
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 10:52 AM
How many 10's have you ever seen in the strip club? (just talking about strippers, not talking about waitresses, bartenders or female customers) I've seen five or six 10's in my strip club career. Thoughts?


  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Lots. More than I can count. Thirty five years is a long time to keep track of that shit.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I've seen only 2-3 10's in my life anywhere, but I have high standards.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    As I grow older, I keep re-evaluating what a "ten" is. When I was, ummm, 18, a playboy bunny was a ten. Then I met one who was a bitch. So then it was a playboy bunny who isn't a bitch. A lot of variety and change over the years. Now it is simply a well weighted girl with big tits, a shaved vajayjay, doesn't do crazy drugs, and I can talk to.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    I've seen at least two. One was a half-filipino, half-black dancer. The other was a mixed raced dancer. There's a possibility that I've seen a few more, but these are the only two that I clearly remember
  • bluemonday
    9 years ago
    i do sometimes rate dancers out of 10, but mix it up by marking separate for: 1)face/beauty 2)tits 3)body/ass seen a fair few who gets 10's in one and some who can manage two, but i can't have ever given anyone a 10 in all categories, so therefore no-one has been a true perfect 10 for me? the search continues...
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    A 10 in my view is a woman who is physically perfect. You could not make a single change to her body that would improve her appearance in your eyes. I've only seen two genuine 10s. The first was at 4Play in LA 7-8 years ago. An incredible blond beauty. I got a VIP bed dance with her and LDKed even though it wasn't great contact. If I knew what I know today I would have pursued her with a vengeance. But I didn't know how so that was the only time I saw her. The second is my dream stripper who I'm going to see again this week. I can't believe I'm regularly fucking a 10. I've seen lots of 9s, even quite a few 9.5s, but these are the only genuine 10s.
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    Went into a club in key west around 94 or 95 and every girl in the house, white, black, latina, mix, etc.was fine enough to be a playboy playmate. I had never seen a group of girls that good before and haven't seen one since.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    The last two times I encountered true 10s, including one recent encounter, they were working in NYC clubs. Before that, I encountered one in Cheetah in Atlanta some years back. Sightings of this animal are both rare and dangerous, since a true 10 can really mess with your head. I have visited several cities in which a 10 simply could not be found in any club that i visited. IMO these girls are the true cream of the crop and naturally gravitate to the places where their talents can earn them the most money, which is often clubs in wealthier cities. In my book, a true 10 is so damned beautiful, sexy, elegant and gracious that I have trouble speaking properly for the first minute or so when I meet her. The pure emotional and chemical reactions that occur upon meeting her are just that powerful. They know who they are and move around the club with an unconscious ease and quiet confidence. When you encounter one, she can make all other dancers seem clumsy and insignificant by comparison. I believe that true 10s are made, not just born. I've met more than a few 9s who probably could be 10s if they were more intelligent, graceful and/or refined, but there was always something that kept them from ascending to that level.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    I've seen a few in strip clubs, probably a coupe of dozen without question an easy 10.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    There's one current dancer here I consider a physical 10. I've seen a couple 9.5s I wouldn't argue too hard if someone rounded them up to 10s. There are also a couple girls with perfect bodies but not so good faces. Curious what everyone rates an "average" stripper at? At my main club it's mostly 6s and 7s.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I dunno. I just rate them as to whether I would or wouldn't fuck em.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @bluemonday- that's a good way to look at it @jamesSD- I consider 6 to be average
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    SC, so it's strictly binary? Cuz I'd fuck most 6s for free but I won't even pay for a LD from most 6s.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    First off – a “10” can be subjective as one PL’s 10 may be another PL’s <10 – just stating the obvious I suppose – but I assume a 10 would be a 10 in most people’s book even if the particular dancer was not exactly their type. Being that it’s hard to exactly quantify/qualify a 10; for me I would say a 10 would be a dancer you thought should not be dancing in a SC b/c she was so attractive that you’d think she did not belong in a SC (it would be beneath her and her beauty). I generally don’t go for the prettiest dancers – I go for the ones w/ the curviest bods and that give the highest mileage – so maybe I have come across a couple of 10s in my 15 year PL career and I just wasn’t looking. I only recall one “10” about a year ago that I saw in a mixed club down here in Miami – she was actually in her late 20s; well spoken; and knew how to carry herself – she was from Trinidad and had naturally tanned/olive skin and beautiful black wavy hair – super-toned w/ a completely flat stomach; killer smile; beautiful face; and well proportioned with good tits; ass; hips; and legs – although she did not look like her; I would compare her to a classic knockout like Farrah Faucet that had the hair; face; smile; and curves. I would rate her a 10 b/c she was a complete woman from head to toe and even how she carried herself – she was a “10” b/c I thought to myself a girl like that did not belong in a strip club. I talked to her briefly and she pretty much laughed in my face when I said I did not want VIP and just wanted dances – she seemed to just go for the big bucks.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    First off – a “10” can be subjective as one PL’s 10 may be another PL’s <10 – just stating the obvious I suppose – but I assume a 10 would be a 10 in most people’s book even if the particular dancer was not exactly their type. Being that it’s hard to exactly quantify/qualify a 10; for me I would say a 10 would be a dancer you thought should not be dancing in a SC b/c she was so attractive that you’d think she did not belong in a SC (it would be beneath her and her beauty). I generally don’t go for the prettiest dancers – I go for the ones w/ the curviest bods and that give the highest mileage – so maybe I have come across a couple of 10s in my 15 year PL career and I just wasn’t looking. I only recall one “10” about a year ago that I saw in a mixed club down here in Miami – she was actually in her late 20s; well spoken; and knew how to carry herself – she was from Trinidad and had naturally tanned/olive skin and beautiful black wavy hair – super-toned w/ a completely flat stomach; killer smile; beautiful face; and well proportioned with good tits; ass; hips; and legs – although she did not look like her; I would compare her to a classic knockout like Farrah Faucet that had the hair; face; smile; and curves. I would rate her a 10 b/c she was a complete woman from head to toe and even how she carried herself – she was a “10” b/c I thought to myself a girl like that did not belong in a strip club. I talked to her briefly and she pretty much laughed in my face when I said I did not want VIP and just wanted dances – she seemed to just go for the big bucks.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    damn - my post keeps getting cut off
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    First off – a “10” can be subjective as one PL’s 10 may be another PL’s <10 – just stating the obvious I suppose – but I assume a 10 would be a 10 in most people’s book even if the particular dancer was not exactly their type. Being that it’s hard to exactly quantify/qualify a 10; for me I would say a 10 would be a dancer you thought should not be dancing in a SC b/c she was so attractive that you’d think she did not belong in a SC (it would be beneath her and her beauty). I generally don’t go for the prettiest dancers – I go for the ones w/ the curviest bods and that give the highest mileage – so maybe I have come across a couple of 10s in my 15 year PL career and I just wasn’t looking. I only recall one “10” about a year ago that I saw in a mixed club down here in Miami – she was actually in her late 20s; well spoken; and knew how to carry herself – she was from Trinidad and had naturally tanned/olive skin and beautiful black wavy hair – super-toned w/ a completely flat stomach; killer smile; beautiful face; and well proportioned with good tits; ass; hips; and legs – although she did not look like her; I would compare her to a classic knockout like Farrah Faucet that had the hair; face; smile; and curves. I would rate her a 10 b/c she was a complete woman from head to toe and even how she carried herself – she was a “10” b/c I thought to myself a girl like that did not belong in a strip club. I talked to her briefly and she pretty much laughed in my face when I said I did not want VIP and just wanted dances – she seemed to just go for the big bucks.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Test1 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    First off – a “10” can be subjective as one PL’s 10 may be another PL’s less than 10 – just stating the obvious I suppose – but I assume a 10 would be a 10 in most people’s book even if the particular dancer was not exactly their type. Being that it’s hard to exactly quantify/qualify a 10; for me I would say a 10 would be a dancer you thought should not be dancing in a SC b/c she was so attractive that you’d think she did not belong in a SC (it would be beneath her and her beauty). I generally don’t go for the prettiest dancers – I go for the ones w/ the curviest bods and that give the highest mileage – so maybe I have come across a couple of 10s in my 15 year PL career and I just wasn’t looking. I only recall one “10” about a year ago that I saw in a mixed club down here in Miami – she was actually in her late 20s; well spoken; and knew how to carry herself – she was from Trinidad and had naturally tanned/olive skin and beautiful black wavy hair – super-toned w/ a completely flat stomach; killer smile; beautiful face; and well proportioned with good tits; ass; hips; and legs – although she did not look like her; I would compare her to a classic knockout like Farrah Faucet that had the hair; face; smile; and curves. I would rate her a 10 b/c she was a complete woman from head to toe and even how she carried herself – she was a “10” b/c I thought to myself a girl like that did not belong in a strip club. I talked to her briefly and she pretty much laughed in my face when I said I did not want VIP and just wanted dances – she seemed to just go for the big bucks.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Damn – another TUSCL bug. In my above post near the beginning where I wrote “less than 10”; I originally had the less than (left pointing angle bracket) sign and seems TUSCL got all messed up w/ that symbol and cut everything in my post after it.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Papi, you summarized my elongated description very well. A 10 is supposed to be a pinnacle rating that applies to a truly extraordinary woman. I tend to believe that the rating is used liberally around here to describe a large population of what I would consider 9s, but to each his own I suppose.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Go Vikings' description of the two 10's he's met made me chuckle. More than 50 years ago my father told me the world will be a far better place when everyone has a rich nut brown skin color. Many mixed race women do carry the best traits of several backgrounds. Bo Derek in the movie "10" has always been my standard for a 10. I don't remember a single woman working as a dancer who brought the whole package together. There are several Asian women who I've seen in clubs who come damned close, but I think it's more that they seemed exotic, more than anything else.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @Papi, the angle bracket (&lt;) is a special character for web pages. It's the start of a tag, and everything after it, until the closing symbol (&gt;) is considered a tag name. Founder apparently isn't preprocessing the content of a post and HTML encoding it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Thank you gmd (your brain seems to be a lot bigger than your penis :)). I figured it was a special character w/ “ramifications” per se but was not sure what was special about it. How were you able to post it though and not have your message truncated (if it’s too long/complicated to explain; no worries).
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I encoded it so that the HTML renderer would recognize it as an entity and display it properly. In the case of the less than sign, you use "&amp;lt;". If that didn't display properly, it's an ampersand followed by the characters "lt;" (that's a lower case "L". The greater than sign is the same, except it's "gt".
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    damn - I was hoping for a simpler way to get around it LOL - but hopefully Founder will fix it. Thanks for the explanation.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Alright, back to nickels and dimes!! Unfortunately I've seen way more 5s than 10s. Those perfect 10 girls are just as rare as unicorns. Luckily there are plenty of 8-9s to go around. I can just always find something not perfect when a girl is naked. And fair or not, that's the way it is. Good thing for us the ladies are more interested in our wallets than our looks!! And fortunately most of the 5s I've seen have not been on stage or in a SC. And unfortunately those very few 10s I may have run into in a SC have been demoted once they get up close or open their mouths (to talk). The older I get the more personality comes into play in a woman's attractiveness. But she still must be hot or all the personality in the world cannot overcome lack of physical beauty for me. But to answer your question Ranukam, less than half a dozen girls I would have considered 10s based upon looks alone.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Too subjective, as Papi noted. My "10" would no doubt be someone else's "8", and visa-versa.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @Papi: " (your brain seems to be a lot bigger than your penis :))." Great Odin, I hope so.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    ZERO! Every time I think I've seen that elusive 10, I see one a bit better.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I would say only a handful. It seemed like a whole lot of girls were a lot hotter in my teens and twenties versus now.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I have seen a few. It seems like sometimes you see what you think ar the time was a 10. Next time you see her she doesnt seem quite as good. May be a flavor of the moment thing
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Papi...you made me shoot milk out my nose. Lmfao
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    I'll agree with Mr. Dugan. A 10 is the rare chick who actually takes your breath away, makes your heart pound ouf of your chest, makes you speechless, and just a drooling fool. But if you're looking for perfection, you ain't gonna find it. I can remember a bunch of 10's in my life. And you know they're 10's because they're the ones you remember over the years. And yeah, my 10 is vastly different from the next guy's 10. Mostly because the other guy doesn't have the very manly and discerning taste and appreciation for women that I do.... :)
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I don't believe in 10s. They're supposed to be perfection, in mind, body, and heart. They're supposed to be the dream, the fantasy, the unattainable -- and probably the boring. What makes a person interesting for me -- in mind, body, or heart -- isn't what makes that person perfect, no; it's the imperfections that catch my attention and hold it. For me, that's what's most interesting about a person.
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    "What makes a person interesting for me -- in mind, body, or heart -- isn't what makes that person perfect, no; it's the imperfections that catch my attention and hold it...." Lemme guess...your wife/girlfriend caught you posting on TUSCL and was looking over your shoulder when you wrote that right? You're just messing with us right?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    A “10” may be like a Ferrari in more ways than one – yeah they *do* look great but may not be too practical – they may require a lot of expensive maintenance and you are often worried someone may steal it. A Ferrari is def nice but would be too much overhead for me; i.e. too much car for me; and thus why I feel more comfortable w/ something less fancy and why I often enjoy 6’s and 7’s more – but that’s just me.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Never do pennies. Just dimes, quarters and paper
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I would never buy a Ferrari, but I'd love to drive one around for free.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Papi, is Farrah Faucet a squirter? ;-D
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IDK - she didn't have to be as fine as she was but better if she was - extreme shit w.r.t. women turns me on.
  • Knightline
    9 years ago
    Plenty of 10s in Vegas. Saw one at 4Play in LA. One down at Scarlett's in Florida. They are all over - although not many 10s have to strip for a living!!
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