
Comments by MrDeuce (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The ignore button....thank you founder
    I *love* the ignore button! Increasingly I ignore people who harp on the same few subjects over and over and over or the ones who are hateful in general or to me in particular. As a rule of thumb, if someone calls me @MrDouche more than once, he gets ignored, because nothing else he says about me (or anything else, IMO) is going to be worth reading :) Hmm . . . if you *want* me to ignore you, I guess you know what to do now!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I don't go to white clubs often enough.
    Most of my clubbing is at clubs with a large majority of white girls. When I'm in ESL or the south suburbs of Chicago, I will sometimes intentionally seek out a club with more chocolate, such as Jimmy's in Chicago Heights late at night. On occasion I've been at Jimmy's when there are 13 black and 2 white dancers and all the customers except me are black.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the most expensive club worth the money ?
    On occasion I stay all afternoon (5-6 hours) and buy 2 VIPs, lunch for two, and lots of drinks and stage tips and spend $500-600. That's the most I've ever spent, a few times. Other times I stay an hour and spend $60. A couple of times I've picked my target carefully, bought one $10 lap dance, and left happy :) Oh no! -- does that make me a chump?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever had a dancer want to cuddle afterwards: GFE ITC
    It happens to me that a BJ in the VIP room will sometimes get the job done within the first 5 or 10 minutes. She feels that she owes me 30 minutes and also doesn't want to go back out on the floor too soon, so we just stay in the room and cuddle. This is a *great* time for strippers to make OTC offers! Both my ATF last year and my new CF this year proposed OTC to me in the many minutes left of our VIP time. On OTC dates, of course, the entire night is spent in a post-orgasmic glow, and the morning begins with another :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Endurance Test at the Tip Rail
    @Lone_Wolf, I applaud your very positive attitude, especially this: "This makes me realize what it must be like for these honey's to look at me and act like I'm Brad fucking Pitt in the flesh when in fact, I'm the exact opposite of whatever he is." At my favorite night shift, I *always* sit at the stage and tip *every* dancer, even the ones who should have quit long ago or never should have started. Nowadays I try to tip the ones I really like at least $2 per dance in order to differentiate them from the uggos. @shadowcat and Doces300: I don't disagree. Since I like to actually *converse* with a stripper before I buy dances from her, I would prefer that the music stay at a civilized level. Also, get off my lawn!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    how much is in your wallet right now?
    Early this afternoon on my way to my favorite day shift, I had about $500. When I left 5 hours later, after some hot $30 dances, a VIP, and too many stage tips, lady drinks, and lunch for three, I had about $16 left -- just enough for a movie ticket with popcorn and drink and then a candy bar and can of iced tea for the drive home with a couple bucks to spare! Cutting it close today :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    Has anyone ever taken a break from the club?
    I've taken three breaks of about six weeks each in my 23 years of clubbing. If you're spending too much time, money, or emotional energy on strip clubs or strippers, by all means give it a rest. My six-week break last fall did me good, so I may take another this fall. Who am I kidding? My break last year was largely due to erectile issues, and when they were over, so was my break :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: going to a breastraunt alone
    I went with a friend to a Hooters on a Saturday afternoon a few years ago. All around us were young married couples with little kids -- and a play area with video games and such! Is nothing sacred?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: going to a breastraunt alone
    footballguy, I think you can see rare unanimity developing on this topic! For reasons of both work and play, I eat a lot of meals alone on the road. Sometimes It's ethnic food, sometimes it's fast food, and sometimes it's a breastAURANT or even a strip club. Who TF cares what other people think? I got over that a long time ago! For that matter, why would they be thinking about you at all? One difference from some other responses is that at the weird times that I sometimes eat, such as late evening or mid-afternoon, there's usually plenty of room and I much prefer to sit at a table rather than at the bar.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    She wants to introduce you.....
    My ATF never suggested introducing me to her parents, but she did regularly text them at bedtime (once in a hotel and many times at her place) and again in the morning to let them know that everything was OK. One time I was sitting at her kitchen table around noon after spending the night and her dad called to talk about some financial issue between them. She put him on speakerphone and introduced us over the phone! When these things happened, I just thought they were cute, like "Aw, look how close she is to her parents!" Now I find them creepy, like "Surely her father knows that she's a whore!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is Vip worth it ?
    SJG, I probably shouldn't even dignify your latest dumbassery with a response -- it's called "feeding the trolls". But when you write: "MrDeuce doesn't seem to like any of the girls he finds in strip clubs. That's probably because he divides women into two categories, really social classes. And he looks at our entire society this way.", you've managed to emit one of the most ludicrous statements you've ever made -- and that's saying something! My problem with girls in strip clubs is that I like too *many* of them, not too few! Cite a single piece of evidence to the contrary in anything I've ever posted. Also, give evidence (besides the irrelevant fact that I classify myself as a libertarian) that I divide women, or society, into two classes. SJG, you are one unbelievably weird little man.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Has a dancer ever lost control of her bowels and shit on your lap during a dance
    Damn, dude! Of all the things in the world to worry about, you pick this?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    First OTC Experience
    +1 for ppwh's post just before mine!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    First OTC Experience
    FWIW, I've never done a threesome with anyone, strippers or not, but am considering it with my two faves at a certain club, who are into each other and have suggested it. Personally, before I did a threesome with strippers, I would: * do multiple VIPs with each of them individually * do at least OTC date with each of them individually * make sure they're actually into each other * specify who gets to do what with whom. Then I *might* consider it, but be aware that you could fuck up your relationship with either or both of them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is Vip worth it ?
    dominic77 says (wisely) "I'm not in any way trying to tell you what TO DO or what NOT TO DO". SJG is the anti-dominic: Telling you how to have fun in a place he knows nothing about is *precisely* what he does! KJ, I'm worried about you for two reasons: (1) You ask a board full of strangers from all over the world how to do VIPs in Houston. (2) You say "I like that San Jose guy ." Hmm . . .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bday gift for your ATF?
    I wouldn't give her anything besides (possibly) an extra $50 tip for a VIP on or close to her birthday. Strippers want cash, not baubles.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Amateur vs Professional PL
    Despite hundreds of SC visits, I was an amateur for almost 20 years, satisfied with just lap dances (which often ended, to be sure, with a lapgasm). My confidence starting increasing from the time of my first ITC BJ in July 2013 and then even more with my first OTC date in December 2015. Now I've had about 16 OTC dates (including one yesterday from about 12:45 to 7:15, featuring two BBBJs with an excellent steakhouse lunch between them) and about 150 BJs from strippers. If you do something enough and examine what could have gone better, you improve at it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Unusual dancer name
    Definitely an unusual name, stripper name or not. Dolores "Lolita" Haze in Nabokov's novel is actually 12 - still jailbait!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Looks, Money, Status
    @Lurker: Indeed:) I'm an aging, overweight PL whose strip club attire is *very* casual, and yet I've had about 16 OTC dates in the last two years with four strippers who were 20-35 years younger than me and much hotter than I could have landed IRL -- and they've always asked me! The thing is, IMO I'm fun to hang out with, tell funny jokes, tip well, and buy lots of dances and VIPs. Those things count for a lot in Stripperville! @Bj99: What you say about women is spot on: Being passionate about something, whether it's skiing or golfing or fixing cars or travel or movies or whatever, makes a man interesting to at least some women. Looks, money, and status all matter -- but so does personality.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    An pleasantly surprising experience with a Stripper
    You've found a unicorn! You should indeed shower her with monetary blessings. Classic SJG dumbassery: He trots out the tired platitudes and then asks for info. What shocks me is that he actually appears to type his hyper-repetitive drivel each time. I figured he just copied and pasted from a giant Word document titled "Stuff I post over and over and over ad nauseam ad infinitum.doc" LMAO
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Got my first stripper #
    I've gotten numbers from about 20 strippers over the past two years and 5 of them have offered to see me OTC, so my ratio is 4 to 1.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many sex partners have you had?
    I like jackslash's answer: "If you don't count strippers, I'm as pure as the driven snow. If you do count strippers, I'm sluttier than the Whore of Babylon." If you define sex as intercourse, my count is minuscule. If, however, blowjobs count as sex, then I'm a total man-whore. Hurray for Bill Clinton's definition of sex!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ^ What he said! I *hate* it when strippers bite or pinch my nipples but love it when they suck them. I'm assuming they generally feel the same way :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Number of cases of throat cancer linked to oral sex is on the rise
    Damn! One more SC hazard for me to [not] worry about! :) Actually, I restrict myself to familiar pussy and only rarely. Before my recent OTC date, my last DATY was in March.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers' favorite restaurants
    So many excellent points! @4got: I'm pretty sure joc13 was citing Applebee's as an example of an *inexpensive* restaurant. @ButterMan: I totally agree that a nice meal is an essential part of an OTC date for me. I wish I could agree with "No one is falling in love here", but precisely *that* was my problem with my ATF :( @Ishmael: I'm one of those guys who "want a level of social fantasy with their sex", paying for "dates" as part of what is really just a commercial transaction. I don't want to think of her as a prostitute or of myself as someone who sees prostitutes, so I turn the transaction into as "date-like" an experience as possible. At least I don't give her flowers on dates or presents for her birthday! @shadowcat: I would *love* to date a stripper who provided 2-for-1 coupons! My ATF and my current favorite tend to look for the *most* expensive restaurants. @indymovieman: Funny you should mention White Castle. When I started seeing my ATF last fall, I gave her a short list of rules, the first of which was "No fucking White Castle. Ever." It was my way of saying that (a) I *hate* White Castle and (b) I'll take her anywhere *but* there. @4got (again): Does spending 15 minutes shooting up in an expensive restaurant's bathroom at closing time, as the wait staff impatiently awaits our departure, count as inappropriate behavior? If so, there ya go :)