Comments by bluemonday
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
What about the 'Vikings'... surely they took slaves too ?
(or the Jets, what with climate change and Greta changing the world too, they should surely be banned) ...
and dont event get me started on the Cleveland Browns, Cinninatii Reds, or worst of all the White Sox !! how 'ray-cist' is that ???
discussion comment
5 years ago
sorry just checked, for Sundowner, 'next saturday' it says, so its actually Sat 11th that it opens.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Sundowner (Niagara) is open from Saturday 4th July, but Patio only rather than inside... Club Pro (Vaughan) also been open already too, same deal, Patio only
discussion comment
5 years ago
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
The key word here is 'past' ... Get over it, it's literally history ... Slavery existed in Africa and elsewhere long before Britain and the USA even existed and continued there long after Britain became one of the first countries in the world to ablolish it ... Maybe Britain should be seeking an apology from Norway too while we are on then, for the Vikings invasion if we are going to be that much ridiculously determined on raking up the past ... Britain stood alone, completely alone for several years against Nazism, the very epitome of fighting racism and much worse ... While people were being taken to USA from Africa, the average white Brit or indeed American didnt have it a whole lot better, they too were either toiling in the fields, or working 70-80hrs per week in a mill or down the mines ... By all means lets move with the times and remove inappropriate statues to those who lorded it over all of us, both black and white, but stop thinking in terms of a nation of people having to apologise for it's own past ... If so others can surely go first on that score ?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Hilariously, the top government science adviser, who instigated the Lockdown here in the UK, was almost immediately forced to resign very early into all this, when caught with his pants down, as his married lover crossed London to visit his home...
For even more fun, just google 'Dominic Cummings' who is the top aide and special advisor to the British Prime Minister... His version of Lockdown was to contract the virus, then drive the entire length of the country and back with his family to visit his elderly parents and then have a day out in the country...
So yes, i would think somewhat unenforceable... Typical of the nonsense all our governments are coming up with at the minute
discussion comment
10 years ago
i do sometimes rate dancers out of 10, but mix it up by marking separate for:
seen a fair few who gets 10's in one and some who can manage two, but i can't have ever given anyone a 10 in all categories, so therefore no-one has been a true perfect 10 for me?
the search continues...
discussion comment
10 years ago
check out articles section too for a little more discussion...
all you need to know about the law is here if you can be bothered to read it (and indeed understand it all !) search for: "Technical Paper: Bill C-36, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act" for the full details of the law.
the following sexual service act, is now seems to be illegal in terms of the new law:
"lap-dancing, which involves sitting in the client’s lap and simulating sexual intercourse" (obviously it seems now any 'extras' are deemed illegal, eg. "masturbation of a client in the context of a massage parlour, whether or not the client climaxes").
stripping is clearly stated as being legal.
lap dancing may be open to some interpretation but should be deemed as entirely legal, with the exception of the named above act, but even then who knows ? it seems a very unclear law and therefore pretty much impossible to police and/or enforce.
with regard to mississauga clubs, comments on other msg boards about the clubs there (atlantis/invader etc) report business as usual so far, the only change being a few girls are now quicker to offer otc and/or work from hotel rooms for extras.
there have been no 'raids' or any other nonsense so far, hopefully will all blow over. prob will end up the same as elsewhere, with some clubs still having extras and others being just airdances, depending on local authorities and their own by-laws.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
this banned from porn to make clear... porn not clubs...
in our UK 'strip clubs' almost everything is banned except 'looking' and even then i sometimes wonder if am breaking rules !! what a far too uptight place england is ?
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
here is what's now banned !
Aggressive whipping
Penetration by any object "associated with violence"
Physical or verbal abuse (regardless of if consensual)
Urolagnia (known as "water sports")
Role-playing as non-adults
Physical restraint
Female ejaculation
(facesitting is out due to danger of death apparently, if someone suffocates now that would be a protest !!)
i'm not surprised it's got some support in the house of commons, it's mostly that lot who are into this stuff...
no doubt London Guy will know somewhere that has all this going on, but he also knows where i live (up north), i am lucky to see even a bit of tit ?
it's a bad time for things at the moment seemingly everywhere, i thought it was meant to go the other way and we were all going to become more liberal minded rather than appeasing the god squad and other do gooders...
discussion comment
10 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
i would say these days, average girls at an average club, are now lucky to make $350/night only during the week and maybe $500+ at the weekends, with a few of the better girls meanwhile sometimes making $1000 on a friday/saturday night only.
this is based on several conversations i have had, at what i would say is a much busier than average club.
depending on how much they work, a dayshifter might be on only as little as $35,000-$45,000/year **, while a top girl working weekend nights at an average club say four nights a week, should still easily be on $100,000+ but i would say those making even a quarter what kendra claims would be rare.
(** extras would naturally push this figure up)
in kendra's case she may be charging much more for her supposed superstar status and i would therefore her claims are possible ?
i bet she is reckoning on making at least a million out of being in the jungle show also ?
discussion comment
10 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
definitely, without this site i would have known nothing about the many clubs that abound. it's made me want to visit other clubs and of course when confident i know enough about them to comment properly, to review them.
that said, i've read probably every bit of advice on here about clubbing, then ignored the lot and gone my own way... so far it's worked !
(i am now a proper paid up PL and proud of it !!)
discussion comment
10 years ago
love the comment art... dont worry, i'll be be back in those 'classy' airport joints next summer...
thanks to all for the comments and help...
discussion comment
10 years ago
Cafe Atlantis
Midway Invader
any of the airport clubs in Mississauga really... a quick scan of the reviews should give you all you need to know...
discussion comment
11 years ago
at home here in the UK i have never seen anyone even think about tipping a stripper.
meanwhile in Canada where i club mostly, its usually the americans who have travelled over the border who tip and they just use their own one dollar bills which works fine. have even seen people changing canadian dollars for USA dollar single bills so they can still do their thing.
discussion comment
11 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
not speaking from my own experience by the way !!
discussion comment
11 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
if anyone wants to experience marriage,
find you someone you fuckin hate...
and buy them a house
(this is especially true if its a stripper!)
discussion comment
11 years ago
once you go so far in strip clubbing,
you just cant go back to normal bars for pick ups...
i know i have gone far enough (and thank gawd for that !!)
discussion comment
11 years ago
i kept an regular OTC girl going from about her being 41 right up to this year (she now 46). she kinda always looked it, but is still super hot even in normal daytime light.
there a couple of regular daytime girls working where i club, who are around 50, too old for me but i reckon maybe some of the older guys like them still and they do keep busy with customers.
usually when i find out for real a girls age, its way older than i thought, a bit of this down to club light, but also most strippers, at least in a decent club, are hotter than the average woman i suppose too... about half of the regular day shift in my place is 40+
club light can knock a good 10 years off i reckon... though sadly not always off us clubbers !!
discussion comment
11 years ago
yes you can usually tip US dollars, in niagara you can go on stage, stick a couple of dollar bills in your mouth or put on crotch and be 'entertained' (not something i do mind)
best club downtown is brassrail, or if you looking to get down and dirty for extras go to the airport clubs, cafe atlantis is by a long way the best... if your gonna spend some money, may as well spend a few dollars on the taxi ride there
discussion comment
11 years ago
the speed force!
ming's daughter in flash gordon...
discussion comment
11 years ago
here's a link to one of the many youtube vids of what it's like in amsterdam's redlight district... (polish anna appears around 1:06 by the way) !
discussion comment
11 years ago
doug, well you never know, but its the same with any bullshite in a SC ??
like i say u gotta get a feel and decide yourself...
am pretty confident the ones i have picked and know are alright...
on the outskirts it gets worse with the south americans and africans and yes you gotta wonder how they ended up there, but there are only always still the same faces year after year and to be honest if i was traficking women, i'd pick some better looking ones, they are not the best !
as with in SC's i have my few favourites, that i know enough to talk to etc and am sure they are not pimped !!
a good example is polish anna who is pretty (in)famous in amsterdam, (google her for instance), she is 45 so she says with massive JJ tits, been there forever. another girl, who has no reason to say otherwise, reckons anna has made a fortune out of her job, but carries on as she enjoys the sex so much... i've had a blast (when she was younger i hasten to add) and she was pretty damn good, no going through the motions there... (anna can be found indoors in the vie en rose) my other faves include kim who works near the old sailor, she is from dusseldorf, germany and will tell you how much she enjoys her job too, again it shows...
same as in the SC scene, those who know what they doing will make the right choices, there is plenty of good and bad to be found in that scene too... we must all make our own call, i'm happy with mine.
discussion comment
11 years ago
ok maybe a little more than 40-60, but not many more, its really gone back recently from a time when there was originally 370 windows, more and more are closed and its just a small area now and not as busy...
bascially you need to visit, then form your own opinion...
certainly any girls i have known, have been there a while and come from the likes of germany, poland, bulgaria or are local. they make good money and then go home and spend well and treat it as a career. most have a plan to work a number of years then retire, they are not pimped and are totally freelance... there is no difference i can make out between them and the girls in the clubs...
main thing is safety, there are police around, they are safe, you are safe, i have never seen any trouble in what is a very relaxing and enjoyable place... you will actually see groups of school children walking around among the many tours, (loads of jap and american tourists in big groups for instance)
bully, no worries, cheers and happy clubbing mate !
i;ve tried to put something on here about amsterdam, as the thread was there is little on this town, to contribute to what is a very informative and useful site for those who like our stuff... over to other perhaps better informed to add now...
as ever in this game, you pay your money and you take your choice
discussion comment
11 years ago
not buying it ??
if you on this site bully, your buying something !
or perhaps you better stick to that nice girl who just sits on your lap a little, after all... shes only doing it to put herself through college you know, nothing else ?
you want a city with pimps, prostitution an a real crime problem, look closer to home ?
there is no argument human trafficking is a problem throughout the world and i have talked to girls who are on 'contracts' within north american clubs i have been to, after they been brought (by choice) over from romania, hungary etc to work, by certain eastern european gangs...
i will maintain, the actual red light workers in amsterdam, who are licenced and part of the union are safe or at least as safe as any girl in a north american strip club... there is not a lot of difference, they pay around 90 for their window for about 8 hours and its up to them to work it, same as a stripper pays her fee to work in a club...
elsewhere fair enough, any big city anywhere in the world has big problems, i would think most of us on here dont entertain those sort of street girls however ?
discussion comment
11 years ago
there are probably only about 40-60 actual red light workers in amsterdam, many of whom i have recognised as being there for several years... so your 1000-7000's each year prob sadly end up elsewhere.
human traficking may well be problem and there is no doubt, some may be affected, but not most if not almost all of those who work in the amsterdam red light are as independent as any stripper who freelances in a club... it's one of the safest places in the world to enjoy our hobby and the most relaxed place too, at least in the daytime, nightime can get a bit more lairy but more down to drunken stag groups than any gangs or locals...
sorry bully lad, but i get my info from visiting a fantastic city several times a year for well over a decade now, not sitting in new york and looking on wikipedia... relax and enjoy your hobby, this site will tell you more than 'wiki' ever will !!