
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Burnout ?
    "The only times I have lost interest was when I was consulting in crappy cities - where the clubs and dancers sucked." Some of us live in those places. So yeah, we get burned out. We've had a number of threads about this through the years, about one every six months. It happens. When you go to the same clubs, realize the same dancers are there and don't feel like anything new and exciting is coming along, then yeah, it starts to wear on you. There are two times when I need to take a break from clubbing: After a string of poor outings, or after a really great outing where I feel very satisfied with what happened and don't feel a need to top it for a while. Sounds like you're dealing with the former. Take some time to indulge your non-clubbing hobbies. Golf, ride a bike, go to see some sporting events, live. Eventually, you'll get the urge again, you'll go back, and it'll feel fresh and new, plus there will be some new talent to keep you entertained, too. Or, like someone said, a road trip doesn't hurt, either.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    There are two days (white) women feel it's safe to go out, drink heavily and be slutty: St. Patrick's Day and Halloween. Fittingly, they're nearly half a year apart from each other. Otherwise, I think they only tend to go out if it's an occasion for someone in the group: Birthday, bachelorette party, etc. So different groups go out at different times, not en masse like they do for those two holidays. I didn't have a lot of success at bars. Women who go to bars to do St. Patrick's Day-caliber volume-drinking are looking for big, burly, frat-boy, football player types, not 5'5" introverts who can form complete sentences like me. ... and this is why I club.
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    10 years ago
    moment of weakness. admittance of pl-dom
    Giving a girl a tip for dances if she's given you good service isn't PL-ish. Honestly, I think it's kind of a courtesy. OK, so she's asking for one when she says those words, which isn't exactly cool. But considering how many guys don't tip if/when they should, it's probably a good reminder. Honestly, I kind of think it's more PL-ish not to tip for good service -- then you're cheap and not encouraging the good ones to be good. Yes, it's PL-ish to tip for bad service, too, but since you "gave in," I'm thinking she might have deserved a tip, anyway. Most PL-ish thing I ever did: Two rooms with a girl, then went to the casino with her and blew more money. Then drove her back home across state lines as the sun came up. Damn she was hot, but when we lost at the casino, she blamed me. I think OTC might have been on the table had we had some semblance of success. Instead, she basically just closed the door on me when we got to her place. A lot of money for very little reward.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The funniest lap dance
    I will have to admit, I can't remember anything I think would qualify as "funny" in the lapdance room, though I can't help but think the midget thing might have earned a chuckle just for the unusualness of it all. Did once see a kid that looked like he had some sort of muscle issue (think Stephen Hawking) getting a dance in his wheelchair. Kid and whoever he was there with (looked like a Dad and a brother) all looked happy as could be. It was one of those moments that makes you wonder why everyone looks down on clubs & strippers as something bad.
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    In My Book She's A Keeper
    From a distance, the body shape was pretty close. All you had to do was hear her talk, though, and you knew it wasn't her. Nonetheless, decent find.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Signs in the club
    A lot of girls will do that in no-extras clubs. It doesn't necessarily mean they want to do anything to you beyond what they're doing. Also, I actually kind of dislike when girls do the over-the-pants BJ thing. Most forget they're wearing lipstick and a lot of face makeup. Then you go home and have red and brown streaks all over the front of your pants. Either take it out and do it for real or just use your non-made-up boobs on it.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    "The right 'boob' just came out of left field." Which boob is on first? I dunno. Third base.
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    10 years ago
    Are you on Facebook? Dancer told me she was going to search for me.
    Before I had a SO, I didn't have a problem with it and am still Facebook friends with a couple of dancers I met before I knew her. Only problem I occasionally have is that one is a feature who likes to posts behind-the-scenes pictures of herself in various states of undress. I don't personally mind, but I sometimes check my Facebook or around my SO, so I have to be aware those might pop up and quickly scroll past those posts. Now, I wouldn't want a dancer to friend me. I do occasionally get friend requests from women, but they're usually related to work I do -- they better be, lest the SO start getting suspicious.
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    10 years ago
    Seattle Dancer Murdered
    Ugh. Tragic. Awful. This is the kind of stuff that's not supposed to happen, not to mention it freaks out dancers and clubs and makes them more restrictive. Ugh. These are the stories you hate to see for so many reasons.
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    10 years ago
    BBF Prepares for the Superbowl
    Honestly, I can see how it wasn't for everyone. It wasn't Vegas-style. It feels more like a corner bar mixed with a 70's lounge. And yeah, there was a lot of silicone there (some of it not really well done) and not necessarily a girl for every guy's taste. Plus, the ladies tended to stick with regulars (the advanced monger might have interpreted this as OTC negotiation, but the inexperienced monger might not know that's on the table). I dunno. I've been to much worse. I don't know if it was a Top 10 club nationally, given what I know of Detroit and hear of in SoCal, Atlanta, Miami, etc., but it's the best choice in Indianapolis, and it's within shouting distance of Chicago and Louisville, making it maybe the best choice for those folks as well. Sometimes, it's not being the best, it's just being better than the competition, and the competition in that part of the country isn't all that much to write home about.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Other Strippers Don't Have To Do This?
    I've clubbed in Detroit a number of times. Even had to stop close to Penthouse to get gas a few times late at night. Honestly, I wasn't that scared after the first time. 8 Mile is pretty well lit. As long as you're on 8 Mile itself, I don't think you're in much trouble. I wouldn't go too far off the beaten path, though. The one story I read about a guy who got shot near Penthouse, he was on one of the side streets, I think. It also helps that I drive a kinda-sorta beater compact car, don't necessarily look like I've got huge bank and make sure to follow the GPS to a T. WRT mileage, I'm willing to bet a lot of dancers have never traveled and/or investigated sites like this to know about the regional variations. If you grow up in Detroit and all you know is Detroit clubs, you probably come to be used to a certain standard. Honestly, I think some guys here are the same way.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip club on your birthday
    If you're a regular, and you have favorites, they might be a little extra kind to you on your birthday if you've consistently been a little extra kind to them over time. Otherwise, the dancer probably assumes most guys are out to have a good time for one reason or another and both won't treat you any differently and/or use that as part of her sales pitch for VIP.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Ever ask a girl to send a pic.....
    I once got a girl's number for potential OTC. Did a little social media research on the number and found it was connected to a guy who's got, like, 10 drug arrests and a couple weapons charges. Found a number of pictures of the girl and guy together, too. Decided to just delete the number at that point.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A cautionary tale...
    There's eleventy billion pictures of naked women on the Internet. I can find as many as I want and I don't need to keep any where they can get me in trouble.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Option A vs Option B
    My ATF was a woman I only got dances from twice and then left the business, I think. I asked about OTC and she declined on the principle she always declines, but she said she felt more inclined and connected with me after two hours of great conversation, with only a few dances mixed in, than she had with anyone else. As such, this is a no-brainer, if only on scarcity alone. A, please.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    BBF Prepares for the Superbowl
    I haven't been to BBF in ... four years? Sounds like its changed some since my last trip, notably due to the Super Bowl. Dancer selection was pretty good if you like big chests and don't mind 'em fake (I do and don't, respectively), the value was hard to beat and OTC was on the table in one of three trips with a dancer that was a 9 for looks but at a 3 level of sanity. I'd stop back if I ever make my way in that direction again. Might be a while, though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    OT: Weird thoughts!
    I saw an article a while back about how America is one of the few places they haven't taken hold. It then discussed some sort of high-tech Japanese toilet that's on the market for some number of thousands of dollars with a heated seat, a bidet option with various speed settings, water temperatures and adjustments, etc. I'd try it. But I'm not spending a butt-tonne of money on a toilet when I could spend it on club activities.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A cautionary tale...
    Sorry, I'm with lopaw. I can't see any reason why getting a picture of a stripper on my phone is of any use. Plus, given the way Google/iCloud work, even if I turned off any/every auto-upload feature, I still wouldn't trust that the picture wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. Seems like the safest way to make sure a picture doesn't get seen is to not take any pictures at all. Why play with fire any more than we already do?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Corporate Politics
    I've come to realize I'm not management material. I'm an introverted perfectionist. Definitely more of an engineer than a salesman. Engineer CEOs are making a bit of a comeback as everything becomes more process-oriented and advanced metrics take hold, but it's still going to be a while before we see the trend return. If there's anything I've found after leaving school, it's that being smart almost hurts you more than it helps you in the business world. There are a variety of reasons why intelligence correlates with depression. And this is part of why I club -- for a small (sometimes not so small) price, the ladies come to me, I don't have to chat them up all that much, and I can feel a little less like I'm getting pushed around by those with power but no brains, even though I know I'll go back to it the next day.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Corporate Politics
    The Peter Principle is something I've found to be valid. The Dilbert Principle is interesting and amusing, but I think it skips a few steps. There are a couple things at play: 1. Management used to be a realm for engineers, those who best knew the product (think Henry Ford). It's now become more of a realm for sales, those who best sell the product. Sales is often better at communicating, understanding the politics and making deals happen, but isn't as good at understanding the technical side or details -- they hire Engineers to know that stuff. So, as a result, yes, management nowadays tends to be less detail-minded and "intelligent" as in understanding of processes and causes and effects, but more apt to have the connections to make deals happen and the persuasive skills to do so. Whether that's made things better or worse ... hard to say. 2. Part of the problem with intelligence is smart folks tend to dote on what is the best or right thing to do versus all other options and go into painstaking detail as to making something as great as it can be, taking hours or days. Honestly, this isn't real good for business, which isn't so concerned with things being perfect as it is with things getting done quickly and efficiently. That "jerk" that ended up being a manager? Yeah, he's a jerk, but he gets people to do what they need to do and gets stuff done. So of course the folks above him love him. So yeah ... one thing I've come to realize is that "being smart" doesn't really help you all that much if you want to climb the ladder. If you're smart, I think the best thing you can do is find something at a middle or lower level that allows you to do the kind of thinking you want to do, make enough to survive, then have enough free time to pursue other passions that stimulate your mind more.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    High School Fantasy Realized
    Wow. Weird case. When trying to see this from all angles, I guess it's kind of a tough spot. I see where the transgendered person is coming from in wanting to change in the women's room, but I can also see where the women would be freaked out to see a penis. This is one of those cases where I think you hope everyone has some understanding. The best solution might have been to either find a way for the transgendered person to change in another locker room (some places have an ungendered "Family" locker room that's often little-used, maybe have a staffer go in there and ensure it's cleared out first), or to have the trans person at least be kind of in a corner of the women's locker room where "she" wouldn't be as easily seen. It would also kind of be the responsibility of the trans person to be sensitive to the other women and not walk through the locker room naked.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Pregnancy Abs
    Kinda gotta wonder if that's good for the child. I mean, jeeze, with that little space and a solid muscle wall to bang up against, gotta think the kid might be getting scrunched or something in there.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    VIP - What am I missing?
    Sadly, Phantom, some of us have to live here. But, like I said, I'm lucky enough to get within shouting distance of Detroit in my travels once or twice a year, usually, so I make sure to take full advantage. FWIW, I think regional variations make a HUGE difference and kind of wonder how many guys here have ever clubbed outside their own city, much less their region. Milwaukee and Chicago are very alike, but I've clubbed in five different states and saw big differences in Indiana, Tennessee and, obviously, Michigan. It's interesting how being in a place that has such a structure changes your perspective, especially since extras aren't really available, either. All of a sudden, a great grind with a hot babe seems like the be-all and end-all.
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    10 years ago
    VIP - What am I missing?
    You guys that are surprised by the cost structure ... allow me to tell you about the Milwaukee club experience. Keep in mind, I avoid the black clubs because I'd stick out like a sore thumb, and we do have a couple dives, but I've been told the dancer quality isn't worth the trip. CLUB A Lappers: $20 VIP: $100 for three songs, $175 for 15 min., $300 for 30 min. Bottoms have to stay on in all Milwaukee clubs. Club A didn't have the three-song and 15-minute options until this past year, if I'm not mistaken. Its prices have been the same pretty much the whole time it's been open, which about 15 years or so. It's pretty strict about one-way contact in the lapper area and limited two-way contact in the VIP area. Cameras everywhere. Most popular club in the area. Decent dancer selection. More of a party club, with lots of couples and bachelor/bachelorhette parties, than mongers, since they are pretty strict about rules. CLUB B Lappers: $35 each or three for $90 VIP: $355 for room with a see-through curtain, $405 for one with a door Two-way contact is allowed at Club B, though the amount is up to the dancer and most keep you away from the kitty in the lapper area, which is well-monitored. The VIP with the door has a camera, but is pretty loosely watched, if you want to pay $405. Dancer selection is good on the weekends. CLUB C Lappers: $25 VIP: $300 (I think) Have never encountered a dancer here that made me consider VIP, which tells you a lot. Supposed to be only one-way contact, but some dancers allow limited two-way, usually hands on hips. You can see the VIP cameras from outside the rooms through the bead curtains. Tries not to be a trashy place, but ends up hiring kind of trashy dancers. Some girls will entertain OTC, but the question is if you really want it from them. CLUB D Lappers: $25 VIP: Starts at three songs for $60, I think it's $150 for 15 min. and $275 for 30 min. This is the best deal, perhaps the nicest club, and its also the most permissive club with the right dancers, but it's nearly an hour out of town and the dancer quality from night to night is extremely hit or miss (this is where I had the dances with the hotter-than-hot girl who ended up being the most boring & worst lap dancer ever). A long way to go for a risky experience. Extras are rare here. OTC is occasionally on the table, but it's difficult if you're aiming high-end. And what are our other options? Chicago? Take the experiences you see here and raise the prices some there (though the girls are hotter there, too). Clubs in the boonies in Madison, Manitowoc and Appleton? Starting to get REAL hit-or-miss with dancer hotness in those directions. So yeah ... for some of us, it sucks. But some of us also get rare opportunities to visit Detroit and Indianapolis, too, so we live for those chances when we can get to where there's more on the menu.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Coke in the VIP
    Sex is good for you. If everyone's doing it right, everyone feels better in the end. It's not us that are screwed up about sex, it's culture for not embracing the potential good of non-monogamy and forcing guys and girls who are open-minded about it like us underground. You're not going to convince me coke or heroin are good for you, though. Anything that screws with your breathing, heart rate, etc. through chemicals and without doctor's control seems like a really bad idea. Plus, clubbing is a controllable habit. I don't feel like drugs like that are controllable. Sorry, not going to win me over on that argument.