Kahoots is the only 7-up club in the area. Scores and Vanity used to be in that category, but have gone downhill. If a Cbus club serves alcohol the dancers must wear pasties. The topless and all-nude clubs, therefore, are BYOB and downscale. They suck.
At Kahoots, there are no table dances. The standard lap dances are in the back of the club, and each station is separated from the others by dividers. Those dances are $30 a song and, as always, YMMV. If a girl allows two-way contact, she'll usually mention that as a selling point, which should give you some idea of what the club is like. I say, go for whatever mileage you want, and force the dancer to tell you no. It's better to apologize after the fact than ask permission before. The kitty is strictly off-limits there, though.
The VIP is 15 min. for $170 or 30 min. for $250. I've only done that once, and all I got was a long lap-dance with two-way contact. The VIP is located at the opposite end of the club from the lap-dance area, to your left if you're facing the bar. That's good to know if you're one of those PL's who likes to be able to see who's entering or leaving VIP.
Summary: If you expect extras or takeout you are almost certain to leave disappointed, which isn't to say that neither of those things are possible if the strip club gods are smiling on you. What that means is that if you can't enjoy a regular ol' lapdance on its own merits, you shouldn't even go.
4 or 5 years ago while on a road trip, I met Samsung1 and Minnow at Kahoots for lunch. We sat at the bar and had burgers. They were good. Minnow did get a couple of dances and was not impressed.
I'll offer some additional insights (yes, I should probably go write some reviews).
I only recently started patronizing Columbus SCs on anything approaching a regular basis. Before about 2 months ago it was once or twice a year, and sometimes multiple years in between. Now that I've read all the wisdom of TUSCL I'm becoming a monger. Thanks guys, thanks a lot!
I've really only been to Sirens and The Dollhouse. Both have booths for lapdances and VIPs like LecherousMonk describes, no lapdances in public.
I only went to The Dollhouse once, on a Friday night about 11pm. It was pretty empty and I got a low-medium mileage dance from a pretty young spinner, the rest of the dancers there were 5-6 at best. Two who promised great lapdances were far too thick for my tastes, but if that's your thing the mileage might have been better.
Sirens I've been to half a dozen times now, once on a tuesday early evening the rest on weekends 10-midnightish. Dances are $20 before 7:30, $30 after. VIP is $75 or $100 for 15 minutes (before/after 7:30), though there may be volume discounts that I didn't investigate. It's much better than Dollhouse, lot of 7-8s and a few higher. Mileage was excellent each time, and one girl I think was trying to LDK me, but I haven't quite gotten my head in the right space to let that happen yet. Just seems wrong. But I haven't seen any indication that any extras are available, as LM indicates, so LDK seems to be the upper limit of ITC.
I have asked 4 of the dancers about OTC so far and gotten 3 out of 4 positive responses. I've followed up with 2 of those successfully. I'm not sure I'll repeat either of them, but the opportunity exists. The 4th was wishy washy, saying she'd have to get to know me better, which may (probably) have been a ploy to string me along. But she was the hottest I've taken to VIP so far and dance was excellent, so I may be opening my wallet more to her.
For what it's worth, a few years ago 1 way contact was enforced, but I haven't encountered any objections to generous 2-way in my recent forays. So despite the presence of signs in the LD booths prohibiting touching of upper thighs, breasts, mouth, etc., things seem to have relaxed considerably. I haven't gone fishing under the g-strings yet though, if some girls allow it I wouldn't know.
"I only went to The Dollhouse once, on a Friday night about 11pm. It was pretty empty and I got a low-medium mileage dance from a pretty young spinner, the rest of the dancers there were 5-6 at best. Two who promised great lapdances were far too thick for my tastes, but if that's your thing the mileage might have been better."
I just got off the phone with a close friend that lives in the Columbus area. He said that a club called Rachel's was a jack shack but had been shut down due to a shooting and the a lot of the staff and dancers are now working at Babes and that it is probably the only place left where you might be able to get a HJ if the dancer knows you well enough.
My experience is the only clubs I ever got mileage was Vanity. All the rest were pastie, 1-way contact and overpriced. Shame because OSU has some nice potential dancers.
I'm surprised that so many mongers know so much about our little town. I can tell you that OP is not the only one who will be putting all this info to use. Thanks, everybody!
Also, I agree that, while Cbus is underrated nationally and has a lot going for it, the strip club scene is sorely lacking, which, as jackob85 points out, is a shame because there are a literal fuckton of cornfed hotties strutting their yoga asses around tOSU. I know; I'm a fairly recent graduate. Those who can afford sugar babies have nothing to complain about here.
PS samsung1, good point! I gotta hit up Dayton more.
Kahoota got raided since the previous comment , and the previous manager Joe got fired, and the new manager overreacted. The good dancers left for other clubs, mostly Sirens. Sirens also got a lot of Dayton area and more northern ohio dancers for similar reasons which means it currently has the hottest dancers. Hotter than Kahoots at its peak.
Because of this its also hit or miss. With the right gal a great time, but also a lot of ROBS.
last commentI think you are SOL.
PM samsung1, he's local.
Kahoots is the only 7-up club in the area. Scores and Vanity used to be in that category, but have gone downhill. If a Cbus club serves alcohol the dancers must wear pasties. The topless and all-nude clubs, therefore, are BYOB and downscale. They suck.
At Kahoots, there are no table dances. The standard lap dances are in the back of the club, and each station is separated from the others by dividers. Those dances are $30 a song and, as always, YMMV. If a girl allows two-way contact, she'll usually mention that as a selling point, which should give you some idea of what the club is like. I say, go for whatever mileage you want, and force the dancer to tell you no. It's better to apologize after the fact than ask permission before. The kitty is strictly off-limits there, though.
The VIP is 15 min. for $170 or 30 min. for $250. I've only done that once, and all I got was a long lap-dance with two-way contact. The VIP is located at the opposite end of the club from the lap-dance area, to your left if you're facing the bar. That's good to know if you're one of those PL's who likes to be able to see who's entering or leaving VIP.
Summary: If you expect extras or takeout you are almost certain to leave disappointed, which isn't to say that neither of those things are possible if the strip club gods are smiling on you. What that means is that if you can't enjoy a regular ol' lapdance on its own merits, you shouldn't even go.
^ Excellent answer, Lech!
It has been several years since I went to Columbus clubs, but based on my memory Lech's comments are right on target.
Most of the Columbus club only offer 1 way contact dance.
4 or 5 years ago while on a road trip, I met Samsung1 and Minnow at Kahoots for lunch. We sat at the bar and had burgers. They were good. Minnow did get a couple of dances and was not impressed.
I'll offer some additional insights (yes, I should probably go write some reviews).
I only recently started patronizing Columbus SCs on anything approaching a regular basis. Before about 2 months ago it was once or twice a year, and sometimes multiple years in between. Now that I've read all the wisdom of TUSCL I'm becoming a monger. Thanks guys, thanks a lot!
I've really only been to Sirens and The Dollhouse. Both have booths for lapdances and VIPs like LecherousMonk describes, no lapdances in public.
I only went to The Dollhouse once, on a Friday night about 11pm. It was pretty empty and I got a low-medium mileage dance from a pretty young spinner, the rest of the dancers there were 5-6 at best. Two who promised great lapdances were far too thick for my tastes, but if that's your thing the mileage might have been better.
Sirens I've been to half a dozen times now, once on a tuesday early evening the rest on weekends 10-midnightish. Dances are $20 before 7:30, $30 after. VIP is $75 or $100 for 15 minutes (before/after 7:30), though there may be volume discounts that I didn't investigate. It's much better than Dollhouse, lot of 7-8s and a few higher. Mileage was excellent each time, and one girl I think was trying to LDK me, but I haven't quite gotten my head in the right space to let that happen yet. Just seems wrong. But I haven't seen any indication that any extras are available, as LM indicates, so LDK seems to be the upper limit of ITC.
I have asked 4 of the dancers about OTC so far and gotten 3 out of 4 positive responses. I've followed up with 2 of those successfully. I'm not sure I'll repeat either of them, but the opportunity exists. The 4th was wishy washy, saying she'd have to get to know me better, which may (probably) have been a ploy to string me along. But she was the hottest I've taken to VIP so far and dance was excellent, so I may be opening my wallet more to her.
For what it's worth, a few years ago 1 way contact was enforced, but I haven't encountered any objections to generous 2-way in my recent forays. So despite the presence of signs in the LD booths prohibiting touching of upper thighs, breasts, mouth, etc., things seem to have relaxed considerably. I haven't gone fishing under the g-strings yet though, if some girls allow it I wouldn't know.
"I only went to The Dollhouse once, on a Friday night about 11pm. It was pretty empty and I got a low-medium mileage dance from a pretty young spinner, the rest of the dancers there were 5-6 at best. Two who promised great lapdances were far too thick for my tastes, but if that's your thing the mileage might have been better."
Will check out the dollhouse. Thanks.
Years back when I attended university down in Columbus the strip clubs were an option that I never savored, I was having too much fun with the coeds.
I just got off the phone with a close friend that lives in the Columbus area. He said that a club called Rachel's was a jack shack but had been shut down due to a shooting and the a lot of the staff and dancers are now working at Babes and that it is probably the only place left where you might be able to get a HJ if the dancer knows you well enough.
Not a great strip club town but you can have a decent time depending on what you're looking for.
Kahoots has the best looking eye candy but it's pricey and low mileage.
Sirens has the best mileage and a good takeout menu but most of the girls are in the 5-7 range by national standards.
Roadhouse is the only full nude club and has decent mileage but usually only has a few girls on shift and closes way too early (10pm during the week)
In addition to those 3, Scores, Vanity and Club X are decent. Most of the rest of the clubs around town aren't worth much in my opinion.
My experience is the only clubs I ever got mileage was Vanity. All the rest were pastie, 1-way contact and overpriced. Shame because OSU has some nice potential dancers.
kahoots and sirens are the two best options for daytime. Club x is good for after 11pm.
Scores has been hit or miss.
Dayton is only an hour away and you will have a better time there.
I'm surprised that so many mongers know so much about our little town. I can tell you that OP is not the only one who will be putting all this info to use. Thanks, everybody!
Also, I agree that, while Cbus is underrated nationally and has a lot going for it, the strip club scene is sorely lacking, which, as jackob85 points out, is a shame because there are a literal fuckton of cornfed hotties strutting their yoga asses around tOSU. I know; I'm a fairly recent graduate. Those who can afford sugar babies have nothing to complain about here.
PS samsung1, good point! I gotta hit up Dayton more.
Any updates to Columbus clubs? Are these descriptions still accurate?
Kahoota got raided since the previous comment , and the previous manager Joe got fired, and the new manager overreacted. The good dancers left for other clubs, mostly Sirens. Sirens also got a lot of Dayton area and more northern ohio dancers for similar reasons which means it currently has the hottest dancers. Hotter than Kahoots at its peak.
Because of this its also hit or miss. With the right gal a great time, but also a lot of ROBS.