Your Favourite Club - What Makes It Special?

avatar for farmerart
I don't have one favourite club but there are three different clubs that I especially like for different reasons. Club Pro in Vaughan, ON is a club of guaranteed extras but not really scuzzy like some of the other 'guarantee' clubs on my review list. Currently, my favourite OTC sweetie works out of this club. Rig Pig in Nisku, AB is a club that I like purely because of its oil patch ambiance. When I visit that club I feel as comfortable as if I were back home in my man cave but lacking the hot waitresses and bartenders. No 5 Orange in Vancouver, BC has taken longer to worm its way into my heart. The club is a dump in a crappy part of the city. However, Vancouver is one sweet city and I visit the place as often as I can. No 5 Orange is the only club in Vancouver where I can scratch my SC itch. There used to be a club in Calgary, AB (French Maid) that was close to my company's offices and very handy for lunch but the joint closed a year ago.

What are the criteria for a club to be named your favourite?


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
The availability of extras from engaged & enthusiastic dancers.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Thanks, Art. I owe you one.

From now on, if I ever feel like complaining about a lack of strip club talent or anything else strip club related, I'll just keep telling myself:

"At least your only choice in clubs isn't the Rig Pig in Nisku, Alberta, with its oil patch ambience"

That's sure to cheer me up.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Somehow Art makes me want to move to Bumfuck Canada and work on an Oil Rig...
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Art, my favorite clubs feature hot Eskimo strippers who dance in igloos.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
I see that the farmerart support group is alive and well right now!

My favorite club has always been the one where I knew the most dancers. I like walking in and knowing that "everybody knows your name." (I've fantasized in the past the the setting for "Cheers" was in a strip club, not just a bar.) However, I also just realized that in the last three places I've lived, my favorite club was also the closest to home, or one of the three closest. So, for me geography has entered the equation.
avatar for Rod84
12 years ago
Like Club_Goer, one of my favorite SCs has that "Cheers" feel. It features comfy lounge chairs, gorgeous girls, medium-volume music, and because the bartenders know me, an automatic tab without all the upfront credit card/driver's license folderol. Plus, a goodly number of my favorite dancers work there - all tall, beautiful, naturally-breasted, and tattoo-free. I spend quality time them and our conversations are full of history from years of previous visits.

The place is not much for mileage, although it's still fully nude and in-your-face LDs. Sometimes I just want a place to imbibe and relax in the company of gorgeous naked women.
avatar for Jackmd
12 years ago
Personally, I go for naked women. Extra's are nice but a club that has a bunch of naked women walking around will get my money more than a bunch of clothed women offering extra's.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I like a club you can feel comfortable in and feel that you are not often harassed by bad-attitude dancers, bad-attitude waitresses, bad-attitude staff.

I like variety and will rarely stick to one club, I rotate among many. But if I had to pick a favorite it would be the unfortunately now closed “Fantasy Ranch” in Arlington, TX.

When it comes to a well ran business, it is often said that “it starts at the top”. I get this sense about SCs also – if the owners/management are doushebags, so will be the staff.

“Fantasy Ranch” in Arlington actually did look like a ranch house and had a great setup inside. There was a large variety of dancers whom were often cordial as far as dancers go; the staff was often friendly and greeted you on the way in, and cost was very fair.

Unfortunately, “Fantasy Ranch” ran into trouble with the city. The issue began around the time the new Dallas Cowboys stadium was being built in Arlington and all of a sudden the city (or Jerry Jones?) wanted to clean up the city’s semi-seedy SC image and started to tighten up its restrictions on SCs (i.e. enforcing pasties, etc.). From what I heard, the city went after “Fantasy Ranch” and used some kind of ordinance that stated that two SCs had to be a certain distance apart from each other. There was another SC about a 1/2 block from “Fantasy Ranch” that had been there longer than “Fantasy Ranch” and thus the city forced my beloved “Fantasy Ranch” to close.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
I'd go for a "Cheers" vibe too, if there were any such thing in strip clubs.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Playboy quality women that enjoy other women and are willing to go that extra mile to make me happy.
avatar for rogertex
12 years ago
Landing Strip is my fav for now.
It's an average club.
I have spent 20-25K this year so far inside this club.
Get love from everyone - reception, bartenders, waitresses, the dudes (DJ, chef, managers, washroom attendant) - and off course the 50+ beautiful dancers.

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Well Art, I guess my favorite club would be the club where one of my favs would be dancing.

It's always nice to walk into a club and find someone that already likes you and is willing to make your night enjoyable.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Art, I have a question.

Where is "Bumfuck", Canada? Is it close to where you are?
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago

I am assuming that when jester214 introduced Bumfuck, Canada into his comment he was referring to Nisku, AB mentioned in my initial post. As it happens, Rancho farmerart is an hour's drive from Bumfuck. Currently, however, I am at my exploration camp, 1500km north of Bumfuck.

jester214, if you really want to work on a rig, come up to Bumfuck. Every drilling company in town has 'Help Wanted' signs hanging from the fences of their yards. It would be a delight to hear you talking about the delights of Bumfuck to a crowd of my boys in the Rig Pig club.
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
I can play with my cock more or less in public.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Everybody knows that Bumfuck is in Egypt. :)
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
@ Shadowcat:

Yes, you're right, I almost forgot about Bumfuck, Egypt.

@ Farmerart:

I think jester was jesting. But I've heard that Bumfuck, Canada is cold as a motherfucker.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
Like Pablo, what makes a club a favorite to me is when one of my favorite girls are working there.
avatar for bucca
12 years ago
My all time favorite club (back when I was in my mid-20s) is unfortunately closed now. Not sure why. They were always busy. This place was the definition of a dive. Ugly building, very small, inside was not posh in the least, bathrooms were disgusting, even the girls were generally plain with none above a 6...however, I was made to feel like a king when I went there. All the dancers were friendly but not pushy. Never had to worry about a dancer cheating me. There was an older lady there too that was like the dancer's "mom" who would come around and talk with me and do some innocent flirting. It was a hole-in-the-wall, but it was my little hole-in-the-wall. I'd give anything for to be able to go to that place again. Oh well...
avatar for panza
12 years ago
I am sure this is too long a response but my current favorite club meets the following needs that I think would qualify for most:

1) Not too far from home... it might be great to visit the legendary clubs in City of Industry but do I really want to drive that damn far? It should be far enough you aren't likely to run into one of the girls on the street, but not so far you have to dread getting in the car.

2) A sense of privacy. The club quickly knows you, not because of how much you spend but because they pay attention. Girls know who you come for but treat you well anyways. You repay the favor periodically by asking for an unexpected private with one of them. Management leaves you completely alone when you get a dance - even dim the lights without asking despite you not being a "big fish."

3) Variety - This is easy in Southern California - what the hell is the point of living in SoCal if you can't run into a strip club and experience the same quality and variety you see on the street.

4) Lack of jealousy - Girls don't seem to get jealous when you switch around who you see.

5) Lack of pressure - see note 2 & 4 - they just let you do your thing.

6) Budget - At my favorite club I can have a good time for $80 and a heck of a time for $200. Doesn't go above that. For me this works. Whatever club becomes your favorite should fit in whatever your budget is as this allows you to have a good time on a regular basis.

7) Ability to surprise you - the girls know you are a regular, your girl or girls aren't there that day, one of the girls recognizes you and randomly approaches you and says "I know ...isn't here today, can I fill in?" Said dance BLOWS you away even though you never showed this girl the time of day. Next time in the club she doesn't even bother you, simply smiles because she see's you with someone else.

8) It's easy - My current favorite club fit like a club by the third time I visited it only because I was trying to figure out the best time to go to meet my needs. No club should make you work any harder than that.

As always it pays to treat everyone with respect, at a good club they notice it and quickly the kindness is repaid.

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