
Comments by farmerart (page 85)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    :"Let's talk later"
    Letting the dancer know that you have some serious 'green' in your wallet often makes OTC possible on you first meeting. But, as lopaw says: 'Let's talk later' = 'No chance!'
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla) Proposes Eliminating the Dollar Bill
    As shadowcat says, the loonie ($1 coin) toss is the preferred way to tip dancers on stage in Canada (particularly in Alberta). We also use a toonie ($2 coin) up here. Dancers prefer the toonie toss!! I hate it. It is so boring and demeaning to watch a dancer crawling around on stage spreading her legs so guys can toss coins at her pussy. Of course for the dancers it is all about the money. I know a club in Alberta that caters to high wage oil patch workers. When the club is full a dancer can pick up $200+ during the loonie/toonie toss after each stage show she does. Four or five sets per day can add up to serious money! Most Alberta clubs have change machines to convert $20 bills into loonies for the customers' 'pleasure'. Most dancers now have mini magnetic vacuum devices to pick up coins from the stage floor. (Loonies and toonies are magnetic.) Bending over to pick up scores of coins by hand is tedious but if she is naked some interesting vistas can be presented for one's viewing pleasure!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    the speed force!
    Interesting Strip Club site...
    If I ever met a dancer who could talk about top drive rigs, horizontal multi-pay zones, the Manville formation, fracing guns, crack spreads, or anything even remotely relevant to the oil patch I would spend a buck or two on her as I baffled her with my own bullshit and groped her ferociously.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How Do I Regain My 'Virginity'?
    george, My worry was embarrassing the partner company. Reporting to shareholders the personal info of board members can lead who knows where? A diligent digger could soon unearth my farmerart persona and the talking shareholder of the partner company is a real tight ass and could queer the deal. This sort of uncertainty is nasty for business. I have been a lone wolf my entire business career and I guess I should not change at this late date. A deal with a large company would surely put my new venture on the fast track with access to much a larger capital pool than I can generate on my own. The anonymity of a private corporation has some large benefits.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    As with others, not getting this is not a deal breaker if other higher level extras are available. But if other extras are unavailable and finger play is also unavailable I will pursue other prey.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Hottest women in the world -- USA Women's National Team !!!
    Sad to see that your ladies came up short against Japan, but those Japanese ladies do have guts.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I am a whore.
    I still think highly of you, vince.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How Do I Regain My 'Virginity'?
    Thank you all, for your replies. I see now that there is only one way out of this box that I have created for myself. All my life I have had the attitude: 'Fuck you, world. I'll do it my way'. Why change now? Apologies to Frank Sinatra and Paul Anka.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Art Criticism - Just Another Type Of SS?
    I had to bring back this silly piece of shit I wrote about a year ago. At a recent party at my farm one of the suppliers I had invited gave flowery compliments to my numerous sculptures in the yard. Told me I was so talented that the stuff would sell easily in a gallery. Ha! ha! Talk about getting my ass kissed in hopes of getting business out of me!! Didn't work. A competitor beat him on price.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Hottest women in the world -- USA Women's National Team !!!
    Gotta cheer for your American ladies on Sunday against Japan. Hope Solo is VIP worthy for farmerart.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Noblesse Oblige And The SC Hobby
    ^^^^^^^^^ Ha Ha !! In Canada it is called 'Queers' Light'. NOT a popular beer in oil town bars.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Noblesse Oblige And The SC Hobby
    ^^^^^ farmerart a 'gentleman' in SCs? GOD FORBID !!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer goes past her limits
    You guys who habituate a single club have much different experiences than does a road warrior like me. I kind of like what you described though, steve. How did you feel after that particular encounter? "Debauched another one!" (rubbing hands in glee with evil grin on face). Sheesh.........!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't sleep while with street walkers
    Uh ..oh. I will be 63 in a few months. Will you be my guardian, george?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Undressing your dancer
    Old guy like me who has never lived with a woman undressing a dancer in VIP? I would probably need a box cutter and a bolt cutter to get at the goodies. I don't have as much time left as you younger guys. Sheesh...........!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stripper Next Door: Final Update
    Guess why I like living in the country? My nearest neighbour is almost 8km away. Even this wretched bush camp in the North West Territories (where I will be for a few more weeks) seems more salubrious than your situation.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What kind of airplane do you fly to the club?
    ^^^^^^^ Nope. During the first year of my retirement (big boys toys phase) I split a Netjets share with another Alberta company. I didn't use it enough to justify the expense and sold my part of the share on to another idiot like me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: "Careful, I'm a squirter!”
    Ditto for me. I have encountered a squirter just once. After discovering that she had NOT pissed all over the VIP, I couldn't get enough of this special talent. The girl became my infatuation - even flew her from Toronto to ranchofarmerart for a weekend where I soon discovered that she was an absolute moron and the infatuation fizzled. The girl also had an incredibly tight pussy. To this day, that remains the best sex of my life.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Three some??
    #2. YES #2. YES #2. YES #2. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Porn Star ???
    Casey Anthony ?? Doesn't register up here in northern Canada. We are all gaga about Kate and Wills. They visited Yellowknife earlier today and I don't see the appeal. Kate is an anorexic piece of celery and Wills is a dim fop. They chose not to visit the farmerart resort camp of diesel, horse flies, and gourmet meals featuring lime Jello for dessert.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    More SS Or................................??
    My lack of life experience is painfully evident here. Matching wits and emotions with hot young dancers is much different than wheeling and dealing in the oil patch, let me tell you! My lack of socialization as a teen-ager and young man really makes me a softy when doing this sort of thing. Hard ass in rough-and-tumble business world? Easy meat for hot 20-ish dancers? We are talking tuscl's #1 PL when we mention farmerart's name.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Kind of Car do you Drive to the Club ?
    Gotta love that speed thrill, though, don't ya vince?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Kind of Car do you Drive to the Club ?
    Just remembered this story. About a year ago when I was still in my stupid 'big boy toys' phase in retirement I hop in the Ferrari and head down Hwy 2 to Calgary for a SC hit. I know the road well and I wind up the beast until I get scared. I am slowing down, nowhere near to burying the needle, when a horseman catches me on his radar gun. I pull over and the horseman tells me I maxed out his gun at 280 kph. Last time I looked at speedometer in the beast I was doing over 300 kph when I started to get scared. Horseman gives me a bit of a break and writes the citation so that I will have three demerits left on my driver's licence. Didn't make it to the SC. Turned around and went back to my farm. Sold that sexy red beast and kept to my trusty F-150 ever since. Driving sedately now until I eliminate those nasty demerits from my licence. You wouldn't believe the hit I took when I renewed my personal vehicle insurance package this year!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Age Difference ... You and your Favs?
    ^^^^^ Sarcasm?? You are too subtle for me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Age Difference ... You and your Favs?
    GoVikings: What do we have in common? Oh - theoretical mathematics (particularly the study of the square root of e), existential philosophy, quantum mechanics, philately, 19th century Russian poetry, Ingmar Bergman films, pastry making, diesel mechanics, organic gardening, anatomy (the Braille system of study), strip clubs, and now, a shared interest in the observation of the effects of Cialis on the elderly Canadian male (much research to be conducted in the future).