
Strip club on your birthday

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 6:22 AM
Any of you ever hit the strip club on your birthday? My birthday is coming up, and my buddies are gonna take me to a couple of strip clubs. I hit up a few strip clubs on my 21st birthday, but I got so drunk that I don't remember much from that night. Do you usually receive more mileage on your birthday than any other day? I hope they don't try to put me on stage, there's no way I'm gonna do that lol. Thoughts?


  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I did the same thing on my 21st! Then spent hours worshipping at the porcelain altar! Not brilliant! Never got that drunk again and never plan to!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… Do you usually receive more mileage on your birthday than any other day …” As long as you are spending $$$ you’ll probably receive more mileage – IME most of the time it’s a “special occasion” (birthday; bachelor party; etc) it’s often a way for the club or dancers to try to make more $$$ out of you. I’d say focus on having a good time w/ your friends and don’t expect any special attention from the dancers – as dancer “duomaxwell” once said - “strippers don’t do anything for free”. Perhaps some SCers that are hardcore regulars “may” get some special attention; o/w probably not. Do you/we treat dancers any more special when they say it’s their birthday?
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I have gone to the strip club on a few of my birthdays. My fav strippers have bought me a birthday cake with candles, and the strippers sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I then shared the cake with all the dancers, waitresses, bartenders, etc. Did I receive higher mileage? Well, this is Detroit. I don't know what higher mileage would mean. My ATF did give me free "lap dances" on one birthday.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Why don't you ask Trinity Stars.
  • eyeamlong
    9 years ago
    Just turn 61 on Saturday.. arrived at the club solo... didn't tell any of the dancers it was my Birthday.... My personality is to stay low key....
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I don't generally go *on* my birthday, as family generally wants to celebrate. But I have gotten birthday "presents" from damcers in the past.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I did that and had a great time. Just don't get too drunk to remember. Get a good buZ going and leave it at that
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    At 65 now and during my 40+ years clubbing, I am sure I've been on my birthday. As I've gotten older, I think less of them. BTW, this time next week, I'll be 66.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Going to a club on your birthday with friends is cool. Going to a club on your birthday alone is just sad.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Papi- on my ATF's birthday I spent more on her that day than I usually do. @eyeamlong- exactly. I don't like to be the center of attention, so I'll be probably a little uncomfortable. I still got a few weeks till the birthday, but I'm already thinking about it.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Randy Anukam,just take that crew on your facebook page,I,m sure there won't be a tit in the house.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Birthday clubbing, in general, isn't the same as when birthdays of the clubber and his/her ATF or faves are involved. Of course I treat them differently on their birthdays, as they do me. Can't remember a time we didn't give each other a gift.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    I went on my birthday last Saturday. Nobody who knows me would think that I'd enjoy the "pull the birthday boy up on the stage" thing, so that didn't happen. But the girls who know me bought me drinks all night long and my fav gave me an extra special dance.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    Let's see if I got it right: 1. It's your birthday, and you are spending $$$ you’ll receive more mileage. 2. It's NOT your birthday, and you are spending $$$ you’ll receive more mileage. 3. It's your birthday, and you are spending little $ you’ll receive NO mileage. 4. It's NOT your birthday, and you are spending little $ you’ll receive NO mileage. Can somebody do the math for me and tell me how Birthday factors into the above 4 truisms?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Rarely actually on my birthday but I always celebrate each birthday with a visit to my favorite club. I have had 2 strippers bring me in cake and gifts that I shared with my TUSCL buddies and the other dancers. On my 70th I took 2 girls to VIP for $100/ea and the house threw in the room charge free. This year once again Follies gave me a free VIP room to celebrate but I didn't do a 3 some. I have gotten quite a few Free lap dances.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    ^^^ The master
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I've found the best times are when it's one of my regular's birthdays. They are twice as likely to be in a 'party mood' and I reap those benefits.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Absolutely go, but the top priority is having a good time with your friends, not getting good milage. You can plan to get a few dances, but I doubt you wanna ditch your friends to go VIP.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ Contrawise, if she's popular her birthday is likely to be a day when all of her PL regulars come in. She may be spread very thin.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    We're going to a couple of clubs that I haven't been to in years, so a lot of the dancers will be new to me. I'm just looking for a dancer that will give me a nice little birthday present, maybe like a makeout session :)
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    My experience is that it's rare in this city to get very far with a stripper the first time you meet her, especially if it's a club where I'm not known. OTOH, that might just be because the girls think I look like LE.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    I've went twice on my birthday, when asked what brings me out tonight I have said its my birthday. First time it was awesome, and did get some moderately more mileage (wasn't normally an extras club, I was a regular and one of the dancers that I had spent ALOT of money on over the years threw me a BJ and wouldn't take a tip since it was my bday. Later on I went back to her place for some OTC action that I didn't end up paying for either. Second time was somewhere else (I was out of town on buisness) and EVERY dancer tried to take me in the back for a special bday present, but at a premium price, and decided that just was not worth it. Thing is, it really depends on the girl and the club, if your a regular, and how well you treat them the rest of the time.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @dtek- My first trip to a 21 and over club (I had been to 18 and over juice bars), the dancer I got a dance with made out with me the whole song. I was thinking to myself, "wow are all the clubs like this?!" Of course that experience turned out to be rare in my future club visits.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    @ranukam Yeah, I said rare; not unheard of. I had an amazing experience with a first time (for me) dancer a few weeks ago. Afterward she told me that she "never lets customers go that far," and it would happen only "once in a million times." Hah. The next time a week later was nearly as good. But that's the exception rather than the rule, and it was at a club where lots of the girls know me.
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    If you're going with friends maybe they'll pitch in and get you some lappers or extras. The chair on stage full rotation lap dance looks fun, but I try together keep a low profile. BTW- Happy Birthday!
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    Try to- damn phone!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If mileage is better on your birthday, shouldn't we all just say that every day is our birthday. At least every time we go to a club that we havent been to for a while.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    One girl offered me a free dance on my birthday, but she wanted to see my ID before she'd do it. ;)
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    VBD, There really isn't a difference clubbing in general. That is why I mentioned, "Birthday clubbing, in general, isn't the same as when birthdays of the clubber and his/her ATF or faves are involved."
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Randy!Why is it that every time you post the word "Neutered"comes to mind?
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    If you're a regular, and you have favorites, they might be a little extra kind to you on your birthday if you've consistently been a little extra kind to them over time. Otherwise, the dancer probably assumes most guys are out to have a good time for one reason or another and both won't treat you any differently and/or use that as part of her sales pitch for VIP.
  • friction_lover
    9 years ago
    Done in the past at Mons, great time! If your friends pitch in extra tip money, more mileage is reasonable expectation. Without extra tipping, unless it's a regular girl maintaining a reliable money stream...an extra wink at most. If the table is tipping and buying dances at a high rate...may be easier to grab dancer of choice.
  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    When I started clubbing, my first ATF and I shared a birthday. The dances those nights were very pleasurable for both of us. The first year I thought she was scamming me about the coincidence, but the following year the club was making a big deal all night that it was her birthday.
  • RML0310
    9 years ago
    I've done it before. Was pretty drunk as all Hell though. I remember regretting that I should have had an extra pair of boxers with me though :/
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    Used to do a club crawl of 3-5 clubs every birthday as a present to myself. Only one dancer knows my birthday, though -- the one who has the same as mine (except 22 year later).
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    My birthday was always a fun time to go, although I only went by myself, but that's partly because it's in the week between Christmas and New Years. Haven't done it in a while, should do so.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Just curious, shadowcat, when to finally die with a smile on your face at 95, will you be buried, cremated or just stuffed and propped up in Follies? That would be brilliant! ;-D
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    ATACdawg - Well some dancers have told me that I deserve a permanent reserved seat. :)
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Sunday is mine. I'll make a special effort to stop by one of my favorite clubs. If my last fave is working, it won't be that club. :)
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I was actually thinking about celebrating my 28th birthday in the club but I don't have any friends to share the experience with :(
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Stopped in and it didn't work at all. Oh well.
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