
avatar for ilbbaicnl
There is a dancer (one of my favs) who complains a lot about customers who pinch, squeeze hard, spank, etc. She seems pretty sincere about it. She is pretty good about seeming to get into it if you use a light touch. So what is up with that, why would anyone want to be rougher with a dancer than what she is down with? Especially when you can tell she's not into it. It also goes the other way, there are dancers who pinch, bite, pull hair on me too hard.


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avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I hate it when dancers bit me or pull on my thinning hair. Even had two of them on Friday night pull on my shirt really hard thinking it was going to rip the collar off.

I sometimes like to spank the dancer a few times similar to reasons why people like to squeeze on those stress balls. It is a good way to relieve some stress. I am not into squeezing or pinching though.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Lots of guys get too rough with dancers. One told me last vist some guy smacked her ass hard enough to leave a welt. Why? Well, these guys are probably trying to do something they've always wanted to do but weren't allowed by the women in their lives. In their minds, all dancers are whores, so why not try it?

Or they could just be drunken dickheads.
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
I find that most strippers prefer a firm touch. When getting a dance I start with a lighter touch, but see what her response is to a solid squeeze or two. If I get a positive reaction, I proceed. If not, I just do a soft caress.

As for being squeezed, pinched, or bit, I don't mind.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Send me the ones who like to be spanked and then fucked in the ass and then have me cum of their face.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I'm sitting here now with a huge hickey on my neck from the last visit. I like when dancers are rough with me. Biting, slapping, pinching are all fine with me.
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
Hickey someplace discreet or hickey for the world to see like middle school? I don't mind the dancers having a little fun, but not where random people can see it later. As for the dancer that gets more than she wants, when girls complain to me about it I just tell them to put a stop to it. If they value the $$$ over their boundaries that's a choice.
avatar for inno123
15 years ago
gee have some consideration, it might seem like a little playfull kinkiness in a three minute dance, but she is going to be doing this for an entire work shift. What's going to seem like a little fun play is going to feel rather beaten upon after several hours.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
I can't tell you how many times dancers have commented that they appreciated my very soft gentle woman-touch, especially after being mauled all day by overly-rough guys who pretty much don't know the first thing about how to touch a woman.

Just doing my part for the cause ;)

avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
Haha. I just read what I wrote again. Didn't even consider the case where the dancer might think I've crossed the line. Same thing there, too. If it did happen, I'd rather a dancer do or say something than just grin and bear it.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Old Joke
Q: Why do you stay with that sadist?
A: Beats me!

But seriously folks, I agree that most dancers appreciate a soft touch. On the other hand, at my old club some of the dancers use to complain that I wasn't squeezing their tits and ass hard enough. I think the poor girls were desensitized, lol.
avatar for how
15 years ago
Some like it gentler, and some like it firmer. But NEVER be rougher than she wants; that's just wrong.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Once was with a dancer in Key West that wanted me to bite her nipples. I don't mean nibble, I mean BITE. I refused to continue. I was afraid I was going to damage her.
avatar for dustyshoes
15 years ago
I've always found it better to start with a gentle touch. Sometimes they ask for a firmer squeeze or a light spank, but for the most part I try to accomodate their likes and dislikes, since the better she feels, the better the mileage.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
I just come right out and ask "how rough do you like it?" I don't *have* to be rough to enjoy myself, I just like it better that way. I will go as far as she'll let me, but I try to make it clear that all she has to do is tell me to ease up or stop, and I will. Rough or gentle, it's all good, so I ain't complaining either way.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
I'm not usually that rough either. I remember one dancer wanted me to spank her ass and she wanted me to do it a lot harder than I was comfortable doing it in a strip club. It draws attention when you hear a loud smacking sound and the dancer is not making the noise. I remember with this one dancer I finally smacked her ass somewhat hard and she just said "now that's more like it." Some dancers can be a bit too rough too. However some of my body parts like it rougher than others. What I really do not like is biting and pulling on just my pants. I don't mind them grabbing me but I don't want my clothes torn apart.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
I do remember one time I saw a customer smack a dancer's ass real hard and she was not at all happy about it. A bouncer came over and asked him to leave. Apparently he did not get permission to smack her. I don't see too many guys going around smacking dancers in the lap dance room. Some dancers seem to do it a lot but it doesn't do much for me.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
It seems to me that as long as the "self ass smack" and smacking each others asses are part of the stripper repertoire, drunk, immature guys are going to want to do the same. When strippers give customers titty twisters and pull their hair, they should not be shocked to have it done to them. I am personally not aroused by smacking, biting, pulling, or pinching, either as giver or recipient, but if all parties are consenting, to each his/her own.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"So what is up with that, why would anyone want to be rougher with a dancer than what she is down with? Especially when you can tell she's not into it."

Some guys are into hurting girls I guess...nit I though. I agree that it's important to find the right dancer that's into whatever you are into first. I've yet to meet a dancer that didn't like at least a lil smack on her ass


"I can't tell you how many times dancers have commented that they appreciated my very soft gentle woman-touch, especially after being mauled all day by overly-rough guys who pretty much don't know the first thing about how to touch a woman."

You should post an instructional video on YouTube lopaw! :)


"I think the poor girls were desensitized"

That actually happens to some dancers. I remember seeing a documentary where a dancer with large breasts said that she picked up so many dollar bills between her tits at work that it took her several days of not working to get any real sensitivity back in her breasts. I think it had something to do with her not liking her job as a dancer though.
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