Chance meeting inside the club
georgmicrodong started the topic "Chance meeting outside the club, redux". How about inside? I have run into business acquaintances, friends, friends of friends, dancers from my past and current, and many more. It is more like outside the club life than I would expect.
My best one, I think, was in a club no longer in existence. When I entered I sat at my normal bar seat at the main bar. I was watching the main stage and at times the satellite stage. I was intent on watching the dancer on the satellite when the bartender gave me another beer and said it was on her, pointing to the dancer on the main stage. I wasn't sure who it was, but someone I'd not seen before. After her set and during her tip walk, I realized it was the wife of a co-worker. Damn she looked different! Anyway, we talked a bit, but the meeting remained in the club.
I said before that my ATF and I still see each other outside a club at times (she no longer dances), but in a social environment. As we discovered in our early conversations, we had common OTC friends. Our club life remains only ours.
My best one, I think, was in a club no longer in existence. When I entered I sat at my normal bar seat at the main bar. I was watching the main stage and at times the satellite stage. I was intent on watching the dancer on the satellite when the bartender gave me another beer and said it was on her, pointing to the dancer on the main stage. I wasn't sure who it was, but someone I'd not seen before. After her set and during her tip walk, I realized it was the wife of a co-worker. Damn she looked different! Anyway, we talked a bit, but the meeting remained in the club.
I said before that my ATF and I still see each other outside a club at times (she no longer dances), but in a social environment. As we discovered in our early conversations, we had common OTC friends. Our club life remains only ours.
And I don't like using your nick/name in this post, but I think it is different when you meet a guy at a nudist resort as opposed to seeing a male or female in a SC. As for the "Rod" reference, it was the "point and laugh" part of your post. :)
Me: Me!
New stripper girlfriend has worked with her and says she's a whore, not in the club but finds guys around town.
I'm finding out that a lot of strippers live in my neighborhood. So do a lot of rich guys. Do they all just love the beach?
I have run into co-workers and acquaintances. I just play it off. I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong by being there.