
Another old man thread

Living well and enjoying my retirement
I don't really think of myself as an old man, although I know that many of you do but here's some news for you younger guys that might help you up your game. I get a decent amount of attention from women most places including strip clubs, and I'm sure that a lot is how I'm perceived as reasonably fit, fairly good looking, and most likely have a few bucks which is helpful. But here's the thing you younger guys don't get many women have what is known as a Cinderella complex, in addition to younger women having daddy issues. The Cinderella complex is about a desire to be taken care of and desired at the same time and that is why a lot of the older guys here score as easily as they do because we project that in our personalities, maybe it is not intentional but it's there.


  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Many of these women grew up without a good father and they are continuing the cycle, raising a child without one. They do respond to men who have calmness and security in their own lives, because the ladies lack that. And older guys can be this way because they likely have savings and are past that point in life when they need to worry about covering rent, utilities, etc. And we have enough to share some of it.... I think that helps, a little :-}
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    And here I thought it was just because you were old, close to the age of their dad! lol

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Fuck you jackie.........er shailynn
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Actually closer to their grandfathers age. ; )
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I don't know about the rest of you older guys but I try not to impress them with my financial situation. Like my house being paid for, etc. I don't want them to feel bad that they don't have the same things that I do. I does come up occasionally and when it does, I just try to assure them that when they get to be my age, they will have the same things too.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    You're not wrong.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ Shadowcat, it wasn't about impressing anyone, it was more about they really like stability, but can't seem figure out how to get there or even see things that way that was really my point.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    twentyfive - I agree. I was just expanding a little.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    "Actually closer to their grandfathers age"

    Sadly some of them don't even know their dad, so age may not matter
  • jaredlucas
    7 years ago

    I concur. I also concur with the Cinderella complex being alive and well as noted by twentyfive

    Like you, if they get Impressed by the things I have and places I travel to, I always tell them to have faith and that they will be there someday as well. I'm not a financial advisor, but I've shown several how to set up mutual funds that draw / invest from their weekly bank deposits.

    Knowing this type of " stuff" appeals to most of the younger gals I've met. It seems to be a message especially well received when I tell them I lived at home until I was 24 and didn't even buy my first new car until I was in my 30's Guess I was a late bloomer I am 51 now.

    To me, The real reason us older guys in the know get the attention of younger gals is that if we can blow $10K or $20K (or more) in the clubs and OTC fun each year, we have acquired some professional and personal "game" that vibes of confidence, stability and worth. The average 20 something guy can't offer that combo.

    To those strippers who value such things We set ourselves apart by pulling the door, weekend trips , picking up dinner tabs, imparting life advice, and providing occasional "help" when warranted. Our reward for this is we can have hot 20 somethings willing to spend hours or days in our beds. We are wise enough not to chase and understand our value while valuing our worth. We know There is always a shelf life when dealing with girls 20 years or younger than us so we enjoy it fully before it spoils.

    My two cents on the subject.

  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    For some of the strippers in my life, I think I represent a rock of stability in a sea of turmoil. I know that they’re not likely to be sexually attracted to someone who is 20-30 years older, but I treat them well and tip them generously. In return they’re willing to spend many hours at a time and do fun things with me. In the past two years I’ve decided that OTC dates with hot young strippers (mine have been 42, 38, 32, and 26 in that order) is the best part of the hobby!
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Customers could be the only financially stable people that a stripper encounters. All her old high school friends ended up in hourly jobs, or became sugar babies, or addicts, other disappointing outcomes. There is a subtle fascination how anyone can become a professional, because she did not witness it happen among her circle, or her family.
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Yeah we millenials dont save hoes. Young gals will have to continue to visit grandpa for that treatment.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Yeah, but while you are playing call of duty on your PS4, we're taking the girls to VIP for some "fun".
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    If your not old just get fat...most strippers if not all of them cuddle up and clam me as their teddy bear...I also understand paying for sex
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    @Lurker_X, it's not just the dancers. A lot of the younger customers grew up without fathers or any (non-garbage) male role models. So twentyfive's post is useful.

    I've had to freestyle it and figure it out on my own (about women). So that's why I bust larryfishsticks' chops about it. Women aren't hard once you figure it out.

    It's also far better to become a better man than to fake it. It takes about the same effort and the results are far better both near term and long term.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I just get drunk and call them bitches...seems to work
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ Juice if you want to be classy not trashy you never call any woman a bitch or any other derogatory name it's one thing to play here in the boys locker room but if you truly appreciate women you don't make them feel bad or worthless, there is a difference you know that.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    ^ see, told you it wasn't hard. (unless you're fishsticks. then you're screwed.)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ Dominic Larry Fishsticks is just a moron a wanna be player without any real depth or game he is just a whiny crybaby.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    I used to think the ladies received suck-up comments from guys all night long. But when I tell one that she smells nice or that I like how she set her hair, sometimes I'm told that it is the first compliment she's received. Apparently many guys in the club can be unappreciative, uncommunicative dorks.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @lurker_X you catch far more bees with honey than you ever will with vinegar.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Twenty-five I'm autistic not retarded :)
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Juice for President !!
  • TippingDollars
    7 years ago
    I hate the old guys at the club who spend lots of money on girls to just sit with them and talk. I'm like grandpa just get a lap dance and leave. Instead they take up all the time with these girls. And some of them get use to that easy money and don't end up wanting to give dances.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    This 25 is a poser!!! Posted, "...I'm perceived as reasonably fit, fairly good looking, and most likely have a few bucks..."

    No way the same 25 I've met. :)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Clubber i have lost over 62 pounds since we last saw one another I'm fitter than I have been in 20 years.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    25 is posting fake news!!!!!

    Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction.
    1994-2007 - tuscl.net
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Damn man, you didn't lose it, you just gave it to me!
    Seriously, that is great! I could use about 1/2 that off, but very difficult since it would have to be most all from activity and that is slim these days.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Start doing aerobics on the bike, while riding, Clubber !!
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    If 25 lives to 110, he can talk about these days as when he was a young whipper snapper. :)
    If tech keeps advancing, we may live until we're in our 400's or later. Of course quality of life is important.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    What if technology turns US into zombies
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Garth Brooks says it all in "It's Midnight, Cinderella"
    the young guys are Prince Charming and us old guys are Peter.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Or we could all act like 20 somethings and want to put all our faith in the government for health care, retirement, taxes, etc. The same government responsible for Katina, the low lying 30,000 people at the shelters that were stranded in Houston, I mean what could go wrong? Oh yeah, they might vote socialist and make our country prosper like we were Venezuela. Actually I put most of the blame for any hurricane problems on local and state issues and lack of planning for catastrophic flooding for people in low areas.
    I mean I know 55,000 people can be evacuated in less than 24 hours. Less than 55,000 are currently in shelters from what I heard. Local and state governments argue instead of making plans and spending money in some states waiting for a disaster to prove something is needed. I'm glad most of Houston's 6 million residents are ok because no way can you put all of them in city shelters. I think a flood plan and emergency shelters could have been planned for affecting 50k to 100,000 people. If you can't evacuate less than 10% of the people in 24 hours, you have a serious planning problem.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Now Dougster is going to post every five to six hours the same thread entitled "25 needs to apologize to tuscl for lying about his weight."
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Never lied about it, actually did something about it ; )
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Congratulations, 25. That's fantastic.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Thank you
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    Haven't been on the bike in months. Spent some time this week trying to get her ready for a short ride this week for kids in need. If all goes well, we might start riding some. Fingers crossed!
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I didn't know about this Cinderella thing - but it's a very interesting idea. I think there are benefits to being the old guy in a club. Maybe it's different if you are the oldest guy in the club, but I'm not sure it is. If it's just a few dances - it doesn't make too much of a difference.

    If you are developing a relationship with a dancer - then there can be several advantages to being older. Older men usually have more income, more savings, they are usually more relaxed, they have more to lose, they know there tolerance for booze, they are less likely to run in the same social circles, they might be more worldly. Those qualities are all generalizations, but that might be what some dancers are looking for - as they may have lacked many of those qualities in their relationship with their father (if they had a relationship with their father).
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Cashman all of those advantages are great and enhance any relationship, but one thing most of us realize as we get older, most of us, especially if we have had a good life wish for something we can't get, and that is more time.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive I agree. Time is something that we will never be able to get back.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Last night a dancer told me that she liked older men... Of course that sounds like SS, but she wasn't dishing out lots of other ego strokers... And she had been willing to grab my hands and put them on her tits along with hers and squeeze, telling me she "loves this". Of course, after I had bought an song at full price after a 2 song special when the younger/cheaper guys had left the VIP... I don't need to care if she really likes older guys or not... She's on my go-to list!
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    20-somethings aren't so monolithic. (No, I'm not one). Yes, there is some trust in government, but the rationale varies. Generally 20-somethings hate and distrust individual politicians but on the whole they trust government. Why? It isn't because gov't does a great job, lol. It doesn't. But because big business will butt-fuck-us for quarterly profits. But it is also because we lost our way as small tight-knit families. So 20 somethings see government as an imperfect tool to enact social change, environmental change, and as an insurance policy of sort (safety net). The last part is especially true with single mothers who don't have support from the child's fathers nor the support of a husband.

    the use of gov't as an insurance policy was born out of the progressive movement from the turn of the 19th to 20th century. It's really a failing of the fathers not supporting the families or husband-less families that turned the wife destitute (to beg). I don't see the tide changing on this. In fact it's just getting worse despite women joining the workforce. Through non-fault divorce, a lot of men are opting out of marriage, which just feeds the women and an feminist vote for government-as-an-insurance policy. I really do think a lot of us liberal and progressive minded men had good intentions but we bought into some policies that just "went off the rails." And seeing the temperament of the average Tuscler men with little regard and admiration for marriage does not make me hopeful. Personally I think all of you anti-marriage guys are part of the source of this (feminist) gender war but truthfully, you are just acting rationally with what we have (no-fault divorce). But it has to end and it need to start with men being men, again.

    20-somethings need to rediscover a close knit family unit and rely and that as the basic unit of support. No on voodoo trick-down economics of big business. Not on government. Families with personal savings.


    PS: I would have to admit that even as anathema as socialized or nationalized medicine is to most Tusclers, I do admit, I (and my wife) would end up FAR ahead cost wise with it, largely due to theft from couples with higher incomes or higher cap gains taxes, and because the out of pocket to elective surgery is crazy in this country. Even with waiting periods of socialized medicine, for my wife and I, any waiting period is far shorter (months?) than it would be to save up (years?) for some things. So I can see that attraction to those of us with modest incomes and no savings. I don't buy into it. But I do see the attraction.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Dominic77 You seem to have posted on the wrong thread don't see any context here for this reply.(BTW I don't think that most TUSCLer men are anti-marriage, I would venture that many have not had good marriages, but aside from a few bitter guys most of the men here actually love women more than you realize.)
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