
Okay, here’s a story more relevant to whether Biden will be the nominee.
The WH cocaine story has now changed 4 times 1. Reportedly “ near the WH” 2. In the WH working area 3. In the WH library 4. Now, they are saying it was in a cubby near the west entrance.
We are told the Secret Service is diligently investigating this.
Meanwhile, the agent who found it certainly knows where it was found and there are cameras everywhere filming everything. They just need to look at video from the location where it was found.
The only people entering the WH who are not thoroughly searched are the President’s family Members and Cabinet Secretaries.
Oh, and Hunter was there recently. Video of him while watching WH fireworks on July 4 has him twitching like a meth head.
On President Joe Biden’s first day in office, White House press secretary Jen Psaki pledged that the administration would “bring transparency and truth back to government.”
Meanwhile, no suspect has been named in the Willowbrook (Chicago) Juneteenth shooting even though there is video evidence of the shooter and the vehicle and hundreds of witnesses. No mention ever of the race of the shooter - so he’s not white
I only mention this because there were numerous Facebook posts saying “it was a white suprematist” - and no repercussions for spreading inflammatory rumors
White supremacy is supposedly so common, yet all these companies wont ever cater to them to try to increase sales? Even though they gladly catered to BLM for sales and recognition.
Biden is clearly too unaware to know whats going on or to even be in control of his actions. He may have been a lot better 20+ years younger. His segregationist beliefs and potential policies would possibly completely resolve all the racism and intra racial disputes some people are always complaining about. Hopefully the zoo animals dont become more unhinged in 2024, usually during election year you see a bunch of them rampaging across cities all over. Hopefully they dont start going into the suburbs
^^ 20+ years ago Biden wasn't as bad as now, but he's always been a stupid fucking dolt. His successful career can be more attributed to the gullibility of his constituents than any sort of political instincts. He's good at stealing though, I'll give him that. Stealing speeches, stealing money, stealing elections, stealing a whiff of some young girl's hair...
Donald Trump should be in jail and not the White House. January 6 was not an insurrection and in actual damage to this country pales in comparison to the BLM terrorist revolt. DeSantix had his chance and proved as tasty as skim milk. He now seems like a vile Trump, with better hair, and yet somehow less likeable. He is done. Unless it's a contest to see how much carbolic acid a person can drink, I will never support the democrat, because they are no longer Americans. My 2024 Presidential vote will be for the person who's campaign I am working on, Tim Scott, or for the best candidate amongst all: Me.
@londonguy - We don't want that fucking asshole back. You can keep him. Maybe he could be a greeter for tourists at Buckingham Palace - standing out front shouting "God save the Queen."
Ron DeSastrous (trademark pending) is tripping over his own feet every damn day. The stable genius will be the republican nominee. All of that doesn’t matter anyway, because according to a lot of republicans, Kamala Harris gets to pick the president when she certifies the vote.
There’s a video of Desantis in a town hall. Not only is he boring, in every answer he talks about Florida. He really doesn’t understand national or international policy.
I like RFK Jr. but don't think he has any chance at becoming the Dem nominee. That party is way too corrupt now and even if he did get a surge of support, they'd cheat or change the rules to keep him off the ticket. Biden will be the Dem nominee. Newsom is probably being groomed for 2028.
I can't see Trump losing the GOP primary. His support in the party is too strong and almost cultlike. This is unfortunate for the GOP because DeSantis is clearly more electable in a general election. I can't see Trump winning another general. Biden will defeat Trump in 2024 I think, even if it takes "all night" to count the votes in PA, GA, etc.
^ I thought Tucker Carlson was shameful, carrying water for Vladimir Putin, and of all the candidates he interviewed, only Mike Pence acquitted himself with honor and didn't allow Carlson's unpatriotic display of cowardice to go unnoted. If this is the best the Republican Party can put up, Biden is going to win big, and Speaker McCarthy's congressional majority is toast.
On the subject of vote counting, you guys have done a great job defunding elections to try to make sure the lines in dense urban areas are as long as possible. Don't complain when it takes the 4 poll workers in dense precincts a long time to count.
Also some states don't allow early counting of mail in ballots, which also slows it down.
RFK Jr. is most certainly not "nuts." He's an articulate, intelligent person who is the only one in that family carrying on the legacy of JFK and RFK. The reason he is being vilified by the media is because there is no longer any place for patriotic classical liberals in the Democratic Party, which has been completely overtaken by radicals, race-hustlers, and Marxists.
Aren't elections funded by state and local governments? So the long lines in dense urban areas would be the fault of the local government. In many states and localities, these areas have been run by Democrats for years.
In Phoenix, we had long lines in Republican precincts in 2022 because a mysterious pair of technicians recalibrated the ballot printers hours before the polls opened, making them unreadable. Huge lines. Ballots not counted. Over 100,000 ballots affected in heavily Republican precincts.
Also, 80,000 mail in ballots were signature checked late at night, in private, at a rate of 2 seconds per ballot. Most of the “signatures” were scribbles looking nothing like a signature.
Democrat Sec of State, who ran the election, refused to cooperate with the investigation. She was elected Governor by 10,000 votes.
Democrat judge refused to hear most of the complaints.
Fundraising totals for the second quarter are tallied and Biden has doubled Trumps totals, even though Trump has raised more than his competitors on the Republican side, additionally in most of the competitive races, Democrats have outperformed their Republican competitors, and this does not bode well for the GOP.
^Fundraising is a big part of why being a sitting president is a huge advantage.
It also stands to reason that Trump and Desantis are fighting over the same big donors. Some will cut both a check to ensure access. But it seems smart not to waste your dollars having them fight each other and save them for whoever wins the general.
Democrats are still pretty riled up by Roe. Admittedly there were a lot of dumb 20 somethings (especially women) who didn't realize how much politics could actually affect their own freedoms. For years (decades) Democrats needed an issue to actually get the voters who prefer their policies to vote, and overturning Roe was a huge gift to Democrats in that regard.
Hey JamesSD, instead of downvoting an opinion that challenges your assertion...engage...civilly. Do leftists still have that capability? I could have downvoted your comment in turn, but didn't.
Please, why is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has maintained civility and self-composure throughout his tragic life, "nuts" for simply offering an alternative perspective on the MSM-enforced opinion on vaccines?
In 2020, Joe Biden, campaigning from his basement, got 15,000,000 more votes than Barack Obama got in his two campaigns. That alone should signal something suspicious about the validity of the election.
The one issue that reveals the corruption of both parties is Ukraine. Donors to both parties are making billions off the war. Ukraine and Russia are both corrupt, run by kleptocrats. The battle lines aren’t budging while cities are leveled and thousands are dying. Despite the rhetoric, no one has defined what the mission is, or shown a path to victory.
The American President, no matter who it is, could end the war in 24 hours using the leverage we have. Tell Zelensky and Putin to declare a truce, or else.
The end of Roe threw the abortion decision back to the states, it didn’t end abortions. Red states put more restrictions on late term abortions, but most didn’t ban it. Blue states didn’t change.
By 2024, abortion won’t be in the top 5 issues for voters.
In an attempt to understand how $5 Trillion of CoVid relief funds, the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee formed by Congress tracked $2.65 billion of pandemic relief funding to six communities. The report found that "data gaps make it difficult for taxpayers to know how much money their community received and for what purposes."
The federal government spent $5 Trillion of your tax dollars and has no idea how that money was used or who got it.
I believe that a Biden v Trump rematch is exactly what this country needs, as it would create a real opportunity for the right independent or third-party candidate to win. That candidate has not emerged yet, but I do not feel RFK, Manchin, or Cheney would be the right choice. The worst thing to happen would be a Biden v GOP matchup with Trump as the 3rd party candidate, guaranteeing a catastrophic second term for Biden.
“Red states put more restrictions on late term abortions, but most didn’t ban it.”
Most red states have banned abortion. It’s banned in 14 states and they put a 6 week ban in two more states. Any candidate running in a general election on pro life abortion bans is going to have a tough hill to climb.
Apparently Manchin is considering a 3rd party run with the "No Labels" party. If that happens, I'm pretty sure he will draw votes from both Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans, but it will hurt the Democrats more. As a Trump supporter living in NJ, I would vote for Manchin. The way I see it, Trump can't possibly win NJ (with or without my vote) so I can help take NJ away from Biden, or whatever scumbag the Democrats end up putting on the ticket.
^ With the exception of Chris Christie, Asa Hutchinson, and Will Hurd who are all polling at 1% or below there is only one candidate on the Republican side running for president, the whole gang of candidates are all actually just running for vice president to Trump.
Unless a miracle happens, Trump will be the (R) nominee. The question is, with all that (R) support, will Republican anti-Trumpers put aside their hatred and make sure the Democrats don't win again? If you agree with Trump on policy, but hate his bombastic attitude, what's more important?
If you were about to have brain surgery, who would you choose? The surgeon who is highly qualified and has a bad personality? Or the "nice guy" who will probably botch the surgery, kill you, and by the way is cheating Medicare billing, cheated on his medical school exams, lies to your face about your chances of recovery, and sniffs your daughter's hair when he thinks you're not looking?
I watched some of the IRS whistleblower hearing today. They had Hunter nailed on $17 million he got from China going back to 2014 and didn’t pay taxes on. Something like a thousand pages of documents proving it.
The DOJ sat on their recommendations until the statute of limitations ran out.
Hubter pled guilty to some of the charges, which is what smart defendants do in exchange for leniency when they are guilty. Talk to the prosecutor if you don’t like how he handled the plea deal. No doubt you know the prosecutor was appointed by Putin’s Manchurian Tangerine. The Orange Doofus could have gotten leniency if he’d pled or just returned the fucking documents, but instead he chose to violate court orders, engage in a conspiracy to hide the docs from his lawyers and put the country through two years of turmoil leading up to the 2024 election.
35% of republicans will continue to vote for the crook, but 25% of republicans will never vote for him. That’s just enough for Mango Unchained to win the primary. Biden is going to win reelection and republicans have nobody to blame but ourselves.
@mister orange If I needed brain surgery the last person I’d trust would be Donald Trump, fucking guy is still the only person I’ve ever heard of that went bankrupt owning a casino LOL
Evidence was given that the DOJ interfered with the prosecutor constantly. Denying his ability to pursue leads, interview witnesses, or pursue cases outside of Delaware.
In spite of those limits, the team of investigators and prosecutors recommended a dozen felony charges of tax evasion. Those were finally ignored with a couple misdemeanor charges negotiated with no jail time.
How many of us could skate on well documented cases of failing to pay taxes on $17 million of undeclared income ?
It’s a plea deal. That’s how they are done. You plead to a lesser crime. The prosecutor was appointed by Dolt 45, kept in his job by Biden and expressly told by Garland that Garland wouldn’t interfere in the Hunter investigation and that the prosecutor would have outsized authority over the case. The prosecutor testified to this under oath to congress. Not sure what else you want. Did Hunter get a good deal? Yes. Is he shady as shit? Yes. Does it matter fuck all in the case(s) against Big MacDonald? No. Throw them both in jail.
^ you left out The George Washington Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln and all of the other ex presidents library’s
And for the record I sincerely doubt any of those libraries contain purloined documents, it’s truly a shame that these Republicans are so much invested in a single individual, this cult is killing our democracy
It's funny that the IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler (until today known as Mr. X) revealed himself to be a Democrat, gay, and married to a man. With those boxes checked how could any Democrat not believe him?
All this Hunter Biden stuff is largely a desperate effort at distraction from the right, and pales in comparison to Trump's offenses.
I hope we can see a speedy resolution to Trump's remaining legal issues (i.e., jail), defeat in 2024, and get this turd out of the news cycle once and for all. We'd love to be not talking about him anymore.
Keep an eye on Vivek Ramaswamy. He is the future of the conservative movement. While the geriatrics are fighting it out, he is quickly building a young and diverse group of followers. He will soon be polling in the second spot after Trump. If the Dems manage to knock Trump out with their legal tricks, Vivek will be the nominee.
Don't see Ramaswamy being particularly relevant. I think his flirting with 3rd in the polls is more a reflection of how horrendous Haley and Pence are proving to be as candidates. Now that Tim Scott has been in the running a while, he is emerging as the third strongest candidate behind DeSantis and Trump. Frankly, Ramaswamy has a lot of nerve running to be President. He's 37 and maybe 5 foot 6. He's not Christian. I don't think he has any business running to be President of the United States. He's a capitalist money man. He talks well, but he's a BSer and you can see it. The kind of slick corporate guy your company hires to motivate your team to get more sales before the end of Q3. He is miscast as a legitimate candidate for President of the United States.
And the notion that, with Trump gone, Vivek would beat DeSantis is a rather hard sell. DeSantis is the clear winner if Trump was somehow knocked out.
No, you cannot dismiss Vivek. I was part of the camp that dismissed Trump's presidential run as a sideshow distraction, based on a ludicrous platform filled with populist rhetoric. When convention season rolled around, he had won enough primaries to have deserved nomination, which he won. I've said it before and I'll say it again that, while it was painful to listen his speeches, his administration fixed a lot of Obama's failures and set our nation on a really great trajectory. He did all of this without any political experience.
I'm not endorsing Vivek or Trump with this observation, I am simply saying that it may benefit the USA to continue thinking outside the box and avoiding our normal tendencies to vote for "proven" politicians (especially Senators).
Ramaswamy appears to be genuinely patriotic and gives inspiring speeches and interviews. Great story being the son of immigrants. He's smart and witty. He speaks to issues with eloquence and legitimate understanding, rather than simply reciting memorized talking points. I expect he will perform very well on the debate stage.
I'm not a fan of Haley. I remember her being highly critical of Trump early in the 2016 campaign, then became supportive when he won the nomination, kissed up to him and received the UN appointment, and now that she's running for President turned against him again. Seems dishonest. Also her annoying little bag of canned responses for avoiding questions. "I don't kick sideways I kick forward." Ugh... so glad she seems to have retired that one.
Always liked Tim Scott, but he lost me with that campaign announcement. Holy shit it was hard to watch. From cotton to congress. Be better not bitter. Patriotism over pity. Be a victim, or be victorious. It was like a never ending stream of catch phrases and throw away applause lines. Then he intermittently morphs into some kind of preacher persona, and that fake roar at the moment of the actual announcement. He's much better at speaking candidly during interviews, but having to watching this guy give prepared speeches for the next four years would be unbearable.
^misterorange's description of Scott draws a lot of parallels to Obama's speechifying. It underscores my point about moving away from the establishment and avoiding Senators in particular.
If you think Trump is anything other than a Con man and a traitor there is really something wrong with you. If you think Biden is anything other than a thug, a liar and a senile fraud there is something really wrong with you. If you speak on behalf of Hunter Biden you are simply a vaginal wart. If we are lucky, we get President Scott. An actual real Conservative and not a hater.
Ramaswamy has his law degree from Yale. He never practiced law but went into investments. He’s a billionaire, or close to it, so that worked out.
He has developed a detailed understanding of the constitution and the founders. He uses that knowledge to explain and develop his plan for remaking the government in a way that returns to the founders intent. Smaller. Less intrusive.
He plans to cut the number of federal employees by 75% and distribute the remaining 25% to locations in the heartland. He says the President has the authority to do this under the Constitution, without the need for Congressional approval.
He will also strip the federal bureaucracy of the power to enact rules and regulations without explicit Presidential approval.
He will close the Department of education and use that money to encourage non union charter schools, especially in the inner city.
A vote for Trump is actually throwing 100% of your support behind progressives. Trump is not going to win and those nominating him are just as American as AOC and Ilhan Omer.
You won’t have stories about Joe Biden tripping up or down the stairs on Air Force One to kick around anymore. That’s because the White House brass have issued a directive ordering staff to hide how Joe gets in and out of the presidential jet. It won’t stop the president from tripping, but you, an American voter, won’t have to be subjected to watching it anymore.
Regardless of how corrupt and dishonest mainstream news is, the dimple fact is that far too many people hate Trump so ever vote for him. I won't vote for anyone in this incarnation of the democratic party because it is run by progressives, and I do not consider them Americans, but I am never voting for scumbag Donald Trump whom I have always views as a NY Democrat; a friend of the Clintons, a liar, a fraud, a cheat, a buffoon and an asshole. Now, after his praise of Putin and XI and the documents bullshit I consider him a fucking traitor who should be in jail. The absolute fucking stupidest thing is that if the republicans nominated anyone other than Trump or DeSantis, Republican is in the Whitehouse, but nope the Trump assholes would rather lose and then spew hate. As far as how this affects me? Doesn't, no matter who wins. I live in a bluer than Blue area and have survived here for 65 years, so if the Blues win, I do fine. If the Red wins then being a conservative I win along with America. Footnote I have the top 2 on the Open leaderboard on Fanduel and have been watching golf since 4:00 am.
Electability and COVID aside, Trump's results during his presidency were nothing short of stellar. Biden's priority upon taking office was to undo all of that and flush America down the shitter, which he has succeeded at.
There is zero -ZERO- evidence of widespread, systemic corruption in the Trump administration. Every day is just more and more incontrovertable evidence of engrained and historical self-enrichment, bribery, corruption, subversion, and dereliction throughout the Biden family and his entire time in the Executive branch (VP years, too). He is the swampiest creature of them all. The dems must be panicking behind the scenes trying to figure out how to get rid of him without being stuck with Kamala.
You see, 25IQ and skibum, the above is an example of discourse void of gratuitous insults and draconian threats. Arguments and warrants which can be researched and considered have been expressed in a fashion which invites reasoned debate. You two should try it.
^ Trump's results were better than Biden's but only a myopic would call them stellar. He bent over for Putin and Xi like a little fanboy; he used protectionist measures which are something a only a union shill has done in the past; he whined and bloviated about being cheated and yet to date has produced not one shred of evidence and no I do not believe the election was honest, but if you call people cheaters and do not back it up, that makes Trump a little bitch poor loser. Trump lied incessantly; hurled vulgar insults like me or a 10 year old, but we're not the most powerful man on earth. He could have crushed Iran but took the spineless, sanctions route. He fucked up Afghanistan. He did nothing in Iraq. North Korea is more belligerent than ever. Hus build the wall set back getting rid of illegals for 5 years and .......100% positive in my mind he kept secret documents to fucking sell. He was a terrible President at the worst time, who's only saving great is that Biden is worse. Almost impossible to image there could be a worse human being than Donald Trump, but here we are....
There are two realities. Those of Trump supporters and those of Trump haters. It’s not just that they have different opinions or facts, they reach conclusions using different processes.
It will all come down to the 20% who have yet to commit to one of those camps.
mark94: I don't dispute any of your comments about Vivek Ramaswamy's intelligence or accomplishments.
You seem to almost favor him (perhaps only behind Trump) as the choice to be the GOP's 2024 nominee. Here's my question to you.
Do you truly feel that a self-identifying Hindu with the last name "Ramaswamy" (I mean, why not anglicize it to "Ramsay"?; Nikki Haley's real name btw is Nimrata Randhawa; Nikki is the anglicized first name and Haley is of course her married name) is an appropriate and fitting choice to serve as President of the United States? Is there no semblance of Christian identity left in the United States? Does the Founders' vision count for anything?
I'm all for content of character, assimilation, MLK, all that stuff. But is there not a reasonable limit to this diversity stuff? With the absolutely staggering demographic change happening to the country, isn't a "President Ramaswamy" pretty much a globalist dream come true from an identity standpoint (even if he says non-woke stuff)?
Okay, he's smart and articulate. But shouldn't there be more to it than that?
We’ll know more about Vivek after the first debate. He’s 37, so it may not happen this year.
After hearing him talk about values, returning to the national character envisioned by the founders,etc I doubt that many will reject him because he looks different or is Hindu. He grew up in Cincinnati and he has Midwest common sense.
I hope the Republicans can come up with a much better choice than having to settle with Trump. I don't like Trump the egomaniac. but I will vote for him again if I have to. enough of Biden.
@laphunt - 1) She was born Nimrata Nikki Rhandawa. There is nothing wrong or Anglicized about going with your middle name.
2) The Founding Fathers have never expressed a view or a desire of the United States of America where the governing individuals are uniformly Christian. They wanted a secular government guided by what they perceived to be Judeo-Christian principles of free will and personal responsibility. If Nikki and Vivek are committed to a secular government of the people, by the people, and for the people, then they can be Wiccans for all I care.
@mark94: Be careful. A lot of people argued for Obama that he was smart, really, really smart; and we all now what an utter incompetent he turned out to be. Obama was the third worse president in history, close behind Carter and Biden (#1 worst).
Obama was a political organizer before he entered politics in Chicago, perhaps the most corrupt political machine.He won the Senate seat when private legal documents about his opponent were leaked. After he was elected, his wife suddenly got a cushy $300,000 job at a hospital that later got big government grants. All that should have put up red flags about his sincerity and veracity.
Vivek is a billionaire who founded a successful biotech firm. He doesn’t need a government job to get rich.
@gammanu95: 1) Yes, there is nothing at all wrong about going with your middle name. I mentioned this only to note that she chose the middle name instead of the first name. The middle name is, in my view, the better choice for someone assimilating into American culture. This is just my opinion. I'd rather have a President Nikki Haley than a President Nimrata Randhawa if we're talking about the United States. A potential reply to this would be "why does it matter?" or "what's in a name?" I suppose that will simply depend on one's view of American culture and to what extent one wants it to remain, for lack of a better word, Anglicized, or linked to founding stock principles. At the end of the day, she would be an American-born woman with Indian parents as President. One is either fine with this or isn't.
2) As for the Founders' vision, you are correct of course that they wanted a secular government guided by principles of free will and personal responsibility. But they simply never could have conceived of their country one day being majority populated by peoples of non-white, non-European origin (which will occur by around 2045 or so at current trends). Thus, it is difficult to interpret where they would have stood on the question of a "President Ramaswamy." But hey, America twice elected Barack Hussein Obama, so I suppose this question (practically speaking) has already been answered.
I would concur with the assessment that the three worst presidents in American history are Biden (worst), followed by Carter, and then Obama. Obama did the most intentional cultural damage though, whereas Carter's failures seemed to be mostly the result of weakness and ineptitude. Obama's two Supreme Court appointees (Sotomayor, Kagan) are wholly unqualified diversity hires, and this trend set the country on a really bad path of identity politics.
Trump has said nice things about Ramaswamy because he doesn't view him as a threat. If Ramaswamy was to ever approach 20% in a primary poll, Trump's attitude toward him would change dramatically, and the gloves would come off.
This is why Trump only attacks DeSantis. Trump knows DeSantis is his only credible threat (to date).
I, for one, don't see Ramaswamy ever hitting 15% in any national primary poll as long as there are multiple candidates (you have to allow for one or two outliers with bad methodology) but stranger things have happened. If everyone else dropped out and it was just the two of them, then I suppose he could hit 20-25%, but that level of support wouldn't be a plausible threat to Trump in a head-to-head matchup.
There's something I can't figure out about ole' Sleepy Joe. For whatever reason, whether it's the lesser of two political evils, or to somehow help with the ongoing coverup from his treasonous business dealings, he's decided to embrace Hunter rather than publicly distance himself from him. Okay, I get it. He's going with "I love and support my son. He had problems and fixed them, and I'm proud of him" blah blah blah.
Fine. So he's willing to acknowledge and forgive all of Hunter's major league fuck-ups. The rampant drug addiction. The prostitutes. The stupidity of RECORDING all that shit and then losing his laptop, which also by the way had all the "Big Guy" stuff on it. Irresponsibly lying on a firearms application and ditching a gun in a public garbage can. Oh and fucking his dead brother's widow, yeah don't forget about that.
This is the kind of scandalous family shit that could sink a politician's career, but so far Joe's still standing. He's endured all this stuff that's more repugnant than most people can even imagine.
So he's already got all this egg on his face, but the ONE Hunter screw-up that almost anyone could relate to and feel some empathy he refuses to even acknowledge. I'm talking about the grandchild in Arkansas. That's got to be the LEAST shocking thing Hunter's ever done. So if the plan is to fully embrace Hunter with all of his faults, why so much resistance to this 4-year-old child? It doesn't seem logical from a political standpoint and it makes him look like a miserable old scumbag, which of course he is.
Recently brandon was asked about his ability to perform his duties at his advanced age. His answer was 'watch me'. The major issue is that in spite of his handlers trying to cover for him, except for the totally clueless, people have been watching and even many of his supporters don't want him to run again.
^we have been watching him. Watching him trip up staira, down stairs, on flat, even surfaces... We have watched him have senior moments, read his notecards' subtext aloud, snap at reporters like the cranky old man he is. My recent favorite wasnwhen he wandered away from the podium mid-conference, fists clenched with his elbows bent 90-degrees, muttering to himself. Who else saw that one?!
I've got it! I knew that that performance with the bent elbows and muttering reminded me of something. He was Cornholio from "Beavis and Butthead'! Remember that? "I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole. Bungholio. My people- they have no bungholes..."
“It is fascinating to watch the Biden Crime Family story morph from allegation to fact (essentially) without having any impact on Democrats still waiting to be told their new opinion.
The old "there is nothing to the story" narrative collapsed. The new narrative has not yet been assigned.
Democrats field-tested "This is old news" but it didn't match the reporting.
What happens next? Either the biggest gaslighting operation since the laptop or . . . something much worse.”
The real problem is this administration has taken the art of lying to the next level. They have left behind the sneaky and polished misinformation campaigns, in favor of presenting overt, undisguised falsehoods that everyone KNOWS are complete bullshit, but their constituents simply don't care.
Case in point: KJP, when asked about all the new evidence of payments to the Biden family where know-nothing zero-experience Hunter always seems to be the conduit, says she's been asked the same question "a million times" and the answer remains exactly the same: Joe Biden has never "been in business" with his son Hunter.
I don't need Fox News or Newsmax to tell me that statement is not at all "the same" as the narrative for the past couple years, where Joe supposedly never once "spoke" to Hunter about his overseas business deals.
My question: Is it still a "lie" if you make no attempt at all to hide the fact that it's a lie? Apparently not.
I doubt any of the Republicans running are serious about this election, in order to become the Republican nominee someone needs to take on Trump and let the chips fall where they may, except for Chris Christy, none of the Republican candidates have done so, and I think Christy has enough baggage that he’s not going anywhere. If the Republicans don’t dump Trump, Biden is going to win in a cakewalk, sorry to say, but if it’s a rematch of 2020 not even close and my guess is Congress flips as well.
At this point, there are about 2 million federal government employees ( including the military leaders ), university administrators, and media executives whose careers, and lifestyle, require that Trump not get elected.
At the same time, the person they are counting on to defeat Trump, has been shown by a mountain of evidence, to have have committed numerous crimes, possibly including treason.
What will these people in power do to protect themselves as the people turn against them ?
Breaking: Hunter Bidens plea deal has fallen apart after U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika had too many concerns with the gun charge deal.
He was facing two misdemeanor tax charges and a felony gun conviction, but the deal would’ve given him a slap on the wrist. The judge didn’t like this deal and denied it. This is bad news for the Biden crime family.
^ You're probably right, but I think it's pathetic that Americans hold actors and the film industry in such high regard. People would consider the actor strike worthy of a Presidential nomination. Holy shit we're so fucked.
The idea a woke California Governor who's only accomplishment would be resolving a strike between bitches would become President is laughable. Most people in this country now hate California and everything about it.
Now Joe is really starting to feel the walls closing in on him.
I don't think the dems ever meant for him to be the 2024 candidate. Party insiders knew he was up to his hairy ears in corruption and bribery, but all dems are corrupt so that wasn't an issue. They were just waiting for old age or an impeachment or a family conviction to take away the option for him to seek reelection.
There's a lot of looney talk in this thread. But Biden is hella old and Kamala was a pandering pick to check the demographic boxes, not an intended successor. The only way to get someone else in there is for the party to buy her out. But I suspect she WANTS to be President.
If Desantis wins the Republican nomination he can hit Biden hard on being old. Trump can't, they are close enough in age it won't work.
It's interesting that considering a lot of you have a hard on for Hunter Biden, there's been no talk of the Biden family acknowledging they have seven grandchildren, officially acknowledging Hunter has a lovechild he fought tooth and nail to deny he is the father. This is the actual sort of scandal that will play well to middle of the road voters, and it looks really bad.
Of course, Kamala wants to be POTUS. That's why she sought the nomination in 2020. But, no matter what happens between now and the conventions, Kamala would never be able to run for nomination unchallenged; and it is hard to conceive of a candidate who could lose to her. Okay, maybe Stacey Abrams.
"Kamala wants to be POTUS. That's why she sought the nomination in 2020."
"Sought" might not be exactly the correct word. Usually if one is seeking something, they at least try to give the appearance that they might have a shot at it.
That woman is an embarrassment to herself, to competent women everywhere, and to America. She's so pathetic, even Democrats and the Biden administration might be embarrassed (if that's actually possible; it might not be).
One other thing about our Vice President. I've heard it said that she slept her way up the political ladder. If that's true, what the fuck does that say about the men? Personally, I can't see her sleeping her way to anything except maybe the County Zoo.
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past relationship with Kamala Harris in a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle several years ago and acknowledged giving her appointments that furthered her career.
"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago," wrote Brown. Brown was married at the time.
Brown was married at the time he and Harris dated, but he’d been separated from his wife for more than a decade. Why didn’t you mention that?
He also wasn’t mayor at the time they dated. He was elected after they broke up. She was a county attorney, and later elected state’s attorney. So which job did Willie Brown appoint her to?
Brown was Speaker of the California Assembly from 1980-1995. It was during that time that Willie “ dated” Kamala and, as he admitted, appointed her to positions. That was the start of her political career before she was elected to anything.
Devin Archer ( Hunter’s former business partner ) is scheduled to testify before Congress tomorrow. He is cooperating with the investigation.
The DOJ is attempting to arrest him just hours before he's scheduled to testify. SDNY Damian Williams issued the letter Saturday telling Judge Abrams to order Devon Archer to surrender IMMEDIATELY.
Rep. Comer: "The lengths to which the Biden legal team has gone to try and intimidate our witnesses, to coordinate with the DOJ...this is another violation of the law, this is obstruction of justice."
“Brown was Speaker of the California Assembly from 1980-1995. It was during that time that Willie “ dated” Kamala”
And Kamala Harris was 16 yo in 1980. Stop writing in a misleading way that they had a 15 year relationship and maybe you won’t get fact checked so often.
14. In 1994, Harris began dating Willie Brown, a powerhouse in California politics who was then the speaker of the state assembly and was 30 years older than Harris. From his perch in the assembly, Brown appointed Harris to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission—positions that together paid her around $80,000 a year on top of her prosecutor’s salary.
In 1995, Brown was elected mayor of San Francisco. That December, Harris broke up with him because “she concluded there was no permanency in our relationship,” Brown told Joan Walsh in 2003. “And she was absolutely right.”
Lol shadow. I’m guessing there’s more to it as I question how a single legislator can appoint anyone to anything but I don’t care enough to research city politics. I’ll concede that point.
That’s how the left “wins” arguments.By refusing to accept facts that contradict their contentions. Or, in this case, pretending the facts are misrepresented.
Fact: Kamala dated Willie, Kamala got appointment from Willie.
Hank: He was separated. He didn’t date her for 15 years. You didn’t give enough details on the appointment. Therefore, this is misinformation.
You really cannot seriously argue that Kamala Harris is not a post turtle. She is one of the most incompetent people to hold public office. That she was ever elected to anything more than village dog catcher only speaks to the stupidity of voters in California (Swalwell, Schiff, Breed, et al).
Main takeaway from Devon Archer’s testimony today:
“When Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, he joined Hunter Biden’s dinners with his foreign business associates in person or by speakerphone over 20 times.”
So much for Joe’s claim that he had no knowledge or involvement in Hunter’s business deals.
Victor Davis Hanson explains the entire Joe, Hunter, Kamala situation. Democrats know that neither Joe or Kamala can be President in 2024 but they also can’t remove either from their offices before then.
Like I said, democrat party is hoping the demented Joe problem solves itself. They're playing the odds. When that happens, Kamala will have to vanadium in the primaries and list again.
At this point, the oversight committee has Joe and Hunter dead to rights. Millions received. Meetings held. Favors done.
Most of this is documented. They still need documentation being hidden by Treasury, State Department, FBI, DOJ. But, they’ve got enough to prove corruption to any open minded person.
I think the Committee will keep adding evidence. Whistleblowers. Documents slowly turned over.
They’ll take whatever time it takes to build a bulletproof case. Several more months.
Then, an impeachment trial in the House. That will bring all this evidence to the public’s attention.
At some point, the Democrat party will realize it’s in their best interest if Joe goes away. Maybe he resigns under pressure or with some health excuse.
Kamala becomes President but won’t win the Primary. The fix will be in for someone else, probably Newsome.
“Conservatives looking to expose the full extent of the Biden family’s corruption have a problem: the scandal might be too big to break.
Typically, there are three main entities involved in taking down a politician over a corruption scandal. First, there is the media, which broadcasts the details of the scandal, eroding public support. Second, there is law enforcement, which investigates and, if necessary, presses criminal charges. Third, there is the party establishment, which ultimately abandons the politician as a matter of self-preservation, signaling that it’s “game over.”
But what happens when a scandal is so big that the people responsible for breaking it are implicated in it as well?
That is the situation which now faces the mainstream media, the federal intelligence bureaucracy, and the Democrat Party. For years, they have all parroted Biden’s lies and created an echo chamber of denial about wrongdoing by the president and his family. Now, with it all beginning to crumple around them, they’re seeing that the downfall of the president spells the end of their own reputations and careers as well.”
Outside of the bank records, the suspicious activity reports, the wire transfers, the Privat bank transactions, the LLCs, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners saying Joe is the “brand,” the “big guy,” and “the chairman,” the two whistleblowers testimony, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor, and Hunter’s statements that he’s giving his dad half his income, there is NO evidence of Joe Biden being involved.
^ I could be convinced he's involved, all you have to do to convince me, is explain away how a senile old coot, put this scheme together, otherwise this thread is a mess , full of obvious contradictions, and really stupid comments. Or maybe a his crackhead son is the mastermind, and the kid got the old man to the pinnacle of power, just to be able to to orchestrate this fantabulous scheme. LOL Or this is among the most fucked up conspiracy theory I've ever heard.
^Convince me how all Republicans can be stupid rednecks and yet are all wealthy and don't care about the poor. By the way, Caligula was Rome's version of Joe Biden; all empires end badly.
^ you nailed the post turtle. Vanadium is what happens when you accidentally brush "add comment " before proofing your comment and don't have time to address it.
The Democrats actually do have a plausible way out of this but I don't think they'll take it.
When even more details of this are revealed and Biden looks even worse in a few months, they could easily parade Joe in front of the press and have him pull a "I have come to realize, for the good of the country, that it is best I do not seek re-election for another term. I acknowledge now there were mistakes in judgment I made as regards my son's business and I should have been more forthright. Unlike Donald Trump, who will not accept his mistakes, the Democratic Party holds itself to a higher standard and I feel therefore it is best that someone else should become our nominee for 2024. It was my honor to serve you and accomplish [insert policy lie #1] and [insert policy lie #2], etc. etc."
This would actually make the Democrats look good to moderates and independents and greatly help Newsom or whomever became the eventual nominee. But I want to be clear that there is no way I think they'll do this. They are too corrupt and the entire Biden admin is based on denial of facts and gaslighting the public. All one has to do is watch KJP lie and obfuscate on a daily basis. They have no shame and won't do this. It's just stupid because, if they did, it would be a win-win for them in that they'd: (1) get a non-senile nominee and (2) a slight boost from the public perception of turning the page and categorizing Biden's corruption as unacceptable.
But they are just too damn corrupt to the core so won't take this rather easy out.
As a straight-ticket Republican voter, I would LOVE to see Biden leave office and Kamala Harris ascend to the presidency. We would finally get that colored female POTUS bullshit out of the way, and the damage she would do the democrat party and their woke agenda would be irreparable. The dems would cease to exist as a viable party. It may also be the catalyst needed to put age limits on politicians, and the octogenarian and septogenarian aristocracy would be dismantled.
IMO, the Democrats recognize that Trump is a threat to Democrats winning the next Presidential contest, and they are therefore throwing charge after charge at Trump.
These charges could have been made long ago (I recognize that such charges take time, but it seems they could have been assessed earlier), but they are just now suddenly making them, as they are becoming scared.
They were made long ago. It was an impeachment. They were also made by the Jan 6 committee in which the republicans refused to participate. I haven’t read the indictment yet, but it’s just four counts. It could go to trial before the election.
The republicans refused to participate in a Kangaroo Court? Gee whiz, the traitorous Democrats didn't get to claim that the pre-ordained result was bipartisan. Merrick Garland should be tried, convicted and hanged.
In 2016, when Trump said he would drain the swamp, most people, including Trump, thought thought swamp was about 300 Democrat politicians.
Four years later, we knew the swamp was all the Democrat politicians, half the Republican politicians, all the media, and hundreds of thousands of federal bureaucrats.
I just wonder if it’s too late to take this country back from all those crooks. There is no limit to what they would do to keep power.
The USA is still flopping around on the dock, but no one is strong enough to shove it back into the water ... so the end is inevitable. USA - created by legal immigrants - destroyed by illegal immigrants.
"the Jan 6 committee in which the republicans refused to participate". This statement is factually false. The denigrate party cherry picked sympathetic, anti- Trump Republicans, and refused Republicans offered by party leadership.
Universally, each side is allowed to assign members to Congressional committees. Pelosi rejected the Republicans that McCarthy assigned, which was unheard of. That’s how Liz Cheney ended up on the committee.
No, the democrats refused to let Jim Jordan and a couple others on the panel. McCarthy then opted to not have other republicans participate, like the minority normally would. You can claim it wasn’t legitimate but I’m not sure what the effect of that claim is since it was a fact finding exercise. The testimony (almost exclusively by republican loyalists) is what it is. You can choose to ignore it, I can choose to believe it.
In any case, we now have an actual criminal case to deal with Benito Chocolate Moussolini. Let the (potato) chips fall where they may.
"since it was a fact finding exercise" Factually false "testimony (almost exclusively by republican loyalists)" Factuslly false "McCarthy then opted to not have other republicans participate, like the minority normally would." Factual false "democrats refused to let Jim Jordan and a couple others on the panel" A misleading half-truth "I can choose to believe it." This is completely true, both of the author and the rest of the democrat party base of useful idiots.
If you want the truth, read the preceding comment by mark94
You can argue the legitimacy of the Jan 6 committee all you want. I don’t hold any illusions I’ll convince you otherwise. What matters is the criminal trials and the republicans are headed for an election with a candidate who will likely be a convicted felon on Election Day. That sucks.
You are correct, your repeated lies will not dissuade me speaking the truth. I agree that the swamp will likely overwhelm his defense and wrongfully convict an innocent man. A loudmouth asshole, but an innocent one. Meanwhile, the Biden Crime Family week get off scott-free because of petty partisans who are more concerned with party dogma than facts and justice.
So Vivek Ramaswamy has been all over the cable channels the last couple of days offering his take on the Trump indictment for Jan 6th.
I just don't get how more people don't see this guy for the slimy used car salesman type that he is.
It's just so painfully transparent to me that he's leaning into this whole sanctimonious "I could capitalize on this as Trump's opponent in the primary, but I won't because I'm bigger than that and believe this is wrong" angle.
B.S. dude. You're doing it to suck up to Trump/Trump's base so when Trump gets the GOP nomination, you want him to pick you as VP or else put you in his Cabinet.
Of course, all politicians do this to some extent but you can literally see the calculations going on in this snake oil salesman's head.
This guy has no business being considered as a serious candidate for POTUS. The very thought of him in the role just seems silly. People rejected Dukakis for looking silly in the Snoopy military helmet back in '88. Imagine Ramaswamy in military garb (at all of his 5 foot 6) giving orders to the U.S. military.
Ron DeSantis, meanwhile, would win a general election against Biden by four to six points.
The GOP will need to do some serious soul-searching and decide if it wants to really win, or keep playing games and hand the election to the Dems. Donors and others need to move decisively behind the scenes within the next six months or they will be toast.
Since being re-elected Governor, then immediately pivoting to run for President, Desantis has shown himself to be a Billionaire donor backed, Rino advised, calculating politician. He is exactly like McCain and Romney.
Politico reports that Biden World is feverishly working to stave off third-party challengers including Cornell West, RFK Jr., and No Labels. On demand, The Daily Beast published a hit piece on West alleging he has $500k in unpaid taxes.
Now you see why.
Emerson has Trump winning Michigan by 2% in a three-way race if West runs. If Trump wins Michigan by 2%, he wins the whole thing.
McCain and Romney were weak, feeble, globalist liberals afraid to take a hard stand against the worst tendencies of democrats. DeSantis has been the exact opposite of that, every step of the way. He has made a lot of the right decisions that were unpopular because they were the tough decisions. Same as Trump. never forget that McCain is the grandstanding sonofabitch that voted to keep Obamacare. Good Riddance.
Here is one reason I’m comparing Desantis to McCain and Romney
“Ron DeSantis megadonor Robert Bigelow is already into the failing DeSantis campaign for $20 million.
Billionaire donor Bigelow tells Reuters that he has told the DeSantis managers the candidate needs to take moderate positions, or he will not donate any more money. Ron DeSantis is then questioned by reporters in Iowa about the Trump indictment and the claims of the 2020 election being stolen. Immediately DeSantis changes his talking points. “All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true,” Mr. DeSantis said in response to a reporter’s question after a campaign event at a brewery in Northeast Iowa.”
mark94: "The RCP average of polls has it Trump, Desantis, Ramaswamy, then Pence. Ramaswamy is rising and some polls have him in second place."
Yes, the RCP average has Ramaswamy third (by 0.4% over Pence mind you as of this writing), but there is not a single credible national poll where Vivek Ramaswamy has been above Ron DeSantis. Note that I say "credible" - some rinky dink polling company not recognized for GOP debate criteria wouldn't count.
I tend to agree with 70-80% of your expressed ideological views and am disinclined to get into any kind of protracted back-and-forth, but this above claim really strains credulity.
I’m not much of a news watcher - but finally saw an interview with Ramaswamy. Very smart. Very polished. Hopes he’s not too polished for the Republicans.
In my entire lifetime, the Republicans have never put forth a real charismatic candidate in the likes of JFK, Obama or Clinton. Reagan was called “The Great Communicator” - but he had a folksy appeal, not super polished which I always thought odd since he was an actor
Kaplan survey has Vivek tied for second, which satisfies my statement that some polls have him second. You state that no credible ( defined by you ) poll has him second. That’s a bit of circular logic. Any poll that shows him second is therefore not credible, according to you.
My point is, Vivek is rising in the polls and is doing surprisingly well for a 37 year old businessman at this stage of the race.
“ A death rattle of any democracy is when a sitting president uses the state security apparatus to go after political opponents and cover up lies and crimes committed by himself or his family. Biden is doing that now. His actions make it clear he believes himself to be not the enforcer of the rule of law but the exception to it“
The United States of America is not, never has been, and was not conceived as a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. Tulsi Gabbard was a democrat party worker, all democrat party workers love to make-believe that we live in a democracy, but it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the underpinnings of our nation which should call any ambitions for elected office into serious scrutiny.
“A popular vision for how to restore unity: move back to “the middle.” I reject that. We won’t deliver national unity by standing in the proverbial “middle,” singing kumbaya and compromising. That’s the wrong approach: America’s founding ideals are inherently extreme. We’ll restore unity by reviving a shared commitment to those ideals, without compromise & without apology.“
“Vivek represents a kind of conservatism for the future: he believes in individual responsibility, he believes in freedom, he believes in entrepreneurship. He actually embodies many of the things that makes America the greatest country in the world.
I have to think if I were Donald Trump I would be watching this guy very, very closely.”
"Most immigrants come to this country to pursue excellence...It’s what we need to revive."
Vivek Ramaswamy (Tweet from Sep 13, 2022)
This is about the most Romney/McCain-esque neocon thing one could possibly say.
Furthermore, to make this statement in late 2022, when the country is being flooded with both illegal and so-called "legal" migration to the extent that American culture is vanishing before everyone's eyes, it is so tone deaf as to be disqualifying for a serious candidate in a Republican primary.
It's no surprise that post-Tucker Fox News is giving Ramaswamy so much airtime these days. He's a big business shill who would be happy to see white Americans reduced to less than 10% of the population, all in the pursuit of corporate "excellence." As if this somehow captures the totality of American life and culture.
All his talk is empty Obama-like pablum (Americana this, Americana that). In fact, he sounds like a globalist plant intended to get moderate conservatives to feel all warm and fuzzy about his anti-woke talk of "getting back to our ideals" meanwhile on the biggest issue when the chips are down as it pertains to the preservation of American culture (immigration) his words are indistinguishable from that of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Pete Buttigieg.
"Most immigrants come to this country to pursue excellence...It’s what we need to revive."
Vivek Ramaswamy (Tweet from Sep 13, 2022)
I would agree with this sentiment when viewed through the MAGA lens of ending chain migration, frivolous and false asylum claims, and cutting off shithole countries. We must dismantle the welfare state and eject welfare immigrants along with the illegals.
The left wants us to confuse welfare-seeking illegal immigrants with legal immigration based on merit and assimilation. One is a drain on society leading to divisiveness. The other energizes the economy and supports the vision of our nation by the founders.
Vivek supports a merit based immigration system, not the free-for-all we have now.
^ I’m thinking that Mark 94 is an OG member of the so called left, he’s sure plugged in to their thinking
You guys need to speak for yourselves cause y’all sure as fuck don’t know what anyone else is thinking. Making blanket statements about what others are thinking is narcissistic behavior defined.
1. Spew anti-woke talk endlessly to appeal to moderate Republicans and disaffected Dems/independents. Literally do every TV hit and interview possible to increase exposure, including being one of four guests on a clown show like Gutfeld.
2. Claw his way up to 6-9% of national polling with, yes, the occasional outlier putting him higher.
3. Here's the key one: after probably the South Carolina primary, the entire anti-Trump wing of the party is going to coalesce around one candidate, which will almost surely be Ron DeSantis. This will be in order to avoid what happened in 2016 when a crowded field helped Trump win the nomination (though he would have likely won anyway). HOWEVER, Ramaswamy will present himself as the Trump savior and endorse Trump - unlike Pence, Haley, etc. who will support DeSantis. This will be done so Ramaswamy can leverage his support into a promise to be in Trump's cabinet and his Hail Mary hope that maybe Trump would make him his VP (he won't).
In short, Ramaswamy is basically looking to be the 2024 GOP version of Pete Buttigieg. Exact same age as PB was in 2020 (37), slick talking and polished with every word focus-grouped.
VR will never attack Trump during this whole primary season because he is too scared of Trump and the MAGA base teeing off on his race and Hindu background.
VR is a Trump lapdog in waiting whose entire campaign is mapped out to culminate in a Trump endorsement after SC in the hopes of his own self-advancement.
It will all be for naught because Trump will lose the general election (whether fairly or unfairly, he will not be returning to the Oval).
All Ramaswamy is going to accomplish will be to cockblock a GOP nominee who could actually win the general.
The first debate will determine Vivek and Ron’s fate. My bet is that Vivek will shine while Desantis fades. But, anything can happen with that many candidates on the stage.
Here is one way it might play out. Vivek does well in the debates, while Trump stays out of the debates. Trump polls at 80% while Vivek gets to 20% in the early primaries. Vivek never insults Trump, but differs with him on some policies. Vivek gets the VP nomination.
The big danger for the Republicans is third or fourth parties splitting the vote. If Trump does not win the nom, he has enough graasroots support to mount an independent run. I do not believe he has the funds to mount a successful independent run, but he would still siphon away votes from the RNC candidate. Then, you have Cheney and the liberal RINOs threatening tomrun against anyone who is not a never-Trumper (i.e. Vivek, Scott, or DeSantis) which would siphon away more votes. Fortunately, the dems face the same peril with a possible RFK/ Manchin run and Kornel West in the Green party.
Do not be mislead by twentyfive's jealousy and resentment. He is a demented child, frightened and confused by the world. He tempts us to treat him with scorn and contempt, but really deserves only pity and neglect.
I don't think RFK Jr. would run as an independent if he loses the Dem primary. I think he has too much respect for the tradition of the party once led by JFK (even though that party is now not even a shell of what it was under JFK).
Cornel West, on the other hand, looks like he's going to run and that could definitely be an issue.
I remember someone saying that most Presidents are the opposite of the prior President. That is, you elect a President who doesn’t have the same weaknesses. That’s why Jimmy Carter followed Nixon ( and Ford ).
As I think about it, Ramaswamy is the opposite of Trump. Intellectual. Detail oriented. Won’t criticize others.
He’s also the opposite of Biden. He doesn’t have dementia.
It was discussed earlier in the thread that the Founders didn't explicitly make religion a requirement to live in America or to serve in government, as they wanted the country to have freedom of religion. That is indeed true.
That being said, the tradition of the country and the way America's history unfolded was heavily Christian. George Washington himself was an Anglican.
While I personally view the ideal President of the U.S. to be Christian, I would be open to arguments that a moral secular person, who would nonetheless place his hand on the Bible and agree to uphold the Constitution, could potentially honorably serve as President, but I have my doubts.
Where the argument falls apart for me is when the notion is presented that someone of a religious and cultural tradition diametrically opposed to Christianity, such as a Hindu or a Muslim, could stand as President and remain true to the nation's founding ideals, cultural and spiritual identity.
Would the citizens of India welcome a Catholic or Presbyterian to serve as their leader?
The idea of Mr. Ramaswamy as President should be a non-starter. He is a smart young man. Let him enjoy his millions in the entrepreneurial sector and live well in the USA. Leave the leadership of this nation, its very highest office, to someone else.
"Where the argument falls apart for me is when the notion is presented that someone of a religious and cultural tradition diametrically opposed to Christianity, such as a Hindu or a Muslim, could stand as President and remain true to the nation's founding ideals, cultural and spiritual identity."
Obama adhered to Black Liberation Theology, a communist doctrine created by the Soviets, and he was the second worst president after Biden. Still, I do not believe that a Hindu or a Muslim is inherently immoral and incapable of being a good or even great president. Look at Bill Clinton: one of the most corrupt presidents in history, a rapist, a philanderer, bought and paid for by the CCP. He was also a Baptist that loved photo ops in black Baptist churches.
Morality and competence extends far deeper than whatever faith you claim.
“ Bill Clinton: one of the most corrupt presidents in history, a rapist, a philanderer…”
These are your top two negatives on Clinton?Are being a rapist and a philanderer disqualifying factors from being president? If so, I have some news for you.
I’m voting for Ramaswamy. His stance against corporate policies centering their “theories” around ESG forcing the investment community to abide by social/political diverse hiring and climate agendas needs to be kept in check. I find it funny all these climate conspiracists never study the affect sun flares have on weather, which is by far greater than can be found from humans. We’ve only been able to measure it for a few decades and notably there are more activity from the Sun lately in our short recordable history. Climate hoax is being used to jam policies down our throat, and force use to be “woke” in Hollywood’s version. We all have our own some movement. Ramaswamy gets my vote.
I’m not sure yet, but my vote will likely go to Christie, Haley or Scott, even though it’s likely a wasted vote. Who knows maybe things change after the debates start.
"I do not believe that a Hindu or a Muslim is inherently immoral and incapable of being a good or even great president."
Most people (of all faiths) tend to be moral for the most part. That includes people of these faiths. That said, let them govern countries where people of their faith are the majority. And let America be governed by someone who shares the majority faith of this populace.
Biden needs to choose a VP other than Cumala in order to win, as there is a high probability that Biden cannot make it through another term, and voters are not willing to take on a laughing hyena as President.
Maui was another embarrassment for Biden. Newsom is making moves in preparation for a Presidential run. I’m sure a lot is going on behind the scenes to dump Joe and Kamala.
If Trump is nominated it means nothing more than Trump supporters want progressive democrats to control the nation. It shows Trump supporters want foreign, illegal, gay, welfare recipients who want to mutilate children in the name of gender are those they really support. Trump is winning nothing and will just drag the rest of Republicans down. Imagine anyone with an IQ over 4 being conned by Donal fucking Trump. Then again trump supporters are traitors, American traitors. No, democrats are worse because they are no longer Americans.
^^ Talking about embarrassments, Trump hosting a fundraiser, to help Giuliani with legal bills, probably incurred on Trumps behalf, now he’s (Trump) trying to get his acolytes to pay his bills, what a cheap fucking scumbag. That’s the true definition of chutzpah.
Trump will surely lose the general as pointed out above and this makes it all the more frustrating that the only GOP primary candidates with the balls to stand up to him are DeSantis and Christie. Pence is obviously a beta who waited until the last minute (literally had to have Trump supporters threaten to hang him and he still took two years before finally denouncing him).
This is why Trump testicle-soothers like Vivek Ramaswamy are so pathetic. Here, you have a guy who is just thinking about himself and will defend Trump to hopefully get the VP pick, even though Trump has no chance in hell of winning the general.
Attn GOP:
1. Nominate DeSantis and likely win 2. Nominate Trump and surely lose
These are your two options. There are no others. Figure it out or don't.
Kamala is the worst VP in American history, but I don't think she will be relevant in the general election. Historically, the bottom of the ticket has never been a factor in deciding who wins the presidency. They may provide a few embarrassing moments (Quayle being roasted for comparing himself to JFK, etc.) but the VP debate is forgotten in a matter of hours.
As absurd as it is, I think Biden (even now) could beat Trump by staying in his basement because all the media attention will be on Trump, who 52% of the country says they would never vote for under any circumstance and an additional 12% says they would probably not vote for (64% combined will probably not/never vote for Trump). Even if some of those probably nots cave, maybe he gets 42-44% of the vote in an absolute best-case scenario, which would be short. Even though the popular vote share isn't what's decisive, that figure wouldn't represent enough votes to win the necessary swing states and get to 270 in the electoral college.
MAGAs still don’t get it. Mango Unchained elected Biden. Since 2020, he keeps losing republican votes for candidates he endorses. He is the most secular of politicians. If Big MacDonald is the nominee, Biden is re-elected, we have a tough time of retaking the senate and the house majority is at risk. McConnell and McCarthy could’ve put a stake through his heart with the Jan 6 impeachment but they just hoped he’d go away and weren’t ready to risk their own reelection. I blame those cowards for this mess.
Until recently, I had it in my head that Desantis was a Navy Seal. Turns out, he wasn’t. He never lied about that, but he has used clever wording to make that inference.
“ At the first Republican presidential primary debate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis touted his military experience, saying he “was assigned with U.S. Navy SEALs in Iraq” and “deployed to Iraq alongside U.S. Navy SEALs.” That’s accurate: He was a Navy lawyer who advised a SEAL commander.
Viewers who weren’t listening closely might have gotten the mistaken impression that DeSantis himself was a Navy SEAL”
He wasn’t. His job was to assure the rule of law was followed by the Seals and to assure captives were treated humanely.
He was also awarded a Bronze Star but I don’t think we’ve been given any details.
While I agree that the VP selection GENERALLY does not influence votes for President, I believe the VP selection may very likely become President during a Biden 2nd term.
Therefore, it is critical to choose someone from VP that would be able to effectively perform Presidential duties.
Of course, it may not matter if Trump is the Republican nominee, as many would rather pay $10 for a gallon on milk than to have a President that sometimes hurts peoples' feelings with his words.
last commentI hope to hell the Republicans aren't dumb enough to nominate Trump again. He is about the only Republican that I would vote for Biden instead. Sadly I think DeSantis will get the Republican nomination, he isn't bad but would probably be my 4th or 5th choice out of the current contenders. Nikki Haley or Tim Scott would be my top choices with Greg Abbott and maybe Glen Young King ahead of DeSantis. I would love to see an actual old school conservative Republican like former Senator Rob Portman run but unfortunatelyhe got fed up with Washington b.s. and campaigning so no chance there. It would really be interesting to see how a centrist like Condoleezza Rice would do in a general election but since she is pro-choice she wouldn't stand a chance in a Republican primary but could bring a lot as a VP candidate.
I love the idea of RFK Jr as a third party candidate. I think he would kill Biden or Newsom's shot against anybody but Trump and if it is Trump I could see RFK pulling a small percentage of Dems and a large enough percentage of anti-Trump Republicans to have a viable shot.
"He (Trump) is about the only Republican that I would vote for Biden instead."
You can't possibly be serious. I get it, you don't like him. You fucking hate him. But if you've got one iota of common sense, you must know he's 10x better than Biden.
If someone held a gun to my head I wouldn't vote for Biden. I'd rather be dead than see what this world would look like with a 2nd Biden term.
I don't believe you could be that insane. Please rethink that comment.
I think it's about 50/50 Trump or DeSantis. The dems and media want Trump, but DeSantis is canny and has a chance.
If DeSantis gets the nomination, he'll win, if Trump does, I honestly don't know.
The kicker is if we hit the recession hard and if Russia, Iran or China makes a move. That could upset everything.
As much as I dislike Biden's policies even giving him a 2nd term would be slightly better than letting Trump back into office. Saying I would vote for Biden over Trump isn't saying I "vote for the entire Democratic agenda" and I will continue to donate to, go door to door and phone bank for Republican candidates for Senate, Congress and statewide positions.
I am a very active member of my county's Republican Central Committee and will continue to do everything I can to support the Republican party. In fact if a viable third party candidate like RFK Jr were to run against Biden and Trump I would gladly support them instead.
What I can't and won't do is support Trump and I honestly believe that selecting him as the party nominee in 2024 would do long lasting and potentially permanent damage to the party regardless of whether he wins or loses in a general election.
For those who actually are now, 2023/2024, specifically supporting the candidate Biden, you need to face up to the fact your ability to reason is lost. Unfortunately for us all, one day old age will negatively affect your mental and physical capability. Joe Biden is conspicuously down this path of decay. Having POTUS in this kind of mental decay is an extreme detriment to you, me, left, right, America and beyond. So whoever the politically left wing decide to make their candidate for 2024, it cannot be Biden. Period, full stop. The right wing and others may hate Gavin Newsom but he MUST be, or some other, the candidate. It is for our, all of us, own good. Anyone at this point pushing an obviously mentally decaying Biden, please consider refraining from the voting process from here on out.
Newsom is awful. California is hemorrhaging residents and cash. Only because of the vast size of investment in the decades prior is it still as large as it is. But nothing he has done has caused anything in California to grow except crime, debt, and racial strife.
It is strange how the media is ignoring RFK Jr. It's almost like they want another Biden term. This really underscores how tightly woven the media is with the DNC. The DNC either thinks Biden is the best candidate to beat the RNC in '24, or they haven't finished writing the playbook for his resignation/ declining a 2nd term. The media cannot start discussing alternative candidates until the DNC finishes Biden's resignation speech. It's disgusting.
Pence has been stained by Trump. He can't win a primary. Ramaswamy is an amateur. He doesn't have any executive experience, I certainly couldn't vote for him. Scott also lacks executive experience, and being a Senator does not prepare you for the executive responsibilities of POTUS- just look at Obama and Biden. DeSantis is still the top choice, unless Rick Scott or Nikki Haley announce.
Affirmative action inspires mediocrity, lower standards and sets unqualified people up for failure. Exactly what we are seeing from the performance by Harris.
PS - the reparations issue is no-win for him, so watch him kick it down the road so long as he has any national aspirations. Completely painted himself into a corner, LOL.
Regarding RFK, as I think about it, I've heard more about him from Fox than CNN. I didn't realize that until another poster mentioned low coverage of RFK by media.
If it's Trump Vs RFK, we will have 2 candidates without filters.
If Biden chooses to replace Kamala with a stronger candidate for VP, however, his likelihood of success increases significantly. However, I don't know how he can pull off a Kamala replacement without being labeled a racist and anti-woman.
Actually, she announced back in February.
@funonthaside " I don't know how he can pull off a Kamala replacement without being labeled a racist and anti-woman."
The winning formula for the Dems unfortunately is continue doing the Weekend at Bernies thing with Biden and replace Harris with Michelle Obama. You would not lose Blacks or women. You would probably get Barack size turn-outs from minorities. Just convince Harris to step down with a promise of a future SCOTUS appointment.
On the R side it's gonna be Trump or Desantis. Pence has limited appeal and is unpopular with Trump's voters. Both Donnie and Ronnie have strengths and weaknesses. But they have the money to survive the silent (big money donor) primary.
I will be shocked if a Dark horse takes either nomination, but between Trump and Bill Clinton and even Obama, strange things have happened.
The sexist, racist, bigoted rhetoric out of him before, during and after his term in office should be enough to turn most people off of him as America's leader on the world stage. However, I can see people looking past that because they agree with his politics. I agree with more of his major policies than not, but that is the case for just about any Republican candidate, but I can't vote for someone that I can't trust in office and there is no way in hell I could ever trust that treasonous son of a bitch.
I can't understand why anyone, let alone conservative law and order Republicans, is able to look past his attempt to overturn a fair election just because he couldn't handle the fact that he lost. If he isn't willing to obey the law and listen to the votes of the American people he doesn't deserve anyone's trust, support or votes.
Democrats will try to cheat at the same scale they did in 2020 in Detroit, Phoenix, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Philadelphia.
Republicans know how the Dems are going to cheat but still may not be able to stop it. Too many Democrat appointed judges.
The legal challenges to the vote will go on until inauguration. It will be a mess.
Easy, replace Kamala with Karine Jean-Pierre. Biden will have covered all bases. She is black, a woman and an openly LGBTQ person.
You think Biden is also not involved in unethical and/or inappropriate activities? Do you think Hunter just miraculously avoided felony charges that would have landed many others in prison for years for the same activities?
And you think Democrats are not also engaged in I appropriate voting activities (such as ballot harvesting)?
Luckily we have checks and balances in place to offset potential misdeeds.
Biden smells womens' hair...he's not exactly a good example of someone who views women equally.
The WH cocaine story has now changed 4 times
1. Reportedly “ near the WH”
2. In the WH working area
3. In the WH library
4. Now, they are saying it was in a cubby near the west entrance.
We are told the Secret Service is diligently investigating this.
Meanwhile, the agent who found it certainly knows where it was found and there are cameras everywhere filming everything. They just need to look at video from the location where it was found.
The only people entering the WH who are not thoroughly searched are the President’s family Members and Cabinet Secretaries.
Oh, and Hunter was there recently. Video of him while watching WH fireworks on July 4 has him twitching like a meth head.
I only mention this because there were numerous Facebook posts saying “it was a white suprematist” - and no repercussions for spreading inflammatory rumors
Biden is clearly too unaware to know whats going on or to even be in control of his actions. He may have been a lot better 20+ years younger. His segregationist beliefs and potential policies would possibly completely resolve all the racism and intra racial disputes some people are always complaining about. Hopefully the zoo animals dont become more unhinged in 2024, usually during election year you see a bunch of them rampaging across cities all over. Hopefully they dont start going into the suburbs
Unless it's a contest to see how much carbolic acid a person can drink, I will never support the democrat, because they are no longer Americans. My 2024 Presidential vote will be for the person who's campaign I am working on, Tim Scott, or for the best candidate amongst all: Me.
Even though for the life of me I can’t understand why anyone sane would want that job.
I can't see Trump losing the GOP primary. His support in the party is too strong and almost cultlike. This is unfortunate for the GOP because DeSantis is clearly more electable in a general election. I can't see Trump winning another general. Biden will defeat Trump in 2024 I think, even if it takes "all night" to count the votes in PA, GA, etc.
If this is the best the Republican Party can put up, Biden is going to win big, and Speaker McCarthy's congressional majority is toast.
Also some states don't allow early counting of mail in ballots, which also slows it down.
Also, 80,000 mail in ballots were signature checked late at night, in private, at a rate of 2 seconds per ballot. Most of the “signatures” were scribbles looking nothing like a signature.
Democrat Sec of State, who ran the election, refused to cooperate with the investigation. She was elected Governor by 10,000 votes.
Democrat judge refused to hear most of the complaints.
It also stands to reason that Trump and Desantis are fighting over the same big donors. Some will cut both a check to ensure access. But it seems smart not to waste your dollars having them fight each other and save them for whoever wins the general.
Democrats are still pretty riled up by Roe. Admittedly there were a lot of dumb 20 somethings (especially women) who didn't realize how much politics could actually affect their own freedoms. For years (decades) Democrats needed an issue to actually get the voters who prefer their policies to vote, and overturning Roe was a huge gift to Democrats in that regard.
Please, why is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has maintained civility and self-composure throughout his tragic life, "nuts" for simply offering an alternative perspective on the MSM-enforced opinion on vaccines?
The American President, no matter who it is, could end the war in 24 hours using the leverage we have. Tell Zelensky and Putin to declare a truce, or else.
The end of Roe threw the abortion decision back to the states, it didn’t end abortions. Red states put more restrictions on late term abortions, but most didn’t ban it. Blue states didn’t change.
By 2024, abortion won’t be in the top 5 issues for voters.
The federal government spent $5 Trillion of your tax dollars and has no idea how that money was used or who got it.
A barrage of vague insinuations about anything except for the point made.
No data, no logical arguments, no facts - just an attack on another TUSCLer who has a differing opinion
Most red states have banned abortion. It’s banned in 14 states and they put a 6 week ban in two more states. Any candidate running in a general election on pro life abortion bans is going to have a tough hill to climb.
If you were about to have brain surgery, who would you choose? The surgeon who is highly qualified and has a bad personality? Or the "nice guy" who will probably botch the surgery, kill you, and by the way is cheating Medicare billing, cheated on his medical school exams, lies to your face about your chances of recovery, and sniffs your daughter's hair when he thinks you're not looking?
The DOJ sat on their recommendations until the statute of limitations ran out.
35% of republicans will continue to vote for the crook, but 25% of republicans will never vote for him. That’s just enough for Mango Unchained to win the primary. Biden is going to win reelection and republicans have nobody to blame but ourselves.
If I needed brain surgery the last person I’d trust would be Donald Trump, fucking guy is still the only person I’ve ever heard of that went bankrupt owning a casino
In spite of those limits, the team of investigators and prosecutors recommended a dozen felony charges of tax evasion. Those were finally ignored with a couple misdemeanor charges negotiated with no jail time.
How many of us could skate on well documented cases of failing to pay taxes on $17 million of undeclared income ?
Barack Obama
George W Bush
Bill Clinton ( and his wife )
George H W Bush
Ronald Reagan
Jimmy Carter
Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon
They all have Presidential Libraries
And, after the whistleblowers came forward, he sent a letter to Congress “ correcting” that testimony.
The George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
and all of the other ex presidents library’s
And for the record I sincerely doubt any of those libraries contain purloined documents, it’s truly a shame that these Republicans are so much invested in a single individual, this cult is killing our democracy
The only people obsessed with Trump and MAGA are demented twats like Biden and 25IQ.
Harry Dean
Hillary Clinton
Scott White
Jeb Bush
Ron DeSantis
The silver lining is that we get two more years of Gov DeSantis in FL
Huh, the issue is taking classified documents and obstructing efforts to return them when requested. Only Trump did that as far as I know.
I hope we can see a speedy resolution to Trump's remaining legal issues (i.e., jail), defeat in 2024, and get this turd out of the news cycle once and for all. We'd love to be not talking about him anymore.
Only Biden demanded a former President return the documents he legally took for his personal use and future library.
And the notion that, with Trump gone, Vivek would beat DeSantis is a rather hard sell. DeSantis is the clear winner if Trump was somehow knocked out.
I'm not endorsing Vivek or Trump with this observation, I am simply saying that it may benefit the USA to continue thinking outside the box and avoiding our normal tendencies to vote for "proven" politicians (especially Senators).
I'm not a fan of Haley. I remember her being highly critical of Trump early in the 2016 campaign, then became supportive when he won the nomination, kissed up to him and received the UN appointment, and now that she's running for President turned against him again. Seems dishonest. Also her annoying little bag of canned responses for avoiding questions. "I don't kick sideways I kick forward." Ugh... so glad she seems to have retired that one.
Always liked Tim Scott, but he lost me with that campaign announcement. Holy shit it was hard to watch. From cotton to congress. Be better not bitter. Patriotism over pity. Be a victim, or be victorious. It was like a never ending stream of catch phrases and throw away applause lines. Then he intermittently morphs into some kind of preacher persona, and that fake roar at the moment of the actual announcement. He's much better at speaking candidly during interviews, but having to watching this guy give prepared speeches for the next four years would be unbearable.
If we are lucky, we get President Scott. An actual real Conservative and not a hater.
He has developed a detailed understanding of the constitution and the founders. He uses that knowledge to explain and develop his plan for remaking the government in a way that returns to the founders intent. Smaller. Less intrusive.
He plans to cut the number of federal employees by 75% and distribute the remaining 25% to locations in the heartland. He says the President has the authority to do this under the Constitution, without the need for Congressional approval.
He will also strip the federal bureaucracy of the power to enact rules and regulations without explicit Presidential approval.
He will close the Department of education and use that money to encourage non union charter schools, especially in the inner city.
Former President Donald Trump leads in the poll at 48%.
The absolute fucking stupidest thing is that if the republicans nominated anyone other than Trump or DeSantis, Republican is in the Whitehouse, but nope the Trump assholes would rather lose and then spew hate.
As far as how this affects me? Doesn't, no matter who wins. I live in a bluer than Blue area and have survived here for 65 years, so if the Blues win, I do fine. If the Red wins then being a conservative I win along with America.
Footnote I have the top 2 on the Open leaderboard on Fanduel and have been watching golf since 4:00 am.
There is zero -ZERO- evidence of widespread, systemic corruption in the Trump administration. Every day is just more and more incontrovertable evidence of engrained and historical self-enrichment, bribery, corruption, subversion, and dereliction throughout the Biden family and his entire time in the Executive branch (VP years, too). He is the swampiest creature of them all. The dems must be panicking behind the scenes trying to figure out how to get rid of him without being stuck with Kamala.
You see, 25IQ and skibum, the above is an example of discourse void of gratuitous insults and draconian threats. Arguments and warrants which can be researched and considered have been expressed in a fashion which invites reasoned debate. You two should try it.
It will all come down to the 20% who have yet to commit to one of those camps.
You seem to almost favor him (perhaps only behind Trump) as the choice to be the GOP's 2024 nominee. Here's my question to you.
Do you truly feel that a self-identifying Hindu with the last name "Ramaswamy" (I mean, why not anglicize it to "Ramsay"?; Nikki Haley's real name btw is Nimrata Randhawa; Nikki is the anglicized first name and Haley is of course her married name) is an appropriate and fitting choice to serve as President of the United States? Is there no semblance of Christian identity left in the United States? Does the Founders' vision count for anything?
I'm all for content of character, assimilation, MLK, all that stuff. But is there not a reasonable limit to this diversity stuff? With the absolutely staggering demographic change happening to the country, isn't a "President Ramaswamy" pretty much a globalist dream come true from an identity standpoint (even if he says non-woke stuff)?
Okay, he's smart and articulate. But shouldn't there be more to it than that?
After hearing him talk about values, returning to the national character envisioned by the founders,etc I doubt that many will reject him because he looks different or is Hindu. He grew up in Cincinnati and he has Midwest common sense.
He’s not just smart, he’s really, really smart.
I don't like Trump the egomaniac. but I will vote for him again if I have to.
enough of Biden.
God is real.
There are two genders.
Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
Reverse racism is racism.
An open border is no border.
Parents determine the education of their children.
The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
The U.S. constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.…
1) She was born Nimrata Nikki Rhandawa. There is nothing wrong or Anglicized about going with your middle name.
2) The Founding Fathers have never expressed a view or a desire of the United States of America where the governing individuals are uniformly Christian. They wanted a secular government guided by what they perceived to be Judeo-Christian principles of free will and personal responsibility. If Nikki and Vivek are committed to a secular government of the people, by the people, and for the people, then they can be Wiccans for all I care.
@mark94: Be careful. A lot of people argued for Obama that he was smart, really, really smart; and we all now what an utter incompetent he turned out to be. Obama was the third worse president in history, close behind Carter and Biden (#1 worst).
Obama was a political organizer before he entered politics in Chicago, perhaps the most corrupt political machine.He won the Senate seat when private legal documents about his opponent were leaked. After he was elected, his wife suddenly got a cushy $300,000 job at a hospital that later got big government grants. All that should have put up red flags about his sincerity and veracity.
Vivek is a billionaire who founded a successful biotech firm. He doesn’t need a government job to get rich.
Vivek has been careful not to criticize Trump and Trump has said nice things about Vivek.
It will be interesting how this plays out.
1) Yes, there is nothing at all wrong about going with your middle name. I mentioned this only to note that she chose the middle name instead of the first name. The middle name is, in my view, the better choice for someone assimilating into American culture. This is just my opinion. I'd rather have a President Nikki Haley than a President Nimrata Randhawa if we're talking about the United States. A potential reply to this would be "why does it matter?" or "what's in a name?" I suppose that will simply depend on one's view of American culture and to what extent one wants it to remain, for lack of a better word, Anglicized, or linked to founding stock principles. At the end of the day, she would be an American-born woman with Indian parents as President. One is either fine with this or isn't.
2) As for the Founders' vision, you are correct of course that they wanted a secular government guided by principles of free will and personal responsibility. But they simply never could have conceived of their country one day being majority populated by peoples of non-white, non-European origin (which will occur by around 2045 or so at current trends). Thus, it is difficult to interpret where they would have stood on the question of a "President Ramaswamy." But hey, America twice elected Barack Hussein Obama, so I suppose this question (practically speaking) has already been answered.
I would concur with the assessment that the three worst presidents in American history are Biden (worst), followed by Carter, and then Obama. Obama did the most intentional cultural damage though, whereas Carter's failures seemed to be mostly the result of weakness and ineptitude. Obama's two Supreme Court appointees (Sotomayor, Kagan) are wholly unqualified diversity hires, and this trend set the country on a really bad path of identity politics.
Trump has said nice things about Ramaswamy because he doesn't view him as a threat. If Ramaswamy was to ever approach 20% in a primary poll, Trump's attitude toward him would change dramatically, and the gloves would come off.
This is why Trump only attacks DeSantis. Trump knows DeSantis is his only credible threat (to date).
I, for one, don't see Ramaswamy ever hitting 15% in any national primary poll as long as there are multiple candidates (you have to allow for one or two outliers with bad methodology) but stranger things have happened. If everyone else dropped out and it was just the two of them, then I suppose he could hit 20-25%, but that level of support wouldn't be a plausible threat to Trump in a head-to-head matchup.
Fine. So he's willing to acknowledge and forgive all of Hunter's major league fuck-ups. The rampant drug addiction. The prostitutes. The stupidity of RECORDING all that shit and then losing his laptop, which also by the way had all the "Big Guy" stuff on it. Irresponsibly lying on a firearms application and ditching a gun in a public garbage can. Oh and fucking his dead brother's widow, yeah don't forget about that.
This is the kind of scandalous family shit that could sink a politician's career, but so far Joe's still standing. He's endured all this stuff that's more repugnant than most people can even imagine.
So he's already got all this egg on his face, but the ONE Hunter screw-up that almost anyone could relate to and feel some empathy he refuses to even acknowledge. I'm talking about the grandchild in Arkansas. That's got to be the LEAST shocking thing Hunter's ever done. So if the plan is to fully embrace Hunter with all of his faults, why so much resistance to this 4-year-old child? It doesn't seem logical from a political standpoint and it makes him look like a miserable old scumbag, which of course he is.
Joe’s mind is so far gone, he’s like puppy being led around on a leash. He doesn’t make decisions. He doesn’t know where he is most of the time.
Hunter shows up at the WH and it never occurs to Joe that might be an issue.
“ Where’s the proof that Biden is actually corrupt?
Emails, text messages, and bank statements that explicitly detail the scam the Bidens were running.
No I want real proof.
Video of Biden himself extorting.
No I want real proof.
Whistleblowers and business partners that have spent hours detailing the scam that the Bidens were running.
No I want real proof. See, you don’t have any. You are in a cult.”
His answer was 'watch me'.
The major issue is that in spite of his handlers trying to cover for him, except for the totally clueless, people have been watching and even many of his supporters don't want him to run again.
Remember that? "I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole. Bungholio. My people- they have no bungholes..."
Watch the videos and tell me I'm wrong.
“It is fascinating to watch the Biden Crime Family story morph from allegation to fact (essentially) without having any impact on Democrats still waiting to be told their new opinion.
The old "there is nothing to the story" narrative collapsed. The new narrative has not yet been assigned.
Democrats field-tested "This is old news" but it didn't match the reporting.
What happens next? Either the biggest gaslighting operation since the laptop or . . . something much worse.”
Case in point: KJP, when asked about all the new evidence of payments to the Biden family where know-nothing zero-experience Hunter always seems to be the conduit, says she's been asked the same question "a million times" and the answer remains exactly the same: Joe Biden has never "been in business" with his son Hunter.
I don't need Fox News or Newsmax to tell me that statement is not at all "the same" as the narrative for the past couple years, where Joe supposedly never once "spoke" to Hunter about his overseas business deals.
My question: Is it still a "lie" if you make no attempt at all to hide the fact that it's a lie? Apparently not.
That’s the best thing for Joe since it takes some of the heat off the investigation into his corruption.
They can’t have Joe resign, because Kamala.
If the Republicans don’t dump Trump, Biden is going to win in a cakewalk, sorry to say, but if it’s a rematch of 2020 not even close and my guess is Congress flips as well.
At the same time, the person they are counting on to defeat Trump, has been shown by a mountain of evidence, to have have committed numerous crimes, possibly including treason.
What will these people in power do to protect themselves as the people turn against them ?
I’m actually frightened by what might happen.
He was facing two misdemeanor tax charges and a felony gun conviction, but the deal would’ve given him a slap on the wrist. The judge didn’t like this deal and denied it. This is bad news for the Biden crime family.
If Gavin Newsom can broker an amenable resolution for all parties in the strikes, he would have a very strong argument for taking the Dem nom in 2024.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
The Chinese and Russians are laughing their ass off
I don't think the dems ever meant for him to be the 2024 candidate. Party insiders knew he was up to his hairy ears in corruption and bribery, but all dems are corrupt so that wasn't an issue. They were just waiting for old age or an impeachment or a family conviction to take away the option for him to seek reelection.
If Desantis wins the Republican nomination he can hit Biden hard on being old. Trump can't, they are close enough in age it won't work.
It's interesting that considering a lot of you have a hard on for Hunter Biden, there's been no talk of the Biden family acknowledging they have seven grandchildren, officially acknowledging Hunter has a lovechild he fought tooth and nail to deny he is the father. This is the actual sort of scandal that will play well to middle of the road voters, and it looks really bad.
There is no way Cumala would win, even against Trump.
"Sought" might not be exactly the correct word. Usually if one is seeking something, they at least try to give the appearance that they might have a shot at it.
That woman is an embarrassment to herself, to competent women everywhere, and to America. She's so pathetic, even Democrats and the Biden administration might be embarrassed (if that's actually possible; it might not be).
"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago," wrote Brown. Brown was married at the time.
He also wasn’t mayor at the time they dated. He was elected after they broke up. She was a county attorney, and later elected state’s attorney. So which job did Willie Brown appoint her to?
Facts please.…
The DOJ is attempting to arrest him just hours before he's scheduled to testify. SDNY Damian Williams issued the letter Saturday telling Judge Abrams to order Devon Archer to surrender IMMEDIATELY.
Rep. Comer: "The lengths to which the Biden legal team has gone to try and intimidate our witnesses, to coordinate with the DOJ...this is another violation of the law, this is obstruction of justice."
And Kamala Harris was 16 yo in 1980. Stop writing in a misleading way that they had a 15 year relationship and maybe you won’t get fact checked so often.
In 1994, Harris began dating Willie Brown, a powerhouse in California politics who was then the speaker of the state assembly and was 30 years older than Harris. From his perch in the assembly, Brown appointed Harris to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission—positions that together paid her around $80,000 a year on top of her prosecutor’s salary.
In 1995, Brown was elected mayor of San Francisco. That December, Harris broke up with him because “she concluded there was no permanency in our relationship,” Brown told Joan Walsh in 2003. “And she was absolutely right.”
Now I'm going to STFU.
Fact: Kamala dated Willie, Kamala got appointment from Willie.
Hank: He was separated. He didn’t date her for 15 years. You didn’t give enough details on the appointment. Therefore, this is misinformation.
“When Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, he joined Hunter Biden’s dinners with his foreign business associates in person or by speakerphone over 20 times.”
So much for Joe’s claim that he had no knowledge or involvement in Hunter’s business deals.
“It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden at times interacted with his son’s business partners.” But business was never discussed.
For those old enough to remember, it’s the sergeant Schultz defense. I see nothing.…
Most of this is documented. They still need documentation being hidden by Treasury, State Department, FBI, DOJ. But, they’ve got enough to prove corruption to any open minded person.
I think the Committee will keep adding evidence. Whistleblowers. Documents slowly turned over.
They’ll take whatever time it takes to build a bulletproof case. Several more months.
Then, an impeachment trial in the House. That will bring all this evidence to the public’s attention.
At some point, the Democrat party will realize it’s in their best interest if Joe goes away. Maybe he resigns under pressure or with some health excuse.
Kamala becomes President but won’t win the Primary. The fix will be in for someone else, probably Newsome.
“Conservatives looking to expose the full extent of the Biden family’s corruption have a problem: the scandal might be too big to break.
Typically, there are three main entities involved in taking down a politician over a corruption scandal. First, there is the media, which broadcasts the details of the scandal, eroding public support. Second, there is law enforcement, which investigates and, if necessary, presses criminal charges. Third, there is the party establishment, which ultimately abandons the politician as a matter of self-preservation, signaling that it’s “game over.”
But what happens when a scandal is so big that the people responsible for breaking it are implicated in it as well?
That is the situation which now faces the mainstream media, the federal intelligence bureaucracy, and the Democrat Party. For years, they have all parroted Biden’s lies and created an echo chamber of denial about wrongdoing by the president and his family. Now, with it all beginning to crumple around them, they’re seeing that the downfall of the president spells the end of their own reputations and careers as well.”
Outside of the bank records, the suspicious activity reports, the wire transfers, the Privat bank transactions, the LLCs, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners saying Joe is the “brand,” the “big guy,” and “the chairman,” the two whistleblowers testimony, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor, and Hunter’s statements that he’s giving his dad half his income, there is NO evidence of Joe Biden being involved.
Or maybe a his crackhead son is the mastermind, and the kid got the old man to the pinnacle of power, just to be able to to orchestrate this fantabulous scheme.
Or this is among the most fucked up conspiracy theory I've ever heard.
I do agree with gamma that I don’t trust California voters. But he left out Kevin McCarthy.
When even more details of this are revealed and Biden looks even worse in a few months, they could easily parade Joe in front of the press and have him pull a "I have come to realize, for the good of the country, that it is best I do not seek re-election for another term. I acknowledge now there were mistakes in judgment I made as regards my son's business and I should have been more forthright. Unlike Donald Trump, who will not accept his mistakes, the Democratic Party holds itself to a higher standard and I feel therefore it is best that someone else should become our nominee for 2024. It was my honor to serve you and accomplish [insert policy lie #1] and [insert policy lie #2], etc. etc."
This would actually make the Democrats look good to moderates and independents and greatly help Newsom or whomever became the eventual nominee. But I want to be clear that there is no way I think they'll do this. They are too corrupt and the entire Biden admin is based on denial of facts and gaslighting the public. All one has to do is watch KJP lie and obfuscate on a daily basis. They have no shame and won't do this. It's just stupid because, if they did, it would be a win-win for them in that they'd: (1) get a non-senile nominee and (2) a slight boost from the public perception of turning the page and categorizing Biden's corruption as unacceptable.
But they are just too damn corrupt to the core so won't take this rather easy out.
These charges could have been made long ago (I recognize that such charges take time, but it seems they could have been assessed earlier), but they are just now suddenly making them, as they are becoming scared.
Four years later, we knew the swamp was all the Democrat politicians, half the Republican politicians, all the media, and hundreds of thousands of federal bureaucrats.
I just wonder if it’s too late to take this country back from all those crooks. There is no limit to what they would do to keep power.
Seriously. Grifter in chief. Top 5 most corrupt.presdients ever. Dude loves his crime.
The Jan 6 Committee had no legitimacy.
In any case, we now have an actual criminal case to deal with Benito Chocolate Moussolini. Let the (potato) chips fall where they may.
Factually false
"testimony (almost exclusively by republican loyalists)"
Factuslly false
"McCarthy then opted to not have other republicans participate, like the minority normally would."
Factual false
"democrats refused to let Jim Jordan and a couple others on the panel"
A misleading half-truth
"I can choose to believe it."
This is completely true, both of the author and the rest of the democrat party base of useful idiots.
If you want the truth, read the preceding comment by mark94
I just don't get how more people don't see this guy for the slimy used car salesman type that he is.
It's just so painfully transparent to me that he's leaning into this whole sanctimonious "I could capitalize on this as Trump's opponent in the primary, but I won't because I'm bigger than that and believe this is wrong" angle.
B.S. dude. You're doing it to suck up to Trump/Trump's base so when Trump gets the GOP nomination, you want him to pick you as VP or else put you in his Cabinet.
Of course, all politicians do this to some extent but you can literally see the calculations going on in this snake oil salesman's head.
This guy has no business being considered as a serious candidate for POTUS. The very thought of him in the role just seems silly. People rejected Dukakis for looking silly in the Snoopy military helmet back in '88. Imagine Ramaswamy in military garb (at all of his 5 foot 6) giving orders to the U.S. military.
Ron DeSantis, meanwhile, would win a general election against Biden by four to six points.
The GOP will need to do some serious soul-searching and decide if it wants to really win, or keep playing games and hand the election to the Dems. Donors and others need to move decisively behind the scenes within the next six months or they will be toast.
That’s how we got McCain and Romney.
Politico reports that Biden World is feverishly working to stave off third-party challengers including Cornell West, RFK Jr., and No Labels. On demand, The Daily Beast published a hit piece on West alleging he has $500k in unpaid taxes.
Now you see why.
Emerson has Trump winning Michigan by 2% in a three-way race if West runs. If Trump wins Michigan by 2%, he wins the whole thing.
Trump at 47, Pence at 8 to round out the top 3.
Heavy D's poll numbers are really bad right now. It'll be very tough for him to recover from this. GOP voters just aren't gravitating to him.
“Ron DeSantis megadonor Robert Bigelow is already into the failing DeSantis campaign for $20 million.
Billionaire donor Bigelow tells Reuters that he has told the DeSantis managers the candidate needs to take moderate positions, or he will not donate any more money. Ron DeSantis is then questioned by reporters in Iowa about the Trump indictment and the claims of the 2020 election being stolen. Immediately DeSantis changes his talking points. “All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true,” Mr. DeSantis said in response to a reporter’s question after a campaign event at a brewery in Northeast Iowa.”
Yes, the RCP average has Ramaswamy third (by 0.4% over Pence mind you as of this writing), but there is not a single credible national poll where Vivek Ramaswamy has been above Ron DeSantis. Note that I say "credible" - some rinky dink polling company not recognized for GOP debate criteria wouldn't count.
I tend to agree with 70-80% of your expressed ideological views and am disinclined to get into any kind of protracted back-and-forth, but this above claim really strains credulity.
In my entire lifetime, the Republicans have never put forth a real charismatic candidate in the likes of JFK, Obama or Clinton. Reagan was called “The Great Communicator” - but he had a folksy appeal, not super polished which I always thought odd since he was an actor
My point is, Vivek is rising in the polls and is doing surprisingly well for a 37 year old businessman at this stage of the race.
Tulsi Gabbard
Vivek Ramaswamy
I have to think if I were Donald Trump I would be watching this guy very, very closely.”
Nigel Farage
Vivek Ramaswamy (Tweet from Sep 13, 2022)
This is about the most Romney/McCain-esque neocon thing one could possibly say.
Furthermore, to make this statement in late 2022, when the country is being flooded with both illegal and so-called "legal" migration to the extent that American culture is vanishing before everyone's eyes, it is so tone deaf as to be disqualifying for a serious candidate in a Republican primary.
It's no surprise that post-Tucker Fox News is giving Ramaswamy so much airtime these days. He's a big business shill who would be happy to see white Americans reduced to less than 10% of the population, all in the pursuit of corporate "excellence." As if this somehow captures the totality of American life and culture.
All his talk is empty Obama-like pablum (Americana this, Americana that). In fact, he sounds like a globalist plant intended to get moderate conservatives to feel all warm and fuzzy about his anti-woke talk of "getting back to our ideals" meanwhile on the biggest issue when the chips are down as it pertains to the preservation of American culture (immigration) his words are indistinguishable from that of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Pete Buttigieg.
Vivek Ramaswamy (Tweet from Sep 13, 2022)
I would agree with this sentiment when viewed through the MAGA lens of ending chain migration, frivolous and false asylum claims, and cutting off shithole countries.
We must dismantle the welfare state and eject welfare immigrants along with the illegals.
Vivek supports a merit based immigration system, not the free-for-all we have now.
You guys need to speak for yourselves cause y’all sure as fuck don’t know what anyone else is thinking. Making blanket statements about what others are thinking is narcissistic behavior defined.
Twentyfive is a narcissist, incapable of self-awareness, shame, or regret.
1. Spew anti-woke talk endlessly to appeal to moderate Republicans and disaffected Dems/independents. Literally do every TV hit and interview possible to increase exposure, including being one of four guests on a clown show like Gutfeld.
2. Claw his way up to 6-9% of national polling with, yes, the occasional outlier putting him higher.
3. Here's the key one: after probably the South Carolina primary, the entire anti-Trump wing of the party is going to coalesce around one candidate, which will almost surely be Ron DeSantis. This will be in order to avoid what happened in 2016 when a crowded field helped Trump win the nomination (though he would have likely won anyway). HOWEVER, Ramaswamy will present himself as the Trump savior and endorse Trump - unlike Pence, Haley, etc. who will support DeSantis. This will be done so Ramaswamy can leverage his support into a promise to be in Trump's cabinet and his Hail Mary hope that maybe Trump would make him his VP (he won't).
In short, Ramaswamy is basically looking to be the 2024 GOP version of Pete Buttigieg. Exact same age as PB was in 2020 (37), slick talking and polished with every word focus-grouped.
VR will never attack Trump during this whole primary season because he is too scared of Trump and the MAGA base teeing off on his race and Hindu background.
VR is a Trump lapdog in waiting whose entire campaign is mapped out to culminate in a Trump endorsement after SC in the hopes of his own self-advancement.
It will all be for naught because Trump will lose the general election (whether fairly or unfairly, he will not be returning to the Oval).
All Ramaswamy is going to accomplish will be to cockblock a GOP nominee who could actually win the general.
Here is one way it might play out. Vivek does well in the debates, while Trump stays out of the debates. Trump polls at 80% while Vivek gets to 20% in the early primaries. Vivek never insults Trump, but differs with him on some policies. Vivek gets the VP nomination.
“Attorney general appoints Hunter Biden special counsel.”
Read literally, that’s pretty fucking funny and would fit republicans’ image of the dems spot on.
Cornel West, on the other hand, looks like he's going to run and that could definitely be an issue.
As I think about it, Ramaswamy is the opposite of Trump. Intellectual. Detail oriented. Won’t criticize others.
He’s also the opposite of Biden. He doesn’t have dementia.
That being said, the tradition of the country and the way America's history unfolded was heavily Christian. George Washington himself was an Anglican.
While I personally view the ideal President of the U.S. to be Christian, I would be open to arguments that a moral secular person, who would nonetheless place his hand on the Bible and agree to uphold the Constitution, could potentially honorably serve as President, but I have my doubts.
Where the argument falls apart for me is when the notion is presented that someone of a religious and cultural tradition diametrically opposed to Christianity, such as a Hindu or a Muslim, could stand as President and remain true to the nation's founding ideals, cultural and spiritual identity.
Would the citizens of India welcome a Catholic or Presbyterian to serve as their leader?
The idea of Mr. Ramaswamy as President should be a non-starter. He is a smart young man. Let him enjoy his millions in the entrepreneurial sector and live well in the USA. Leave the leadership of this nation, its very highest office, to someone else.
Obama adhered to Black Liberation Theology, a communist doctrine created by the Soviets, and he was the second worst president after Biden. Still, I do not believe that a Hindu or a Muslim is inherently immoral and incapable of being a good or even great president. Look at Bill Clinton: one of the most corrupt presidents in history, a rapist, a philanderer, bought and paid for by the CCP. He was also a Baptist that loved photo ops in black Baptist churches.
Morality and competence extends far deeper than whatever faith you claim.
These are your top two negatives on Clinton?Are being a rapist and a philanderer disqualifying factors from being president? If so, I have some news for you.
I’m voting for Ramaswamy. His stance against corporate policies centering their “theories” around ESG forcing the investment community to abide by social/political diverse hiring and climate agendas needs to be kept in check. I find it funny all these climate conspiracists never study the affect sun flares have on weather, which is by far greater than can be found from humans. We’ve only been able to measure it for a few decades and notably there are more activity from the Sun lately in our short recordable history. Climate hoax is being used to jam policies down our throat, and force use to be “woke” in Hollywood’s version. We all have our own some movement. Ramaswamy gets my vote.
Most people (of all faiths) tend to be moral for the most part. That includes people of these faiths. That said, let them govern countries where people of their faith are the majority. And let America be governed by someone who shares the majority faith of this populace.
If the primary election to select the Republican presidential nominee were held today, for whom would you vote?
60% Donald Trump
13% Vivek Ramaswamy
8% Ron DeSantis
5% Chris Christie
4% Mike Pence
4% Nikki Haley
2% Tim Scott
3% Not sure
3% None of the above
via @RMG_Research
This is why Trump testicle-soothers like Vivek Ramaswamy are so pathetic. Here, you have a guy who is just thinking about himself and will defend Trump to hopefully get the VP pick, even though Trump has no chance in hell of winning the general.
Attn GOP:
1. Nominate DeSantis and likely win
2. Nominate Trump and surely lose
These are your two options. There are no others. Figure it out or don't.
Ha. We don’t even choose our President by majority vote.
Refugees working on rocket ships. So many questions.
If Biden ousts Cumala, however, then Trump will likely lose.
I don't see a path to someone Primarying Trump, unless he's incarcerated
As absurd as it is, I think Biden (even now) could beat Trump by staying in his basement because all the media attention will be on Trump, who 52% of the country says they would never vote for under any circumstance and an additional 12% says they would probably not vote for (64% combined will probably not/never vote for Trump). Even if some of those probably nots cave, maybe he gets 42-44% of the vote in an absolute best-case scenario, which would be short. Even though the popular vote share isn't what's decisive, that figure wouldn't represent enough votes to win the necessary swing states and get to 270 in the electoral college.
Trump could literally be defeated by a potato.
“ At the first Republican presidential primary debate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis touted his military experience, saying he “was assigned with U.S. Navy SEALs in Iraq” and “deployed to Iraq alongside U.S. Navy SEALs.” That’s accurate: He was a Navy lawyer who advised a SEAL commander.
Viewers who weren’t listening closely might have gotten the mistaken impression that DeSantis himself was a Navy SEAL”
He wasn’t. His job was to assure the rule of law was followed by the Seals and to assure captives were treated humanely.
He was also awarded a Bronze Star but I don’t think we’ve been given any details.
Perhaps now you could provide a similar assessment of Vivek Ramaswamy's military service.
Therefore, it is critical to choose someone from VP that would be able to effectively perform Presidential duties.
Of course, it may not matter if Trump is the Republican nominee, as many would rather pay $10 for a gallon on milk than to have a President that sometimes hurts peoples' feelings with his words.