OTC Services ?.

avatar for day_trader
I've seen this one stripper a couple of times ITC, couple of dances and drinks each time so not too much invested at this point. After the second visit I asked her if we could hang out sometime. She says well I don't really see customers on the outside, but maybe if we got to know each other after awhile. After that I tell her I can pay. She says really well okay I think I could do that. Lol complete 360.

Thing is she won't do FS. I didn't inquire but I'm guessing hj, bj, daty, digits at best. She wants a hundred per hour plus tip, close to couple hundred in total. Ended up offering three hundred for FS but she declined. I would also have to grab a hotel on top of that. She eventually always responds back to my texts so the lines of communication are still open. She's new to stripping as well, barely over a month or at least that's what she says, lol. How would you handle this? Pass? Keep things friendly and hope she comes around? Accept what she is offering and go for it? Still go for it and try and negotiate it down?

I'll check back later.


last comment
avatar for Uprightcitizen
8 years ago
I guess I dont see the point of going through the trouble of OTC unless it involves FS. Best to keep it in the club otherwise. But I guess to each their own...
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
Pass but keep the lines of communication open in case her limits change.

Considering the room charge, that seems like a lot of money for a BJ and wet fingers.
avatar for Timbuck12
8 years ago
Move on. You're getting played.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
She says she won't do what you want and wants more money than you want to spend. I would just back off. She knows how to contact you if she ever has a change of mind.
avatar for Cashman1234
8 years ago
If she's still new to stripping - I'd keep communicating with her - maybe her otc limits will expand - and her prices will decline as she realizes that there's a relatively short shelf life for making money as an itc stripper?

You might want to find out if she's done otc before. She's not offering much - and if she's not done otc before - there's a good possibility she might flake on the arrangement completely.

I'm with Ismael - as I'm not interested in going through the otc setup for a bj.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
If she offers a BBBJCIM then I'd be good with a $100/hr date. That's cheap in my world. And that's what I often end up doing any way, especially if she's having her period. But you'd have to clarify that since at this point I don't think you have any idea what she's willing to do.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Offer her $50 for a half hour blow job.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I think my new favorite has me spoiled. She's satisfied with $300-350 for a SIX-hour date with *two* BBBJCIMs -- if I'm up to it :) I'm trying to persuade her to spend the night with me for $500-550, first in a hotel and on later dates in her house. I think she'll come around.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
At this point in my debauchery, I only pursue what for me is high quality talent. If one my targeted honeys was willing to everything but FS, I would be all in. No problem.

Prove to her that you can be trusted, FS will probably be on the menu eventually.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
OP: I would suggest you clarify as best you can what exactly she is willing to do if not FS. I think it is pretty big jump to assume she does everything else. I suspect she may have a very limited menu. Good luck.
avatar for day_trader
8 years ago
Good stuff guys.

@Uprightcitizen: Can only get decent two-way contact dances in my area, after a few visits I would end paying her fee in dances anyways, doesn't make too much sense to keep going back. For sure FS would be preferred.

@Call.Me.Ishmael: Yeah think I'll just continue talking at this point.

@SC: Good point.

@Cashman: I do believe she is new to stripping, never seen her before in my area dancing, and I do know she worked in a non-stripping job previously. Never know holidays aren't too far away.

@JohnSmith: BBBJCIM sounds good, maybe a couple lol. Not too crazy about the per hour rate though, I usually just pay a flat amount. Yeah I'll find out what's exactly on her menu.

@Jackslash: lol. Or maybe $25 for a hj. lmao.

@Mr. Deuce: Not too bad of a deal you got going on. Good luck with the overnighter.

@Lone Wolf: Good points.

Thanks for the replies guys.

avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
it's not rocket science. if you're enjoying her itc keep seeing her. if you're only seeing her itc on the chance of otc but not really having a good time move on.
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