Dancer: "Careful, I'm a squirter!”

avatar for steve229
When I get to the club, my current favorite is in an extra frisky mood. She says she's glad I came in, because she's really horny today. Now, 9 times out of 10 when a dancer says that, it's SS to get you to buy some dances. Oh, but that 10th time...

We head to the VIP. She lays back on this short couch they have in the room, and pulls me down on top of her. We start making out like teenagers. She keeps telling me how horny she is. Then she pulls her g-string to the side, grabs my hand, and shows me just how horny she is. She guides my fingers, showing me what she wants.

Things get hot and heavy, finally she tells me to watch out, that she's “kinda a squirter.” That proved to be an understatement. I've seen it in porno, but this was my first experience in the VIP.

Afterwards, she apologized for getting my clothes wet. I told her not to worry about it, because I get a lot of free coupons from my dry cleaners, lol. I did feel bad for the next couple that had to use that couch though.

So, your experiences?


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avatar for rell
14 years ago
lol ive had squirters before , even seen a stripper that squirted but never had the combination.. i sure that was a memberable experience
avatar for Fenster
14 years ago
I know a strawberry-blonde that I wouldn't exactly call a 'squirter'. It's more like her water broke ....
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
I've always been dubious about squirters, and strippers who tell me they're horny/haven't had sex in forever and just gotta have me in the VIP. I guess I can cross off the first one as legitimate, at least on one occasion. So far, no luck as the veracity of the latter.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Reminds me of the scene in America Pie "Beta House"! I personally have never met one.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
I have never had a squirter in or outside the club. I don't think they are very common. Congrats on the experience though. She sounds like a keeper.
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
I had one in my non-club life a few times (the same one).
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
I've known one. Super wet, multi-orgasmic, a black belt in BBBJ. Ah crap, why did you have to remind me?
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Ditto for me. I have encountered a squirter just once. After discovering that she had NOT pissed all over the VIP, I couldn't get enough of this special talent. The girl became my infatuation - even flew her from Toronto to ranchofarmerart for a weekend where I soon discovered that she was an absolute moron and the infatuation fizzled. The girl also had an incredibly tight pussy.

To this day, that remains the best sex of my life.
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
I haven't had an experience with a squirter, so I am extremely jealous. That's awesome man! Have to work on finding one for myself!
avatar for 10inches
14 years ago
no experience with squirter, but did hook up with girl in VIP that became extremely wet when I massaged her clit and slipped a couple of fingers inside. thankfully, it was quite dark in the club, so the large wet spot was not noticed by anyone else. had to go to restroom to wash and dry my hands afterward. she was a moaner also.
avatar for magicrat
14 years ago
I've been with 2, both nonstrippers. The first one just oozed a bit, maybe a couple inches at most. The second could do a stream about 2 feet...hottest think I've ever seen!
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
Last time I had a dancer tell me she squirts, I told her she could make me squirt when she squirts.
avatar for HonestT
14 years ago
Never with a dancer.

Once with a short term girlfriend. She would expell the amount you could probably spit in one try. It was nothing like the "gushing" porno chicks who just piss while faking orgasms.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
I have never had a dancer squirter but I lived with one when I was much younger. This girl was a heavy duty squirter and it played havoc on our sheets and mattress.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Careful I'm a shooter and put the two together you have a squirting cleanup of the mess
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Well dear, care to chime in here?
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