Prime time in the biggest club in the USA.
Well, folks, tomorrow is March 1. I bet that everyone in the Northeast is counting the days until spring hits and the snow finally starts melting !! LOL Come on down, it's prime time here in South Florida. One of the guys asked a few weeks back where on South Beach would you find the most topless babes sunning themselves. Years of experience, I've been down on vacations here since the early 90's, tell me that anywhere between 21st street on the North end down to 6th street on the South end one is likely to find some fine young and older women going topless. The Floridians start returning to the beach scene, too. In the winters, it's tourists, mostly. Be aware the Miami Beach police do have plainclothes officers in beach garb patrolling, so don't do anything dumb, guys. I'll never forget watching this one young guy humping the sand as he was watching some topless women sunbathers !! LOL, it was funny. Come on down, there are still deals on airfare if you play with the schedules. I know it's been a tough winter up there, I stay in touch with my Northern friends. Enjoy !!
As an afternoon's diversion, the eye candy available probably can't be beat, but traveling just for nude beaches? I don't see it.
YMMV :))
vm doesn't just visit the beach. :)
Right now I think he is trying to steal one of my faves!
Yet another use for sunglasses???<p>
My friends and i would hit the beach in the morning, lunch at one of the hotel pools on southbeach, crash during the afternoon then hit the clubs until the early morning when we would start out at the beach all over again. Ahh the good ole days!
Oh!..and if you have any game, the ladies can be talked into some fun. Must be that hot latina blood!
Damn vm, sounds like I better not "talk" to "G" when you are around. I don't think I could trust "C" to translate, either! :)