Has anyone ever taken a break from the club?
Just another PL
An extended break? I realized I'm getting too attached to my ATF, plus I'm spending way too much, and it's affecting me mentally and physically. So I dropped all contact and plan on taking an extended break from it to recollect myself and hopefully come back looking at it differently and not get so into it. Maybe a four month break. Any thoughts or did anyone else ever do this?
Hobbies are fun. Ruts are not.
This is probably how I'd slow it down. Instead of going X times a year, I go 25% of that. So if I'm going weekly, I'll go monthly. If I go monthly, I'll go every 3 or 4 months.
Hell right now I'm actually designing a on and off season for myself
I feel that is is a must to take time away to replenish funds and to miss the clubs...you will enjoy and appropriate it more
Don't put a time frame on it. Let it occur normally. When you're ready to come back you'll know.
I also agree with rh48 just like many things in life it's better to do it instinctively..usually advanced players do this
As for when I've taken really long breaks, that would describe the first 6 years I was going to strip clubs. The few years I lived in Wisconsin, I had a limited number of clubs that were within an hour drive and they all had very limited mileage. They were the type of clubs where the dancer can touch you, but you can't touch them. It would be common for me to take a break that was longer than a month.
When I moved to Detroit, I was only going to a club about 3 times a year, and by choice, it was the one that best resembled the type of clubs I was used to visiting. At the time, I was being taken care of outside of the club because I was seeing escorts.
This past year was when I started to go to clubs a lot more often than I have in the past. This was mostly because I eventually found a girl at my (former) regular club that got my motor running, and I really wanted to fuck her. Being the type of club it is, and the type of girls that work there, I knew that would not be a possibility unless I set up OTC. I solved my problem by going to clubs where they will take care of me ITC.
Technically I have been on a break since then but some of it has to do with my dating life which right now is going great. When I am bored with civi women I tend to hit the p4p options.
I was laid off a few months back - and I devoted my energy towards getting back to work. The lay off hit me hard - as I'd been working for over 30 straight years - so I worked at getting back to work. Luckily I found work quickly. Being a monger - you'd think I would have used the time for otc pursuits - but I didn't.
We don't know the dancers you're dealing with; no idea if they'll bombard you.
Just stop going. If any of them reaches out to you, just tell them that you'll be out of the loop for a while because of personal stuff. They'll move on. Probably faster than you think.
Don't make it complex.
That's not surprising. I think that you're making a good decision. Enjoy your break.
Did she say see you in a couple weeks or whenever?