avatar for Prim0

Comments by Prim0 (page 37)

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14 years ago
avatar for 10inches
I wouldn't do it...too much to downside to the risk for very little reward.
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14 years ago
avatar for Slin
Might have a chance to fuck a dancer for the first time
Should I just text her something random and see if she responds? I'm thinking "Hey I'm eating an amazing pork sandwich right now. Thought you would like to know" after..........I responded by saying "Well I suck dick so you might be in trouble" LOL.....you might have given of a gay vibe with these comments...just sayin!
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14 years ago
avatar for RapturousOne
World's oldest profession
If I could, I'd probably be doing what he's doing. I think most men would. Might look pathetic or wrong to some, but I support him! If you have the means, do whatever you like!
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Enferno Gentleman's Club owner arrested after business is searched
We just have too many people in Ohio that like to tell everyone else how to live their lives. WIth that, and taxes so high, is it any wonder we had so many people move out of state since the last census?!
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14 years ago
avatar for steve229
The Lap Dance Unit (LDU)
I have no regrets about dollars spent at SCs but I have noticed my wallet growing fatter since I haven't been able to sneak away to a club in months!
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14 years ago
avatar for HomerKilroy
Cell Phone Cams??
I've never even considered it. Memories work fine for me...besides, memories usually get better over time.
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14 years ago
avatar for troop
Even More Craigslist Sex News
^^^^ can't agree more. Legalize it and so many of the bad aspects of adult entertainment and the sex trade would improve for all involved.
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14 years ago
avatar for kingcripple
Stripper names
Slightly off topic...heard a story about some foreigners who had twins...a boy and a girl. They named them Male and Female (pronounced "mal-ee" and "fe-mal-ee"). They aparently saw the names on other babies cribs at the hospital and thought they sounded nice! I like all my dancers to be Fe-mal-ees!
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
VSEX.com Develops Fleshlight Adapter
Interesting site...though not worth the money to me. How's the fleshlight thing going to work? 1. You can control a fleshlight on some male model on the site (NOT SOMETHING I WOULD ENJOY). 2. The female model controls the fleshlight you have in your home (Could be interesting)
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14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Emotional involvement
I like to be attracted to the dancer, but I don't know if that's the same as "emotions". When it comes to dating, I have found that sex was usually better the stronger the relationship was. Emotions can add to the pleasure of sex. But they are not required for sex to be pleasurable.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Women's group says Hooters should not serve minors
Why do we need a law for this. If parents don't want their own kids to go into a hooters...THEY shouldn't take them! For parents who don't care or actually DO want to take their kids into a hooters for a bite to eat, let them. I have such a problem with one group of people telling another group what is right and wrong. (I'm sure someone will argue about protecting kids but I don't think this qualifies as you can take kids to a pool or beach and see women wearing less clothes).
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14 years ago
avatar for Sinz
Stripper Names
I don't think that most girls put much thought into their names and just go with whatever. They don't spend weeks working out a name that will convey some sense of who they are, hide their identity and sound sexy all at the same time....the way we chose our TUSCL handles!
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14 years ago
avatar for Drippy
VIP/LD area gatekeeper
I agree, why tip someone who isn't providing you a service of any kind. I might give him a tip if he were to confirm MY side of a disagreement over the number of dances.
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14 years ago
avatar for DougS
Dating A Stripper - Too Much Attachment! (Part 1)
If you look at "dating a stripper" as consistent free OTC experience, there's probably nothing wrong with it. Its when guys get the least bit emotionally attached to the stripper that things head down hill...for the numerous reasons stated above.
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14 years ago
avatar for SuperDude
Detroit, Michigan
Shaking booty or shaking the past
4 years ago means that she'd been teaching for 16 years. If she started teaching at 22, then she was dancing at 38. Not really the prime age for dancers.
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14 years ago
avatar for curiousgeorgefun
Help… LEO vibe
Maybe you could use reverse psychology and wear a cop tshirt or play along that you might be a cop (Don't claim to be one if you aren't one...I'm pretty sure you can get into trouble for that). Let us know how that works for you...
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Man Reportedly Cured of HIV Following Stem Cell Transplants
Sorry, couldn't read the whole thing...too long.
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14 years ago
avatar for Clubber
Chance meeting inside the club
If I saw anyone from my neighborhood in an SC I might throw up...there are no good looking women in my area other than my wife. I have run into co-workers and acquaintances. I just play it off. I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong by being there.
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14 years ago
avatar for gillydon
Customizing your dance?
A good dancer, looking to provide good services will ask you what you like or if you like what she is doing. Don't be afraid to tell her. If you don't like the way your meal is cooked, do you go ahead and eat it or send it back until it's done correctly. If they won't do it the way you want it, then you'll stop spending your money there...works for food or SC. You're paying for a service, be vocal if you're not getting what you want, and if they wont change, go somewhere else.
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14 years ago
avatar for steve229
Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds to Divorce
If you're with the right person, you can get through alot. Aren't there some guys here whose wives allow/encourage them to partake of SCs? I'm happily married after 10 years or so and most of that is to do with our shared patience and understanding. Some folks get married before they know each other at all, riding that wave of excitment of a new relationship. The problem is that once that spark is gone, you better have a solid relationship or things will fall apart. Those two may have been gaga over each other at first, hell they're both beautiful people. But once they got used to each others' looks, could they even have a conversation? Could they sit in a room together, doing nothing, without freaking out? Those are the things you need to have to make it last. Of course, if I looked like Reynolds and had his fame and cash, I could never marry or if I did, she'd have to understand that I'm still going to bang every hot woman I can!
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14 years ago
avatar for bmoreshowgirl
Quick opinion-related question for avid clubgoers
I can generally get along in any crowd...not sure why...upper crust to straight out street thugs. Probably my rugged good looks and charming personality. LOL Anyhow, I like hanging out in places that make me look good. Like Melon said, "if you want to look thin, hang out with fat people". I say, "If you want to look good, hang out in a place with lots of losers".
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14 years ago
avatar for ThreeJ
Going by yourself
I usually go alone since my last SC buddy moved away. I can have a good time at an SC alone or as part of a group. Just don't get self conscious about being there. You're not doing anything wrong. I've often struck up conversations with others at SCs and we sometimes became a group. I guess I'm saying there aren't any right or wrong answers here.
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14 years ago
avatar for kalel15
Too chubby to dance?
Guys are visually stimulated...that's just how we are. We're first going to notice her looks and some guys will stop right there. If she has good lines/personality then she might be able to break through that barrier and get a guy interested in her enough to spend some money on her. We all want different things at the SC and she might be able to fill a niche that others don't. The key is for her to really learn how to get through to different kinds of guys and make them feel like kings, that's usually when I spend more of my cash. And there are guys who just want high mileage from anyone. If she's willing to do that, then she just needs to be careful of LEO, club rules, jealous dancers and STDs.
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14 years ago
avatar for fesz
NEWBIE needs help: intimate items
1...one month free after each review/article if I understand it correctly. 2...Why are you buying these items...to each their own I guess. And I would say that whatever you're willing to pay and she accept is the right price. I don't think there is a standard for this.
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14 years ago
avatar for RapturousOne
UCLA Prof: DREAM Act Will Help Illegal Immigrants Replace ‘Old White Men' in C
As some of you may have noticed in my other posts...I'm sort of conservative. I don't want the guberment telling any buisiness or anything else how to go about its...er...business. I don't want them to tell me or you how to live your life. I don't want it to tell businesses how to conduct themselves. I also don't like having the guberment get into my pocket to support others who don't support themselves. I know that some find this ungenerous of me but I believe that I would probably give more to charities to help people in trouble than I do now having my money forcibly taken from me to help those people. Government tends to be corrupt and inefficient, the less of it the better. As for races and old white men. I don't care what someone looks like, just what they do. There are old white men in government who do good things and there are others that do horrible things. There are black men, women, hispanics, jews etc that are both good and bad. I find it funny that the party that is supposedly working against racism is the first to bring up what color, gender, ethnicity, religion,etc. that someone is.