Loving Ignoren

avatar for rockstar666
Well,it's been 2 days now that the homophobe club has been on ignore and I'm surprised how much better my TUSCL experience has been. I was thinking the few posts that cabal made that made sense were worth keeping them, but I was wrong. I won't see your replies or flames, but putting all of you on ignore has been a breath of fresh air as far as my TUSCL experience has been! You should be ashamed of yourselves that it's come to this, but of course you won't be. I suppose you'll be making homophobic posts about me too but I will never see them because I just don't care.


last comment
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Couldn't agree more, rockstar. I've had that dickwad txtittyfag on ignore forever, and Meat72 has joined him. I haven't ignored txtittyfag(.) since he's actually pretty reasonable once you take the other troll's out of the picture. And Dougster is a fun punching bag on occasion.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Hope I'm not on your ignore but I said what I felt needed to be said, I wish some of the others would stop being such cowards and not just act like these bastards are normal because they aren't. Every one on the right is not crazy and every one on the lest is not stupid and civility is a fair means of expression.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I definitely wish there were more civility on this board, but I don't think it's realistic to expect any. Give the type of people likely to be attracted to the board and the lack of moderation. I'm always civil with everyone until they decide they won't be civil themselves. Then I have to flatten them. :-)
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
25 and TF DOT are NOT on my ignore. I save it for the few who probably ate too many lead pain chips as children.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
paint. Damn I wish we had an edit!
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
I dunno rock. Pain chips worked for me.... ;-)
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
ATA:,But you don't post abject shit, so it doesn't matter about the paint chips.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
I guess lead works for some and not others.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Hey, rockstar, when you claimed that North Korea was a "socialist state" when in fact it's a dictatorship. was that the result of paint chips you ate as a kid?

avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
So I get a notification that one of my 'ignore' people commented on my post. Sorry! I'm not even curious enough to see what you said. *yawn* and Fuck you.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Oh, got a little bad news for you rockstar: ignore does not work such that people you have on ignore don't get to reply to your threads. If you think it should work that way take it up with founder. IMO, it wouldn't be a good idea. Would make discussions very one sided.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
^when you are ignored it's already pretty one sided.
I think you jumped to a conclusion (what a surprise!) about what you think he meant. I didn't read that at all. He simply stated that he had no interest in reading something that an ignored person posted.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Maybe it's the marijuana but I can't tell one titty fag from the other. I think I have them all ignored.

Dougster is civil? Ats funny.

avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I used to use ignorance but then I learned to channel my inner Ice-T. Loving the free speech. Tuscl is libertarian paradise.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Wife made lasagna last night. We had it with a very nice red wine and then watched survivor.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
One txtittyfag is no better than the other, so both are ignored. Dougster spends so much time being immature and posting threads that are just attacks on other tuscl'ers that I ignored him a while ago, as well. Life is too short to put up with idiots, so I'll out any blowhard or moron on ignore.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Dominic, I've had no one on ignore for years, but I finally thought I'd give it a try. I'll give the homophobe club a few weeks and then reinstate them to see if they got religion. I'm not holding my breath.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I hear ya. I'm sure it cleans up the threads.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yes, but sometimes people seem to be talking to themselves! LOL
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Actually gammanu95 had no problems with me if my attacks were against Nina, whom he also dislikes. Only when I made fun of right wing political nut jobs on this bored, said they are mindless parrots did he put me on ignore.

Now, I must say if I look at the names of all those putting me on ignore: tittyfag(dot), rockstar, gammanu95 it's really no cause for concerns. All losers themselves, although I guess rockstar is the least bad.

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@ Rockstar at one point I put a few people on ignore for a short time but I thought about it and I decided that was a bit cowardly. Not that I'm saying that about you , I'm not, but my reality is that the some of these posters are way outside normal, and they think that by their bullying tactics we should just capitulate. When we don't give them the satisfaction of letting their angry dark views they espouse go unanswered their true colors come out. I personally would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
Not saying that those that disagree are right ior wrong but the idiots that disrespect our right to disagree should be called out as the nazis and racists that they really are.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I debating whether I should put tittyfag(dot) on ignore. I guess I'll wait and see if his behavior has legitimately improved after the beating me, tittyfag, and Meat72 laid on him (after he picked fights with all three of us in turn... and lost!)
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
25, I actually put them on ignore to clean up the clutter. If they want to insult me that's up to them and I can take it. But these endless threads about nothing was too much for my lazy disposition...like I said, I'll give them a few weeks and see if things have improved.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Fair enough but I"ll lay 25-1 that it will be the same whenever you check in )
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yes TF Dot, I agree. I used to not ignore people because I felt I was big enough to take "libtard" insults, but that was just an excuse to not improve my TSUCL experience. I LOVE having a relatively clean board!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
txtittyfag(dot) creates a "dot" alias specifically to target txtittyfag and then can't take the heat he gets back so has to put tittyfag on ignore. Talk about EPIC FAILURE. I'm surprised he is still posting under tittyfag(dot) after that disgrace!

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^Wasn't so much about the spammers, as it was about the bullies, that's my point, who is afraid of a bully is only afraid because of their own lack of self esteem.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Tl:dr: It's what rockstar said: Cleaning up the clutter. When the first two pages of discussion topics are just the same one or two idiots calling each other names and attacking each other, I just don't have the patience to scroll past it. It's just a better and easier experience to get on to the next DS story, ATF adventure, or PCM experience. Then you've got guys who yammer on endlessly about their unique ideas and ideals; I don't give a fuck about your manifesto, this isn't your personal blog. I've also chosen to ignore those who constantly bait and attack me, as a courtesy to my fellow TUSCL'ers. The only thing worse than posting a new discussion to attack someone, is hijacking someone else's thread to attack someone. This way, I don't see it. There are those who claim that if you ignore someone that you're a coward, or they won, but I disagree. It means that the ignored party lost, because I, or rockstar, or sclvr, et al, have determined that the ignored party is a waste of time and effort and have eliminated them from our browsing experience.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
gammanu95, you display rare wisdom! I hope this is a trend!
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yeah. You still get notifications when someone on the ignore list posts on your thread, but I won't even cheat and see what they are. I suppose he's saying shit about me but I couldn't care less.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I don't get notifications when someone on my ignore list posts on my thread....

There are idiots on here that I don't have on ignore, it's just the clowns that kill my brain cells everytime I read their stuff that I had to ignore.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
larry, it seems strange that I do get notifications and you don't...
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
My 'ignore feature' is me just ignoring trolls, as well as some posters who simply bother me.

Works fine.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
gammanu --> "It's just a better and easier experience to get on to the next ... PCM experience"

(surfs to Tuscl glossary) N/A
(surfs to urban dictionary) .... "pink colored meat curtains" (pussy lips)

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I hear you guys, but I'm not talking about the idiots that just post stuff like, Jack is a wiener, Jim is a liar, Jeff is a turd, sometimes they get funny but I never play on those threads or attack anyone gratuitously, I usually scroll right over them, my point is about guys like skidum & gramma nuts not liking an opinion, and instead of posting something like, I disagree and here's why, instead they go on a rant questioning your masculinity, emphatically stating that you are stupid, and making ad hominem attacks, even flat out lying as skidum did which caused me to thrash him soundly, just to piss you off no other logical explanation, it just says more about them than me. Another thing that is annoying but I no longer pay any attention is people like SJG living in such a fantasy land that it is impossible to rationally discuss any topic that you might be interested, in because he will never answer a question honestly and directly. instead he goes off on a tangent and displays his nuttiness to a point that is is nothing more than a running joke, that has been overplayed.
I realize that this is an open forum, but I don't care who you are, normal is normal, and the lack of sense regarding what is normal is disturbing.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Rockstar, what do you mean by notifications?
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
larry, I get an email every time someone posts on a thread I originated; it says who posted.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I can turn off the notification if I want...but ignored homophobes still elict a notification when it's being used.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@Rockstar you can turn that off on the notifications page under MY Profile.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
@rockstar - by ignoring the tools and trolls, I am able to contain my Trumbrage

@Dom77 - PCM = Papa Chulo Mode
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Thx. I feel like I just lost the "solve the puzzle" on Wheel of Fortune. PCM should have been obvious.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
Man---I guess I just don't take this site seriously enough. reading through this gave me a headache. I ignore a lot of y'all but I don't care to go on ( and on and on) about it.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
@bvino - and another thing about the ignore function.. J/k
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
The quality of my TUSCL experience has improved dramatically in recent months due to my putting a select few trolls and blowhards on my ignore list. I won't name names -- I've learned my lesson there :) -- but ignoring just a few moronic or malevolent posters has been a blessing.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Rockstar, the wisdom was always there. One just had to look past the differences in politics to recognize it.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago

Another thread devoted to who's been good and who's been bad -- just like Santa. Why bother coming to an unmoderated forum if you're going to bore the shit out of everyone with your ignore list? If TUSCL is getting you down, @Rockstar, I suggest you go out to Costco, go for the free samples multiple times, stuff your face with hotdogs and fall into a fat-induced slumber. When you wake up, maybe you'll get your sense of humor back.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Sorry Dougster but real winners never keep proclaiming it over and over and over again. Only the losers do that in a I'll conceived attempt to try and persuade others to believe it too. Never works, though.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@sick liver: I don't know. Trump like to proclaim his victories "poll rating" pre-election over and over. And then... He won the election. Unlike that LOSER hilary who lost. But I think you are doing your usual thing. Saying what you wish was true. Exaggerating with words like "NEVER" without even spend a few seconds to see if your logic was right by trying to think of your own counter-examples before posting. But I would expect nothing less from than you other than wishful un-objective, illogical thinking given your track record here.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Random: Which particular post made you think I lost my sense of humor? That's always there, because there are very, very few things I take seriously. Certainly nothing on TUSCAL will affect my real life demeanor.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
@Douchester-Lol you can try to validate your position all you want. Trump, btw , is a terrible example of anything plausible....unless you ask the Russians. Yeah he won - by cheating & lying and corruption, and it's all coming back to haunt him now. But feel free to claim those same type of bullshit "victories" if it helps you sleep at night, lol. But the truth is that REAL winners (and Trump is as big a loser as they come) don't keep proclaiming it. They take their victory and enjoy it and don't feel the need to constantly talk about it. Your actions here reveal the truth that you didn't win anything - no one did. You can't deny that with your usual brand of tainted "logic", but truth be told you are not a winner, but you desperately want others to believe that you are - talk about "saying what you wish was true" lol.

Lol and look in the mirror with your "wishful un-objective, illogical thinking". You are the master of it. Hey - you finally won something, lol.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Trump won = therefore a winner. Hilary lost = therefore a loser. Sorry but those are just the facts. And a counter example that shows your claims are just plain wrong and that you are incapable of logical thought. Read 'em and weap!
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Lol too bad the world isn't as black and white as you paint it to be. Wins can be had illegally and are tainted at best....especially when the tactics used are discovered and the "winner" is discovered and ultimately crashes and burns. It's like cheating on a test. Maybe you did get a passing grade....but you cheated to do it. Apparently that's good enough and all that matters to people like you, eh? Good luck with that kind of "win at any cost" thinking.It speaks volumes about your character. Or lack there of.

And I ain't weeping anything. Karma is a bitch and your bitch Cheetolini's destiny is already hanging by a thread. But that's a whole other discussion not meant for this thread.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Trump did not cheat. He and his team were just smarter than Hilary and hers.

And, this is so hard to believe I better double check with you, because I hope you're joking. You, like HughGRectum, seriously believe in "Karma"? That's so ludicrous I'll give you a chance to back out of it.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I refuse to cheat...but seems Doug is an avid poster. Doug...since you're on ignore and I won't check your posts, please refrain from posting on ANY of my threads. Your are BAND and I want you to respect that I want nothing to do with you. Unless you pay me $25 per post... LOL You are such a fucking loser...you know I have you on ignore but still post on my thread!!!!
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Lol I don't believe that "karma" is the an encompassing element that decides our fate. But I do believe that "what goes around comes around". There's an energy in everyone and everything, and fate plays a role (along with the decisions that we make) in where life takes us. I like to think that we all make decisions, both good and bad, that direct out future and we make our own fate to a degree. But I also believe that there is a higher power of some sort that also plays a hand in it. I guess it comes down to whether a person is spiritual in nature or not. I am a science guy through and through, no doubt about that. But I also like thinking that we all get a little help (or comeuppance) from time to time from forces we still don't understand.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Sorry rockstar - I'm guilty of continuing to engage Dougster here. I'm gonna mosey on outta your thread now......
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
sclvr: Oh, okay. No problem; I would just hope D man would find an outlet for his homophobic attitude elsewhere.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Like, I said rockstar, if you want TUSCL to not allow posts from people the OP has on ignore you need to take it up with TUSCL. Until that happens I'll just assume it's a feature that nobody wants and continue to post to what the fuck thread I feel like. Feel free to go ahead and try to stop if you think you can.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Sorry meant take it up with founcer.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
tittyfag(dot): "he is universally ignored here"

Yep, I've been here for over 8 years, but it wasn't until tittyfag(dot)'s successful campaign against me that "everyone" put me on ignore.

txtittyfag(dot) = the hero who saved TUSCL
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Judging by the amount of invisible comments piling up on this and a couple of other threads, the ignored trolls, tools, and losers are having an epic meltdown. I love it!
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yes, the context of some of the posts is completely missing for me because of the ignore function. I am really starting to love it!
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
I have actually seen a 4 year old girl with the flu whine less that dougie and 25. Give it a rest girls, you aren't smart enough to understand how you embarrass yourself by acting like the whores on the view, just less manly.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@skibum: Oh, do you consider yourself to be "smart"? That is really funny give how easily it is demolish you in arguments and how appalling bad your market calls and understanding of the market it is. I would rate as "very dumb".

avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
OTOH...Dougster owes me at least $75.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Shit, I'm gonna have to short some more treasuries to come up with that!
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Ha! My email notification says it's now up to $100. Maybe I'll go clubbing when it gets to $200!!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
You could get 8 BBBJ's from vinceygirl michaels outside of Bogart's for that price! Or 10 from tittyfag(dot) in his momma's basement!
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yeah, he probably has no money at all. But I'll take a post dated check if need be.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
If you notice @GammaNut's "meltdown" comment above, it's quite clear that he's still reading my comments in another thread. Supports my theory that people who publish their "ignore lists" are simply seeking attention. Even though I hardly pay any attention to @GammaNut, he constantly chimes in after my posts, as if he craves my attention.

And I hardly pay any attention to @GammaNut. After calling various members "porch monkeys" and declaring that LGBTs have a "genetic defect," I came to the conclusion that the guy is just plain stupid. It's the kind of stupidity of someone with a massive inferiority complex who won't leave you alone because he knows deep down that he's stupid.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Like I said gammanu had no problem with me until he found out that I don't think much of right wing whack jobs. (Nor do I think much of left wing whack jobs). Only at that point, we he saw I didn't agree with his politics did he put me on ignore.

Hopefully I'm handling it well though.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
It's funny how people try and justify their reasons for putting people on ignore to make themselves sound all high and noble. Let's look at a chart:

alleged reason: because I posted nothing of value and just cluttered the board
real reason: because I called him out as an idiot for calling North Korea socialist

alleged reason: b/c I engage in too many flame wars
real reason: b/c I don't agree with doppy right wing whack job poltics

alleged reason: after a few months he finally came to realization that it's best just to ignore people you don't like.
real reason: he bit off way more than he could chew and couldn't handle me and tittyfag and meat beating him at his own game

Funny stuff!
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
^^^Yeah, I noticed that too. This is also part of his massive inferiority complex -- feeling threatened by both you and @Nina, both of whom have somewhere between 10 to 30 IQ points on on @GammaNut.

More evidence of his inferiority complex was a thread where he's bragging about being "college educated," as if anyone on a board like this would give a fucking shit.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
You can't help but notice the idiots constantly post contradictory statements gramma nutcase posted this week that his wife was a neurologist a MD yet a few months ago on a thread where he was fcalling me a porch monkey he said his wife was foreign born South American working in sales then of course the moron skidum comes along and claims he didn't say what he said.
Those two lower the tone of the conversation more than anyone else posting now.
I stand by my belief that somehow the have cowed a significant number of our board members with their incessant bullying. It's a shame because we have some very intelligent knowledgeable posters whom I have learned a lot from even when we disagree.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Well, I have THEM on ignore too, and the quality of this thread from my perspective is quite high!
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
"contradictory statements gramma nutcase posted this week that his wife was a neurologist a MD yet a few months ago on a thread where he was fcalling me a porch monkey he said his wife was foreign born South American working in sales"
That's a fascinating statement. Maybe his wife went to medical school in Central or South America and my joke struck a nerve. That would explain why he's suddenly lashing out at me. I would be absolutely flabbergasted if he's married to a women who went to an American medical school. Can't call him out anymore since he has most of us on ignore.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@Rockstar I think you were responding to what I just said,but don't you think it's a shame that certain posters can cow many of the people with something worthwhile to say.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago

Reading through this thread and seeing all the drama got me like:

avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
25: Since I can't see the Homophobia Club members posts, if you can I can see how it might seem confusing who I'm addressing. I assume D and TF (sans dot) are continuing their inane posts, which is why this thread seems so orderly to me. Yes, I was responding to you.

I think D man owes me that $200. I'll place a price of $10 on TF (sans dot). It's lower because no one can ever figure out what he's saying anyway, and so they skip reading him completely.

Hey! I have a new cottage industry going here! LOL
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
It's more like a get rich quick scheme a real ponzi
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Not a ponzi; that's when you borrow from Peter to pay Paul, but keep most of it yourself. This is more like charging a troll to cross my thread!
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Can we short it?
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
D man et.al. are already are WAY short! Couple hundred for D man and maybe $20 for the Discounted One.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
On the topic of ignore lists, I always found @Clubber to be the most hilarious. He would go apeshit crazy about political correctness and his right to say whatever he wanted -- yet he had something like 55 people on ignore. He was a huge gun nut, yet it turns out his friend shot him in the hip and he got a military determent.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Clubber like Asian girls too.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@RandomMember you hit Clubber right but when you actually meet him like I did he is a funny good guy great to hang with.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Determent is Juice-speak for deferment. Might be auto-correct error, anyway. It's all @Founder's fault for not having an edit feature.

@25- You're right, and I've never met him.
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