
VIP - What am I missing?

Thursday, March 5, 2015 8:49 PM
I usually see my CF once a week and spend between $60 and $100 on lap dances Last time I saw her, she asked me why I didn't get a room. These are the room options. Price includes a bottle. The stripper's time is extra $150 - hole in the wall, open $350 - bigger hole in the wall half enclosed $650 - A private room with a couch She tells me that she has a customer that gets a room and gives her $800 for two hours of her time, but that she can do $400 for one hour with me (yeah, what a deal) Obviously, she wants to dance and converse during that hour so I would be getting less dances than if I got $400 worth of dances. That does not seem like a good deal to me. What room would you get and how would you spend your time there? This is a topless club and she seems to be a clean dancer. I told her that I would give her the $400 and the price of the room to see her OTC and she said no.


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Those are outrageous prices by the club and dancer. If I were you, I'd be looking for a new club and girl.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    At those prices, common sense.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Why is this girl your CF? What value does she bring besides presumably looking good? Those prices are awful. She's basically trying to get you to shell out more cash for less value. That's upselling and the wrong kind of upselling. Guys on this board pay less to fuck strippers in the club. In most cities an escort is around 200.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    Crazy as this may seem for some of you, this is a fairly common pricing structure: Lappers at $20-$25, VIP at $300-$450 per half hour with some sort of drink tab included. Before we jump on the guy too much for considering this, let's remember that there are a lot of variables that go into this discussion. I'd far rather get dances from a "clean" girl who's a nine or 10 than an extras girl who's a four or five, so maybe he has his reasons why this girl is his favorite. Nonetheless, if she won't even entertain the idea of OTC and you think she's clean, there's a good chance that all you'll get on top of what you normally get with dances in a room is her taking your shirt off and going chest-to-chest with you and maybe letting you lie down in the couch room. But that's pretty much it. If she's hot enough, she can probably sell a few rooms just on suggestive sell and of course she wants to do a room because it's a far greater take for her. But from what it sounds like, you're not missing anything by missing out on a room. If she gets to the point where she's too annoying about doing one and not being happy with the money you are giving her, then I recommend you take that money and find a new favorite who isn't as pushy.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I agree with you, Jim, that she's likely not going to be giving more in a room than he's getting from Lappers. I guess if this is something she mentions once and doesn't bring up again and he's happy with her LDs, he should let it slide. But my concern is this is going to be a constant struggle for him, where she keeps trying to upsell him to the point where he can't enjoy his lappers from her. If the LDs are good and enjoyable for the price, he may as well keep getting them from her. It's not easy to find a girl who provides the right grind for the price.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    While Jim might have his points (except for the price of the VIP rooms; geez, I'd hate to walk into one of those clubs) I have to agree with Shadowcat. This dancer's just trying to empty your wallet and line hers. No offense, man, but while you might see her as a CF, she's just seeing you as a sucker with a full wallet.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Dancer: you should take me back to the VIP! Me: what can we do back there that were not doing here in the lap dance area? Dancer: we'd do the same thing, but you know, more intimate. Me: so basically we keep doing exactly the same thing, but I'd pay you a lot more money than I am now? Dancer: yeah, that's right. At least she was honest.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    $400 for an hour is high but not unreasonable in my view if her service was outstanding and you get sex either ITC or otc. But it doesn't make sense for what she is offering.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    You should be able to get more for less. Try a new club and a new fav.
  • Holdem2
    9 years ago
    At the mid to low end clubs around me, 15 minutes is $75. 30 is $150. Her room fee is included. If the dancer wants to sell $400, have her actually work and sell it to you. Maybe she is worth it and maybe she isn't. You have the control.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    I just do a 15 min cr. Leave my future children in the napkin after I wiper her down and watch sports on tv.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @AnonymousJim: "Crazy as this may seem for some of you, this is a fairly common pricing structure: Lappers at $20-$25, VIP at $300-$450 per half hour with some sort of drink tab included." I'm glad I don't live *there*. :) $300-$450 per *half* hour? That's even beyond top shelf escort prices. I'll stay right here, thanks.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ What GMD said. I'm sure glad I live in a place where competition from 80+ strip clubs drives the prices down.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    I guess I must be going to lower end clubs, but those prices would break me really quick. I'm use to the $100 hour rooms (plus tip of coarse which is usually the same as the tip) and those I am absolutely sure I'm getting FS, and for the hour it had better be multiple shots! But, even then, for that amount, I usually try to set up some OTC where there is a lot less stress for her of getting caught and usually a lot more is on the menu.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    From the sounds of it, you ain't missing much.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Unless one is going to get sex in VIP; then it’s not worth it unless you are the type of person for whom money is not an issue (i.e. you got $$$ to burn). It looks like she only has *her* best interest in mind since in many clubs dancers get a cut (and sometimes a good cut) of the room they are selling (so she may be getting part of the room fee plus what you give her). She sounds like a selfish bitch – but I’m only speculating since IDK her.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    OMG LOL!!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I’ve noticed your reviews are of the Dallas area and what you describe is similar to the Baby Dolls VIP structure. Extras are rare in most Dallas clubs AFAIK; so VIP; especially an open VIP; it’s not worth it unless you are a rich guy whom wants a dancer’s undivided attention.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Fellas, we've got to start thinking out of the box here. Roundtrip airfare from Dallas to either Detroit or San Diego (with short trip to Tijuana) is under $200. Guaranteed good time either way for $100 a pop. Do the math. Cook up an excuse for a "business trip" and hit the road!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi is right about the Baby Dolls VIP options. I have evaluated the option with several girls and always decided it wasn't wortg it. BD is a lap dance and otc shopping kind of place.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    You guys that are surprised by the cost structure ... allow me to tell you about the Milwaukee club experience. Keep in mind, I avoid the black clubs because I'd stick out like a sore thumb, and we do have a couple dives, but I've been told the dancer quality isn't worth the trip. CLUB A Lappers: $20 VIP: $100 for three songs, $175 for 15 min., $300 for 30 min. Bottoms have to stay on in all Milwaukee clubs. Club A didn't have the three-song and 15-minute options until this past year, if I'm not mistaken. Its prices have been the same pretty much the whole time it's been open, which about 15 years or so. It's pretty strict about one-way contact in the lapper area and limited two-way contact in the VIP area. Cameras everywhere. Most popular club in the area. Decent dancer selection. More of a party club, with lots of couples and bachelor/bachelorhette parties, than mongers, since they are pretty strict about rules. CLUB B Lappers: $35 each or three for $90 VIP: $355 for room with a see-through curtain, $405 for one with a door Two-way contact is allowed at Club B, though the amount is up to the dancer and most keep you away from the kitty in the lapper area, which is well-monitored. The VIP with the door has a camera, but is pretty loosely watched, if you want to pay $405. Dancer selection is good on the weekends. CLUB C Lappers: $25 VIP: $300 (I think) Have never encountered a dancer here that made me consider VIP, which tells you a lot. Supposed to be only one-way contact, but some dancers allow limited two-way, usually hands on hips. You can see the VIP cameras from outside the rooms through the bead curtains. Tries not to be a trashy place, but ends up hiring kind of trashy dancers. Some girls will entertain OTC, but the question is if you really want it from them. CLUB D Lappers: $25 VIP: Starts at three songs for $60, I think it's $150 for 15 min. and $275 for 30 min. This is the best deal, perhaps the nicest club, and its also the most permissive club with the right dancers, but it's nearly an hour out of town and the dancer quality from night to night is extremely hit or miss (this is where I had the dances with the hotter-than-hot girl who ended up being the most boring & worst lap dancer ever). A long way to go for a risky experience. Extras are rare here. OTC is occasionally on the table, but it's difficult if you're aiming high-end. And what are our other options? Chicago? Take the experiences you see here and raise the prices some there (though the girls are hotter there, too). Clubs in the boonies in Madison, Manitowoc and Appleton? Starting to get REAL hit-or-miss with dancer hotness in those directions. So yeah ... for some of us, it sucks. But some of us also get rare opportunities to visit Detroit and Indianapolis, too, so we live for those chances when we can get to where there's more on the menu.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Okay, Milwaukee's now off my list of clubs to visit.
  • rogertex
    9 years ago
    Phantom - other than Detroit all of North SC scene is lame. It's not hard to see why - dancers have to compete with grazing cows in Milwaukee, and New Hampshire, and Maine, and Dakotas and ...
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    Sadly, Phantom, some of us have to live here. But, like I said, I'm lucky enough to get within shouting distance of Detroit in my travels once or twice a year, usually, so I make sure to take full advantage. FWIW, I think regional variations make a HUGE difference and kind of wonder how many guys here have ever clubbed outside their own city, much less their region. Milwaukee and Chicago are very alike, but I've clubbed in five different states and saw big differences in Indiana, Tennessee and, obviously, Michigan. It's interesting how being in a place that has such a structure changes your perspective, especially since extras aren't really available, either. All of a sudden, a great grind with a hot babe seems like the be-all and end-all.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Hey, I'm stranded here in North Dakota, one of the barren wastelands of strip-club goodness. The nearest three are in the Club Northern (something that passes for upscale in this area but wouldn't stand a chance in the Twin Cities), the Bears Den (a shithole in an outhouse-sized town but it still manages to charge big-city prices to the yokels), and Outlaws (tried to check it out once at 10:45 on a Saturday night and it was closed; yeah, a bar -- in North Dakota -- closed). All three of them are maybe 80 miles away on average. All of my SC experience has been outside of this town and the vast majority outside of this state, largely in the Twin Cities and Indianapolis, a couple of great excuses to vacation far and wide from this wasteland.
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