
Coke in the VIP

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Went to VIP with a dancer I knew from elsewhere. This was the first time I did VIP with her in a long time (maybe a year).

The club had private VIP's with full curtains and a love seat. We had negotiated for French Lessons. Before we get started, she opens her purse and out comes a vial of coke. She snorts a fingernail's worth. I'm thinking I am a little uncomfortable even being around someone doing that, but I figure if she needs that before I feed her some salami, so be it. She gets to work for maybe 30 seconds and stop, goes back into the purse for another snort. Another 30 seconds of work and back to the vial again. Finally she says she can't do her coke and speak French at the same time, so she gets on all fours on the couch and I switch to burying the salami while she is ignoring me and continually snorting. I am not exaggerating that she took 15-18 hits.

When we were done (well when I was done) she was so out of it that she just stayed there, ass in the air and kept snorting. I simply left the VIP hit the men's room and left.

I assume many of us have had the snort-in-my-presence experience. This was different. I found myself in the middle of a coke binge. What do you do? She already had my money, so I was not walking out. But WTF that's all I need is for a stripper to OD on me in VIP.


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    or have LE walk in on you. I don't think I would have stayed. Just cut my losses and split.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Better snorting than shooting. I had a long time fave in a hotel for a little OTC action and she stepped away, pulls out a spoon, lighter & syringe. I told her after I was done, that I didn't want to see her again because of that. She apologized, said she shouldn't have done it and checked into rehab for 30 days. When she got back to the club, another stripper saw a syringe in her pocketbook. She claims she's legally shooting vivitrol .
    I've been lied to, ripped off, and fucked over by an addict too many times. I'm just staying away from her. Trust with a stripper/addict is a rare commodity.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Ya. I had someone snort crystal in front of me. It was OTC, I was distgusted, but I was also drunk and horn so I fckd her and left. Haven't seen her since.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Lol! The hypocrasy is funny. First I see a statement of how disgusted you are for witnessing the girl shoot up(or snort up), but you have to fuck her before you leave her. It's not like we're addicted to pussy or anything :-0 !!

    Anyway I would ne in the same boat as you. Fuck her before hightailing it out of there. Drugs are bad, but p4p is good. That's funny shit right there. I don't care who you are.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Hypocrisy. I don't do drugs. If she was addicted to dick, which she was, I would not judge, but we all know drugs take over the mind and have the addict thinking about the next hit and compromise their values and ... umm OK I see your point . Touché
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    Sex is good for you. If everyone's doing it right, everyone feels better in the end. It's not us that are screwed up about sex, it's culture for not embracing the potential good of non-monogamy and forcing guys and girls who are open-minded about it like us underground.

    You're not going to convince me coke or heroin are good for you, though. Anything that screws with your breathing, heart rate, etc. through chemicals and without doctor's control seems like a really bad idea. Plus, clubbing is a controllable habit. I don't feel like drugs like that are controllable.

    Sorry, not going to win me over on that argument.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Don't judge. Meat is right. We are as addicted to them as they are to the drugs.

    But I would definitely have left quickly and not seen this girl again after that.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Thanks for putting the drug use of my DS into perspective.
  • 4got2wipe
    10 years ago
    I'm with shadowcat! Stripper having coke binge while she's in the VIP with you = not brilliant!
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    I have the same problem as the rest of the PLs on here, and its pussy that gets the best of me. I agree drugs are unhealthy and we should stay away from those that do it. But don't you find this ironic even to the slightest degree? It's funny that's all I am stating, because its ok to pay her to have sex. Lol! No judging from me. Just observing, but great post none the less! Thanks monger.
  • goldmongerATL
    10 years ago
    I never said I was "disgusted", just "a little uncomfortable"
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    A girl with whom I enjoyed many a low job, pulled out an oxy tab, ground it up, and snorted it. In my car.

    I turned around, dropped her off back at her house, and told her never to call me again.

    I just can not deal with that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Just b/c you pay someone for sex does not IMO mean the provider can do w/e the tuck they want b/c you are a duche to begin w/ for paying for sex – just like a custy does not have the right to act however the hell he wants b/c he is paying a provider; the provider should exercise a basic level of proper behavior and I don’t think that is too much to ask for or expect.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I'd like to think I'd do what George did and just walked, money or no money.

    Monger, one of my big problems with that scenario -- in addition to the drugs themselves -- is that, as far as I can see it, having sex with someone who's doing drugs like that is that it can be construed as rape. If the woman is any sort of compromised condition and can't consent with any legally recognized capacity, police might be able to push for a rape charge. It's just too big a risk.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @PH: That's certainly a big part if it, especially in the club, but the other part is that if the stupid count had dropped a pill, or her grinder, or even a blunt, in my car, it's grounds for forfeiture. Not to mention turning a misdemeanor, and one that is relatively easy to have dismissed with a competent lawyer and a closed mouth, into a felony. Or two.

    Not my thing.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Speaking of coke in the VIP, at a club I frequent I heard stories a few years ago of customers doing coke off the strippers asses in the VIP. The club has since cleaned up their act.
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