Comments by Prim0 (page 30)
discussion comment
14 years ago
It's not like it even matters for me...I've never had a girl try to go under the pants. Is it me? Is it Central Ohio? Is it the clubs I frequent? *crap*
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14 years ago
Are there strip clubs in Scotland or Ireland where you can wear a kilt? Maybe I'll get one and try to wear it to a club on St. Patty's Day!
discussion comment
14 years ago
The only thing that would make MV better would be private LD areas. For those that haven't been there, the LD seats basically look like car bucket seats lining the outside wall and a couple of other rows between the stage and wall. NO privacy, but who cares!
discussion comment
14 years ago
VM...take a look at the mug shot before you say things like that. I wouldn't want her on my junk either!
discussion comment
14 years ago
When I was single, a club visit lasted as long as my funds...or closing time. Whichever came first. long as I can get away with...which ain't very long. Need time to clean off the SC aroma before going home.
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14 years ago
My only problem with asian women is the shape of their derieres. The often seem on the flat side or "tucked under" for a lack of better words. Other than that, they work for me!
discussion comment
14 years ago
Last time I was at Kahoots Columbus there was a girl who had tan lines from a regular bathingsuit bottom. It looked kinda odd though it didn't take away from her having a beautiful bum. I think I like the tan all over look best!
discussion comment
14 years ago
We also need to add a column for the club ratings for each state. What't the point in having the most clubs per capita if they all suck!
Thanks for the effort.
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14 years ago
I think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. When I was single, I would have loved to have a steady "mate", I wish I was single.
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14 years ago
I'm with Rickwood. A trip to the smoking patio or bathroom usually helps to shake them off.
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14 years ago
I only care about the face if I'm sticking my cock in her mouth. The body is what gets me going and I pay most attention to the legs and ass! But there are always limits.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I'd suggest that cutomers organize to protest high LD prices. How long would the clubs last without us! I'm sure we could come up with some great posters to have at our rallies.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Strip Club Nation
Are there any strip clubs on water? The riverboat casinos were established partially becuase they were on the water and so fell under different rules. Why couldn't there be a strip club cruise line? Anything goes past three miles out, right? Would this work on the Great Lakes?
discussion comment
14 years ago
OV...It bothers the hell out of me that some women don't want you to look elsewhere for physical pleasure but wont give you what you want at home either. You'd think that they would be happy to have us off their asses! The way I look at it, I'd rather have the wife/SO pay to get what I wont give her (a massage for example), than to go out and form a secret relationship with some guy that will. Why can't they see the sense in that?! WOMEN!
discussion comment
14 years ago
Atlanta suburb
XRCO - The "O" stands for association?!?!?1 WTF?
I doubt I shall live so long as 70 but I'll try to enjoy every minute I have left!
discussion comment
14 years ago
I like that there is some crazy porn out there. Makes the stuff I want to do look very tame by comparison. I wonder how the massive amounts of free porn on the internet are affecting young women today. Does it indeed make them more promiscuous...and how can I get in on it if they are!?
discussion comment
14 years ago
But, how did I get here?
HOT WOMEN (We're biologically drawn to most cases)
Why do I like our peculiar little world so much?
HOT WOMEN (who will git nekkid and rub themselves on our happy bits)
How can I spend so much money on frivolities with few conscience qualms?
HOT WOMEN (The skew our conscience so that it all make sense at the time)
Why is the SC farmerart such a different man than the oil patch farmerart?
HOT WOMEN (You probably didn't have a bunch of hot naked women around when you were drillin)
Anybody have any answers?
HOT WOMEN (This is always the answer...but seriously, you're asking us?! Youve been in Europe too long!)
discussion comment
14 years ago
Maybe 200k for him was a drop in the never know. I"m still waiting to win a big lottery jackpot so I can blow money like that and not have to worry one bit!
discussion comment
14 years ago
But with big events come dancers from other towns...could be interesting. As with everything...its a trade-off. More dancers but more meat head customers too. Then again, I love to see the fitness models around town! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
discussion comment
14 years ago
Rachel's in columbus used to open in the afternoon but the bouncers didn't always show up until happy hour or so. Once had an offer from a less attractive dancer to go "play" before the guys showed up. If it had been one of the more attractive dancers I might have had a story to share with you!
discussion comment
14 years ago
^^^^ shouldn't there be a reference to "sis" our "Cousin" in there too?! LOL
discussion comment
14 years ago
Strip Club Nation
A friend and I stopped at a joint that was off the Florida turnpike. Bad food and not so hot strippers on the stage. It was just one of those "We've got to see this!" moments. Not worth it at all.
discussion comment
14 years ago
I've spent some time on southbeach. You can hardly go wrong on any stretch of the fine sand. Just watch out if you wander onto the "Gay" part of the beach. You might see something you didn't go there for.
My friends and i would hit the beach in the morning, lunch at one of the hotel pools on southbeach, crash during the afternoon then hit the clubs until the early morning when we would start out at the beach all over again. Ahh the good ole days!
Oh!..and if you have any game, the ladies can be talked into some fun. Must be that hot latina blood!
discussion comment
14 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Conservitism is the answer. Keep the government out of all these decisions and if someone wants to pay another for sex, let em! We don't all have the same religion or morals...who is one person to say that what another is doing is wrong if it doesn't effect them and doesn't harm the consenting adult participants. Freedom of religion should include freedom from religion too, IMHO.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Dolo...if you want to move it to the same restaurant ok...
Dancers are more like the servers than the kitchen. You work for tips. Some of the servers have figured out how to get bigger tips than others. If you don't like what they are doing that's fine, you don't have to change your services...but don't expect to get as many tips.
Perhaps you need to look for a finer restaurant with a consistent menu that you approve of. Sounds like you're working an Appleby's type club when you'd probably be happier serving at the fine dining establishment.