UCLA Prof: DREAM Act Will Help Illegal Immigrants Replace ‘Old White Men' in C

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avatar for RapturousOne
14 years ago
Contact the Dean's office and let them know how you feel.

Kent Wong's email

avatar for Player11
14 years ago
Well the Corporations and their minions would luv this as they have been pushing us owm for decades not to mention outsourcing overseas. These are the same crowd who holds working people who are unemployed hostage for the bush tax cuts on the wealthy.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I am surprised you believe that BS. Outsourcing is done for only one reason, it is more cost effective. What needs to be addressed is the reasons WHY it is cheaper away from the US. I think we all know why, but some can't see the forest for the trees.
avatar for deogol
14 years ago
Glad to see racism is dead. (Thats sarcasm folks)
avatar for inno123
14 years ago
Tell them how I feel? I feel that Brietbart is the undisputed king at taking a tiny part of a much bigger work and showing it out of context to make old white men feel threatened by minorities.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
As one of the "old white men", I DO feel threatened! Unless you are one of us, you would never understand. There was a time in this country when a man could go out, work hard and make a really nice living for his family. NOW, I spend a sizable portion of my working life to pay for others to sit on their asses!

I used to be a bleeding heart liberal, at least until I hit the real world, and no longer lived off Mommy and Daddy! Grow up!
I'd be curious to know how much productivity is lost by having to wade through the "Press 1 for English", and choose language option for answering machine/ATM maze??
avatar for how
14 years ago
Want to get rid of the "old white men" in congress? Enact Term Limits via constitutional amendment. \
Problem solved, along with MANY other problems solved by the same act...
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
As some of you may have noticed in my other posts...I'm sort of conservative. I don't want the guberment telling any buisiness or anything else how to go about its...er...business. I don't want them to tell me or you how to live your life. I don't want it to tell businesses how to conduct themselves. I also don't like having the guberment get into my pocket to support others who don't support themselves. I know that some find this ungenerous of me but I believe that I would probably give more to charities to help people in trouble than I do now having my money forcibly taken from me to help those people. Government tends to be corrupt and inefficient, the less of it the better.

As for races and old white men. I don't care what someone looks like, just what they do. There are old white men in government who do good things and there are others that do horrible things. There are black men, women, hispanics, jews etc that are both good and bad. I find it funny that the party that is supposedly working against racism is the first to bring up what color, gender, ethnicity, religion,etc. that someone is.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
avatar for troop
14 years ago
I find it funny that the party that is supposedly working against racism is the first to bring up what color, gender, ethnicity, religion,etc. that someone is.

claims to be against racism that is. actually they like to keep playing the race cards as a means to get votes and keep themselves in power.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

avatar for inno123
14 years ago
Well, clubber you might be surprized that I am indeed an old white man. It is just that I choose not to live in fear and check facts rather than listen to those who like to drive web hits and nielsen ratings out of distortion and fear.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I did not say I live in fear. I said. "I DO feel threatened!" Then I explained it as a financial threat, AND it is based on FACTS! Please, try reading and comprehending.
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