Is this the smallest town with a strip club? Population is 459

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

DIX -- Residents in Dix want village leaders to crack down on a local strip club. The club called Foxxxy Ladyz Adult World has been operating in Dix since 2010. And it's been controversial since the beginning. Now, residents in town are accusing the business of violating village ordinances.

A group of 20 residents spent the last few months researching village ordinances. Wednesday night, they presented their work to the village board and the board voted to take a closer look at how the club is operating.

The business used to be called Club 57. Now it's called Foxxxy Ladyz Adult World.

Debora Reich, who's lived in the town for 20 years, was surprised to see it pop up.

"I didn't realize it was coming until it was already here," says Reich.

She says since the club opened it's been trouble for the community.

"We've had problems with robberies and stuff getting tore up, just not a good influence on the town at all," explains Reich.

She wants the club shut down, but the group of residents petitioning the village is just asking that the business follow the rules.

"We just want everybody in Dix to be on the same playing field, so to speak. We are not out to run anybody out of business," says Phil Pittman.

Pittman, who owns a hardware store in town, says he's never been inside the club but judging from what his customers tell him and what he sees outside, the club is breaking local laws.

"By going through all the paper work, the Foxxxy Lady was in violation of several ordinances," explains Pittman.

His group accuses the club of being a "bawdy house" or brothel, creating noise disturbances, selling alcohol, and more. The club's owner couldn't be reached for comment but a manager denies the accusations. She says it's common for residents to pick on strip clubs.

Pittman insists his group is just trying to maintain local laws.

"If we don't have booze, if we don't have nudity because we are abiding by the rules of Dix, the Foxxxy Lady should do the same," says Pittman.

Village leaders aren't commenting on the club's possible ordinance violations but are looking into the complaint and say they will eventually contact the club.


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avatar for tumblingdice
12 yrs ago

Sounds like Alucard is leading that panel of twenty.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

This is a joke, right? Or did the writer just have a sense of humor.

In a village named Dix:

"Debora Reich, who's lived in the town for 20 years, was surprised to see it pop up."


"I didn't realize it was coming until it was already here," says Reich"

avatar for silkypants
12 yrs ago

Coates MN used to have a strip club back in the 90's called Jakes. Coates population 161.

Similar situation. Town got tired of having a strip club. No problems with the strip club other than it being a strip club.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Small village huh? Sounds like it could be an Amish community – in that case I can see their point :)

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

FYI, Dix is located 80 miles east of East St Louis. IL.

avatar for tumblingdice
12 yrs ago

Leave it to Shad,he's smirking right now with drool coming out the side of his mouth.

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

It took 20 of them "a few months" of research to call them a brothel and accuse them of being noisy and selling alcohol?

avatar for mmdv26
12 yrs ago

It's pretty amazing how the culture changes in that 80 miles from ESL to Dix.

avatar for EarlTee
12 yrs ago

The famous City of Industry has half the population and bunches of clubs.

avatar for DandyDan
12 yrs ago

Not even the smallest in Illinois. The infamous Kappa Kabanna is in Kappa, pop. 170. And that's nothing compared to Lesterville, South Dakota, which has a population of 127 and two clubs.

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

Wow DandyDan. You did your home work. I guess there ain't nutin else to do in SD.

avatar for Experimental
11 yrs ago

There is a club in Myrtle, MN, (southern MN) population 49. There is also a club in Bock, MN population is actually the reincarnation of the club Silkypants was talking about up there after the owner got tarred, feathered and run out of Coates.

I suspect dinky little towns like these having clubs are dotted all over the midwest.

avatar for DandyDan
11 yrs ago

Shadowcat- I've actually been to one of them in Lesterville (Leather and Lace, although when I went there last, it was called Swedes). I believe there are two brothers, one who owns one and one the other. Lesterville is the literal middle of nowhere, although it is fairly close to Yankton.

avatar for shadowcat
11 yrs ago

DD - I know about small towns. My mother and Angie Dickenson were born in Kulm ND. Present population about 350.

avatar for duomaxwell
11 yrs ago

It sounds like that episode of the Simpsons where they wanted to shut down the burlesque house.

I wonder if their high school football team is the Dix Dicks. Their mayor is Harry Richard Cockenballs.

avatar for farmerart
11 yrs ago

The small town nearest my farm has a population of 120. There is a crappy old hotel in the hamlet owned by bikers. A few times a year the bikers bring in a couple of peelers for the good ol' boys to ogle as they suck on their draft beer in the dingy tavern.

I haven't yet hit one of the peeler nights.

avatar for EarlTee
11 yrs ago

DD - Yankton presumably has massage parlors?

avatar for sanitago
11 yrs ago

Compton, Illinois (closest town to The Candy Factory) has a grand total of 298 people in it, but it's actually about two miles from the club. as far as I know, none of the residents have been marching out in front of the club with torches and pitchforks, demanding it close. (guess I should keep my mouth shut so I don't give them any ideas!)

avatar for DandyDan
11 yrs ago

EarlTee- FWIW, I don't know what the hell's in Yankton other than a Club Fed (a federal prison basically for white collar criminals, from what I read on it), a 50,000 watt radio station, and the Cock-A-Too Lounge, one of my favorite strip club names. I have heard them call it Crankton.

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