
Denied Entry

Strip Club Nation
Last summer, I was denied entry for three clubs in California in a week. Two were in Los Angeles and one was a dive in Fresno. It was about 100 degrees in LA at the time and about 104 degrees in the Valley. The reason: I was wearing muscle shirts all three times. They all had rules that tank tops were not allowed. Even though muscle shirts have a little more fabric on them than a tank top, they still considered them the same thing. Only one of the three clubs I bothered to change into a collared shirt for. The other two, I said "fuck it" and drove around until I found a club that was okay with muscle shirts.

I like wearing a muscle shirts with a thin material like Nike Dri-fit when it is hot outside. The material is so thin and loose that it is like wearing no shirt at all. When a stripper mounts you for a lap dance, it feels like she is rubbing her tits on your bare chest.

Just a few weeks ago in New Orleans I was drinking on Bourbon Street in a muscle shirt. The hawker/doorman outside of Score's Mansion told me I could not go into his club with no sleeves. I did not care because I was allowed into all three of Score's sister clubs with no problem. I walked back to Score's around 2am when the crowd was dying out and confronted the same hawker/doorman. He once again brought up my shirt, but eventually let me go inside. I guess they need to be picky on who they sell $10 sodas to.

It amazes me how I can go to some high end clubs wearing a muscle shirt, and they do not care, while some trashy, dilapidated clubs get all up in arms if you are missing four or five inches of fabric on a hot day.

What types of clothing have gotten you turned away at the door of a strip club?


  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    i've been denied entry at least once. maybe more, but i'm not positive if its happened multiple times.

    i was once denied for wearing b-ball shorts lol. the reason was because it didn't fit their dress code or it wasn't classy enough or some shit.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I've found that *some* of the low end clubs who do as you've described here are doing so to keep a certain element out. The higher end clubs apparently don't have a problem with that element, and so don't bother.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I get the same feeling if they do that when I wear my mesh gym shorts and flip flops. lol!!

    If they don't want to take my $$ I will just go somewhere else. Fuck them pretentious faggits!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Off the top of my head I recall 2 instances:

    1) Baby Dolls Dallas in the early-2000s (at their old location) - I visited on a very busy Fr or Sat night - was wearing kakis and dress shoes w/ a nice t-shift but the t-shirt was collarless and the doorguy did not let me in b/c of the no collar - I had often wore collarless t-shirts to Baby Dolls b/f that visit and after and had not had issues - I guess it was a busy night and since I was alone perhaps the prick doorguy was being more picky about who got in (maybe preferring to let in big groups vs a young single guy (at the time) since the club was so busy that night and the old location was a smaller venue though not small)

    2) about a year at Blaze in ATL (black club) - went on nightshift wearing my very thin and stretchy black lounge-pants (almst like thin pajamas but w/ pockets and look like regular black stacks) - I was commando and since the lounge-pants are soft and thin they kinda drape over your johnson - doorguy noticed my appendage and said "you can't go in w/ no draws-on bro" - so I had to hit another club - I was kinda dismayed since Blaze is a $5/dance dive but then again ATL is overall pretty conservative w.r.t. its strip-clubs
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I've never been denied.

    Although there were a couple times when I went in the past after golfing all day and I had dress shorts and a hat on. But I also had a collared polo shirt.
    I was mostly worried that they would say something about the hat, but never had any problems.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i allways wear a t shirt. usually a speriment rhino t shirt. sometimes turned inside out. never a problem for a t shirt. my problems might be my shorts and/or flip flops. especially at srlv.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I usually dress very casually, but I've never been denied entry to a club.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Been told that I smell bad. T's San Jose, now defunct.

    Doorman said, "I can smell you. Might be a problem if you want to get friendly with some of our girls.

    It is a strict no touching club.

    I had been moving some furniture.

    So not knowing what to do, I apologized to each girl who got close to me. Seemed to be okay.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I have a collarless black t-shirt that I wear to the SCs from time to time - it's very very thin and stretchy almost like spandex and it's almost like not wearing anything when the dancer rubs her bod or hands over me - it is a Calvin Klein and I actually got it in the underwear section of Macy's
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ I will keep my eyes open for such. Good idea. Like nothing, but still looks nice.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    SJG ^^^ Doorman said "I can smell you!"

    That is comedy gold with you being so forthright in sharing that story SJG. Thank you! You made my day.

    What was better was the fact you persevered forward that visit and wine tonsils anyway, apologizing to each dancer that came within sniffing distance of you. Classic SJG! Best post ever.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago


    Por si acaso no regreso - Celia Cruz
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I've met way more strippers that have denied me entry, vs clubs
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I've been denied and kicked out multiple times over
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    ^ LOL so clever Chulo
  • Mainster
    8 years ago
    I was clubbing with a cast on my broken leg, and had grabbed a chair to prop the leg up for a while. Bouncer threatened to "drag me out to the lot" if I didn't quit "putting my feet up on the chairs." I tried to explain about elevating a wounded limb and all that, but all Mr. Room-Temp IQ could come up with was "follow my rules or get the fuck out." I had a fave girl there at the time (with whom I had lined up some quality time) and I waved at her as I rode my crutches back out to my truck. She got up in Barney Fife's face about running her customers off and he relented. I kept my leg up on a chair all damn night while he scowled at me. After that he hassled me every fucking time I came in, and I tended to greet him with "Hi, Dallas. Get fucked, Dallas." Fun times.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    JimGassagain, I was also struck by SJG's amazingly forthright story about offending the finely tuned nostrils of a SC doorman, though I am puzzled by your phrase "persevered forward that visit and wine tonsils anyway". I assume that was coherent before auto-correct got hold of it.

    Why TF would anyone go to a strip club stinky?
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    In 1000+ SC visits I've been turned away twice:
    (1) The door guy at Skybox in Harvey, IL rejected me because I was wearing sweatpants. I drove 15 minutes to Jimmy's in Chicago Heights, which has no such bogus dress code.
    (2) The door *girl* at Club 390 in Chicago Heights regretfully turned me away on a hot summer night because I was wearing soft shorts. I pointed out that I had dressed that way on at least 20 previous occasions, but no go. So I drove 10 minutes to . . . Jimmy's, my kind of undiscriminating establishment.

    I bought a pair of thin dress slacks that I will throw into my trunk on my next trip to the south Chicago suburbs, just in case I want to ogle the nudie cuties at Skybox.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Some of this bouncers would qualify for disability due to ther low IQ.

    I was once clubbing at a dive in Ft Worth, TX - dances were done in sofas in a corner - I went to the dance-area w/ a dancer, while we're waiting for the next song to start she said she needed to run to dressing room for a quick minute and told me to wait for her - as I'm waiting for her the goon comes over to where I am and asks me to follow him - this moron walks me all the way out of the club to the parking lot to tell me I can't sit in the dance-area, to which I explained the dancer had asked me to wait for her since she needed to run into the DR for a sec - at the very-least he could have just told me what was on his mind while I sat there vs walking me all the way out of the fucking club - I could not believe his stupidity and power-tripping but then again I can.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I was denied entry at Thee Whiskey Tavern in Columbia SC for wearing sweat pants and sweat shirt in Dec 2010. Mine was their first review. Since then the have a total of 19. Boy was I disappointed. :)

    Follies has a dress code intended to keep out the thug element. No baggy pants, sun glasses, white t-shirts, etc. Everybody knows my reputation for wearing raunchy t-shirts but I have never had a problem getting in there. I don't think I would try it at Cheetah but I'm not going there anyhow.

  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I have never been denied, but that's because I always wear my white three-piece suit.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I tried to go to Flight Club in just my underwear and was denied, why are they so picky!?!?!?

    I've been denied at a Vegas night club for a t-shirt (no collar) and once for wearing suede Puma Shoes (considered athletic wear) but never at a strip club.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    I was once originally denied entry into the Minx Showpalace in Des Moines all because I was wearing a hoodie. I was wearing a hoodie because it was unseasonably cold in August. I just ended up taking it off and just wearing a t-shirt, but that is still the last time I went there, more than 8 years ago. They really get wound up about nothing there.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    All my infractions was over the issue of athletic gear
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Bullshit Bro.

    Does thou even work out?
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    A club in providence who boasted about being a "miami style club" banned sweats, shorts and sandals after 6 etc. They will fail and disappear before the end of the year.
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I was denied entry into Porthole Pub & 4-Play, both in Pompano, for wearing flip flops. Both are shitty clubs that really can't afford to be turning away customers. Also, on both occasions I was chased across the parking lot by a manager and asked to come in after the initial door guy had told me no. I didn't go in on either occasion, but I have been back to both clubs. I wore flip flops again.

    I was also denied entry to E11ven in Miami once. They were nonspecific about what or who it was, but said our party didn't meet the dress code. 4 of us, we were all wearing business casual, no jackets, but slacks/shirts/ties/shoes. We all drove separately, and they didn't refund our valet fees after denying us entry at the door. I had been in there previously on a weekend evening after a game or something at the AAA, wearing jeans and a polo, with some sneakers and was welcomed in with enthusiasm
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I've never been denied entry because of clothing. But I was denied entry once because I brought a woman with me. .. or rather almost denied entry.
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