How do you tip strippers outside the U.S.?

A friend of mine just posed this question: In the UK and Canada, there are no paper bills -- only coins -- for the dollar and euro. (Paper currency all has higher denominations.) So, how do you tip strippers? Does tipping start at the equivalent of $5 or $10? Do they carry change purses on stage with them? Or is tipping at the stage just a U.S. phenomenon? There must be some world travelers on this site who have experience in foreign clubs.
last commentat home here in the UK i have never seen anyone even think about tipping a stripper.
meanwhile in Canada where i club mostly, its usually the americans who have travelled over the border who tip and they just use their own one dollar bills which works fine. have even seen people changing canadian dollars for USA dollar single bills so they can still do their thing.
All the dancers I've seen in Canada have coin changers strapped to their waist. :)
Q How does a Scotsman tip a stripper?
A He comes up behind her and gives her a good push.
Loonie toss.
Toonie toss if you're a high roller.
good question
Art...lil' help?
When I was last in Vancouver I was told I should just tip with C$5 notes. Not sure if that is standard. The place (Brandi's) was a ripoff.
"Toonie toss if you're a high roller."
Stage tipping wasn't common when I used to club up north. The point of the girls getting up on stage seemed to be to market themselves for dances. Just another cultural difference that used to make Canada such an interesting club environment when I last clubbed there, which I admit was about a decade ago. The very favorable exchange rate back in the day didn't hurt either. ;)
I dont give her a tip...I give her the whole thing
The only clubs that I have visited in Canada where stage tipping is common (even expected) are the clubs in my home province of Alberta.
Alberta is the home of the loonie/toonie toss. Personally I hate this practice but it has long been entrenched as a tradition in Alberta clubs. Many Alberta clubs have change machines where guys can convert a $20 bill into loonies.
First time visitors to Alberta clubs find this loonie/toonie toss to be either entrancing or boring. The dancers love it. When the Rig Pig in Nisku is full of well refreshed oil patch guys a dancer can easily pick up $250 in loonies and toonies after each dance set that she performs. After 4 or 5 dance sets per day a good dancer will put away some serious cash for each week that she works at the crusty old Rig Pig club. No private dances at that club.
To repeat, I have never seen this loonie/toonie toss at any strip cub that I have visited in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, or Nova Scotia.
Only places I usually saw stage tipping in Canada was near the border, such as Niagara Falls. In Toronto, the clubs I visited, the dancers would work the floor a lot more than in the U.S. Every dancer I saw would leave the stage and quickly go through the audience asking for dances. A lot fewer would sit at the bar or hide out in the dressing room between stage sets.
Sounds like Alberta strip clubs ain't nothin' but class. ;-)
Reminds me of an old joke. Whats the difference between a Canadian and a canoe? A canoe tips.