Remember in high school when you desperately wanted to be able to be/see in the girl's locker room? Ok, most of us probably still have that same fantasy. Well now it can be a reality. All you have to do is have your "sincere self-reported gender identity" be female. Then they can't stop you, and the women all have to be supportive. Sure, you'll get crap from your friends at first, but soon they'll all be self reporting the same thing. What a great system.
last commentBut I find it odd to criticize being obsessed with sex and nudity on a strip club discussion board! No disrespect intended!
When trying to see this from all angles, I guess it's kind of a tough spot. I see where the transgendered person is coming from in wanting to change in the women's room, but I can also see where the women would be freaked out to see a penis.
This is one of those cases where I think you hope everyone has some understanding. The best solution might have been to either find a way for the transgendered person to change in another locker room (some places have an ungendered "Family" locker room that's often little-used, maybe have a staffer go in there and ensure it's cleared out first), or to have the trans person at least be kind of in a corner of the women's locker room where "she" wouldn't be as easily seen. It would also kind of be the responsibility of the trans person to be sensitive to the other women and not walk through the locker room naked.…