
New Canadian Laws

Avatar for Lou_Lou

I will be going up to Mississauga , Ontario in a couple weeks. I heard there are new laws that took effect Dec 7 regarding strip clubs and massage parlors Does anyone have any info on this.


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Avatar for Dolfan

I haven't been in Dec, but I was there just before Thanksgiving and didn't see much of a change. It came up in conversation a few times, and most of the dancers seemed to be taking a wait and see approach. My thinking was basically that it may become a little less matter-of-fact, but that really nothing would change unless/until some arrests were made.

Avatar for bluemonday

check out articles section too for a little more discussion...


all you need to know about the law is here if you can be bothered to read it (and indeed understand it all !) search for: "Technical Paper: Bill C-36, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act" for the full details of the law.

the following sexual service act, is now seems to be illegal in terms of the new law:

"lap-dancing, which involves sitting in the client’s lap and simulating sexual intercourse" (obviously it seems now any 'extras' are deemed illegal, eg. "masturbation of a client in the context of a massage parlour, whether or not the client climaxes").

stripping is clearly stated as being legal.

lap dancing may be open to some interpretation but should be deemed as entirely legal, with the exception of the named above act, but even then who knows ? it seems a very unclear law and therefore pretty much impossible to police and/or enforce.

with regard to mississauga clubs, comments on other msg boards about the clubs there (atlantis/invader etc) report business as usual so far, the only change being a few girls are now quicker to offer otc and/or work from hotel rooms for extras.

there have been no 'raids' or any other nonsense so far, hopefully will all blow over. prob will end up the same as elsewhere, with some clubs still having extras and others being just airdances, depending on local authorities and their own by-laws.

Avatar for PhantomGeek

Lap dances are already illegal in the province of Manitoba. And paying a girl to dance nude on a mini-stage in front of you is just plain pointless.

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