Stripper names

avatar for kingcripple
I always thought strippers had stage names that were really weird. That was before I went to a strip club. Then i discovered alot have your normal average everyday names that could very well be their real names. Names like Ashley, Ruby, Marie, Danae, Gabriella, Liz. Of course you have the ones that are totally stupid and laughable. These I have encountered: Twilight, Beautiful, Pretty Lady, Sensations. What are some of stage names you guys have heard that are actually common every day names and what are some that made you shake your head in embarassment for having heard them?


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avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I met a lovely dancer recently who introduced herself as "Rebecca," which was startling because it was such a "normal" name.

I find the "Fantasy" - Karisma, Exotica, Exstacy, Destiny, etc. - and "Biblical' – Angel, Eden, Eve, Heaven, Neveah, etc. - stripper name families a little too much.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
ATF's # 1's stage and real name was Kat (short for Katherine). ATF 2 used her real name in the club. OTC Gal-real name Jill, stage name Allure. Presently seeing a stripper named Davin.
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
Dancer here in Michigan goes by "Viagra".
avatar for troop
14 years ago
so i have to ask. how many stripper name threads do we need here? there's another stripper name thread that was started 3 days ago just a few spots down the page from this one.
seems like we've had a couple stripper name threads in the last couple weeks too, :rolleyes:
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
Who really cares about their names anyway?
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

That is my very favorite name for a woman. I DETEST when they go by Becky, Becca, or whatever!
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Slightly off topic...heard a story about some foreigners who had twins...a boy and a girl. They named them Male and Female (pronounced "mal-ee" and "fe-mal-ee"). They aparently saw the names on other babies cribs at the hospital and thought they sounded nice!

I like all my dancers to be Fe-mal-ees!
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"how many stripper name threads do we need here?"

Some topics --stripper names, fake vs natural tits, where to find extras, what kind of pants to wear, Craigslist sex news -- are just perennial favorites, lol.
avatar for mikeya02
14 years ago
The ones I laugh at are Dakota, Montana, Dallas, Jersey, Brooklyn, etc.
avatar for kingcripple
14 years ago
i am kind of a noob to this site. i haven't perused through every post. i apologize. i shouldve known better.
avatar for mo_youngblood
14 years ago
They have names??
avatar for djscotti
14 years ago
I'm sure with the names i give you can get a mental picture & the girl's were just as smart as the names they choose like courvoisier,honey-vega and we can't leave out butter-pecan i've worked with some real winners in my day and i'm sure i'm forget'n some
avatar for DoctorDarby
14 years ago
There was an eastern European dancer/shot girl in one place who went by "Valaria"; it fit her look and accent perfectly. She got pregnant and disappeared; man, I miss her.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I met my first "Aspen" recently. Forgot to ask her if she was named after the town or the tree.
avatar for MisterGuy
14 years ago
Hypnotica was the one of the worst stripper names that I've ever come across.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
One local dancer goes by the name of "Austin". She's cute, and I got a couple of dances from her one night. The next time I was in, she came up to me and said "Remember me?"

Naturally I agreed, but I had to give her crap about the name, "Yeah, sure, 'Fort Worth', right? No, wait, 'Galveston'? 'Amarillo'? 'Dallas'?"

The first one surprised her, then she got it, and gave me the "look", at which point I relented.
avatar for Dan3635
3 years ago
Satanica Pandemonium
avatar for DH721
3 years ago
I tell them 'My stage name is ????' I usually use something like Apollo or Stone etc. If they ask why a stage name I tell them that's the name I used when I danced or I just let them know I will give them my real name when they tell me theirs. I don't make a big deal about it, I sometimes let my name slip in conversation to see if they are even paying attention.
avatar for fatdan99
3 years ago
Worst name and best stage name was Missile. Worst name because, well, Missile. Best name because she had some bolt ons that gave her some serious missile tits, and I still remember her name 10 years later.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
pussy galore
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
Oh wait... that was already used back in the 60s by a James Bond girl
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
The Lone Stripper! Even Happy Days had a strip club scene!…

I don’t really remember stripper names, as they change too often. A dancer can be Bubbles at one club on Tuesday - and then she’s Ferrari at another club on Wednesday.

I do enjoy the car names - Mustang, Corvette, Lambo, Ferrari, Maserati…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I hate the luxury brand names. It's always the most ghetto bitches calling themselves Versace, Versace dreams, Vuitton....same with car names Ferrari Bentley or for a while they were going by hot girl and a normal name. I don't like country names. Knew a Cuba and a Cambodia.

I like classic names like Juicy, Cinnamon, Barbie, or names like Hazel Andora Sabrina...
avatar for aleccorbett
3 years ago
How many strippers have names from pokemon games
avatar for NinaBambina
3 years ago
I will always go for a normal name.
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