Detroit Live Holiday Blog

avatar for harrydave

Heading to Detroit later this morning. I'm going to be there 3 nights. I will post here if anything interesting happens, and I'll eventually do some reviews. I hope to hit at least 2 clubs each day/night.

So to kick things off: Day 1 - where should I go first to start things right? Late afternoon. Any suggestions? Hell, I've got a list of about 10 clubs, and I've decided my first club will not be Johns Hot Spot, Bogarts, or Henry VII South. I'm saving the "sure things" as a backup plan.

More later...


last comment
avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Okay, have fun! Merry Christmas!

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

Sheesh, dave. First thing I see when I turn on my computer this morning is this post of yours. Talk about a dagger in the heart of a poor oil guy marooned in Canada's north!

FWIW, my two best experiences in Detroit clubs were at Coliseum and Subi's. Subi's is relatively close to the airport. Coliseum is not.

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

Coliseum is on my list. Subi's is at the margins for me. Most of the reviews kinda make it a mid-mileage place. Could be wrong.

Honestly, Art. If you're on the TUSCL discussion board, you're living vicariously anyway. What experiences would you like me to live for you?

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

So, stab the dagger deeper inside me! Dave, what you will be doing in Detroit clubs in a few hours is something that I really do not wish to experience vicariously.

Perhaps I should have been more explicit in my review of Subi's. My late night visit to that club and an energetic assignation with one of the dancers in the back rooms left me'drained' when I went to Bogarts the following afternoon.

Just sayin' Dave; just sayin'.

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

Dave your wild, horny and crazy just like I need it....that's juice approved

avatar for bang69
12 yrs ago

have fun

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

Penthouse, Bogart's, Flight Club on the West side of the metro area. Player's Club on the East side.

avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

You might try Flight Club and Bogart's first. They are very close--on opposite sides of Michigan Ave. just west of Middlebelt Rd. Bogart's is a dive and Flight Club is upscale.

Henry VIII S and Subi's are close to each other in the down river area.

Then you have a smorgasbord of 8 Mile Rd clubs--Penthouse, Trumpps, Coliseum, Tycoons, Players.

Have fun!

avatar for Otto22
12 yrs ago

I think you will enjoy John's!

avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 yrs ago

I have liked and decent looking girls at Landing Strip (relatively close to airport) on my last couple of trips North. I was disappointed in the talent a Bogarts and HS last time in

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

It is rare to find quality at Dive clubs and I would not EXPECT to. The Landing Strip is a Mid Level club.

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

Now, on to the news, which is ironic in the extreme. After posting my little announcement here, I went to shower and get ready to travel to Detroit this morning. In the shower, I noticed some red bumps in my groin area (!), did a little manscaping to get a clearer view, and motherfucker! A bunch of red bumps on my dick, balls, and lower abdomen. I flashback to earlier this year, when I stayed at a shitty hotel east of Pittsburgh one night, and woke up the next morning with a very itchy groin and lower back...but no rash or any other symptoms. So I put up with the itch, and it slowly subsided over the next 2 months. All the time, I'm looking for some outbreak. Nothing. Until today.

Got to Detroit, went to a clinic, blah blah blah. Diagnosis: Sarcoptes scabiei. Other wise known as scabies; caused by a mite that can be passed between humans, or in bedding or clothes.

So here I sit in the goddamn hotel room all greased up with Permethrin lotion from head to toe. By tomorrow morning, I will effectively be cured. But the red bumps will take a while to fade. Which presents a moral dilemma for my intended activities here. Tonight, I'm staying in while the poison does its trick. Tomorrow, we shall see.

Note to Art: vicariously thrilling, eh?

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

Gotta watch those toilet seats. :)

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

Now that really sucks, harrydave. Hope it goes away.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Look at the bright side; could have been much worse –you (and your penis) will be back up in no time!

avatar for SuperDude
12 yrs ago

Bed bugs and dust mites are a national epidemic in homes, apartments and, especially, hotels.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago


avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

Not the report that I was expecting from you, Dave. Somehow or other I have no trouble expelling certain images from my brain.

If the report had been what I was expecting I would be banging my head against the wall to rid my brain of the images of licentious debauchery that I was anticipating in your report.

avatar for Electronman
12 yrs ago

On the good side, easily cured. On the bad side, easily transmitted even if a condom is used. So, please don't pass along those hitchhikers (the mites and their eggs) to anyone else.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Further proof (as if any were needed) that HarryDave is a homo.

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

Day 1 was a clusterfuck, as described above. But as the package says, liberal application of 5% Permethrin is "curative".

Day 2, I'm back in the saddle. 3pm I head out. Arrive 3:30 pm at Erotic City. No valet. No cover. As expected, the place is hopping. It's all black (except for your's truly and one other white nut), the girls are "thick", the guys in back are smoking weed, and the beers are $5. Dances are $5 (afternoons, half price) at your seat. I am at the bar and get 2 from one girl, 4 from another. Moderate mileage. There is no VIP. But the entertainment value is off the charts. Booties are shaking, and the guys are dressed for Friday night. Total damage $45.

Next stop, after a cruise down 8 Mile, is "Ace of Spades". Great name for a club. $5 valet. It's 5:30 pm now, no cover. All girls are black, and a step up in terms of quality. Order a Jack-rocks, and get a real drink! $9 plus tip. Joined quickly at the bar by A----. We discuss clubs in the area and she asks if I have ever been to any other clubs. Well, that was good for a laugh. Eventually, I order up $80 of whatever in the little curtained booths. On song 2, the little head makes an appearance. After a little head bobbing we are done. She asks for $140. I tell her I have $100...and...she takes it of course.

Now 7 pm. Detroit on a Friday night...hmmmm.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Erotic City & Ace of Spades – sound like my types of places.

Thanks for the update.

avatar for samsung1
12 yrs ago

Thanks for the updates!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

My marketing mind tells me they should change the name from “Ace of Spades” to “Ass in Spades”

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Boring! Come get the action going a bit already.

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

One last club for today. Decide to go to Henry VIII. Review suggest it has been upgrade since my last visit 4 years ago. Well, yeah, some of the crappy furniture is gone, the stages look refurbished, and they converted the open "VIP" area into a little collection of booths. However, the talent is mediocre at best, and at 8pm there is no flow of additional girls into the club. Fortunately, the Golf Channel is showing a rerun of a tournament, so I zone out on that for a while. Eventually, a brunette with small breasts engages me in decent conversation. We retire to VIP ($10 wrist band), and we have a quick negotiation in the booth. I get the $100 blue plate special.

To say that extras are available in Detroit clubs is to say the Earth revolves around an axis.

Today I went "Black and Blue Collar". Tomorrow, the hypothesis will be, "Does improved quality of girls result in diminished delivery?" Will Detroit buck stripper laws of physics? Stay tuned.

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

By the way, there is a slight squeak in this thread. Somebody get the WD-40.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

snore ok, we can't wait until your next update.

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