
OTC. Details of making arrangements.

Everywhere. Currently Phoenix
As I'm prepping for my first OTC I've begun to wonder what the normal arrangements are. What kind of hotel do you book? Do you get the cheapest or do you prefer nicer surroundings? Do you do dinner or is it just sex? What time do you prefer and how long are the "dates"? What else should I be considering?


  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I've had about 16 OTC dates with strippers, mostly staying at my ATF's place, but half a dozen times in hotel rooms. I book rather modest motels costing $50-60. I would much rather spend the money on food, which is *always* part of the deal: lunch before an afternoon date, dinner before an evening-only date, or brunch after a morning-only date. My preference, of course, is a date lasting up to 16 hours, starting with dinner at 8pm and extending to brunch the next day at 11am or noon.

    Make absolutely sure that you know the girl well enough to spend several hours with her. I recommend seeing her ITC a number of times before you see her OTC. I prefer to work out details of payment and services before the date, within reason, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

    With the right girl, OTC dates are the best part of the hobby! Have fun and let us know how it goes.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    There are many threads and articles on this topic. Do a search or two.

    This recent thread has some good information:

  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    Hotel-room sex is a chump's game. Front-lobby friendliness till it's time to take her home.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    LMFAO monk

    Just buy what your comfortable with
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I get a decent hotel, not real high end, but not a motel 6 either.

    I strongly suggest dinner beforehand. It helps with the whole GFE.

    Length of time varies a lot depending upon what you are paying. But I'd say start with dinner and 1-2 hours in the hotel .

  • Stognasty
    7 years ago
    I definitely prefer nicer hotels and have platinum status with SPG Hotels. So I can book there least expensive room and be upgraded to their best available room for free at check in. I don't want to look like a chump that paid more for a hotel room than for the date. Lol. I was thinking of proposing lunch or dinner at the hotel restaurant then retire upstairs.
  • Stognasty
    7 years ago
    Ishmael, thanks for the link. I have been looking through some old forum posts and articles. However, I prefer interacting with people in "real time" discussions over reading dead threads.
  • Stognasty
    7 years ago
    I don't know what I'd do without you mamisan. Thanks for your dedication to our penis's...peni?
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Hotel choice depends on what your date will be impressed with. If she lives in squalor, any clean decent hotel will do.

    Be careful not to set the bar too high first time, cause that might be where you're stuck.

    If you do attempt mid to lower end, add some nice touches to your "OTC bag" that you bring: nice soap or shower gel, lotions, extra towel or two, candles (if she's into that), etc. If you're going to check in before she arrives, air freshener can help reduce the musty smell of some cheap hotel rooms.

    I want some type of real world interaction on my dates. Meal, movie, clubbing, go-karts, shooting pool, etc. Sitting across a table from a pretty face and magnificent cleavage is a big reason I do it.

    I always propose OTC dates on non-busy days/nights and offer enough so it is easily above what she would make on a slow shift. She's getting out of working an 8 hour shift, should be easy to convince her to spend most of it with me instead. Haven't had a chance in my schedule to do an overnight OTC date and not sure I ever will. Although I am talking to one girl who seems interested in traveling with me when I go on trips for work.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I do just-nice-enough hotels. Not shitholes that will turn her off, but I scrape by just past that. At least, I used to; if you live in a city where Recharge works, you can now afford to book pretty high end hotels. Strongly suggest you book the hotel "live", during the OTC. First, because she might not actually show up to the OTC. Second, because there's no reason to let her know where the hotel is in advance, and decent reasons not to.

    I basically do the assumptive close, just tell her we'll meet at a restaurant ("what kind of food do you like?"), not a bad idea to do a really good restaurant, and then propose doing a little barhopping afterwards -- they always say yes to good food and drinking, except for high-volume strippers who have strict escort-like by-the-hour pricing. So, eat, drink, go back to the hotel and fuck it all off.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Q: What kind of hotel do you book? Do you get the cheapest or do you prefer nicer surroundings?

    A: Just about the cheapest I can get if I am in a home club. Much nicer when I am traveling. However, given that this is your first time, a nicer place might be the safer bet for a number of reasons.

    Q: Do you do dinner or is it just sex?

    A: I long ago lost count of the number of OTC "dates" I've done yet I can count on one hand the number of dinners involved. Frankly, many of the girls that do OTC are perfectly happy doing the deed and then leaving - things like elaborate dinners just drag things out for them. However, I do find that a couple of rounds of drinks before going up is not a bad thing.

    Q: What time do you prefer and how long are the "dates"?

    A: Later in the evening for an hour or so. I work for a living and can't be roaming around during daylight hours.

    Q: What else should I be considering?

    A: Just be sure to bring your own protection and do not pay her upfront.

    Good luck!
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    BTW, I strongly prefer day OTC, or dusk OTC. That is, I always look to schedule the dates as early as noon (that is, we start at lunch instead of dinner), do some day drinking, potentially hit the dayshift strip clubs. I only do night OTC if that's the only thing that works for our schedules.

    This is just personal preference, there's not much strategy going on here. Day OTC has the small advantage of, if you go strip clubbing together, it's MUCH more fun to do that on the lower-hustle dayshifts. Night OTC has the advantage that far more restaurants and bars are open, and you get the whole nighttime party energy
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    The potential risks/benefits of doing otc at her place or your place have been discussed in many many other threads. The bottom line is to never do that for a first "date." But once you get to know a stripper and have had several dates with her, you might decide to try it. Ive done otc at my house many times but only with a DS.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I'd strongly recommend against having an OTC at your condo. It's less about being outed and more about your own security (after your experience). If the girl has shifty friends - it offers her a perfect opportunity to case your place. If the girl is a bit nutty and she develops a crush - she will know exactly where to find you.

    I've never known any OTC girls enough to have any trust in them, so I always find a neutral meeting spot.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I concur with those who advised you to get a neutral location, at the very least untill you know her well enough to be able to trust her.
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    I generally only do OTC when I'm out of town and I already have a hotel room booked. I don't like the idea of a stripper knowing where I live because even if she is safe and sane you never knoe about her current, or future, bf who is likely a scumbag. I just can't stomach paying for a hotel in my home town just to pay for sex in that hotel room.

    Unless the company is paying I generally just go with whatever 3.5 star or higher priceline.com has on its express deal. You can usually get a pretty good deal on an above average room that way.
  • day_trader
    7 years ago
    I prefer extended otc's that last at least a few hours. Go out for dinner, drinks at a club, hit up a casino, shoot some pool or whatever else is fun to do. Late at night she may decide to stay over, and you end up getting a great deal. Even if it doesn't you still got to hang out with your favorite stripper for a few hours for hopefully a decent rate and got laid.

    Usually go with middle of the road hotels. Stock the hotel fridge with drinks, maybe some weed if she smokes, bring your own condoms, etc.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    "Is it a major risk to invite these girls to my actual Condo?"

    Yes. Personal opinion, of course. Many dancers have chaotic lives that are filled with bad decisions and worse friends / associates. Even if her life is stable right now, that could change quickly and without warning. My advice is to air gap (as much as possible) your personal life from hers.

    Relaxing that policy in the future as you get to know each other better? Maybe. That's a more debatable topic.

    Keep in mind that dancers have their own security / safety concerns with regards to their OTC customers. From her perspective, meeting for OTC in your home poses greater risk for her.

    I would recommend a hotel room until you're much more familiar. I've cut the cord with some dancers where, if they knew where I lived, I'm not sure I'd be living there anymore.
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