
Most interesting OTC adventures

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 4:37 AM
Around this time of year, I start to get a little reflective and look back on how the year has gone. One thing that occurred to me in looking back on 2012 is how tame my OTC adventures have been vs. the last couple of years. I think that some of this has to do with the fact that I have had local favs who were helping to service my OTC needs, but I will also admit that as I get older I find myself less interested in dancer drama and look to avoid girls with head issues. By comparison, in 2011 I found myself hooking up with a number of relative crazies. The most interesting one was one who insisted on going for a dip in the indoor hotel swimming pool, at midnight, before the romp began. Neither of us had a bathing suit at the time, a fact that wasn't really appreciated by the hotel security guard who kicked us out of the pool. ;) In 2010 I had multiple 2 girl OTC adventures, which was fun at times and weird during other times. The weird ones were when one girl did not participate, but rather sat there watching. In another one, I showed up at the hotel to find them chilling with a bottle of Grey Goose on ice in the bathroom sink, which we passed around when I was recovering for round 2 - LOL. And I will never forget the girl who, while sitting naked on me while her friend was freshening up in the bathroom after round one, decided to regal me with her problems with the state's child services department and telling me that she really WAS a good mother. LMAO. In 2009, my craziest night involved 2 different girls picked up at 2 different times of night from 2 different clubs in Queens. I called one the early appetizer and the other the late night meal. That was a fucking expensive night, but one for the memory book. ;) But for 2012, I don't really have a standout story. I have had plenty of OTC, but I have found myself getting a little more selective in who I do it with and have even dodged a couple of the crazier ones in some of my road clubs. Anyway, there it is fwiw.


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    How many times did you do BBFS in the years you mention? You say they are crazy but doesn't doing BBFS with them make you crazy as well? (We won't even get into your narcissism at the moment.) Also given the possibility of putting your wife at risk for cervical cancer have you ever been tested for HPV?
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    Had my first OTC experience a couple of days ago. It wasn't at all what I expected. The girl, lovely as ever, seemed to be in a hurry to get to the happy ending. Doing ITC VIP's there's always been a lot of quality GFE which was missing OTC. Add to that, I met her in a messy motel room she shares with another dancer from her club. This other girl was outside waiting for me to leave. In the future, I'll still be happy to see this girl in the club, but now I've seen OTC is not all fun and games.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @3-leg: were you out of town? I always have them over to my place. First couple of times were in hotels but having them over to your place is much better I've found.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Well twice I did go to their places, but mine is definitely better.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    Hmmmm, for the past 2 years I've got a lot to choose from. I did a quick count recently and it's roughly 25 women in the past 23 months. Nothing too crazy, but a few experiences stand out: - South Africa: the club was in a hilly semi rural area with very narrow roads, poor signs, it was raining, and my GPS was wrong. I had visions of getting lost, stopping to ask for help, and getting carjacked (this is a real possibility). Fortunately, I decided my GPS was crap, and my "dead reckoning" got me there instead. One hour later I was in the arms of a stunning naked black lady in a private little hut out back. Yes, I used a condom. - Bangkok: a few of the long time massage places specialize in a so-called "soapy massage". You and the girl get naked, she bathes you, then you lie on a padded floor mat, still wet, and she soaps herself up and slides her body all over you, front and back. It's frigging slippery, sensual, and hilarious at the same time. After, she gives you a BBBJ. Nice! - Dubai: Chinese lady, mid 30's, a bit chunky, but a good smile, and decent English (and that matters). Started by giving her a massage, based on newly learned Thai techniques. Surprised her. She got all relaxed. Then I went down on her and a few minutes later she stiffens up and I hear this little voice say, "I cum....I cum". So we go at it with some regular sex, nothing new or special. After, she gives me an above average massage. Then we are just lying there and I have to remind her we agreed on 2 hours, but she is in no hurry to get dressed. Not one aspect of the encounter was remarkable; but it fit together perfectly.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Question for the group: which is riskier - Ricky-boys BBFS adventures or following txtittyfan's financial advice?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I do it bare back all the time at her place of course I don't have one lol.....Fraser the better....good read my man
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Doug, what do your questions have to do with adventures with strippers? I would much rather hear of your escapades, real or imagined.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Risk associated with BBFS is not germaine? Ooookkkaaayyyy...
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I'll explain it in detail, pablo. You see Ricky-boy is married, but has admitted to doing BBFS with strippers despite this now. No, as you may or may not be aware doing BBFS with stripper dramatically increase one's chance of catching an STD. If she does it with one customer she's doing it with other. But even if Ricky-boy was getting STD-tested (doubtful) these things have latency periods, so he is putting his wife at risk of STDs in the meantime. One such STD is HPV which can cause cervical cancer. A very serious matter indeed. Now do you see what the questions have to do with stripper adventures?
  • 10inches
    12 years ago
    had strangest OTC in 2012. went to dancer apt. sex was hot with lots of bbbj and titty play. covered up before she hopped of for some spirited CG. her room mate popped in to see what all the noise was while in the middle of being ridden. dancer stopped but did not get off. instead, she and her room mate talked for a few moments before she left the room. during all this, I was still buried balls deep in her cunt. dancer apologized for interruption and continued riding me to completion
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    lol my extra curricular activities are down right dull compared to some of you.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I didn't have any. Two failed attempts. After that I just said "fuck it" and stuck with more or less drama free ITC action.
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Dougster, Nobody gives a shit. If Rick wants to partake in BBFS, more power to him. It really is the holy grail of mongering. Some people are actually turned on by the risk (not saying that is Rick's case).
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    gsv: "Some people are actually turned on by the risk (not saying that is Rick's case). " Yep, you are on the right track there. Also the risk of getting caught by his wife. " If Rick wants to partake in BBFS, more power to him." Dude, the guy's married. Get a clue.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    A classic post of mine on the subject of RickDugan and his motivations for having BBFS with strippers: "Having BBFS and putting his wife at risk of STDs is an aspect of his narcissism. There are a few factos at play here: - due to his narcissism he thinks he is "too good" to get an STD, and that strippers he chooses are "too good" to have them. In his fantasy world he is in a special class immune to that sort of thing - he feels that when strippers offer it to him, they too are acknowledge he is "too good" to have an STD, this gives him narcissitic supply - he imagines that stripper offer this too few others, and he gets supply by bragging about it here - even when he reads scientific studies contradicting his "too good" "intuition" it does not sync in because, due to anti-social traits, he is just not capable of appreciating risk - needless to say, even though he is marries, Rick puts himself first, because that's what narcissists do, even around people they purport to "love". I bet if you looked deeper into his strip club habbits you would find more about determental effects on his family. Probably burnign through a good deal of his children's college money for instance. But he doesn't care because Rick comes first - even amongst 1st degree family members - Rick's typical reaction to someone mentioning that BBFS is putting his wife at risk of STDs is to make some joke about it. It is very common for people with anti-social traits to think their behavior that risks harm to others is actually something that is quite funny
  • magicrat
    12 years ago
    None at all for me this year. I did have one fairly regular gig during the early part of 2011 which lasted about 6 months. Even though she had a killer body just as I like, her attitude and the fairly tame passionless sex grew tiresome. I may be getting more like Shadowcat as I have experiences 3 different strippers itc during 2012.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    I started 2012 on vacation in Hawaii with a dancer from Toronto. It was such a mellow, laid-back week with the girl that I succumbed to an episode of bareback, my first ever. Being scared shitless, my activities were severely curtailed for months. Testing says that I dodged the STD bullets. I had two other OTC events in 2012, one being remarkable for the beauty of the girl (not her performance); the other by its unplanned drunken spontaneity. No Kenworth girl for me this past year.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Pretty standard.
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    Dougster, my hotel was 40 miles away and she has no car. And I prefer to not have the paper trail from another hotel room. The roomate was a complete surprise.
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Dougster: "Dude, the guy's married. Get a clue." I realize this, but I just don't see why it's any of our business. If he wants to partake in bareback sex, then clearly he's made his decision and if there is a consequence from that he will have to deal with it. At the end of the day, I don't see what you are gaining by constantly pointing this out to us. The man can do what he wants, it's not like it is harming you personally in any way whatsoever.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I am just pointing out what kind of guy Ricky-boy is versus what he wants us to think he is. He just doesn't care about exposing his wife to possible cervical cancer. What kind of a guy does that? Not the kind of guy Ricky-boy wants us to think he is. He lets his ego get that super inflated here he's got to expect someone's gonna bring him a little down to earth a little.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Douchester, Your constant posting about Rick to show us what type of person he is, only shows us what a complete ass you are.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Ok, tittyfan RickDugan puts his wife at risk of cervical cancer via BBFS with strippers, but I'm the ass. Makes complete sense!
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Dougster, with all due respect you're talking about HPV which is spread through simple genital contact. Even if a condom is used, HPV spreads pretty easily (HSV does too). At the end of the day, whether you use a condom or not, if you are engaging in sex with strippers or prostitutes, whatever they may be (or whatever you want to call them), you are putting at yourself at risk. For something like HPV or HSV, using a condom doesn't make that big of a difference honestly. It would still help, but a condom really helps way more with other STDs.
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    Self appreciation thread? lol "which we passed around when I was recovering for round 2 - LOL. And I will never forget the girl who, while sitting naked on me..." That sounded like you gave yourself a huge pat on the back after you typed it. I'm 24, so I've probably only seen a small fraction of the things you guys have when it comes to dealing with strippers. But, 20 years from now when I'm married and tired of my wife, I'll probably be re-making this thread.
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    So to be clear, it's a risky hobby whether or not you use condoms. I'm not going to knock somebody for not using a condom. That's their choice, and they take on more risk that way. But if a married man is having sex with ANYONE, even with a condom, it's still possible for him to infect his wife with STDs. It's not like a condom magically prevents all diseases. They work well for some, not as well for others.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    When exactly did I say that I regularly engaged in BBFS with strippers? I must have blanked on that post - LOL. Now I've admitted to a few slip ups, but luckily dodged any long-term bullets. Yet more girly-man squealing from our resident drama queen. I'm guessing that we'll start hearing about his experiences once Meals on Wheels starts delivering strippers. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    That's not true. Condom use will cut HSV transmission rates in half. There isn't good data for men (tell you why later), but condom use has been found to be effective in lowering HSV transmission rates to women, in particular their partners.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    @gsv: Don't bother - Fraudster's not the type to let reality get in the way of a good story. ;) @magicrat: I had one like that too, though late last year. She is beautiful and has a body that could cause fleets to launch, but she was meh in the sack. What didn't help matters is that she knew her value and made me take her out on the town in order to get in her pants, which made OTC with her an expensive proposition to boot. And on top of all of that, she was unreliable. Just goes to show that some of the hottest girls are not necessarily the most fun.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    A "few" slip ups Ricky-boy? Like you can't learn after the first time? Took a few times to learn? And, as is typical of your personality, you either brag about how often you do it, or are ashamed and back off depending on what you think the audience reception will be. In this thread you judge it to be negative, so you are backing off. If more had supported you, you would be thumping your chest about it. So, tell me Rick-boy. After your "few" slips up did you ever get tested for HSV? What were the results?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    That's terrible logic, gsv. So seatbelts can't guarentee your wife won't get injured in a car accident, so you won't fault anyone who didn't insist she wore one at all. Appalling logic!
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    LOL. HSV at the end of the day is hardly more than a skin condition. Even Jessica Alba has HSV. As far as I know, it poses no life threatening risk.
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Funny you talk about seatbelts. When I visited Mexico many of the cabs didn't even have seatbelts installed in the front seats. The driver said they aren't required to wear them. Go figure. BTW, HSV is hardly life or death, so, not really sure how that relates to a seatbelt.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    HSV is hardly life or death? Ok, cervical cancer can't kill, that's news to me. Not really a big deal at all, really, huh? continue to educate us. So you aren't aware there are different strains of HSV? Some high risk of cancer and some low? And having one doesn't preculde getting a new one?
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Think you're confusing HPV for HSV, buddy.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Sorry, I meant HPV, the last three posts.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    More dramatic nonsense - LOL. I've neither bragged nor expressed shame. I am as consistent in my viewpoints and opinions as the sun rising in the East. I AM a little concerned about the quantity of your flamboyantly dramatic and off kilter posts over the last few days. It is becoming clear that you are becoming even more unbalanced and that your already tenuous grip grip on reality continues to loosen You really should take those meds - your doctor gave them to you for good reasons. :)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Ok, I'm with you on HSV not being that big deal. HPV can be though.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    So Rick did you ever get the HPV test or not? What were the results?
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I've been thoroughly tested and have had an STDs. And now that we are having this "sharing is caring" moment, care to share with us why we get nothing but this never-ending string of nonsense from you and that you seem to have all day and night, every day, to craft and post it? :)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    that is NO STDs - lol
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick, I am asking if HPV was included in the tests you got? How about HSV? At some clinics they just test for the bacterial ones and HIV unless you specifically ask. So were you tested for HPV and HSV?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    "care to share with us why we get nothing but this never-ending string of nonsense from you and that you seem to have all day and night, every day, to craft and post it?" Tell you as soon as you answer that last question rick.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Clinic? Dude, I have a medical practitioner who I periodically ask to run a full battery of STD tests, including blood, piss and some pretty nasty cotton swab action. All I want to know is if he finds an STD - I'm not asking for the lab results. This costs me a small mint as not all of it is considered necessary under my insurance coverage. Now your turn to share... ;)
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Go for the 7's rick. That's the sweet spot. Leave the unreliable 9's and above to the OBSESSED!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Sounds like you have no clue exactly what you have been tested for and what you haven't and if HSV and HPV are included or not. So you could very well be putting your wife at risk of those. I agree HPV is not that serious, but I am sure your wife would not like to learn she herpes due to your selfishness. HPV, OTOH, can be deadly. Now, you didn't really answer my question, but I guess you tried, it's just that you have limited knowledge. As I said above my whole point is to expose you for what you are versus the image you try and project yourself as here. Bottom line is you have no idea if you are exposing your wife to cervical cancer or not via your selfish adventures. You can go ahead and try and protray yourself as some kind of gentlemen who merely likes to indulge in the finer pleasures in life, but it's all the price of risking your wife getting cervical cancer as a result. As for the amount of time I spent here. Things are quiet at work these days, so there is more free time to watch the stock market and goof off on here via mobile devices.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Gotta go. Mayberry RFD is coming on.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    I don't know about anyone else, but I sure am glad Rick has finally been exposed. Now if we can only do something to improve business for the McDonalds Douchester is working at the world may become a better place.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Thus spoke tittyfan who is self-admittedly unemployed.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I also found this statement revealing: " This costs me a small mint as not all of it is considered necessary under my insurance coverage." Even if he really did get "everything" tested would be $500 to maybe $1000 tops. Small mint? To a guy like Ricky-boy Dugan? Not as rich as he tries to project he is? Hmmm.....
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    @RD I think you're right. He's coming apart at the seams. Everybody loves a train wreck.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Show the board where I have ever said I am unemployed. I have been retired for over 6 years living off of my substantial investments. BTW I am in my mid 50's while you are still bored at work in a menial job. Don't forget to reference where I said I am unemployed now, you don't want the board to see how you are just making shit up again.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Sure, I'll do that tittyfan, as soon as you show me a reference to where I said my job was "menial".
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Show me the reference, tittyfan, or just admit you are making that shit up.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    As usual, Douchester can't back up his comments. The train wreck is coming.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    And where is the back up for your comment, tittyfan? I'll show you where you said it, as soon as you show me where I said my job was "boring" or "menial". Promise.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Sorry Douchester, I never said you said that. But you specifically said I made a comment. So show the reference. Your usual attempts at deflection are not working. The train keeps rolling.... YOU LOSE AGAIN DOUCHESTER.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Oh, okay, maybe you used a euphemism like "day trader" or "retired" and I naturally read it as "unemployed". I mean it's what you are whether you used the word or not.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    So I guess you are implying you have reading comprehension problems?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    huh? no i am saying you use euphemisms to try and mislead.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "As I said above my whole point is to expose you for what you are versus the image you try and project yourself as here." I've never been anything but straight up. And you are just posting more dramatic speculation here. Sorry dude, but you've lost your runway on this this one - you'll have to find some other phantom issue to run with. ;) But thanks for your interest in my family. However, since I am on a strip club site and not a family counseling board, perhaps you might find it in you to post something about the topics at hand? LOL.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I don't everything you say at face value, tittyfan.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    I said nothing to mislead. You just twist and misinterpret to facilitate being the board asshole. DOUCHESTER LOSES AGAIN!!!!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Lock needed here!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Hey, since we are in an OTC thread, how about this: Which Seattle clubs do you think are the best for a traveler to visit to source OTC? I really want to know where all those 9s and 10s are who fuck for short money. ;)
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    In Douchester's case it's Fantasyland. Although the last time I checked, Fantasyland was in CA and FL.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    tittyfan: Dude, we have several "conversations" about investment topics. I know a little something about the subject and when someone is BS'ign and when they are not. Your hairbrain schemes about making money by shorting treasuries and holding to maturity (actually a guarenteed money loser) and your BS "risk free" 4% scheme of shorting treasuries and shorting futures are dead give aways that you are a complete poser in the space. So when you say "retired" or "day trader" I know it's just a misleading euphemism for "unemployed".
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Geee, Rick, I could post that, but won't it be inconsistent with your saying that one should not post about which clubs that is common in with for fears of drawing LE interest. So much for you being a consistent as the sun rising in the east regarding things you say, huh?
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Fair point. Then how about something at the 30,000 foot level? What are the types of clubs that are best for that sort of thing in Seattle? Chain or independent? Smaller or Larger? I would think that the big chain clubs would have the 9s and 10s, but then I am confused as chain clubs are often not the greatest places to source OTC. I would love to be educated. :) There are enough horrible juice clubs - er, I mean non-alcoholic strip clubs - in Seattle that a general overview shouldn't be too risky.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Sorry Douchester, your not knowing how to do it just means you don't know how to do it, and that you don't know as much as you think you do. To refresh what I have said in the past, In 2006 I sold all of my properties in Phx at the top of the market and moved to TX where the properties I owned appreciated 35% in the time I lived there. I returned to Phx last year which coincidently was perceived as the bottom of the market and have bought 5 forclosures and flipped 2 of them for 60% gains. I now own 3 properties free and clear along with a 25% interest in a CA beach house free and clear. While I was doing this you were perfecting your life as a loser. It is very apparent by you board personality that you are a loser and envious of those that can do so much more than you. DOUCHESTER LOSES AGAIN!!!!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    "then I am confused as chain clubs are often not the greatest places to source OTC" That's a myth, IME. For one thing, not all those girls always worked at chain clubs. Maybe they worked at the former Colacurcio clubs, or out of town (Phoenix, for instance). Can't say more...
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Douchester, your response to Rick is bullshit. On your supposed trip to PHX you bragged about extras and named clubs. Your LE interest is not genuine. But your comments are bullshit.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Little blue names everywhere, I think Dugly has a crush on Rick. Or maybe its exam week is over, so it has lots of free time.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Useless as tits on a bull.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Wow, tittyfan, too bad none of that is verifable and we just have to take your word for it, huh? When you do say thing that are verifable - like making market calls before the fact, like when you said to short treasuries, they have turned out to be disasters! Or not even logically possible - your 4% risk free scheme. Or trivial to prove they do the opposite as advertised - your short bonds and hold to maturity. You lie with impunity here. For example, when I trounced your ass in one of our real time trading competitions here. (If you do it real time you have to make the prediction before the fact, can't just say you did something after the fact and lie which is your MO here). My return was 20% you had 1.5%, and your attempt to weasel out was by saying you can only buy 10 option contracts at a time. So yeah, say you did these things in the past. There is zero proof that you really did. Every time you put it on the line and try to say something about something that will happen before it actually does - you lose.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    tittyfan: Well those are not hometown clubs. If PHX clubs have a problem what skin off my teeth is that? Think, tittyfan, think!
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Poor Douchester, back to making false claims again. Show the comment I made that you can only buy ten contracts. And as usual you mistrepresent the facts on the returns. As I recall, you made your return on pennies, and mine was on dollars. My profit exceeded yours by over $800. I can spend dollars, you can't spend %. DOUCHESTER LOSES AGAIN!!!!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    "Useless as tits on a bull." Sounds like your reviews rick.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    tittyfan: We never specified before hand the dollar figure of our trades. After the fact (always your MO) you lost and decided to go back and say we traded equal amounts of shares/options. That is just brilliant. So if someone trades APPL and makes $5/share on it he did better than someone who made $4/share on CSCO. Obviously you need to look at percentages. That the thread of was a perfect example of your constant disingenuity, and why I take nothing you say at face value. You know what if most guys on here told me they were "unemployed" or "day traders" I would just beleive them. Given your pathetic knowledge of the subject, and your track record of disenguity I know you are just makinga euphemism for "unemployed". (And in reality, my trades are about 10x the size of yours. Still if we had a trading contest again, I would say % is the proper measure of who did better not absolute dollar amount.)
  • tenisbum1776
    12 years ago
    How do I get in touch with the founder? Even by ignoring Doug you can't get away from him because you guys play into his need for attention by commenting on his statements. Members who really have something positive to add to the forum are dragged down to his level when they comment. Just ignore him PLEASE! Remember when you wrestle with a pig you get dirty and the pig likes it. I'm ready to volunteer as moderator so posts can be trashed and the threads can be kept on topic.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Good, I know I am going to have to spelll this out for tittyfan. If I invest $100,000 in CSCO and it goes up $4/share, I do better than someone who invests $100,000 in APPL even if it goes up $5/share. Too fucking obvious to even mention to most, except someone constantly trying to play trick like tittyfan. Of course if you have a trading competition you assume everyone starts with the same amount of money, especially if the rules are, as they were then, pick on trade each.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    tennisbum: We already had a thread and the overwhelming consensus was "don't need no stinkin' moderators". Man, up and deal with the fact that there won't be one!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    You get in touch w/ founder, as well as any other TUSCLer, by sending him a PM (private message). Just type “founder profile” in the search box at the top of the TUSCL page and his page will come up.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Sorry Douchester, your deflection is not working. My trade was posted before yours. I traded $$ you chose to trade pennies. My trade was 43 times larger than yours. And as I said, I can spend my $$ you can't spend your %. And we both know you only bought 10. And by the way, I am still waiting for your reference to where I said you can only buy 10. Let's put it to the board if anyone is interested. Would you rather have 3% of $28,000 or 20% of $650? DOUCHESTER IS STILL LOSING!!!
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    I am now officially done with this thread.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    "And we both know you only bought 10." Ok, please tell me how you know that? The number of options I buy depends on their price. If I am trading APPL options it's going to be fewer than if it's SPY. Is this so obvious it even has to be said? And my question for the board is this: Assume everything else is equal between two fund managers, except the following A manages 100 millions but has consistently returned 1.5% over the last 20 years. B only manages 10 million but has consistently returned 20% over the last 20 years. Which one would you go with? I think B. Now if the analogy were extended to me in titty fan I would have about 20 times his return and be trading 10x his size so no question be asked.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Bye tittyfan! Ok, no proof I traded 10, just something you "know". Got it! Thanks for the laugh, assclown! ;-) TXTITTYFAN PRESSES HIS LUCK AND LOSES AGAIN!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    PM the Founder and volunteer to moderate tenisbum1776. If it doesn't cost him anything who knows, maybe he will let you do it. This thread has long ago ceased being about OTC experiences and of any value. It is now all about shit throwing and name calling and chest beating. Too bad!
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    91 comments so far on this post and all of about 10-12 of them actually address the original topic. Man, you just have to love the power of the internet.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I'm with stax. The original post was just Ricky-boy sucking his own (HPV infected?) dick and hoping others would jerk him off. You will notice he doesn't even pose a token "what have your experiences been?" It's just self-congratulatory and all about him. So what if it goes down in flames given that?
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Without moderation Corvus it is just going to get worse.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "The original post was just Ricky-boy sucking his own (HPV infected?) dick and hoping others would jerk him off. You will notice he doesn't even pose a token "what have your experiences been?" It's just self-congratulatory and all about him. So what if it goes down in flames given that?" LOL. The invitation to share was implied and the post only comes across as self-congratulatory to an ignorant retard like yourself, who is relegated to reading and posting fake nonsense about the things that others actually do. There are guys around these parts who have stories that blow anything that I have away, such as harrydave with his overseas adventures or shadowcat with his tale, which will stick in my head forever, of the mother/daughter combo. I would never presume to brag in a place with posters of this caliber, but rather simply hope to read some of what they have to share. You really are a cluless and envious dipshit - LOL.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    ...but instead of getting to read what they and others have to share, instead what we get is your nonsense. Not only are you a dipshit, but your are also a self absorbed shithead.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    "I would never presume to brag in a place with posters of this caliber, but rather simply hope to read some of what they have to share." I'll let the non-you'ness of this speak for itself, but come on, man, you can't wear false modesty. Who you trying to fool?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Oh, a shithead... I think some of that swag is coming back... But come on. You can do better than "shithead".
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Here's a great thread (titled "Should have pulled out sooner ") where Ricky-boy treats one of his BBFS adventures as if it were some kind of joke: [view link] You'll notice the pattern. No remorse, and since the audeince doesn't seem too judgemental, just a big joke to him. Now this was two years ago? Has he cleaned up his act since then? I doubt it. You'll notice he doesn't say he doesn't do it any more, just "not often". In fact, there is a recent thread entitled "I am clean. Are you?" [view link] In which he seems to have "slipped up" again recently and is probing to see if there will be support for it like there was before. Audience was not as receptive this time so he backed off.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I only had one girl all year. But I had her all year.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Drac complains.but still makes comments on the threads he is dun with.kinda funny hu
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Happy 100 ricky
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yep, Happy 100, Ricky. I wonder if he'll get drunk and have some unprotected with strippers to celebrate? (Just to be extra safe he'll ask them if they "are clean" first.)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Fraudster, we talk about a lot of things here, including the stuff that is less than self-flattering. That is the whole point of the Discussion board - to share experiences and outlooks. In both threads, others shared their thoughts, including some that have made similar mistakes and others who have not. I think that this post, which was in the younger thread, says it all: "Well I've only said that I fuck a lot of strippers, not that I'm always very smart about it. More often than not I use a condom or limit it to a bj, but every once in a while a mistake is made. Let it never be said that I only share the self-flattering stuff on this thing. ;)" I am an open book and there it is. :)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Come back and share with us in the unlikely event that you ever find yourself about to fuck a stripper - LMAO.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Sure, Rick, once you got repremanded, did the false modesty thing. Just like above. Know your audience and play to it for a bit, but it's not the real you, now is it? Doesn't sound like you are exactly are capable of learning from you mistakes either. Or maybe you are? Was it "frequently" before, but down to "not often" now? Hey, at least that is progress and getting the risk down.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    And now I've contributed to you burning yet another thread. Instead of getting to read what others had to share, the board was cluttered with nonsense from a guy who doesn't even frequent strip clubs. NICE! :)
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Rick I honestly enjoy your threads........I wish you posted more....hell you was the only good thang going over at.the pink blue.side.......I enjoy you more on tuscl brotha....keep it up your juice aproved
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    rick: oh, i did that just last night, ricky-boy. did use protection though. See. Don't say I never share. Just did as you requested.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Oh, now it's "doesn't frequent strip clubs at all" just a few days ago it was "hey I never said never, just not often". Guess Rick is mad at me. But whatever for? :-)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Dougster with out you I would never laugh.....you crack my meth loving ass all kinds of up
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Sure you did - what was his name? ;) In case you are confused dude - which is not uncommon for you as it is obviously difficult for you to remember so many fraudulent statements ;) - this is a strip club website, not a sewing circle. Having a bareback slippage moment is not the first or the last mistake that I or many others around here will likely make. If you have trouble coping with that, then maybe you should consider a little gentler environment for your delicate sensitivities. :)
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Bare back sex.of.any kind is never a mistake......its the best Shit ever
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Well at least you are admitting it's a "mistake" Rick. But again, just "false remorse" and "false modesty". And, like I say if the audeince was right you would be thumping your chest until repramanded like you did in that thread I posted above. Why it couldn't be your last "slip" when you are married and the slips put your wife at risk of cervical cancer is completely baffling. Is it really that hard to always use protection? Other guys here can pull it off. Guess they don't have the same "impulsive" (eumphemism) personality traits you do though. Just thinking about your wife for once before it's about to happen, not just your own damn self. Think you got that in you?
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    What started out as a good discussion thread turned into another Dougster vs Rick Dugan flame war. I didn't see that one coming lol.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Man up.and live and die by that pussy
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick is totally my bitch! Love him!
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    LOL how can people complain about this?!
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I know write....only on tuscl....founder is.a genius
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    Founder is a master mind!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    ranukam, pretty much any thread at this point is a target for many members who want to only ruin the threads. They seem mainly interested in personal attacks and chest beating proclaiming superiority. NOT in contributing useful information. You truly didn't think this thread would be POLLUTED by these things ranukam? Again moderation is needed.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Alucard I was being sarcastic when I said I didn't see that one coming. Of course I knew what was going to happen.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    The sad part is intentions and topics don't mean anything anymore. When certain members post topics other certain members are going to relentlessly attack them for no reason.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    There are reasons jester214.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    Hi guys, I'm back. Did I miss anything? Did I tell you about my OTC experience at a bar in Buenos Aires? I was taking a junket to South America with my client from PR, visiting other customers of a contractor we were using. The contractor wanted to show us how great their service was to their customers there. So one evening the contractor invites us out to dinner. Nice restaurant, big meal. After dinner we walk in a group of 8 or so guys down the street, around the corner, and into a bar. There is a short conversation by our host with the doorman, and we are ushered in. At first I think the place is a strip club. After all, there is a bar, there are tables, there is a stage with a pole, and there are scantily clad girls. We get drinks, we sit and talk. The girls just watch us. One gets up and does a lazy dance on stage...no stripping. One by one the contractor and his guys get up and say goodbye. Pretty soon, it's just me and my two PR clients standing next to the bar, drinks in hand, with the ladies getting closer and closer. We are the lambs. My wine soaked brain finally realizes what the hell is going on. I turn the conversation and we talk about taking ladies out. My PR friends give each other a look and one leans over to me. He says, "You know Dave, there is a saying - What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." He gives me a big smile. Fast forward 30 minutes. A petite Brazilian girl is relaxing in my large bathtub in the Buenos Aires Hilton, up to her neck in bubbles and laughing at me as I take off my clothes. Finally got to sleep at 3:30 am. Like I said in another post, I would like to go to Rio.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    No Argentines you could hook up with in BA?
  • gawker
    12 years ago
    My strangest OTC experience? Arrived Friday nitr at her rented house. putting stuff in storage the next day so she can go to detox, then to Hawaii for a few months. Awse fucker and sucked while packing & cleaning. There was little if any sleep and lots of white. The next day, a friend of hers from high school came over to help move furniture. I worked like a rented muleand by 5:00 pm were all stoned, 2/3 of furniture is in storage, and she walks downstairs wearing only a g-string. The storage place was closing at 6:00 and I offered to bring her along, buy she decided to wait. Got back & she's gone, an hour later the police arrived - she had developed paranoia & gone running nearly naked through neighbors' houses screaming. The pllice brought her to the hospital for treatment of cuts, scratches and bruises and they agreed to not charge her if i got her to detox which i did at 3:00 am.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    @gawker LOL! Reminds me of the time I went to pick up a stripper at her place...it was a 5th wheel trailer on a lot next to an industrial facility. The trailer lot was surrounded by a chain link fence. Two dobermans greeted me at the gate. Turned out they were friendly. Her "roommate" and another girl inside were riffling through a police scanner frequency book. They offered me a joint. One puff and off we go. I'm pretty sure i dodged something that night, just not sure what.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Dancers and dobermans, I've seen this before.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    @jester - the language barrier was huge (my spanish is limited, my portuguese nonexistent). After, I gathered most of the girls were not Argentinian. Many from Brazil, Uruguay, other places. Oh well. Another reason to go back. ;-)
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    @harrydave: I am happy that you are posting regularly again. Your stories are priceless. I always thought oil guys like me were a rather 'adventurous' bunch but you engineers seem to be a whole 'nuther breed.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    There was a point where I just skipped all the nonsense and decided to say fuck it ill post regardless of how OFF TOPIC I am. So what we need to do is make condoms that wrap around even the pubic area, so even LESS chance of passing off diseases
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    It's funny how drac baby bitches how we all Fuck threads up and all his bitching is self defeting....he is trollimg.just like [view link] and adding to what he calls a fucked up thread
  • TortillaChip
    12 years ago
    C'mon Juicey, you mean you just now realizing that? He continually calls for a moderator without understanding that he would be one of the first having speech restricted or even sent packing. And they guy considers himself intelligent lmao
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
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