sad to read about...I know that the moral right wingers gained a lot of power over strip clubs in columbus after a shooting occurred at Doll House and a shooting/death occurred at dockside dolls. It wasn't long before we started getting strictly enforced pasties.
dress codes and stop the playing of their music would both help. also stop the pc crap against profiling.. if it looks walks and quacks like a duck.. it's a duck. same thing applies to thugs.
I wonder which cities (or states or clubs) in the US have the most incidents of violence in strip clubs. How does that issue compare to the rest of the world.
I read today that if the Missouri Governor does not veto the adult entertainment death bill sitting on his desk by July 10th, then the attorney for a lot of affected clubs plans to ask the courts for an injunction that would delay or perhaps void the bill. The attorney cites numerous flaws in the legislation. I'll post the electronic version of the quote as soon as it's available.
Yeah there is nothing worse than getting relaxed in a club only to realize you are surrounded by an army of thugs and wannabe gangstas. If i find myself in this situation I leave bc to be honest I deal with these asshole thugs enough where I work
It is quite incorrect to make this a right wing "thing". I know myself, and others here are classified as "right wing", yet we love our clubs. I also know many liberals that can't stand them. Actually most liberals I know. Why, because they "use" the female. A CARDINAL sin in the liberal playbook!!!
if a club has metal detectors, sure it feels safe on the inside but what about all those people waiting outside with guns? They know you don't have one!
I don't know why everyone is worried about the thugs who come into the club. They aren't out to get you. Also, are industrial parks, where a large number of clubs are at, really bad neighborhoods? I realize some strip clubs are in bad neighborhoods, but within my experience, most aren't, although its also safe to say they aren't in residential neighborhoods.
Guys, I know that club. It is in Southwest Detroit. It's always been a thug club, if we are lucky, they'll all shoot themselves. Let's not judge a city by incidents of violence. There are plenty of good people here in the city, beautiful neighborhoods, and yes, lots of crime. We are a city.
I am all for keeping the thuggies out of SC's via dress codes, bouncers, not playing their low iq music. They are not paying customers like us and have no place in the SC. Their whole reason for being there is to sell drugs, cause trouble, or see what girl they can hit on (for free). They're too stupid and lazy to hold a real job so of course they have lots of time to hang out at the SC. The illegals are even worse as they feel America is their doormat. Truth be known, thuggies are the kinda guys dancers like to get pg with (retro natural selection?) and support. Then they come to us whining about how they are about to be evicted.
Player is right that the thugs need to be kept out. St. James, I am told, is strict on that, and it's part of the reason that St. James has a "rascist" reputation (the other is that they don't allow morbidly obese dancers).
It's not just the "moral right wingers", feminists want the clubs closed too. Feminists know that the power of pussy rules and strippers are traitors to their cause.
The Columbia Platinum Plus has a dress code. If you come dressed like one of the boyz from the hood, you ain't getting in. I have seen guys refused admission. The code is in effect to keep out drug traffickers. Black dancers are also screened very extensively. Hence the club rating as white. It may be racist but if it keeps the thugs out, I am for it.
Player11 says: [ignore]Posted: 06/27/10 Their whole reason for being there is to sell drugs, cause trouble, or see what girl they can hit on (for free). They're too stupid and lazy to hold a real job so of course they have lots of time to hang out at the SC. Truth be known, thuggies are the kinda guys dancers like to get pg with (retro natural selection?) and support.
pretty accurate. i'm often surprised how some real good looking dancers gravitate towards the thugs. the other side of the coin though is that i know dancers that despise them and some have told me how they have been offered drugs for dances or sex which they declined. and of course there are dancers that are just the opposite, they will do anything for drugs.
Frankly the 'worst enemy' was the club security. There is NO WAY that one, much less two customers should have been inside the club with handguns.
If I worked at that club I would be severely pissed that was allowed to happen. Could you imagine being a dancer and take a guy to the back room only to have him pull a weapon?
And don't give me any 2nd ammendment CCW baloney. Taverns are specifically designated as pistol free zones in Michigain even for those with a CCW permit. (That was why the person with the CCW was arrested to.) And before you start to declare the CCW person as some sort of hero you might want to have a word with the innocent bystander he shot.
The 2nd Amendment, like the rest of the Constitution, applies to the government, not private property owners on their own property. The private property owner *should* have the right to restrict the carrying of weapons on his property, even if the law doesn't violate the citizen's right to carry a weapon. If the law doesn't permit that restriction, then it's just as wrong as a law that prohibits carrying in the first place.
A recent reviewer, in a couple of review, noted that some Houston clubs have metal detectors. Like the OP in this thread noted, "Why hand SC critics 'ammunition?'"
I fear the Religious Right as a force against SC's more than I fear feminists/liberals/etc. liberals may argue that a SC is "bad", but you rarely see them go before local town councils or county boards to argue that they should be banned. that ain't nowhere near true regarding the Moral Majority types! as far as music, the club I tend to hang out in lets the dancers pick their own music, and most of them choose the type of music most railed against here, so I don't know how the music can all be laid on the club owners/DJ's. I'd say the best route is to wand down people as they enter and make it a "one strike and you're O-U-T!!!" rule that anyone caught trying to bring a gun or other weapon into a club can never come back. and, no, I don't think it's a good idea to let booze and guns mix. having seen one too many arguments between drunks move from loud words to throw punches, I don't want to think what would have happened in any of those cases if one or both of the parties involved had been carrying, especially to me and everyone else around them.
"It is quite incorrect to make this a right wing 'thing'. I know myself, and others here are classified as 'right wing', yet we love our clubs. I also know many liberals that can't stand them. Actually most liberals I know. Why, because they 'use' the female. A CARDINAL sin in the liberal playbook!" I've said before, BOTH of the extremes on the Right & Left in this country have it all wrong when it comes to strip clubs.
"Perhaps that is why most all mass killings happen in gun free zones. This is true across the world!"
No, it really isn't, moron. -------------------------------
"There is NO WAY that one, much less two customers should have been inside the club with handguns."
Well, one of the guys who shot a few people had a concealed weapon that could only be discovered by a pat-down or maybe a metal detector (depending on the type of gun). That's what you get when people act like they live in the Old West...minor disputes become deadly.
i bet inno123 if that guy had a gun at your head and i shot him you would been very happy , one of my cousins was shot and killed in a bar , only people who obey the rules that retards put in get killed
last commentalso stop the pc crap against profiling.. if it looks walks and quacks like a duck.. it's a duck.
same thing applies to thugs.
I read today that if the Missouri Governor does not veto the adult entertainment death bill sitting on his desk by July 10th, then the attorney for a lot of affected clubs plans to ask the courts for an injunction that would delay or perhaps void the bill. The attorney cites numerous flaws in the legislation. I'll post the electronic version of the quote as soon as it's available.
Perhaps that is why most all mass killings happen in gun free zones. This is true across the world!
It's not just the "moral right wingers", feminists want the clubs closed too. Feminists know that the power of pussy rules and strippers are traitors to their cause.
[ignore]Posted: 06/27/10
Their whole reason for being there is to sell drugs, cause trouble, or see what girl they can hit on (for free). They're too stupid and lazy to hold a real job so of course they have lots of time to hang out at the SC. Truth be known, thuggies are the kinda guys dancers like to get pg with (retro natural selection?) and support.
pretty accurate. i'm often surprised how some real good looking dancers gravitate towards the thugs.
the other side of the coin though is that i know dancers that despise them and some have told me how they have been offered drugs for dances or sex which they declined. and of course there are dancers that are just the opposite, they will do anything for drugs.
If I worked at that club I would be severely pissed that was allowed to happen. Could you imagine being a dancer and take a guy to the back room only to have him pull a weapon?
And don't give me any 2nd ammendment CCW baloney. Taverns are specifically designated as pistol free zones in Michigain even for those with a CCW permit. (That was why the person with the CCW was arrested to.) And before you start to declare the CCW person as some sort of hero you might want to have a word with the innocent bystander he shot.
As I said guns in a strip club is a super bad idea, particularly if they have private rooms (as this one does) and serves alcohol (as this one does).
This is a problem that decent security would have avoided.
I'd say the best route is to wand down people as they enter and make it a "one strike and you're O-U-T!!!" rule that anyone caught trying to bring a gun or other weapon into a club can never come back. and, no, I don't think it's a good idea to let booze and guns mix. having seen one too many arguments between drunks move from loud words to throw punches, I don't want to think what would have happened in any of those cases if one or both of the parties involved had been carrying, especially to me and everyone else around them. I've said before, BOTH of the extremes on the Right & Left in this country have it all wrong when it comes to strip clubs.
"Perhaps that is why most all mass killings happen in gun free zones. This is true across the world!"
No, it really isn't, moron.
"There is NO WAY that one, much less two customers should have been inside the club with handguns."
Well, one of the guys who shot a few people had a concealed weapon that could only be discovered by a pat-down or maybe a metal detector (depending on the type of gun). That's what you get when people act like they live in the Old West...minor disputes become deadly.