
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Townie Bar vs. City Club
    @rick: I made reference to that kind of place near the end of my post. I think of a couple of the Rockford, Ill. places I've been to as examples. I guess there are some "best of both worlds" places. Brad's in Indy comes to mind as a place with a bar feel but club-level talent. But in my experience, you're almost guaranteed to have a few 9-10s at a big-city club on a weekend night, even if you won't get as much out of them, versus the townie bar, which will always be a crapshoot, especially if you're from out-of-town. At the end of the day, I think we all end up leaning toward one or the other, depending on whether we're looking for value & service (townie) or hotness (city). Count me in the city camp.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Townie Bar vs. City Club
    @rl27: Yeah, we have one place like that in our area. Honestly, I've never been. A little afraid of what I'll find. I did say there was variation on the theme. Basically a Townie Bar in a city. I get the sense the kinds of guys that like those kinds of places probably aren't TUSCL kind of guys. Definitely more of a city type myself. There is one townie kind of place I'll go to, but it's only because of one girl I have a good thing going with. There's one other girl there worth seeing naked and she's not nearly as fun in the back. The rest ... yeah, they'd never make it in the city clubs I go to.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What makes a dancer a Fav?
    @looneylarry: You hit on something pretty solid. Now granted, I'll quote a legendary rock band when I say "I want it all," by which I mean I want a girl with both looks and personality. But I think it's fair to say that personality is more of a rarity than looks. I've seen all four: 1. Unfortunately, more than my fair share of girls who have neither looks nor personality. 2. Some with personality but a little lacking in the looks department. 3. More with looks but lacking in the personality department. 4. Then the rare ones: The ones who have it all. The keepers. If I had to rank them, from most to least: Supply (quantity of dancers in my club experience): 1,3,2,4 Demand (my preference): 4,2,3,1 The 4s are the ATF material. Hard to find, though, because they're less apt to do this sort of thing for a living.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What can you get for $300
    Why I hate where I live: In the two cities I live close to, the room fee is $300 for 30 min. And we're a predominantly extra-free area. You guys that live in places like this ... jealous.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What makes a dancer a Fav?
    Various things that add up for me: -Long hair (preferably without extensions) -No/few tattoos -Not too skinny, not too fat -C cup at least -A brain and education -Stimulating conversation -Maturity, yet an open-mindedness about all things sex -Flexibility (do the splits across me and I'm yours) -Sensitivity (get goosebumps if I blow in your ear) -Eye contact and a great connection with me
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What kind of strip club did you meet your ATF at?
    Sorry, I flipped that around. A few #1, most #2, very few #3.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What kind of strip club did you meet your ATF at?
    The vast majority of clubs will be #2, unless you're in Detroit, Atlanta, East St. Louis, Florida, (maybe) San Francisco or a real townie kind of place. So I think most answers will be either #2, and the rest will be #3. Guys on this site won't go to #1 more than once or twice.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    From the SW Diaries - "is my body ready for stripping" (Photos included althoug
    No thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Why do strippers care if you are married or in a relationship?
    A smart dancer should tailor her approach based on your answer. Note that this can swing both ways. Certain girls will be less apt to do anything with a single guy because they figure he doesn't have the cash a married guy does, or that he must be inept about something if he's single. I've had it go the other way, though, where I started telling a dancer that was considering OTC (but seemingly more of a girlfriend, dating-type scenario as she started laying it out) I did have a significant other. She got critical of me for being at the club. Long story short, it's like sales. Just gotta try a lot. Results will vary.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is there a website that lists when and where a porn star is doing feature dancin
    The Floating World used to have that kind of information, but it seems like that site isn't as well maintained as it used to be. I agree that it's probably best to keep an eye on the club sites. The one club I visit that has features generally has them appear the second week of the month with a VIP party on Wednesday and shows Thursday, Friday & Saturday. They generally have the features posted three months out. Lisa Ann & Gianna Michaels are on tour nowadays, so be on the lookout.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Most strippers can not move as well as Shakira. She hasn't done as much dance-type stuff since she had her first child, but she still looks darn good.
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    10 years ago
    p4p Friend-zone
    Yeah, there's a balance. On the one hand, you can't try right away. You have to earn some trust first. But on the other, you don't want to get too deep into conversation about real-life stuff, like family, friends, etc. If something even remotely blue comes up, I do like to bring up some sort of sexual conversation where I mention I'm very open-minded about all things sex and believe more people should be. I like to discuss the G-spot or clit technique or whatever and do so in a way that comes across as smooth and confident, such that it's like, "Yeah, I know what to do and don't give it a second thought." That way, it's clear from the start: Hey, I like sex, it's a part of my life, and if you like it, too, then maybe we should consider seeing how compatible we are. The club is one of the few places where you can do that from the start, since it's part of the atmosphere there. That's the thing: A lot of these girls are lonely and/or have issues, so a lot will be looking for a friend. Yes, you can provide some of that friendship by listening, but be careful not to let it completely fall into that. That's not what you're there for. If you sense that's starting to happen, that's a good time to say, "Hey, let's get a dance."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Tonight's Choice
    For those scoring along at home, the answer in the end tonight was: D. None of the above. The business I had in the city got called off because another key person had an emergency and I didn't even make the trip. Ended up with friends near home. But, the trip might be rescheduled for next week, so still good thinking. Also, I reached out to one reviewer who confirmed the one girl described in Club C is now at Club A. That girl had historically let me get away with some stuff. The plot thickens.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Tonight's Choice
    I've actually asked about the city before, with the most common answers being the less-than-helpful "go to another city" or "try this other club" which, when I look at what the club offers, either has zero appeal to my taste or is a place I've been to and said, "Meh." By naming the city/clubs, I feel like I'm going to get more commentary on the nature of clubbing in that city than actual help making a decision. Crazy as it may sound, this is actually getting me better answers.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Tonight's Choice
    I get what you're saying, and it wouldn't be a debate at home, but tonight, I'm in a city where I used to do business regularly, but only get to once every few months or so now. Last visit was in February. Last visit before that was in September. The talent is significantly better than home here, but it's also significantly more costly. VIP at Club C is $400/30 min. Higher risk, higher reward.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Tonight's Choice
    Yeah. Each has its pros and cons. C hasn't let me down yet, but the odds seem higher it will tonight than they ever have before. And A seems to be bouncing back while B is new and unknown. Part of me is tempted to do C for a while, then hit A if C isn't working for whatever reason. But C is a long ways away from A & B and it could become a late night. Seems like C deserves another chance, though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Ginger crushes!
    Two of my bigger college-era crushes were a true redhead and a strawberry blonde. One kind of put me in the friendzone, went off, got married and had kids and now has that blank stare of "I miss life the way it was before" look on her post-baby weight face in every picture I see of her online -- no sympathy from me. The other became a singer and is trying to make it in that world. Damn she was something else. A redhead dancer in an all-nude club with just a little bit of natural bush could probably bring in the GDP of some small countries. There should be more of them. (Redhead dancers, not small countries.)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Wierd Shit
    Anonymous Jim Theology 101: Religion was a way to help keep anarchy from reigning and to try and explain things that weren't explainable before science and logic could do the trick. It gave reason to why we shouldn't do others wrong and, generally, keep most people happy, even if the answer was basically like your Mom telling a child, "Because I say so." It also gave us a little more of a reason to live and live well rather than just be selfish bastards, since it gave us the idea of an afterlife in which what we did here mattered. It's supposed to be a general moral code. The problem is, people lose the forest through the trees. Granted, this has been happening forever, such as The Crusades and saying things like all forms of birth control are bad. General moral code, not strict adherence to rules that don't make sense and often oppose the general purpose to begin with. And when you start denying science and logic because of religion, you not only missed the boat, you missed the whole damn ocean (though I do think climate change might be exaggerated, given we can't even accurately forecast the weather three days from now). As such, people like the ones from the original encounter are crazy because they don't recognize their happiness shouldn't derive from depriving others of theirs through nonsensical ritual. I don't mind if you want to live your life by scripture, believe in God, Jesus, Tom Cruise or anyone else Will Ferrell screamed out to while running in his underwear during "Talladega Nights." And hey, if religion benefits me or others, such as lunch after church, a program to help homeless folks have shelter or a Catholic college helping folks in an NCAA pool, more power to the people involved for achieving the general goal. Do whatever makes you happy and if it makes others happy, great. But start judging me for what makes me and the people in my life happy, looking down on me or trying to change me, especially if what we do has nothing to do with you, and then we've got a problem. I do believe things happen for a reason and that sometimes things fall just way too perfectly for there not to be some kind of divine hand. But, I also believe that maybe it's just way too complicated for human beings to understand and, maybe, we aren't meant to, so we shouldn't bother. So, I don't bother.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    are you part of the 24% who carries more than $50 in cash?
    There are three places I use cash: The club, the bar and sporting events. But mostly the club.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    mitchell brothers
    I get the impression you pay for Mitchell Brothers' history and reputation as much, if not moreso, than you do its service -- at least from everything I've read. Never been clubbing further west than Madison, Wis., so riddle me: If I were to compare the experience to, say, Penthouse Club in Detroit, how would it compare?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    That stripper with her hair in a bun
    Hey, I like a woman who takes the time to do her hair up right and professional-like. The naughty librarian fantasy does it for me. My longest-ever stint in VIP was the result of a Latina woman who had it goin' ON. Hair up in a clip in the back, ridiculous tight but classy tight white dress and glasses. Started the LD by facing away from me, tearing out the clip, letting her hair fly, facing me, tearing off the glasses then pulling down the top. Wasn't long before we were in VIP instead. Shame she wasn't as fun after we left the club (she's the one whose version of OTC was taking me to the casino so she could lose all my money).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Asa Akira Interview
    I do love the term "sex positive." I wish more people were "sex positive." We treat sex and sex workers like they're something evil. As long as it's safe -- no unwanted pregnancies and no STD transmission, which should be the case if condoms are used -- why shouldn't we all be "sex positive"? Everyone likes it. It's all the folks that tie it to either religion or love who ruin it for everyone. Good on the Asa Akiras and NPRs for being "sex positive."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In the wind
    ON TOPIC: What kind of PL are you?
    I think most of us here are the pleasure-seeking kinds, with maybe a dash of lonely/unhappy thrown in. I look at that description of the pleasure-seeker and think, "What the hell is wrong with men who DON'T do this?"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is knowing that she is pregnant a deal breaker?
    I disliked kids when I was a kid, so ... yes. Dealbreaker.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    {UPDATE #2} I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
    Given my clubbing habits, you can imagine how freaked out I began to get once when I had bloody urine and had general discomfort in one testicle a lot of the time. Just a dull pain that wouldn't go away. Thought it could be anything from an STI to testicular cancer. Went in to get it checked out -- urinary tract infection. Fairly common in men 25-45. Very easy to get, as simple as having a drink at a bar that doesn't wash out their glasses well enough. The bacteria basically just settles down in your balls, specifically your epididymis, and with all the little creases and crevasses in that tube, it's really tough to kill and just irritates the hell out of that sensitive area. Also very difficult to get rid of. Gotta take the antibiotics the fully prescribed time. I would hope they would have checked you for something like that, but just throwing out ideas.