First off, I am strongly opposed to government censorship. If a private organization or group wishes it that is their right.
This forum, being public, there should be no censorship. I believe founder follows this creed. We each may inforce our own censorship via the “Ignore†function.
Now my question is, and just in theory, if you could censor/ban anyone, any topic, or really anything, who or what would they/it be?
I ask, if anyone here is chosen or their favorite topics are mentioned. Just let it the fuck go!!!
This forum, being public, there should be no censorship. I believe founder follows this creed. We each may inforce our own censorship via the “Ignore†function.
Now my question is, and just in theory, if you could censor/ban anyone, any topic, or really anything, who or what would they/it be?
I ask, if anyone here is chosen or their favorite topics are mentioned. Just let it the fuck go!!!
On the positive side I do enjoy reading everyone's comments, other than the person I ignored of course, and people have given me helpful advice and I appreciate it. I am glad that there are people on this website that are older and have plenty of experience since they give me helpful advice relating to my hobby. Also I like the members that are around my age since I can relate to them well.
Likely you are referring to shadowcat.
IIRC, shadowcat was temporarily banned.
If you are curious as to what started it, several of us figured out how to post pictures. Not a problem today.
Sort of a "Stupid can't be fixed." sort of thing. :)
And let's stop the nonsense about "flame wars." There is one member, I suspect a long standing one at that, with a very fevered imagination and way too much time to kill, trying to stir shit up and even running faux arguments between his screen names. "Dougster" is just one of several accounts through which this guy amuses himself. It only takes one guy to piss in the pool enough to make it less desirable for everyone and this guy is the little weiner doing the pissing. Good threads are dying long before they should.
So yes, I would support a reasonable moderator function, not because I am a fan of censorship, but because it would be nice to see the accounts of serial abusers wiped off the board. While one cannot completely eliminate multiple account use, one can seriously constrain how far it goes as most people (1) have access only to so many devices; and (2) inevitably get lazy and slip up.
I wouldn't care so much except that this place has been a great resource to me for a long time and I hate to see the discussion boards turning to shit because one person's selfish and juvenile entertainment needs.
I disagree with your 1st sentence ranukam, and agree with your 2nd sentence.
I agree 100 percent with ranukam said. Dougster, you make a lot of really good posts and seem to be a pretty level headed dude, but you're also very annoying.
I don't get how you couldn't understand all the "whining" about you, seeing as you're ALWAYS instigating flame wars and calling people names.
Also If you look into the history of things you'll find it's very rarely that I start anything with other people, but if they keep flaming me eventually I will retaliate, and i will do a better job at it than they are able to too. i think they just end up being surprised that i don't put up with attacks on me but why it surprises them is completely baffling to me.
I'm all for live and let live with any willing to go that route.
"I don't have anyone ignored simply because I wouldn't want to miss out on anything".
This just happened to a TUSCL buddy of mine this morning. I asked him to read a thread and tell me what he thought about several comments. At first he replied that he couldn't find it even though it was still very current. Then he discovered that he had the originator on ignore and had missed the whole thing.
As has been said many times read what interests you and ignore the rest.
It's not nearly as active as TUSCL, but I like the way it's moderated. TwoSheds isn't overbearing or heavy handed but makes it abundantly clear it's HIS board and you obey HIS rules or you may leave. He posts too. Not much. But enough to make it interesting.
If threads become too much of flame war, they're either locked or deleted. Occassionally, some members have been banned.
On other Forums that I participate in having a moderator keeps things running very well and keeps threads free from veering off in unwelcome directions.
It's amusing how Dougster likes playing the victim. In just about every thread, he is the first to name call.
Well sure enough they seem to get what they want, people jerking them off for being such a hero, so they keep up the name calling against me because they find others will suck them off if they do. And that's what they really want is acceptance here, as opposed to being on the right aide if what is factually true and false. Eventually they'll say enough shit that I have to say something back, and then hey will whine that I am instigating stuff with them when they actually instigated it with me! All very bizarre how they come to believe such non-sense in their minds, but was the pattern with so many here like fagdog_romeo and jestie214 just to name a few. Meanwhile is all very amusing since theirs claims are so far out of tune with reality.
I'm honored for the nomination but must decline at this time. Hell I haven't even had my first OTC experience. Being a good moderator requires that you have some expertise in the subject matter of the forum. It's obvious I have lots to learn; but I would be happy to accept such an offer, if tendered at some future date.
Your opinions should not inthemselves be offensive and you have as much right as any other member to share them with the group.
Other members have the right to challenge your opinions with facts, personal experience, reference sources or their own personal opinions.
None of the above gives license for anybody to use insulting language or personal insults in the debate. Personally Dougster, when you start name calling, offering ridiculous put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is bets and bringing other people's wifes and children into the discussion, I think you've crossed the line and I basically ignore anything else you have to say on the matter.
Dougster- one question- if someone has you on ignore how will they know about your truce offering? Maybe you should PM them.
Heck I haven't even received a single prop yet from the forum. Not much street credibility for a moderator. You'd probably be a better choice but we know what you'd do first time you had access to the controls ;-)
I'll end my participation in this discussion by saying you need to understand that NOBODY CARES what insults happened in the past. There is nothing horrible enough that anybone can say that justifies family members being brought into any discussion.
I want to say that it would be a nice feature if there was a way to edit posts for maybe 10 minutes after they were first released. Often times we discover spelling or grammatical mistakes we'd like to correct or a secondary follow-on thought comes to mind that we'd like to add to the past.
Have to run to the store for more popcorn!
And I'm certainly not thinkin anyone is keeping score about anything. If I am bashing Ricky-boy or tittyfan around it is for my own amusement. If that annoys people too bad, tittyfan and Ricky-boy know what to do when try want it to stop. If people find it amusing and, contrary to your wish the world really were that way, plenty have confessed to finding it funny. Not the way the world should be? Maybe not. How it actually is? Yep. Let's just not try and convince ourselves that idealistic BS (nobody enjoys flame wars) is true!
ps: gonna take me up on that $500 challenge?
I've generally done nothing other than challenge some of his more flamboyant statements, but that seems to be enough to set him off. He is a little unbalanced and his powerful insecurities lead to him losing his mind when he feels challenged.
And try as I might, I just can't let some of his stuff stand without a comments. His posts are a mix of:
1 part misogynist
1 part wishful thinker
1 part inexperienced poseur
2 parts immature dickhead
If he wants to feel less persecuted (lol), he should actually go to a fucking club and post something of value rather than making shit up as he goes along. ;) Last I checked, we were on a strip club site, not a forum hosted by a fiction writer's guild. :)
Thank you for your nomination tenisbum1776. But I must disqualify myself. I have TOO people here who I'd banish. LMFAO
I'd ruin a lot of people's "amusement". LOL
Let me see. You have said all my reviews are fake. You've said I have never been in a strip club. You've said I'm unemployed. You've said I'm in a wheelchair. Yep, only challenge my flamboyant statements. Got it!
To dream...
An yeah, I find it fun to flame idiots such s yourself, but I only do it with those who like to tango. I've detailed how you like to tango so don't pretend you don't. The only reason you want a moderator now is because I am destroying you so badly lately! Sorry ain't gonna happen. Get used to the new normal, bitch!
As happens every six months or so a handful of members want to see Dougster banned or at least a moderator put in place. Dougster is accused of every evil on the board and the only one responsible as well. As usual said parties refuse to take any responsibility for their role in matters or "just use ignore".
What’s new :)
As far as censorship goes, at different times I've thought having a moderator would be a good thing but at the end of the day I don't believe it would do much. I would like to see founder ban the habitual problem that is Dougster. Case in point: first 4 comments on the site were about WW2, next ten were insults and flaming. It's continued like that since.
Jestie-girl for lion food!
Enough wanking, though. I give it 1 in 20 of happening.
I don't know if you've seen it, but founder has offered an explanation of why no "edit function".
The reasoning is that if someone alters/edits the original post, then it could be confusing/messy for readers that never saw the OP. I understand, but don't entirely agree with the logic. Though your suggestion of a time limit is a good one.
If there is an edit function you need to preserve the originals that were there to keep professional liars like the two previously mentioned at bay!
The point of a moderator is to keep things on topic in a particular thread and to prevent exactly the type of derailment nonsense that keeps happening over and over now. I can be chugging along in an OTC thread and, suddenly, I am reading a back and forth between two members over fucking treasuries because the fucktard who started down that road had nothing to contribute to the actual topic at hand, so instead decided to turn the thread to shit for his own amusement.
Another example was a recent Kansas thread, where if I had actually bitten I probably would not heave learned about an interesting club that is now on my list for my next visit to that state. An the list goes on...
You are missing the bigger point though. I Am taking a shot at anyone it's because they've told me it is okay to do because that's how they started things with me. I'm just going to continue it bigger than expected which they often don't like. I'm kind of like TUSCL karma" for goofs like you and tittyfan but times ten!
Anyway I'm content with the status quo, is actually quite amusing and I know I'm not the only one who thinks so. You don't like the status quo think of how you are bringing it all on yourself?
Anyway, well there a new bounce for you to grease in that new Kansas club you leaned about? If so be careful if you BBBF him. Don't want to bring HIV back to your wife if that is something you even care about!
and Fuck never shutting up
Censorship is for pussies and kids. Who gives a shit if some guy you'll probably NEVER see or meet talks shit to you on some strip club website.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
There is a rotten apple in every barrel.
This forum, being public, there should be no censorship. I believe founder follows this creed. We each may inforce our own censorship via the “Ignore†function."
This^^^^was "an individual's expression of his INTENSE disapproval of censorship."...
"Now my question is, and just in theory, if you could censor/ban anyone, any topic, or really anything, who or what would they/it be?
I ask, if anyone here is chosen or their favorite topics are mentioned. Just let it the fuck go!!!"
This^^^^^was adding fuel to the fire (or flame war), then telling them not to burn the thread down.
I mean I got no problem with it. Hell, I wish I would've started it, but the OP had to know this was gonna happen. Let's not pretend we don't know what this is.
Dream all you want, some of you wankers! Ain't gonna happen. I'm here to stay. Better get used to me.
TOO bad harrydave that all members don't follow your mother's 2nd Saying. :))
My mother had a saying too...
Everyone morning she would yell at me "Get your butt out of bed and go bail out your sister. She went and got arrested again last night"
Why I started this topic is just what I stated/asked. And yes, I figured it would evolve just as it has. What I didn't expect were the number of posts.
So, in other words, you will continue to make shit up and then clog up threads with that made up shit, all for your own infantile amusement. Ok - got it. :)
I suppose that that is the next best thing to actually contributing meaningful intel and experiences because, as we all know, you can't. ;)
I would suggest that you leave family out of the attacks that takes it to a new level for some people. Although I do not see why as wives, girlfriends and parents are not likely to read this forum.
I find the 'flame wars' from amusing to annoying and simply move on when they get tedious.
I'll bet if you poled every contributor and removed all the people on this forum that were veiwed as annoying by at least one person their would be no one left.
Vikings and ranukam have vouched in this thread that I do. You keep trying to sell your non-sense though, salesboy.
Substitute the word "liberal " with the word " conservative " and then the sentence makes sense.
The more you post, the more I become convinced that some, if not all of the following, is true:
"You have said all my reviews are fake. You've said I have never been in a strip club. You've said I'm unemployed. You've said I'm in a wheelchair."
This thread is continuing to prove the need for a Moderator, if only to keep threads on point.
Once in a while you make a good thread (the porn thread).
Censor this faggots! <- classic line
I think that I only have 2 posters on ignore. Personally, as annoying as some here are (juicebox) I don't think censorship is the way to go - use the ignore feature if need be. I actually enjoyed juicebox's posts in the beginning, but lately it's just gotten ridiculous. Like sclvr said - now he just gives me a headache.
Alucard must be pulling his hair out right now. lol