
Vegas Hidden Gems or Recommendations

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 2:29 PM
Am leaving my usual north american strip club bolt hole of Niagara and Mississauga this winter, in search of better weather and the bright lights of Vegas... Have done my trawl through the many many reviews and being the type to look to find value rather than splurge thousands (hundreds is ok tho) am gonna do some afternoon clubbing in cheetahs, with a early pm visit also to OG and Crazy III, while doing some nightclubbing at spearmint more for the look at rather than the big spend in VIP... Any of you Vegas veterans out there want to suggest any little hidden gems that a discerning clubber might enjoy, or indeed recommend any do not miss action ? Please note am more of a $400-$600 a day man when on these trips, so leave out the high roller stuff, am just a normal english bloke here, not prince fooking harry!... Cheers lads in advance for any help...


  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Save your chips and take a trip to phoenix fir better service especially in the price range you mention.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I always had good luck at Cheetah's.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Four clubs to AVOID. They're famous rip-off joints: Can-Can Room, Girls of Glitter Gulch, Diamond Cabaret, and Pussycat's
  • Joe from NJ
    10 years ago
    Cheetah's is great during the day because dances are only $10 each, on the main floor. And the mileage is the same as the $20 in the evening. I always spend and afternoon there, every visit to LV.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I tried the Can-Can Room once back in the '90s. The one dancer I saw on stage was so bad, I had to leave before I broke up laughing. I hit Play It Again, Sam back in 2000; pretty much a neighborhood-bar atmosphere but with topless dancers. One little bonus for the place was that you could get free drinks (okay, all I had were Cokes) if you sat at the bar and played the slots there.
  • 623
    10 years ago
    I live in Vegas and a excellent resource I found for exactly this kind of Intel is [view link] Check out Lucys and chicas on the north side of Vegas for some ethnic fun that won't break the bank.
  • 623
    10 years ago
    One other tip - go to the dmv, get a temporary id, save hundreds in covers since almost every club has no cover with local ID.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    @ 623: That is the most interesting piece of Las Vegas advice I have ever read! I don't recall reading or hearing that advice anywhere, before.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Not one club in vegas, other than spending a million at the Rhino is worth spending any time at.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Are you bonkers, bluemonday? Forsaking the classy Mississauga clubs for the tawdry Las Vegas scene?.........I never heard of such foolish behaviour.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    When I used to club in Vegas my favorite was always the Palomino in N. Las Vegas, but it has been several years since I clubbed there.
  • bluemonday
    10 years ago
    love the comment art... dont worry, i'll be be back in those 'classy' airport joints next summer... thanks to all for the comments and help...
  • pensionking
    10 years ago
    Agree with Skibum, not worth it. 200 will go a long way at virtually any casino bar on lv blvd. Negotiate an in-room striptease and then some.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    I agree with Art, while the Mississauga joints won't win any awards for cleanliness or classiness I'll take them over the Vegas clubs 100 times out of a 100.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Palimino seemed like it had girls ready to play, but prices were quite high. Also a dancer overcharged a buddy I was with for mediocre dances, so I'm boycotting in protest for a while.
  • Missionary
    10 years ago
    I recommend not going to Sapphires. There are some old ass bitches there.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    While I hate all Vegas clubs, I hate Little Darlings less than most others. Palimino is also ok but expensive (and extras costs I was quoted were insane). Both are nude unlike most of the rest which are topless.
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