
Comments by farmerart (page 53)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Christmas gifts for strippers
    @pabloantonio: Stop this 'hero' shit. If you had any idea how much this Hawaii deal will cost me you would not use that word. I think the more proper description of this trip to Hawaii with a stripper might be: PATHETIC PUSSY-WHIPPED GERIATRIC LOSER!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Majority of Wealthy Support Taxing Themselves: Poll
    @Dougster: Yes, I made no attempt to take into account any state/provincial taxes. I was trying to compare just apples to apples. For example: I live in Alberta - 10% flat tax on income. Last year my effective Alberta tax rate was 7.1% (after claiming tax credits available to all Albertans). My effective federal tax rate was 21.5% (again, taking only the tax credits available to all Canadians). This gave me a blended effective tax rate of 28.6%. How does that compare to a US state with income taxes? Regarding deductions, the Canadian tax system is much less liberal than is the USA system. For instance, there is no mortgage interest deductability in Canada. For the life of me I can not see the logic of that plum in the USA tax system. Charitable donations are the biggest plum in Canada (about a 38% total tax credit for me in Alberta). I was not particularly charitable last year so that explains why my effective tax rate last year was 28.6%. I do not find my effective tax rate to be onerous and I report a fairly high income each year, probably comparable to the vaunted 1% in USA. It must be the different availability of deductions that explains the difference between my rate of effective taxation and that of Mitt Romney and the rest of the 1%. Let's not get started on corporate taxes. I always blush with embarrassment with what I can do with my company's taxes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Majority of Wealthy Support Taxing Themselves: Poll
    Never ever forget that dividends are taxed twice. First time is when the dividend-paying company's corporate taxes are paid (dividends come from after tax profits). The second time dividends are taxed is when they are reported as income by the recipient. In USA, this double taxation usually amounts to 50% on the original company profit paid out in dividends. In Canada, the double taxation is somewhat less. For my company and the dividend flow to me the total tax rate is 38.3%. Who among you American wage earners here on tuscl pays 50% tax on your earned income? In Canada there is NO federal income tax rate of 50% on earned income, no matter how high that earned income may be. Capital gains income is a different story. I don't know the tax particulars of capital gains in USA. In Canada I pay approximately 22.5% federal tax on any capital gains that I report on my tax return. My impression is that the capital gains tax rate is higher than that in USA. Anybody know for sure? IMO, there is a great deal of ignorance in the general population about how the tax system deals with the wealthy. Apart from the black market and the underground cash economy, governments know exactly where every single dollar in the economy can be found.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Christmas gifts for strippers
    In fact, I wish I was in Hawaii right now, just came in from one of the rigs: -35C, 15kph wind, light snow - Brrrrrr! Oh well, 15 days from now !!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Christmas gifts for strippers
    @mikeya02: See what georg said. @georgmicrodong: Jeez, do you remember everything that I post here? I am resolved to being 'strong' with the lady this year, staying away from the lanai at sunset after a bottle of wine!:)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dodging the drink.
    Pretty much what the vets of tuscl have said. For some reason the drink hussle just does not bother me. But valet fees?.....don't get me started.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Christmas gifts for strippers
    Last year I took a dancer to Hawaii for a week after Christmas. I will be doing the same thing with the same dancer again this January. Does that count as a Christmas gift?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    did the world end ?
    The world didn't end but I can tell you this; up here in Canada's far north you can see the end of the world just over the horizon.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Detroit Live Holiday Blog
    Not the report that I was expecting from you, Dave. Somehow or other I have no trouble expelling certain images from my brain. If the report had been what I was expecting I would be banging my head against the wall to rid my brain of the images of licentious debauchery that I was anticipating in your report.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Imagine Driving up to the SC in One of These
    How fast does it go?................I am salivating.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Detroit Live Holiday Blog
    So, stab the dagger deeper inside me! Dave, what you will be doing in Detroit clubs in a few hours is something that I really do not wish to experience vicariously. Perhaps I should have been more explicit in my review of Subi's. My late night visit to that club and an energetic assignation with one of the dancers in the back rooms left me um......er......ah......'drained' when I went to Bogarts the following afternoon. Just sayin' Dave; just sayin'.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Detroit Live Holiday Blog
    Sheesh, dave. First thing I see when I turn on my computer this morning is this post of yours. Talk about a dagger in the heart of a poor oil guy marooned in Canada's north! FWIW, my two best experiences in Detroit clubs were at Coliseum and Subi's. Subi's is relatively close to the airport. Coliseum is not.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Hottest Black Club in the US
    @rickdugan, May I ask why you grant Arnie's only a 9 on the mileage scale? Whatever must the dancers do to earn a 10 for mileage on your scale? On the other hand, I think that you might be a tad generous with your hotness grade.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How dare they?!?!
    I am so lucky to do the majority of my clubbing in Alberta. Dancers in Alberta clubs are much too genteel to assault me in such an outrageous manner. I strongly recommend Alberta SCs to tusclers who wish freedom from this horrible practice.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Car or Clubs?
    Cars and trucks should be everybody's priority purchases. Poor oilmen like me need a constant stream of consumers for the hydrocarbons we find. Sheesh! Forget about buying a house or paying apartment rent. You can always live in your vehicle.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another of farmerart's hang outs. LOL.
    @shadowcat: I have made many comments during my time on tuscl about just how lame Alberta clubs can be but I must admit that I have never seen naked dick dancers on stage (bare ass male customers, though). Everything else this reviewer writes about Boudoir Rouge is spot on so I have no reason to disbelieve him about male dancers cavorting on stage. My company's offices are in downtown Calgary and I formerly lunched often at this club but those days are long gone. I have as little to do with Calgary SCs as possible now (last visit was business entertainment). I plead with all tusclers to avoid all Calgary SCs. The three Calgary clubs are expensive and totally useless.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Joe from NJ
    New York
    Bringing your cash into a club.
    In US clubs I separate bills by denomination in different pockets because all yankee money is the same freakin' colour - the only country in the world so retarded as to do this! I had a very expensive lesson about this in a dark American SC where I mistook benjies for washingtons. Anywhere else in the world I keep my wad in one pocket; no special contorted security procedures. I no longer bring my wallet with me into the club after having a Toronto dancer once attempt to pick my pocket.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New Jersey
    Why go anywhere else?
    This guy is averaging one visit per month to this club. Each review is the same as every other. Sounds like he is getting super HJs from the girls in this club. OK, but that is like eating nothing Big Macs for every meal. I like much more variety in my consumables. This guy defines a new variation of being a PL.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Multiple Clubs Same Night
    During my dissolute retirement I once did a multi-club marathon (day and evening) in Toronto. It became a blur of sensory overload. This was in my pre-Cialis mongering. Many opportunities were lost because of non-tumescence.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Most interesting OTC adventures
    @harrydave: I am happy that you are posting regularly again. Your stories are priceless. I always thought oil guys like me were a rather 'adventurous' bunch but you engineers seem to be a whole 'nuther breed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Legalize Prostitution To Help Save Us From Fiscal Cliff
    Hof's numbers intrigued me. I am assuming that Hof is talking corporate taxes when he mentions paying a tax bill of $350K. In Nevada that would suggest a profit of $1MM reported to IRS. There must obviously be great opportunity for skimming in the bordello business but, even so, this does not seem like such a sweet business profit-wise. I can imagine grief and frustration for the operator of a bordello just to generate such a paltry profit as this. I will happily stick to flogging hydrocarbons in Canada. Profit margins are much juicier than bordellos and corporate taxes are lower.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Most interesting OTC adventures
    I started 2012 on vacation in Hawaii with a dancer from Toronto. It was such a mellow, laid-back week with the girl that I succumbed to an episode of bareback, my first ever. Being scared shitless, my activities were severely curtailed for months. Testing says that I dodged the STD bullets. I had two other OTC events in 2012, one being remarkable for the beauty of the girl (not her performance); the other by its unplanned drunken spontaneity. No Kenworth girl for me this past year.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    In a riposte to harrydave, here is a list of places to avoid if you are a monger. My international travel for work is now over. During my years of work travel I was not a monger but I always had my eyes open as I ventured around the world. I must also add that I was working in deserts, jungles, icefields, or on drilling platforms. It seems that there is no oil to be found in urban areas. Saudi Arabia - The most gawd-awful country on this planet. Anything remotely resembling fun is rigidly repressed by the authorities. The royal family does its best to keep Saudis and foreigners separated. Religious police have the right to give you a beating in the street if you have broken some ridiculous religious ukase. The weather is also devilishly hot. Algeria - Surprise! Another Muslim country. 'Nuff said. Indonesia - What's this.....a third Muslim country? The jungles of Borneo were interesting, to be sure, but basically uninhabitable by human beings. Bugs, bugs, bugs, and more bugs.....many of therm able to do very nasty things to your body. Humidity that sapped your strength. Rainfall that destroyed your soul. Interesting food, though and through second-hand stories I was told that fun could be had in Bali. North Sea drilling/production platforms - Nearest land was the Shetlands or the Orkneys, great places if you want to get comfortable with a sweet ewe. The midst of the North Sea is another of the world's weather-challenged places. the most ferocious non-stop winds of my life is the most joyful memory of the North Sea that I cherish. Beaufort Sea drill ship - This is in Canada's Arctic (about 70 degrees north latitude). No bugs here but also no sunlight for two months of the year. Unless you have experienced the sensory deprivation of total darkness you really don't know how numbing that can be. Also numbing is temperature. During my winter on the Beaufort I experienced a three-week spell of -50C temperatures. THAT, my fellow tusclers, is freakin' cold, even for farmerart. No lap dances available from any jolly Inuit ladies. Sheesh, I never even got to rub noses!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    It is an intriguing thought but I will pass. Many other parts of the world that I would like to see ahead of Russia, though I have always wanted to see the site of the great tank battle at Kursk in 1943.