
recent Mons review...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:28 PM
I know there are guys who do their best to post honest reviews. then there are those like the recent review of Mons Venus, where the reviewer says something to the effect that "VIP dances are great," because the dancer "undid his zipper and pulled out his johnson..." very unlikely, because as everyone who has visited Mons knows, ALL DANCES ARE DONE OUT IN THE OPEN, SOMETIMES ALMOST ELBOW TO ELBOW. There is NO VIP area. and of course, he was stupid enough to actually name the dancer who allegedly provided the service...as the disclaimer says, everything on this side should be considered fiction. In this case, it really is.


  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I recently had a conversation with someone on this site, whom I was convinced was a young boy. I think it's possible there are some minors on this site, making false reviews to get VIP membership, and getting vicarious jollies by reading our stories.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I once was sitting next to someone in a strip club who did not even look 16 yet. I am sure he must have used a FAKE ID to enter the club. Most door guys/girls do not give a shit about checking IDs, they are just there to collect their $1 tips. I think it is pointless in tipping the door guy/girl but as a CTQWERTY review of Dreamgirls in Columbus, OH points out, some clubs will try to ruin your visit over that lousy $1 tip.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    What a PL, he said it was well worth the $100 tip for his HJ (not to mention the dance prices). That is overpaying and not something to be proud of...
  • troop
    14 years ago
    Dudester says: I think it's possible there are some minors on this site, making false reviews to get VIP membership, and getting vicarious jollies by reading our stories. ------------------------------------------------------- you can bank on that! i have no doubt that there are minors here!
    14 years ago
    Sam, Dreamgirls, LOL! Her tip bowl was so big, it was suggestive in it's own right... Did you see The House of Babes review which came through a few days ago? Some guy actually liked the place, eventhough no dancer would talk to him! [I think he's had too much of Columbus strip clubs!!!]
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    It also reminded me of a recent Tropical Lei review that said that there was no VIP. One would think that if you were going to write a fake review one would at least read the other reviews of the place to make it believable.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "i have no doubt that there are minors here!" Those scamps!
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    To me, all you 30-50 year olds are minors - wiser in the SC world, of course, but minors all the same.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    fa, Sort of how I feel, but I can stretch that to 60. :)
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    CT, Yeah I saw that HOB review a couple days ago. It is true that it is one of the only clubs that I know of on the Southern part of town.
  • nicepants
    14 years ago
    Write it off to a case of mistaken club identity. Between the VIP, the mileage, and the weak drink, I'd say somebody went to a different club down the street and after a few too many weak drinks didn't remember where they were.
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