
So how long do you wait?

We all know strippers are notorious flakes and never, NEVER on time. So when meeting one OTC how long do you wait past the agreed-upon meeting time before you bail? I usually give them a 30 minute grace period. Maybe more if they have a history of reliability.


  • Timbuck12
    7 years ago
    And btw, I HATE these damn emoji profile thingys. How annoying....
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I'd give 30 minutes if I don't have any history with the girl. If I've done otc before with her - and I know her tendencies for being late - then I'd factor that into my timeframe.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    It totally depends upon the girl and the circumstances. But 30 min seems reasonable under most circumstances/
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    Each OTC girl I have had a continuous run with are well aware of my requirements....1 - 30 minute late pass, then I subtract $25 for each 15 minute increment they are late from the agreed upon price. Only had 1 in the past 5 years that argued the penalty. She came back after a month or so and was never late. Guess she missed the income.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    If I am out of town and there is still time to go back to the club, 1 hour at the most.

    If I am at home I'll stop waiting after an hour and find a good movie to watch on TV.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Going to jinx myself. I'm batting 1000 on time with my OTC experience.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I'm still waiting for a stripper who was supposed to be here a year ago.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I don't wait if they don't call before I expect them to show up, I am gone if they aren't where we agreed to meet within 5-10 minutes. I have very rarely had them not be on time.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    As always, my answer depends on how hot the woman is.....
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I haven't had this issue but I would guess I'd give a 30 min grace period unless I heard from her. Circumstances would dictate how long. I like the $25 penalty idea.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I've almost always picked up my OTC girls at their homes. I would say they have consistently run 30-60 minutes late, though the one I called "veritable shit-storm of chaos" girl had me wait *two* hours before she was ready to be picked up. My ATF, who was generally at least half an hour late, impressed me once on an afternoon date last spring when she appeared at her apartment door at 2 on the dot.

    On my most recent OTC date (for lunch and afternoon playtime) with a new favorite, we were supposed to meet at a restaurant at 12. She texted me at 11 to say she was running a half hour late, so I gave my standard laconic response: "Oh. I guess I'll just drive slower!" To her credit, her arrival time clocked in at just 27 minutes late -- and she made it up to me with the quality of the date!
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I had a dancer wait on me possibly up to an hour or longer. A tree fell across the road blocking the road. I was wondering if that was a sign I wasn't supposed to see her and this was before cell phones so I could not call. It was my first meet up with the dancer. I was surprised she was still waiting on me.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    For restaurants, If they are texting saying they are on their way, I wait a solid thirty minutes. I've had pretty good luck with the honeys being close to on-time. I'm cool with them being 10 or even 15 minutes late. Much past that length seems to create a shitty vibe that is difficult, but not impossible, to overcome.

    For hotel, I'll wait an embarrassingly long time.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I realize this thread is about OTC dates with strippers, which is something I haven't done yet. However, I have had dates with escorts and I really only dealt with one that had a habit of being late.

    Usually she would only be about 15 minutes late, which is no big deal at all. However, one time she was at least an hour late, maybe even more. I was very close to bailing on her because of how late she was running. In the end, I am glad I didn't. Still, waiting for an hour or longer means you are either a very patient person, or you had nothing planned after the date.

    I showed up to the hotel and just waited in my car for her to text me the room #. It got to be 15 minutes past the time we agreed upon and she called to tell me she was running late because she was having car problems, but she had already called a friend to pick her up and drive her to the hotel. So, I just stayed put waiting in my car and about half an hour later, she calls again and says they had to stop to get gas, but she will be at the hotel soon, and I should just go wait in the lobby. So, I go wait in the lobby and maybe 10 minutes later, I see her walk into the lobby. She apologized, and said that this has never happened before and that she would make it up to me. She made it up to me right away. I got at extra hour for free, and I got a nice back massage as well.

    The whole experience of sitting in a car at a hotel parking lot for over an hour is not exactly a pleasant one.
  • ReluctantBuckeye
    7 years ago
    I'm relatively new to the OTC scene, only three times so far.

    Twice was with one girl in a city a few hours away whom I only see once a year. She's very 'together' and a shit ton of fun to be with. I could see falling in love with her, but I recognize the folly of such a thing, so I just enjoy the experience.

    My one other OTC was with a black stripper who threw a lot of SS at me right from the beginning. We set up a time to meet after work at a local hotel and I got there and started to wait. Other the next two hours she kept texting saying how close she was and how she would be there soon. I almost left several times imagining all sorts of shit, like her bf showing up with her to try to rob me etc. I'm used to black people time (and I had already paid for the room and I really wanted to get laid by then) so I just kept waiting. Luckily I had brought my laptop with me and could get some work done while i waited. She finally showed up, entering the room in a whirlwind, begging me to fuck her right now, ass pussy whatever, she just needed. I'm not accustomed to that kind of thing, so it put me off my guard. Luckily nothing bad happened, although she had a pussy the size of an airplane hangar. She did squirt, which was also new to me. All in all it wasn't a bad experience, but it was weird enough that I didn't call her back.

    Oh, and then there was the fact that we never talked price beforehand, and she acted all weird about taking money at first, but then after I gave her $300 she talked about how that wasn't really enough to fuck a married man and she really deserved more. She was a schizophrenic thing, so I'm glad I haven't seen her at the same club again.
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